2016 jacekurbanowicz resume portfolio

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+ 8 6 1 3 6 3 6 3 8 5 9 4 7 - - - - - u r b a n o w i c z j p @ g m a i l . c o m - - - - - w w w. j a c e k u r b a n o w i c z . c o m

CONTACT ME----------LinkedIN www.linkedin.com/in/jacekurbanowicz----------email urbanowiczjp@gmail.com----------cell +86 13636385947----------www www.jacekurbanowicz.com

Jacek Patr yk Urbanowicz

M . A r c h . L E E D G r e e n A s s o c i a t e , R E V I T A P, R E S E T A P, 3 + e x p . PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENTS 1. Elected to be the leader of the university group at WAPP architectural faculty in Poznan 2. Granted Erasmus Scholarship for the highest scores and exceptional performance by WAPP council 3. Nominated for the Master’s Diploma of the Year 2013 & SARP-BDA Walter Henna Competition 4. Voted 4th place in International competition “Under the Bridge” by Social Revolution in Yaroslavi, Russia 5. Promoted to the higher designer level at VAST design studio in Shanghai after six months of work 6. Honourable Mention Award in International competition “Gothic Archive Museum” in Barcelona, Spain 7. Publication Competition Entry project publication in “24H Competition The Book - Vol.2”, page 329 EXPERIENCE P ROFESSION AL


PlusSpace International

CDF Architekci

Architect, Shanghai, China 2016 Planning & designing office spaces for high-end comp.

team+ Architects

Architect, Shanghai, China 2015-2016 Creating retail + housing architectural and planning concepts for private and government clients.

VAST Design

Architect & Planner, Shanghai, China 2014-2015 Commercial architecture, planning and revitalization, renovation for museum, sky-bridge and leisure resort.

CDG Studio

Assistant Architect, Changzhou, China 2013-2014 Hospitality, commercial & renovation design/planning.

HYDROWAT Construction Company Foreman’s Assistant, Konin, Poland Renovation of the water-pumping facility.

Sum 2013

2010 2011 2014 2014 2014 2016 2016

Intern, Poznan, Poland 2012-2013 Business and commercial development, hotels and offices; industrial buildings inventory and renovation.

ACE Associated Consulting Engineers

Intern, Beirut, Lebanon Sum 2012 The Embassy of Kuwait in Lebanon and diplomats apt.

DNA Barcelona Architects

Intern, Barcelona, Spain Sum 2011 Hotel resorts, restaurants, offices and villas design.

ADS Studio

Intern, Poznan, Poland Sum 2010 Office design and inventory drawings of lofts.


Poznan University of Technology, Poland Faculty of Architecture & Urban

Design 2008-2013 Master of Architecture Degree 09/2013 Evaluation: Very good with distinction. LEADERSHIP

IAES TE International Association for the

Exchange of Students for Technical Experience

PR Coordinator of LC: 2011-2012 President of LC: 2012-2013 L ANGUAGE PROFICIENCY Polish English


French German Spanish

100 95 99/120 points (24+22+26+27) 35 30 15

S O F T WA R E S K I L L S Rhinoceros Grasshopper

1 - 100 % 95 95

+ Plugins :











Photoshop Autocad BIM Revit (+Archicad) SketchUp + Vray 3d Max + Vray Lumion Illustrator InDesign After Effects Office + Prezi Corel Draw Ecotect Dialux

95 90 90 85 80 75 65 60 50 45 35 15 15

Dear Recruiter,

Three reasons, why I firmly believe I am the candidate you are searching for:

1 - Innovative Research What drives me the most is seeking new technologies and original methods of design and expressing ideas. For example, I keep on growing my parametric and BIM computational skills in order to reach the highest proficiency. 2 - Persistency I am consistent in reaching the project’s goals. I never stop working, until I achieve the results that would fully satisfy my personal and company’s ambitions. 3 - Communication / Education Passion for learning and sharing knowledge with a team. I can clearly communicate complex technical ideas to designers, managers and clients.

Yours sincerely, Jacek Urbanowicz

PS: Thank you for considering my work for you. I look forward to an interview in which I could confirm my credentials.

Contents I / Urban planning + architecture 1


2 3

II / Architecture BIM




7 14 18

& sustainability


City Aquarium + Waterfront (International competition entry) Commercial street Planning of commercial and business

School of Art (International competition entry) Social and leisure activities center Retail mixed-use + Housing Towers + HQ Offices Interior design of common spaces in residential building

24 31 36 41

III / Parametric design : optimization 8 9 10


IV / Other projects

Retail mixed-use 45 Museum of Gothic (Honourable Mention Award) 53 Skyscraper tower design for refugees (24H Challenge) 59 62

Se l e c te d proj e c t s wor l d lo c at io n

1 - New York, USA........2 - Suining, PRC........3 - Qujing, PRC........4 - London, ENG........5 - Poznan, POL........6 - Tianjin, PRC........7 - Shanghai, PRC........8 - Anyang, PRC........9 - Barcelona, SPN........10 - Guayaquil, ECU

I/ Urban planning

+ architecture

International competition Project information:


Cooperation with: Jeremi Bigosinski

(565 participants, 178 proposals, 6 continents, 40 countries)


Location: New York, United States


Function: City aquarium, park, waterfront, public space

oncept & demographics Our proposal of Aquarium strives for an incorporation of a “public space for everyone” rule. We created a compact system of spaces that can be used in various ways. These spaces will invite people of different ages, ethnic groups, interests and intentions. The architectural tissue divides the open space into a system of: alleys, running tracks, small plazas, courtyards, open green spaces, soft-edged waterfront and a beach.

Area: [m2] Architecture: 35 065 FAR = 0.842

Biological Area: 14 891

Ratio: 35.8%

Public Space: 16 664

Due to the main communication spine placed at the underground floor, connecting all of the aquarium blocks, we achieved a continuous public space that flows around buildings. They are formed in a way to provide maximum capacity of benches located at lower parts of façades that smoothly reach the ground surface. Not only it saves a lot of space, but also justifies the architectural forms as public space servants rather than an aesthetic manifesto.

Ratio: 40.0%

Year: 2016

NY skyline of the future Our design essential goals were to connect all the people, regardless of their origin or social status, to the nature on multiple layers. The other aspect we tackled was creating a sustainable community that would have the sense of place, personal perceptions and identity. That might promote social behaviours focusing on human health. Higher quality environment: a place that attracts people any time of a day and for various reasons: social, professional, academic, artistic, healthy and recreational. Page 7


The Endangered Species Aquarium in New York

Inspiration + Planning Diagrams This project was extremely important for me in case of experimenting and crossing new limits. After sketching numerous site plans I had an idea, that led me to a solution. This idea was to start... from the end. Instead of creating spaces that would enhance peoples’ interactions, I rather wanted to study random peoples’ interaction without architecture and then find out what kind of planning would fit best to target users needs.

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The Endangered Species Aquarium in New York

Context + Planning Formation + Plot Scale Upper left:

Context of Manhattan: the “audience” has a surface of approximately 200 476 m2, which is around 4.8 times more than the plot’s surface! Lower right: Parametric testing of various planning formations, choosing the most balanced configuration of spaces and connections.

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The Endangered Species Aquarium in New York

Master plan with main entrances to Aquarium and Retail (dashed lines show the sections location).

Programmatic and functional plan with the context in axonometry. Sustainable approach principles depicted on the east elevations.

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The Endangered Species Aquarium in New York

Sections Upper:

Cross section with the highlighted elements integrating Waterfront Park and Aquarium (relationship of public space and interiors) Lower:

Longitudinal section indicating programmatic vision & relations

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The Endangered Species Aquarium in New York

Public Park at the City Aquarium site. Friendly alleys and lots of picnic and sitting areas.

According to the smart city growth, we provided some “diverse uses� in small retail buildings.

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The view from the water taxi. Riverside Aquarium building looks like a harbour.

After closing a canal and cleaning the water, we provided a public beach with city views.

The Endangered Species Aquarium in New York

Professional | VAST Project information:



Cooperation with:

张浩伟(Wayne), 郭颖(Sharon), 朱宇超(Mark), 王瑞琦(Shyone), 丁自强(Mr. Ding), 杨光, 王衷华, 朱宏展, 王君


Location: Suining, Sichuan Province, China

oncept & Architectural Form Architectural concept struck me after analysing the local context from the site pictures. I knew that in that “chaos”, where nothing is unified, clear and simple and where hundreds of materials, colours and architectural styles are “fighting” for attention of a potential customer passing by.

Function: Hotel Resort, leisure, commercial, services, museum

This extreme chaos needed something simple on the outside and something customizable inside. Especially, as all the retails stores will create their own layouts inside. As architects, we need to think ahead and give them opportunity to be individual, but remain unified generally. That is why I designed two-storey boxes with a transparent, glazed facade on the ground (interaction with pedestrians, obviously) and a metal-sheets-covered or dark-wood-paneled second floor façades. These higher stories had some opportunity of “uniqueness” - more reminding minimalism in its techniques - while using some horizontal or vertical stripes of glass.

Area: 93 580 m2 (planning region) 1 800 m (total length) 5 related roads 10 related blocks 14 000 m2 (shopping street) 5 402 m2 (usable area)

Another rule, was to open all of the second floor levels to the inside, using glazed walls+roofs construction, with slight slopes being hidden behind the 2-3 exterior wall packaging (”hui-style”).

Year: 2014

Volume: 24 500 m3

Interiors, behind the glass, were arranged within light metal grids, which would become a “canvas” for interiors designers.

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Vitality Suining Commercial Street

Planning formation diagrams in the context

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Vitality Suining Commercial Street

Context + Master plan + Underground Retail & Communication Upper left:

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Vitality Suining Commercial Street

Site and context analysis, architectural styles and quality investigation Lower left: Site plan of commercial street development Lower right: Exploded axonometric plans of underground levels highlighting vertical communication spots

The bird’s view of the development.

The street view on the lifestyle retail.

Big scale view showing the scope of revitalization within a project.

The human scale, friendly F&B terraces with spectacular greenery.

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Vitality Suining Commercial Street

Professional | VAST Project information:



Cooperation with:

李铁(LiTie), Paul Ebell, Michele Merlo, Tommaso Zanella, 黄丽 萍(Shirley), 尹海菁(Herlinda), 杨 吟秋(Steven), 刘宝丽(Pauline)


Location: Qujing, Yunnan Province, China

roject development It all started when I was standing in that green field taking a panoramic picture of the site. Just a few trees interrupting the horizon along with range of a mountains, mystically fading away within clouds and fog. Plain terrain of more than 400 ha. Outrageously huge! After weeks of work, finally - as a team of professionals with different specializations - we managed to produce a master plan for the whole area.

Function: Urban planning with commercial & business development Area:

2 383 162 m2 Residential + 355 019 m2 Industrial + 232 357 m2 Commercial + 247 663 m2 Administrative facilities + 14 510 m2 Public facilities = 3 232 711 m2 465 951 m2 Green zones and plazas + 570 000 m2 Roads + 95 300 m2 Water = 1 131 251 m2

Qujing City is located in the very south of China, in Yunnan Province. City’s like this, due to the heavy industry, good natural resources and lack of a big competition, are rapidly growing. The needs are enormous - for new offices, commercial centres, public facilities, but mostly - residential buildings. We zoned all the prominent buildings along two axis - east-west (river) and north-south (direction to the mountains). The CBD buildings range was shaped by two streams - “breaking” the mundane and flat surfaces of buildings façades. In urban planning, very important were new view corridors, usually complemented by green galleries and parks. In the end of each view corridor was located a special high-rise building - as a dominant and reference “navigation” point.

4 363 962 m2 TOTAL = 436,4 ha

Interestingly, beside financial towers, retail and commercial stores, services, etc., a lot of complementary functions were added, such as: innovation center, business incubators, exhibition centres and creative industries.

Year: 2015 Page 18


Qujing Baishi New District

Urban scale sections + Master plan

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Qujing Baishi New District

View corridors connecting different city destinations.

The main concept for the exterior faรงades treatment at the riverside.

Functional diagram.

General side dimensions of the towers showing the scale of each block.

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Qujing Baishi New District

II / Architecture BIM & sustainability

International competition Project information:



Location: London, Shoreditch District, England Function: School, educational facility, (international) event space

PROJECT ABSTRACT co-charrette - my guidelines for the project:

Area: Plot area 1580 m2 Usable area 2550 m2

1 - Site Assessment: Starting with analysis of: topography, heights, vegetation and traffic 2 - Reduced Parking Footprint: Providing the “healthy” number of parking spots 3 - Site Development, Maximize Open Space: Providing outdoor space of greater than or equal to 30% of a total site area (25% of which vegetated / 75% permeable surfaces) 4 - Storm-water Design, Quantity & Quality Control: Bioswales 5 - Heat Island Effect: Green roofs, lots of trees, open grid paving. 6 - On-site renewable energy: Production of energy on school’s area 7 - Green Power and Carbon Offsets: only if economically feasible 8 - Low Emitting Materials: suggesting the healthiest materials for the exterior and interior 9 - Daylight and Quality views: maximizing the natural light harvesting and achieving a direct line of sight to the outdoors via a vision glazing for 75% of regularly occupied spaces 10 - Acoustic Performance: Eliminating background noise, reducing sound transition, reverberation and echo and improving sound characteristics 11 - Innovation in design: suggesting new sustainable building expertise and design measures

Year: 2015 Special feature: Designed considering LEED certification requirements

Shoreditch Art School could DEFINITELY become a LEED certified project. Additionally, it could facilitate any proactive or social events, and provide a contemporary educational space for all kinds of art students. Page 24


Agavart School of Art

T he code behind the project...

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Agavart School of Art

Main theme: REBIRTH diagrams + Site plan formation Left:

Surrounding footprints of surfaces equal to 25-45% of a designated plot area. Diagrams describing the “Rebirth” process as an inspiration for form (façades).


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Agavart School of Art

Solar illumination + Architectural form diagrams + Fields Analysis Upper left:

Solar analysis made using Revit. It clearly indicates the areas that will achieve most of the natural daylight and surfaces being the least illuminated. That helps a lot during the early decision making process. Lower left:

Form within the context development explanation

Lower right: Extremely interesting analysis made using Grasshopper. After putting the geometric form into the context I checked the actual spatial situation, investigating weaknesses and opportunities to create linkage of both surrounding streets from south to north, provide maximum space and light for surrounding buildings and continue volumetric formation in the context according to the current state. Additionally, fields analysis provides clear justification of spatial nodes or paths that I was going to design.

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Agavart School of Art

Sections + Sustainability Left:

Section A - A (Longitudinal) showing Ventilation and Sunlight Illumination of interiors Right:

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Agavart School of Art

3D Section Showing the Highlights of the Arts School.

Night view of the arts school

N-W corner, Hemsworth St

Eastern side of the plot, green wall and landscaping, green facade system

Interiors of “Movie� Lab, natural light game on the wall

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Agavart School of Art

Master Thesis Project Project information:



Cooperation with: prof. Jerzy Gurawski

Location: Poznan, Wielkopolska District, Poland


Function: Multifunctional building development in a city center

rchitectural manifesto Above all, I value architecture, that serves people and it’s good for the planet. That is why I made a lot of research and studies about local people’s needs. The functional program from the day one was being shaped time and time again, until it got rock solid. Firstly, I wanted to maintain and popularize the culture. I decided to design a big performance room or a theatre hall along with an art gallery. In order to attract more people for longer time, I thought about a food court with some local, healthy food, also to maintain traditional cuisine along with culture. A couple of cafés with beautiful views were just an addition. Yet, having FAR and volume, that gives much bigger area capacity and most importantly - needs of an old people and young business-oriented and ambitious individuals, I designed rooms for local seniors and NGO sector audiences. I completed the list with two last functions: pub/bar and hostel. Knowing, that the functional program has 7-8 functions and the whole plot is very long to be “pedestrian friendly” and daylight illumination optimized, I simply divided the structure into 3 volumes.

Area: [m2]

Plot area - 2750 Total usable area - 7276 Total area - 14 320

Volume: [m3] ~ 50 000

Year: 2013

This decision provided clarity in: 1 - applying and grouping functions logically 2 - illuminating interiors with the sun light as much as possible 3 - providing green open spaces inviting passing by pedestrians to stop and have a break from the hustle and bustle of a city. Page 31


Prokultura social & cultural center

Context Analysis + Plans + Sections Schwarzplan + Functional Perimeter Analysis + Space Syntax Analysis Architectural plans of floors: 0, +1, +2 and +3. Right: Cross sections with slabs layers descriptions.

From upper left: Lower left:

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Prokultura social & cultural center

Longitudinal section through the whole development

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Prokultura social & cultural center

Prokultura Tower at the corner of the square. The sustainable form improving surroundings.

Krysiewicza Street view

Cafe/Restaurant terrace above Polwiejska Street looking in the Main Square direction.

Public space sitting area with a green wall and a small courtyard; all inked with the context.

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Prokultura social & cultural center

Professional | team+ Project information:



Cooperation with:

Mrs. Li, Wang Chao, PA Patrick

Location: Tianjin, China


Function: Mixed-use development with housing towers

ombining present with the past This project was a challenge in a few aspects. Firstly, we needed to create an environment which would make people interact with each other, enjoy the space with arts and leisure activities, but most importantly - provide a commercial success to companies and brands renting it. Secondly, analysis made for that project needed to be a clear statement of a problem that we solve. That were: poor air quality, lack of social public spaces, lack of commercial good quality architecture, renovation and completion of an old and cultural shopping street connected with the main pedestrian road next to the plot and finally - lack of a linkage with a waterfront in that area.

Area: [m2]

Plot area - 23 900 FAR = 7.0 Housing area - 108 000 Mall - 47 000 Offices - 17 000 Total area - 180 000 Footprint to plot ratio: 72% (accepted)

The following page present the comprehensive analysis examples: functional, historic, social and economic, the planning direction, site plan, schematic architectural plan, diagrammatic functional program, inner linkage perspective plan, project’s highlights - high quality retail spaces and indoor public space full of light with a good air quality.

Year: 2016

The next pages show axonometric section and finally - the visualization of the designed architecture at the context.

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Gamdale mixed-use development in Tianjin

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Gamdale mixed-use development in Tianjin

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Gamdale mixed-use development in Tianjin

Professional | team+ Project information:



Cooperation with: Wang Peng, Bianca Anastasiu, CJ Location: Pudong, Shanghai, China


Function: Interior common spaces of a building renovated into residential facility

ealthy interiors For me this project was a great exercise to practice the skills I got after becoming RESET AP (REGENERATIVE ECOLOGICAL SOCIAL & ECONOMIC TARGETS Accredited Professional). I was giving a great concern towards the materials used for the interiors. Using all the knowledge and tools I got, I was able to control the cost, propose very creative and contemporary materials, that were recyclable or made from 100% recycled materials (like the flooring made out of a special vinyl). The VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and formaldehydes (PM2.5) can and should also be controlled. Following the RESET system now I am able to design interiors that enhance employees productivity or maintain healthy environment for working and living. Generally, all the regularly occupied spaces are the most vulnerable to become not only uncomfortable, but most importantly - not healthy. Air quality now can be fully controlled by designers not only during the construction and soon after (when the flush-out effect has not diminished yet), but also long after, in real time.

Area: 250 m2 Year: 2016

Harbour Apartments for Young People This project’s target user was a young professional, who is working in Pudong District of Shanghai and most likely holds a top-notch professional title. That means one thing - the living space demand of such person are high. The quality of materials, the aesthetics and possibility to interact with other tenants in common spaces are required to fully satisfy the potential users. Together with my team we did all we could, to control the budget and use it in the most suitable and creative way. Page 41


Harbour Apartments (Interior Design)

The cafe / video room common area.

Corridor elevator hall.

A shared kitchen on the rooftop with dining spaces, a laundry room with storage cabinets.

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Harbour Apartments (Interior Design)

The apartments corridor.

III / Parametric design : optimization

Professional | team+ Project information:



Cooperation with:

Wang Chao, Allen, Ricky

Location: Anyang, China


Function: Shopping center, retail mixed-use

acade development I have joined this project in the DD (Design Development) stage. The concept was long ago done and accepted by the client and government.

Year: 2016

My task was to develop a parametric facade of the mall, that would be a double curve surface made by triangulated flat panels with perforations also parametrically organized. It was just one of the most exciting, difficult, yet mostly appreciated tasks I was ever assigned in my professional life. My grasshopper skills were finally expressed through a serious design to be fabricated and built. All the final divisions, dimensions, numbers, gaps etc. were I designed by myself, consulting it from time to time with a leader of the creative design team. I was happy to be part of that project at the final, yet crucial stage for the contract completion.

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Poly Shopping Center : Facade

T he code behind the project...

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Poly Shopping Center : Facade

Context Analysis + Plans + Sections Left:

Site plan with highlighted designated faรงades to be parametrically developed for fabrication. Architectural section at the place of the faรงades. Right: Concept visualization of the facade.


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Poly Shopping Center : Facade

Panelling formation: 1 - specifying the right volume & radius 2 - design logic (code based on the vertical edges of panels division) 3 - perforation creation based on the rotated circle of a specific radius

R = 88m



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Poly Shopping Center : Facade


Drawing showing the gaps optimization Distances between the panelling edges ended up being equal to 30-65mm, which was a huge success.

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Poly Shopping Center : Facade

Typology of panels diagrams (S+A+B+C: 4 types)

324 exactly the same triangular modules (type C) with various, parametric cut-outs (lights) oriented on the flat surface for the laser-cutting

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Poly Shopping Center : Facade

Skylight Plan + Axonometric Model

(Solution) It was one of the most interesting design tasks I ever had. The skylight plan that I got from architectural drawing had no symmetries. It was narrower at one end and wider at the other. Each construction module required at least one fifth of its height. The resulting surface was a freeform.


Can a freeform surface be constructed out of the equilateral triangulation?

It seems, that this question was already asked by many prominent designers around the world. While seeking a positive answer, I was studying different design methods, algorithms and some of my own simple ways as well until I got the best option. Apparently, right now, it is not possible to get a smooth freeform surface made out of just equilateral triangles. No such triangulation can make a satisfactory effect. That is why the number of used triangles needs to be optimized, put into groups of triangles with very similar dimensions and then fabricated. I studied some realized projects and how this kind of faรงades or skylights are made as well. Each solution was using a big number of different triangles or even all triangles were unique!

Building plan with highlighted skylight location and geometry. Schematic axonometry of the skylight and its modular divisions


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Poly Shopping Center : Facade

Research of equilateral triangulation - computational methods Left upper:

(almost perfect according to dimensions) Equilateral triangulation. Left lower:


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Poly Shopping Center : Facade

Very reasonable triangulation, but poor aesthetic effect (triangles are lost, as each pair forms rectangles).

Maximum smoothness, but many different triangles and distorted endings.

International competition HONOURABLE MENTION


Project information: Cooperation with: Nataly Arevalo



Location: Barcelona, Spain

oncept Morphing the Barcelona’s square module into a circle (perfection, sun) creating a smooth, biomimetic form. The main principle of Gothic Cathedral - a communication spine as an open space (void) and observatory aisles on the sides are reflected in a way, that now the main core of the building becomes fully functional and the voids created on the sides provide natural sunlight and indirect linkage between each level.

Function: Museum, public space, educational, archive Area: [m2] Usable area - 9 850 Facade surfaces - 6 045

Contemporary Gothic Interpretation: Gothic was seeking perfection of the form. Whereas in philosophy perfection was described as form: “whole” or “absolute”, Gothic forms had a great amount of decorations, additions or subtractions. I decided to design a form that is very simple and easy to comprehend, but quite unique and asymmetric as a result.

Volume: [m3] 80 872 Year: 2016

Gothic is an architecture of light: “The great celebration of the sun”. Since Gothic, human kind tries to reach for the stars. Multiplicity and variety becomes an answer, therefore all the modules of the façades turned into the windows AS the stars, which are surrounding us and all the time inspiring us.

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Gothic Archive Museum in Barcelona

T he code behind the project...

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Gothic Archive Museum in Barcelona

Context & Accessibility + Site plan + Programmatic diagram

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Gothic Archive Museum in Barcelona

Form explanation diagrams + Inner communication flow Creation of the Archive: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Massing formation Voids emergence from the oculus Ground floor space optimization for the public usage Structure localization for maximum efficiency Roofing modelling completing form as a “whole� Balustrades/terraces around the building - interconnecting levels and enhancing sunlight absorption







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Gothic Archive Museum in Barcelona

Plans (GF & Exhibition) + Sections (Axo) + Elevations (Panelling)

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Gothic Archive Museum in Barcelona

The exhibition space atrium.

The overall form with a green plaza; façades reflect the idea of the “gradient of randomness”

A temporary, double-storey exhibition space.

The corner leading to the main entrance and bookstore / cafés.

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Gothic Archive Museum in Barcelona

International competition Project information:

GUASMO TOWER (24H Challenge)


Cooperation with: Nataly Arevalo

Location: Guayaquil, Ecuador


Function: Multifunctional skyscraper, mainly residential; district enhancement

ours Exactly 24 hours took this project, as it was a 24H competition challenge! Without a parametric approach to the tower’s both: core and shell it would not be possible to achieve such a strong manifest for the city of Guayaquil. We believe such architecture would echo in any kind of media in any place of the world and that would bring all the financial and logistic support, that would be needed. This skyscraper would exhilarate all of the poor south of the city and bring potential investors and charity organizations. America, the new world, offers a fresh beginning for outsiders who need to be rescued by unsatisfactory life.

Height: 135 m Year: 2015

The site was chosen carefully thinking on an integrative strategy that will rescue refugee and it will regenerate the city. Guasmo neighbourhood is located in a margined area of South of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Social inequity in the area enhances the causes to design a tower that will challenge the existing highest tower being symbol of economic and power (bank). The tower simulates the hyper-dense neighbourhood typology as a vertical structure. The project aims to shorten the gap between beneficed groups and refugees and minorities. Page 59



T he code behind the project...

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O t h e r proj e c t s : In ter io r - B IM - Par ame t r i c

Eagle House - Single Family House - Poznan - Poland - 2010

Revolta Center - Swimming Pool & Fitness Center - Poznan - Poland - 2011

Highly applicable, down-to-earth concept; consistent, context-oriented and contemporary design.

Page 63

The project in which the exterior facade and structure is strongly interconnected with interiors.


Other Projects

“Workplace of the Future� Competition - Interiors - Beirut - 2012 Conceptual project of an office space interiors located in the (rather) distant future.

Department Store - Retail + F&B - Poznan - Poland - 2013

Highly applicable, down-to-earth concept; consistent, context-oriented and contemporary design.

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Other Projects

Hengshan Rd Corner Park - Public Plaza - Shanghai - China - 2015

Changzhi Rd Canopy - Underground Tunnel Entrance/Exit - Shanghai - China - 2015 Design of a canopy that enhances the public space and informs drivers about entering the tunnel.

The concept of an urban furniture that would make you feel like emerging into the ocean.

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Other Projects

Meilandi Service Building - Leisure Resort - Huangshan - China - 2014 Design of an exterior facade made out of bamboo; the goal was to show the water-like movement.

Page 66

South Bund Revitalization - Retail + F&B - Shanghai - China - 2015 Concept for the retail building with an exterior facade covered by parametrically rotated v. louvers.


Other Projects

Thank you for considering my application, please visit my website to see much more:

w w w.jacekurbanowicz.com

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