David Keeling - The Long Game 2016

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2-19 September 2016

Celebrating 30 Years

David Keeling and Bett Gallery have a professional relationship spanning 30 years; and all on the strength of a handshake and a giant leap of faith! In 1986 when local artists had little visibility in their home state, the late Dick Bett AM and I had a wildly optimistic idea: we would establish a gallery to exhibit contemporary art equal to any across Australia. In November 1986 we opened the doors of what was to become Bett Gallery. David Keeling was one of the first young artists to make a firm commitment to exhibit with us. And, here we both are – the artist and the gallery, still working together. David’s standing in the world of contemporary art is now well established with national and international recognition for the incredible body of work. Twice winning the Glover Prize and with over 30 solo and a multitude of group exhibitions to his credit, David has secured his place among Tasmania’s most celebrated artists. The University of Tasmania acknowledged David as a distinguished alumnus by mounting the survey exhibition David Keeling Inside Out featuring painting and sculpture spanning three decades as part of their 125th Anniversary celebrations

His contribution to contemporary art in Tasmania extends well beyond his own artistic practice as David acts as Chair and Board member for significant arts institutions and establishes broad and supportive networks within the arts community locally and beyond. Importantly for us at Bett Gallery, he has been an active supporter through the challenges of maintaining a quality gallery over decades. We are proud to present The Long Game, David’s 13th solo exhibition with Bett Gallery; in this, our 30th year of operation. From his early ‘landscapes’ to his current touch stone the Narawntapu, he has shown us new ways of engaging with and reimaging our landscape and our personal relationship with it; always delighting and stimulating us and enriching our lives. This latest exhibition is no exception. I congratulate David on his many achievements and thank him for his commitment and loyalty, as well as his friendship and support for Bett Gallery and for the visual arts community over many years.

CAROL BETT – Director, Bett Gallery


The Long Game

I began as a Bett Gallery artist in 1986 when I was teaching high school art at Glenora District School an hours drive from Hobart. I had a studio at Chameleon Contemporary Art Space in the old Blundstone boot factory in Campbell Street. I got to know Dick Bett then as he was our first Director at Chameleon, so when he and Carol made the move to running their gallery it made sense to continue our relationship and develop it into a personal/ professional one. In those days I don’t think I ever thought that you could actually make a living from selling your work from Tasmania so like others we began showing with galleries interstate. To Dick and Carol’s great credit though, they began to develop a market for contemporary art here in Tasmania and to promote our local artists nationally. This had a profound influence on many of us who wanted to live and work from Tasmania and played a major role in establishing a thriving arts community here. For me in particular it meant that I could legitimately make work about Tasmania that linked to broader, more universal themes. It did not seem to take that long before Tasmania was being recognised as a place that was producing distinctive work of a very high standard. My time as a board member, and Chair of Artbank, Sydney, proved to me that what was being produced here was of the highest quality and was

being recognised as such nationally. Dick and Carol’s role in this cannot be underestimated. When I began showing with the Bett Gallery I was painting pictures about the world I lived in at the time. Scenes glimpsed from a car window on my drives through the Derwent Valley, socio/political dramas being played out during the 80s and 90s, or the ubiquitous garage sales that form part of our urban fabric. In all these times the gallery has supported and encouraged me to continue experimenting and exploring new ideas. For their part they educated the audience and the buying public along the way. This is when the artist/dealer relationship is at it’s best, something that is often not acknowledged. The body of work in this exhibition, The Long Game, is an ode to ‘place’, in this case the Narawntapu National Park. For half of my 30 year connection with the Bett Gallery I have pictured parts of this park in one way or another. At each stage I have felt a deeper connection to this part of the world. Even though I have exhibited works about this place in other parts of Australia and overseas it means a great deal for me to be able to share the work with a Tasmanian audience. The fact that I can do it at the Bett Gallery after 30 years is special to me. I am sad that Dick Bett is no longer here to celebrate with us but Carol, Emma and Jack continue to give me great support and I am grateful for this.



Narawantapu National Park

Image: David Keeling


Carol and Dick Bett AM – 2011


Two paths into the light 2016

oil on linen, 168 x 183cm


Chasing the light 2016

oil on linen, 168 x 152cm


House of stone and wood 2013 -16

oil on linen, 138 x 184cm


Dusk and deep water 2016

oil on linen, 137.5 x 122cm


Soft light at low tide 2016

oil on linen, 112 x 107cm


Perfect day into night 2016

oil on linen, 107 x 112cm


Beautiful day, coastal track 2016

oil on linen, 92 x 81.5cm


Shadowed track 2016

oil on linen, 92 x 72cm


Soft ground, crimson light 2016

oil on linen, 92 x 71cm


Coastal walk 2016

oil on linen, 92 x 71cm


High tide, soft ground 2016

oil on linen, 92 x 71cm


Summer’s track 2016

oil on linen, 76 x 92cm



Ten tracks 2014 -16











work details overleaf



Track 1 2016 oil on wood 12.5 x 9.5cm

Track 2 2016 oil on wood 10.5 x 10.5cm

I would like to thank Helen Wright for her love, support and perceptive contribution to my work. Lynda Warner and Tracey Diggins for their help with the catalogue, Jack Bett for the photography, Carol, Emma and Jack Bett for all their continuing support and to Damian Bugg AM QC for kindly opening the exhibition.

Track 3 2016 oil on wood 10.4 x 7.4cm

Track 4 2016 oil on wood 9.4 x 9.4cm

Track 5 2016 oil on wood 10.6 x 8.8cm

Track 6 2015 oil on wood 7.4 x 7.3cm

Track 7 2016 oil on wood 10.7 x 7.5cm

Track 8 2016 oil on wood 9.5 x 7.5cm

Track 9 2016 oil on wood 7.5 x 8.2cm

Track 10 2014 oil on wood 12 x 10cm

Š Copyright 2016 – the authors and artist Design: Lynda Warner Production Assistant: Tracey Diggins Photography: Jack Bett Printing: PML Contemporary Fine Art 369 Elizabeth Street North Hobart Tasmania Australia 7000 T: 03 6231 6511 E: info@bettgallery.com.au W: bettgallery.com.au

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