Starter Pack Share this guide with your colleagues! Scan the code for your online resources or visit jacaranda.com.au/learn 2023
The Jacaranda difference
Personal. Effortful. Rewarding.
Students need learning tools that have been purpose‑built and perfectly pitched so they can understand, learn and progress.
Only when challenged can you truly learn deeply. Progress happens when you need to draw on knowledge and skills to come up with a solution.
Every student should have those ‘aha!’ moments, experience success and feel proud of their achievements.
Because both what and how students learn matter
JacPLUS provides premium teaching and learning resources that enable every student to take the next step, no matter where they are.
Over 67 years of innovation and perfecting our craft
Today, we are Australia’s most trusted and award‑winning educational publisher. We are leading the way with online learning resources, and ready for what’s next. We are also proud of where we’ve come from. We were the first to publish for Australian curricula. The first to print in colour. The first to produce a CD‑ROM. The first to launch an eBook. The first to create a fully‑online course. Innovation is in our DNA.
Trusted by schools across Australia
Government, independent and religious schools of all sizes and budgets use Jacaranda resources in the classroom. 4,021 schools/campuses
teachers 1,799,185 students
Let’s have a great
Hi, firstly thank you for choosing Jacaranda for your classroom resources. The Jacaranda team and I are excited to be working with you in 2023.
We’re incredibly proud to have supported Aussie schools for nearly 70 years and are passionate about finding new and better ways forward.
With Jacaranda, you get the perfect mix of quality, curriculum aligned content that is delivered on Australia’s most powerful learning platform. This carefully designed combination will save you hundreds of hours in teacher admin (lesson planning, marking, reporting and more) and give your students everything they need to succeed.
We want you to have a wonderful experience with us. Our friendly team are just a call away and are ready to help you make the most out of your Jacaranda resources, so please reach out if you need anything.
If you’re ready to get started you can log in today at www.jacplus.com.au or via your school’s chosen reseller app (Campion, Box of Books, ReadCloud, Five Senses, or educationalEbooks).
Again — thank you for choosing us. We are thrilled to be your partner.
Shirly Griffith | Head of School, Jacaranda
Secondary Publisher of the Year 1998 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 2020 | 2021 TIME WINNERS
Connect with your students in just 4 steps 1 2 3 4 Log in to JacPLUS Log in to your JacPLUS Bookshelf at jacplus.com.au Open your title Find the title on your Bookshelf and click the Create a class Click the CLASS drop down on the top right of your screen. Then select MANAGE MY CLASSES SELECT the academic year, a class name then click Add students to your class SHARE the class code with your students via email or write it on the board. Once your students have joined the class, their names will appear in the class list! Send a video to your students: Watch the how‑to video: Learn more at jacaranda.com.au/learn 4
Assign to classes, groups or students
Your assignment will automatically be released on the start date.
1 2 3 4
Create custom assignments in just a few clicks
Open your title and go to assignments
Open your learnON title. Then go to the ASSIGNMENTS menu item and select CREATE ASSIGNMENT Choose your questions
Select the topics and/or subtopics then click Select the questions you want to use. Review your questions Click Then click
the fields (name, type, rules) and select which classes, groups or students. Choose a start and due date and click
Learn more at jacaranda.com.au/learn 5
The Jacaranda learnON platform
Everything you need (and want) at your fingertips
A full lesson on one screen. Trusted, curriculum‑aligned reading content. Engaging, rich multimedia. All of the support resources teachers need. Deep insights into student progress. Immediate feedback for students, when they need it. The ability to create custom assignments in just a few clicks.
Reading content and rich media Practical teaching advice and ideas Questions with immediate feedback
* Features may vary by subject Seamlessly integrates with
Differentiated question sets Teachers see what students see Textbook questions Extra learning resources Extra teaching resources Learn more at jacaranda.com.au/learnon Want a guided learnON tour? Watch video below: 7
What’s new for JacPLUS Log in today to check it out at jacplus.com.au Notifications: important updates and tips for your resources Filter for easy browsing Customise your Bookshelf My Bookshelf: the most‑used titles in your personal Bookshelf My Library: all your available Jacaranda titles The new‑look JacPLUS Bookshelf 8
The learnON platform upgrades
Support for all kinds of learners
We’ve further improved the accessibility of the learnON platform to support every learner.
• Colour and contrast: appropriate colour contrast has been applied to all on‑screen text. We’ve also ensured colour is not the only way something is being communicated.
• High zoom: the platform remains fully functional at up to 400% zoom on a 1280px x 700px screen.
• Keyboard navigation: every on‑screen feature can be accessed via the keyboard.
• Screen reader support: Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) has been applied to support the use of assistive technology.
• Audio descriptors for video visuals*: videos now have an additional audio track which describes the visual components.
* Currently only available for NSW Australian curriculum and NSW Stage 6 titles
Share direct links to your online assignments
Share button allows you to copy the direct link of any assignment you have created in learnON and share it with your students or colleagues.
You can add assignment links to your LMS, email it to students or send it to your colleagues so they
Do you use a bookseller app? Access learnON via your chosen app!
Log in today to check it out at jacplus.com.au
Trusted content
traditional textbook
Jacaranda’s complete 7–12 eLibrary For less than the cost of one
to all
curriculum‑aligned, award‑winning titles
you need Videos, eWorkbooks, pracs, quizzes, assessments, reporting … everything you need for engaging lessons.
made visible Powerful analytics, real‑time progress reports and year‑on‑year insights to support teaching and learning.
on Australia’s most powerful
platform. Everything
up for all teachers and students, LMS integration** — let us take
of everything and give you back valuable time. * Terms and Conditions apply. Whole school 7–12 commitment required. ** Most LMSs supported. Talk to us about your school’s needs. Just $75 yearly subscription per student* Print options available Learn more at jacaranda.com.au/elibrary 10
Simple set‑ up Set
JACARANDA Su ercourse Geography Alive VICTORIAN CURRICULUM SECOND EDITION JACARANDA RETROACTIVE 2 HARRISON GOVERS NEWMAN Jacaranda Geo Jacaranda Geoactive 2 JACARANDA RETROACTIVE NSW AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM HISTORY STAGE SECOND EDITION 2 JACARANDA RETROACTIVE 1 Jacaranda Geo active Jacaranda Geoactive 1 STAGE 5 2 JACARANDA Geoactive STAGE Geoactive 1 JACARANDA Su ercourse Retroactive NSW Ac SECOND EDITION JACARANDA Su ercourse Geoactive NSW Ac 1 & 2 1 & 2 JACARANDA Su ercourse Geoactive NSW Ac 1 & 2 JACARANDA Su ercourse Maths Quest MQ 7 VC 2E | MQ 8 VC 2E MQ 9 VC 2E | MQ 10 + 10A VC 2E MQ 11 VCE MATHEMATICAL METHODS 2E MQ 12 VCE MATHEMATICAL METHODS 2E The Jacaranda Supercourse is available for any subject and allows teachers and students to access content from multiple year levels, courses or electives in one title. The Supercourse is great for: supporting students who need remediation, extension or acceleration building a custom resource that combines core content with electives in one place (e.g. Junior Science and Biology) gaining ongoing insights into student performance, with results staying with the student as they move from year to year. For just an extra $5 on top of the single title price The Jacaranda Supercourse Build your own resource using multiple year levels, courses or electives Learn more at jacaranda.com.au/supercourse 11
Want more tools to get started? Videos, guides and more are waiting online: Or visit jacaranda.com.au/learn Got a question or want a demo? Your local Jacaranda Education Consultant is just a call away: Or visit jacaranda.com.au/find-your-jacaranda-consultant Using a reseller app? Learn how to access your Jacaranda interactive resources: Box of Books ReadCloud Campion