With a passion for innovative design and a focus on sustainable solutions, I strive to create architectural spaces that inspire, engage, and positively impact the lives of their users and the surrounding community.
September 2022 - July 2024
September 2017 - July 2020
Selected Entry @DeTour 2023: NEW BEANS DESIGN
November 2023 - December 2023
Participated as a 3 people design group “New Beans” with an installation designed to seek a way for future development of the traditional soy sauce making industry in Hong Kong.
July 2019
Participated voluntarily in a home renovation project. The goal of the initiative was to supply well-designed furniture to families residing in divided apartments so that they may have comfortable homes.
Graphic: Illustrator Photoshop AutoCAD
3D Modeling: Rhino Sketchup Grasshopper
Presentation: InDesign V-Ray D5
September 2020 - May 2022
Involved in project coordination of a art museum project and design process of an urban planning project.
Summer Internship:
July 2019 - August 2019
Involved in a conservation project in Lai Chi Wo.
Freelance Set Design Assistant: WHY IS BUDGET LIMITED
Freelance since August 2023
Assisting in set design and building for exhibition or commercial and music video shooting.
01: Yapak Talipapa
Individual / Boracay, Phillipinnes / 2024
Both residents and visitors to Boracay Island have worries and questions about the incomplete buildings, caused by ecological initiatives, which have become a noticeable feature. These buildings, which serve as a sobering reminder of an unfi nished construction project, have drawn notice because of their incomplete state and the way they alter the island’s scenery.
“Within the bustling wet market, the fl ow of exchange weaves a tapestry of economic transactions, cultural interactions, and social connections, where the value of goods extends beyond mere monetary worth.” (William G. Davis 1973) This poignant quotation perfectly captures the spirit of Yapak Talipapa, which aims to turn an abandoned building into a bustling marketplace that boosts the local economy and creates a sense of community.
Elevation from Yapak Beach
Site plan
The Wet Market is enclosed by layers of timber structure on both sides with provide shading and a sense of liveliness. There is a second level for the outer section of stalls where locals and tourists can enjoy their food with the gentle wind from the sea. And, above the square stalls in the middle is the community lounge with seatings overlooking the market as well as the Puka Beach framed by the timber structure.
Little balconies and circulation are added at the two sides of the building to welcome semi-private spaces within a buzzling building. While entering these areas, a new angle of views could be seen as the diff erent layers of facade is defi ned by the additional timber decks.
Section through
1:50 Study Models
Auction SpaceCommunity Playground 1:50 Final Model Chapel
The architectural technique employed in this innovative design involves utilizing coco lumber timber strips to form a grid structure mounted on the existing concrete facade. This grid system provides an adaptable framework that may be used to incorporate various aspects and vary over time. A customised 3D printed metal joint is used to improve structural integrity and fl exibility.
1:5 Metal Joint Models
02: Mushroom Canteen
Individual / CUHK, Hong Kong / 2023
At the heart of this studio is an interest in the crafting of beautiful drawings, objects, spaces, and buildings – each with our own unique story nested inside a broader design narrative of responsible material use.
Since the studio mostly relies on empirical data, a number of research models have been developed to examine the characteristics of my material of choice, mushroom.
With the mushroom I picked from the site, I tried growing my very fi rst mycelium with the coff ee ground I collect from the coff ee shop nearby. The mycelium grew in a week but they get infected because of the unsterilized coff ee ground.
The mushroom from the site was not good for growing mycelium as the growing time is very long. In order to have a effi cient growing process, I contacted a local mushroom farm and ask for some mycelium blocks. I tried to grow the mycelium all the way to the fruiting stage.
Different stages of mushroom growing / Study models
Top view
Spaces and fl oor levels, which were created from the fi nal study model by growing mycelium, served as excellent references for me when I was drawing sections, elevations, and plans. For the fi nished model, I grew the roof using mycelium because it would be a component of the building components. A complete basement of the proposed canteen would be devoted to a mushroom laboratory, housing edible, medicinal, and naturally occurring mushrooms that fruit on the property. More signifi cantly, it will serve as the primary supplier to the aforementioned establishments.
Program and circulation
03: Gather Arch
In collaboration with: Samuel Poon, Heymans Choy / CUHK, Hong Kong / 2022
Our own design and communication processes have had to be reevaluated as a result of the extensive array of resources and technology we were exposed to. Practical workshops in robotics, AR, VR, 3D scanning, and computational tools were provided throughout some design exercises.
After all the rehearsals, we were eventually asked to build the 1:1 pavilion that will hold the eating experience. We took special care to curate intangible qualities (colour, aroma, temperature, lighting, airfl ow, sound) and textures (tactility, softness, transparency, porosity) as part of the project description.
Our technological research quickly revealed a connection to food design, ergonomics, and the “act of consumption.”
CNC fabricationStitching for food containers
Bar tableWeaving chiars
Main Course
Completion of the pavilion
Guest were welcomed by drinks
Transition to main course area from starter
Main course area
04: The Snow Hill Factory
Individual / Birmingham, England / 2019
Numerous groundbreaking developments in industrial technology have their roots in the Jewellery Quarter. However, it becomes an urban hamlet and a centre for creative enterprise due to lack of demand and foreign competition. In honour of its historical signifi cance, the JQ Development Trust and the City Council of Birmingham will construct a sophisticated structure that will serve as an anchor point and integrate in with the city core.
Underground workshop
Museum space
The 3 sections cut through diff erent spaces with diff erent qualities. From the top to bottom, they stands for private, semi-private and public spaces. The soft edge of the 3 spaces create a natural journey by diff erent light and building materials. This is refering the changing position of the jewelery quater to the city.
Jewelery courtyard
The section emphasizes on the idea of connecting the urban pocket spaces. The Birmingham Metro as the spine of the city run along the pocket spaces. By puting the complex building on the edge of the site with an open view from the metro station creates a welcoming gesture.
05: Soy “Sauce”
In collaboration with: Heymans Choy, Owen Ho / PMQ, Hong Kong / 2023
Many “Made in Hong Kong” sauce factories can be found in Kwu Tung’s Soy Sauce Village, which bears witness to the legacy of generations of HKers. What will happen to these sauce manufacturers, though, with the implementation of the New Development Areas (NDAs) in Kwu Tung North and Fanling North and the projected land resumption by the end of next year?
This installation and exhibition project aims to educate viewers about soy sauce made in Hong Kong. The team visited a local soy sauce factory and broke down the basic steps of making the sauce to combine the best of traditional and modern practices. From there, several tools were designed and experimented with at PMQ.
06: Lo Kwee Seong Pavilion
Design / CUHK, Hong Kong / 2020
The Lo Kwee Seong Pavilion is an extension of the CUHK art museum which provide exhibition, teaching and workshop spaces.
The new annex provides a linkage between the University Mall, existing Art Museum and University Avenue to enhance the circulation fl ows and publicity of the Art Museum.
The project began in 2020 and is currently under the construction stage. I was involved in design and construction process. I was tasked to produce design options of the facade and the interior spaces. I also joined coordination meetings with clients and other sub-consultants.
Interior / Structure / Facade
Apart from the building design, I was also tasked to help communicate with the structural engineer.
Above is a 3D model showing the relationship of the structure and the envolope of the building. This model makes coordination meetings effi cient by clearly showing the building frame.
Multipurpose hall
Islands In The Central Water
Rocco Design / Lantau, Hong Kong / 2022
Involved in the placemaking investigation under Rocco design team. Several strategies were designed and refl ected in the report to provide wakability in the frame of 15-minute city. “Gateways”, “Neighborhood creation” and “Activity nodes and focal points” were defi ned for the 3 artifi cial islands surrounding Kau Yi Chau.