Jackalyn Rainosek What You Need to Know About Leadership Practices Inventory
Jackalyn Rainosek has a deep understanding of the importance of being an effective leader, having worked for several years as a Certified Master of The Leadership Challenge速. She currently works with her partner Liz Cloud, who is also a Certified Master in teaching leaders, how to succeed.
Jackalyn Rainosek has four audio interviews available on the Close-Up Talk Radio website. Jackalyn and Liz have developed a one-day workshop on The Leadership Practices Inventory and The Leadership Challenge program. Here’s what this workshop is all about.
The workshop introduces the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, and also gives participants an opportunity to take The Leadership Practices Inventory, which is a 360 online assessment about leadership and the five practices. These practices are based on the proven research of popular authors Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner.
The workshop offers participants a basic understanding of the Five Practices:
Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act Encourage the Heart
The Leadership Practice Inventory is one of the most popular and widely used leadership assessment tools available today. In the workshop, the results of the assessment are reviewed and unique action plans are developed to improve leadership skills. The workshop serves as a pre-work for The Leadership Challenge where participants will learn the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership in greater detail.
The Leadership Practices Inventory is an important workshop for leaders, individuals, and business professionals. Jackalyn Rainosek brings her extensive skills and knowledge to the leadership program to help build strong leaders for tomorrow.