How will Artificial Intelligence disrupt Software and Application Development?

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How will Artificial Intelligence disrupt Software and Application Development? Artificial Intelligence is no longer just a fancy term but its programming techniques are impacting every domain and industry possible.

We have probably already heard that AI will do away with all the mundane, debilitating and repetitive jobs and making many blue-collar workers, from different industries, are worried about their jobs. Long gone are the days when we were dealing with dumb machines that only performed tasks that there they were programmed to do. AI can learn from patterns from analysis of enormous amounts of data and it gives this technology capability that is clearly beyond humans. Some of the industries that are the first to adopt AI are Automobile, Healthcare and Finance. It doesn’t mean that AI is not permeating in other industries. AI is expected to have an impact on the way software development and application development is done. It will not be a threat to software developers but facilitate the way they work.

AI will make SDLC smarter and boost software development and delivery in ways more than one. The inefficiencies in the life cycle can be eliminated with a focus on business value, reduce chances of project failure and automatically detect issues in the software development process.

There will be 3 major ways that AI will impact software and application development. •

AI will optimize software development cycle

Machine learning, natural language processing and deep learning are all technologies that are related to AI. These will have an impact on the software development life cycle and help in building better software. o

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Can you imagine coming up with precise estimation with the help of AI? With the help of user stories, historical team estimates, and actuals, machine learning and business rules can use correlations and statistics to predict project time and effort accurately. There’s a lot of time wasted in fixing bugs. With the help of AI, however, data can help deduce what can go wrong in a project and avoid the issues before these occur. AI can also help developers and testers to prioritize their efforts on high-risk areas (based on data intelligence). The right tests can be executed with an automated continuous delivery process. Test designs can be automated and quality can be predicted. Even visual UI testing can be enabled for improved UX.

AI will be able to build apps like developers

The concepts of machine learning and deep learning need to be built in applications to make them learn on their own. The developers can focus less on coded rules and concentrate more on program algorithms that can self-learn. o

Imagine the developers who are writing code in natural processing language can have machine executable code with the help of AI. There is much more possible like improved requirements model and sophisticated text recognition.

We will have smarter applications

We have already seen applications that can intelligence interactions with humans and leverage the evident human capabilities. If you’ve already seen Siri and Alexa, well that’s just the beginning. Somewhere soon, bots will also become capable of giving expert advice. AI enabled technologies like optical character recognition and voice recognition are all underway to something bigger and more intelligent. •

Lot of focus on integration

Once companies start to adopt AI systems, these systems will need to integrate with legacy software or traditionally programmed software. Companies will need people who can integrate, identify issues with integration and find a practical solution.

AI-enabled applications will be aimed to provide unparalleled customer experience. This will require data enriched with machine learning and ability to build self-learning software and applications. Perhaps you think of this as somewhat bizarre now, but trust us when we say that everything we’ve discussed above and much more is becoming a reality. If you’re curious about how AI will impact your industry, we are here to discuss its impact for your business and industry.

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