Architecture As An Emblem Of Opportunity: A Mode Of Being, Acting, Thinking Jack Denihan
Contents Abstract Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Social Analysis
Chapter 3
Site Analysis
Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Material Study
Abstract This thesis is concerned with the relationship between educational and public space within the city. How Architecture can be used as a model of opportunity within society to promote social inclusion, through practical education. With the age of computers growing the number of people taking up apprenticeships is low. I plan to explode this thesis through the design of a trade school, as part of a public recreational park. Practical skills and traditions are being lost and I wonder as to what the future of trades people will be like in the fourth coming years. When taking part in an apprenticeship course, Ireland’s current situation means that you are released for three theory block releases over a four-year period. This thesis proposal will provide a space whereby people taking part in construction trades can work and learn in the one setting, establishing an atmosphere of practical skill-sharing, learning and working. This thesis explores an opportunity to provide an area of Limerick City, which has high unemployment, with an architectural design to improve training and employment. It explores the regeneration of a new space for the city. Research has led me to the socio-economic environment of Ballinacurra Weston, a suburb south west of Limerick city centre. This research has incorporated learning, socialising and leisure activities into the design.
Fig. 2 : Taking Limerick city as a case study, The abstract drawing on the right Illustrates the relationship beween public and educational space within Limerick city. How an educational building can work within a public landscape is something I have explored throughout this thesis.
Chapter 1 - Essay 2
“It is of the essence of life that it does not begin here or end there,
or connect a point of origin with a final destination, but rather that it keeps on going, finding a way through the myriad of things that form, persist and break up in its currents. Life, in short is a movement of opening, not of closure” – Tim Ingold During the course of this essay I will investigate the process of my thoughts and stance from an architectural point of view, which will aid a pathway of discovery encapsulating my thesis interests. My intent throughout this thesis is to explore the idea of the creation of an Architectural prototype which could be mirrored and adapted to any communal or societal interests. I have a particular interest in the social aspect of Architecture and creating an equal opportunity for communities which may find themselves not in control of their constantly deteriorating situation. I have an interest in exploring the roots which have enabled these situations to develop and challenge the current alternatives which are put in place with no long term meaning or beneficial gain. I would like to craft a practical process through the work of Architecture to benefit members of society with an ideology of social inclusion. The education and employment system, which I believe may play a key role within this process, is something I endeavour to challenge. Furthermore a space which works in correlation with the urban landscape and building conditions, as opposed to a stand-alone solution. I am analysing what it means to be a young adolescent within a community which is caught in the process of a housing regeneration project, exploring ideas surrounding spatial and social injustice. This I believe is a vital age group in which to aim my philosophy as decisions can be made at this age which can have major implications on one’s future. It is a very exciting time of opportunity in life if the correct processes are put in place. The physical deterioration of housing schemes across the country and indeed across the globe which find themselves in the process of regeneration is startlingly evident and has led to
Fig. 3 : For me this image portrays a common situation people may find themselves in within society. The creation of artwork in the background of this image, symbolises creativity. A creativity which needs to be utilised to the advantage of people.
higher tensions and a further break down in communities during recent times.
Source : (2013)
Social issues are a part of the fabric of almost every village, town and city across the world.
A situation whereby people are beginning to lose their identity as there is a shift in the
Ignored majority of the time, I often wonder whether the cycle of social issues can ever
process of time, a shift in modern technology and a shift in the physical presence of their
be broken. The question I pose is how can certain issues be propped by an Architectural
community. These aspects are out of the control of many people in the city, process which
movement. For a short moment I will discuss some of the matters which arise in Ireland’s
Hourigan states “whereby certain groups are pushed to the edge of society and prevented
third largest city, the city of Limerick.
from participating fully by virtue of their poverty, inadequate education or life-skills” (Hourigan 2011, p.14).
Between 1932 and 1987 Limerick Corporation put a major slum clearance programme in place which sought to construct social housing across the city. St Mary’s Park which
As previously mentioned I have an interest in analysing the situations of young adolescents
consisted of 454 houses, constructed in two separate stages, was set to be the prototype
who find themselves caught in a cycle, which is very difficult to be removed from. The issue
of social housing within the city. The approach taken was to construct more housing with
which I find arises in this situation, is that the residents of certain areas are proud of where
cheaper materials. This ideology resulted in a segregation within society clustering the city’s
they come from and there is a strong social connection between people of all age groups
most poverty stricken households together. I find it interesting how some time ago there
within these communities, however there is a break in the link in these vital adolescent
was an action to clear the city’s slums, while today we are in the process of a second
years whereby the support and culture of following or maintaining a path in education and
movement of the demolition of housing.
employment is undoubtedly absent. An aspect I find truly interesting within these social situations is that an extremely high percentage of citizens are under the age of twenty five;
Limerick has a strong industrial past, developing as a prominent hub for trade and
50% and 36% of citizens under the age of fifteen.
manufacturing in Ireland. The rapid growth of this economy led Limerick Corporation to construct these mass housing estates and suburbs on the outskirts of the city centre. The
The decision made by many however, is not to follow an employment route but to follow
mainstay of this industrial production was bacon curing and food processing, there was
the path of a more sinister type model. Wendy Bottero, sociologist at the University of
also large tanneries and flour mills. However with this came a segregation in class, wealthy,
Manchester, states that, “The suggestion is that neighbourhood concentration of poverty
middle class and a large working class, while the inhabitants of the slums found themselves
affects residents through peer-group influences spreading anti-social behaviour and through
on the bottom of this social spectrum, employed mostly as unskilled labourers. I believe the
lack of positive neighbourhood role models”. This situation is evident in which is evident in
industrial past of Limerick is important as is it is what formed the city. In this thesis I propose
Limerick’s current climate as the figures presented to us illustrate that there is a 53%
that trade and industry could potentially contribute to society as a way of forward thinking,
unemployment rate in Limerick city suburbs for tenants aged 15 and over, with merely 34%
while eliminating division or idea of social class through a practical or educational format.
activity rate for city council tenants aged 15 and over.
The downfall in certain suburbs of Limerick city as a result of this housing estate chaos
Despite this examination of Limerick, presented as a rather negative portrayal of the city,
presents dark statistics for the population of the city. Sociologist Niamh Hourigan writes,
these issues contribute to a minute fraction of the city’s matter. Limerick is a city rich with
“Limerick has the highest proportion of local authority housing of any Irish city (41%) the
vibrant culture, featuring a wide range of creatives, with unprecedented success especially
highest rate of suicide, self-harm and marriage breakdown, as well as extremely high rates of
within the sporting world, with a culture of art having a strong hold on Limerick as a sense
unemployment and single parenthood” (Hourigan 2011, p.11). Leaders of the city have gone
of place.
to great lengths to enhance infrastructure to integrate Limerick into the global economy, however these figures imply that many citizens of Limerick find themselves alienated from this high-tech infrastructure.
Landscapes in an urban sense provide a means to adapt, to transform cities and an approach to landscape with the aim of revealing cultural and ecological values. Landscapes authorise modes of being, acting and thinking, “The site of dynamic, horizontal connectivity’s, the space of forces, flows and processes” (Waterman and Wall, 2017 p.8). “Places are always particular; they have a character, and not in the singular sense, but
character that is emerging from the many threads, from which they are woven” – Tim Ingold Making through Architecture is a subject area which is of interest to me. Anthropologist Tim Ingold analyses this matter throughout his book, Making : Anthropology, Archaeology,
Art and Architecture. This book explores how making creates knowledge, builds environments and transforms lives. This is relevant to what I am trying to achieve within this thesis, a way of forward thinking in the transformation of communities who find themselves in a troubled social situation, how the lost and forgotten skills of members of these communities could be used to their advantage, creating a process which is directly beneficial to those affected and their environment, while also benefitting the wider urban fabric. Anthropology, archaeology, art and architecture are all ways of thinking through making. Ingold makes interesting points about learning how to learn by the study of our surroundings (Ingold, 2013, p.15), enabling ourselves to be taught by it. “Learning is understanding in practice: exploring the interrelations between perception, creativity and skill”(Ingold, 2013, p.22). An Architecture of inquiry, “Questions concerning the generation of form, the energetics of force and flow, the properties of materials, the weave and texture of surfaces, the atmospheres of volumes, and the dynamics of activity and of rest, of making lines and making place” (Ingold, 2013, p.23). I have been carrying out analysis of movement and routes on the southside of Limerick city and its relationship with the city centre, generating ideas of how people use these spaces
Fig. 4 : Drawing by Anthropologist Tim Ingold exploring the relationship between writing and weaving.
within the urban fabric socially. Ingold describes how the four A’s aim “to explore the
Source : TOAST Magazine (2020)
connections between anthropology, archaeology, art and architecture, conceived as complementary approaches to understanding and shaping how people perceive and relate to their surroundings, in currents of space, time and movement”(Ingold, 2013, p.24). I am questioning how learning actually occurs in the social world. Many young people can become self-taught with an atmosphere of sharing skills to aid one another.
This situation within many cities throughout the country is part of where I believe there to be an opportunity for an architectural intervention. Perhaps Limerick may be analysed as a city with a divided culture. The obvious cultures are the ones I have mentioned but there are also cultures within cities and communities that may not be noticeable to the naked eye, cultures which are being lost and forgotten or not facilitated for. Architecture has the ability to pull and weave different qualities together to produce a spatial form, as a method in exploring what the intervention desires to be. Is there a method whereby the different interests of people within society can be given the opportunity to be expressed and interlock with one another within the landscape conditions of place, in the format of education or by virtue of a practical route to employment? “It is in the detours that everything happens. That’s why the stories we tell of our own and
others’ lives, also circle around, we have to circle too, to follow them” – Tim Ingold The philosophy in which we think about Architecture can vary from each individual. Throughout this segment of the essay I will explore ideas in which I believe can work in correlation with one another in forming an ideology in which my thesis interests lie. I have a desired interest in the topic of landscape. The term landscape is often perceived as a picturesque vision of the countryside or a coastal vision which expands as far as the eye can see. However I am intrigued by the idea of landscape in an urban situation, a subject which might not be a common thought. Ed Wall and Tim Waterman in the book Landscape
and Agency investigate the different perceptions of landscape. The pair “advocate for the capacity of landscape as a complex of powerful social, spatial and ecological relations, to empower change, if not also to embody it”(Waterman and Wall, 2017, p.2). This concept strongly relates to my current views and relative thoughts. I believe there always lies an exciting opportunity in potential to transform landscapes. An opportunity lies in both an urban and rural environment to enable action and change in the interrelations between
Fig. 5 : The Gardens at Versaille by Andre Le Notre ( c.1661; engraving by Abbe Delagrive 1746). Landscaped in the French formal garden style.
people and land. The concept of opportunity is a concept which I feel has a strong grasp on my thesis interests, it is a phrase I find myself utilising throughout this piece of writing. Yet again I am of the opinion that there is an opportunity in the thought of “Landscape Urbanism”.
Taking into account the subject of trade and craft, I find interesting comparisons with my ideas and the writing of professor of sociology Richard Sennett, who in the book The
Craftsman, “explores the work of craftsmen past and present, identifies deep connections between material consciousness and ethical values, and challenges received ideas about what constitutes good work in today’s world”. He also defines the notion of craftsmanship as a practical, sensuous, engagement with objects and the intellectual reflection on one’s practice. This I feel works in correlation with what I aim to achieve: architecture which aims to socially engage and encourage, creating a relationship between material and the values of the space which is formed.
I am exploring avenues of social deprivation, analysing current urban conditions and their contribution to social situations, while exploring possible outcomes through design and construction methods. Perhaps the exploration of these layers will present themselves as layers of buildings or layers of spaces or layers of different aspects within the one form. I have ideas regarding trade, craft and unidentified or unused skills as a way of aiding this situation but perhaps this is not the answer but may have an influence at some level. I am in the process of pulling the strands from these subject areas which will enhance a deeper understanding while shaping the design and process I aim to achieve.
The image on the right portrays a cubist style painting by Spanish painter Pablo Picasso. Cubism, an art movement which instigated the reassessment of spatial connections, revolutionised European painting sculpture and inspired related movements in music, literature and Architecture. This style appeals greatly to me in my process of drawing and thinking my way through this thesis. I have been applying styles of modular construction
Fig. 6 : “Maisons sur la Colline, Horta de Ebro” - Pablo Picasso (1909)
throughout my thinking, the concept of how a strategy is repeated but which in turn
Source : WikiArt (2020)
allows for variation in programme. I enjoy the concept of how cubism represents a three dimensional form, broken up, analysed and reassembled in an abstract configuration which represents the subject in a greater context, is most definitely relative in my design approach throughout this thesis.
The image on the left illustrates another form of cubism. Georges Valmier was a French painter whose work lead to great movements in the history of art. These paintings relate strongly to the field of Architecture. They express how literal cubes can be used within the design process to formulate various spaces, but through cubism it is in fact the pushing and pulling of these three dimensional arrangements that broadens the opportunity in the creation of different forms of spatial sequences. This painting also relates to the in-between design of spaces, the paving, pathways, natural life which weaves between solid forms and can illustrate the material matter of an Architectural piece. “Agriculture is the foundation of manufacturers, since the productions of nature are the
materials of Art” – Edward Gibbons I have taken a keen interest in investigating alternative, natural building materials. With brevity I have been probing a plant species known as Hemp which is grown in many regions across the globe. Different elements of the plant are used for diverse products which in turn means there is very little waste produced. The main stalk of the plant can be broken into hurds, which are used to produce hempcrete, the fibres from the plant are used to make rope due to strong properties, while the oil extracted from the leaf of the plant can be used in products such as handcream. Hempcrete is a material which is produced by mixing hemp hurds with water and lime. Once a structural frame is in place, hemp can be used to construct walls, be used as insulation in a roof or suspended ceiling and can be used to create a plaster, the mixes vary with regards to the percentage of lime that is added to the mix, a lightweight mix which would be used in for insulation material would have a less percentage of lime compared to the percentage needed in the mixture to cast a wall. In conjunction with this idea, I enjoy the work of Kengo Kuma which applies today’s on-going technologies by closely communicating through traditional techniques in the form of modular timber construction. As mentioned I find this form of construction and design fa-
Fig. 7 : “Paysage” – Georges Valmier (1920)
cilitates a range of engaging, social, active spaces which I believe corresponds with this thesis
Source : (2015)
interest. Having this timber frame structure also acts as a framework to support other materials, which will form more dense spaces, whether that may be brick, concrete or perhaps a material such as hempcrete. I feel the use of sustainable materials such as timber and hemp could be an interesting test and addition to the current material fabric which has formed Limerick as a city as a way of forward thinking with regards the city’s design and construction approach. Throughout this thesis study my ambition is to allow my ideas of social issues and the idea of construction and design methods to inform one another formulating an expression of meaning.
“Architecture forms a vital link between people and their surroundings. It acts as a gentle
buffer between the fragility of Human existence and the vast world outside” – Kengo Kuma As indicated I have an interest in the exploration of modular construction methods as this can provide a variety of spaces which may range from internal to external spaces, allowing open courtyard spaces while also allowing more dense rooms working in conjunction with one another. Modular timber construction is of interest to me, created through the use of Japanese joinery methods such as chidory joinery, which enable joints to overlap and lock together to create a rigid structure. The idea of an almost hand-made architecture. This type of joinery is used also in furniture design but can also be used to construct a timber framework. In relation to immediate context, Limerick has an exciting history when it comes to construction material. The docks which lie adjacent to the city centre, generated wealth which ministered the creation of Georgian Limerick. Interestingly the bricks used in the construction were produced in Coonagh Co. Clare just beyond the meander of the river. The boats transporting these bricks had to dock at Barrington’s pier to wait for the high tide to arrive at the Docks. Limerick also has a limestone material layer which holds a strong bearing in the city’s history. Limestone quarries can be mapped around the city centre and south side of the city from the early 1800s to the early 1900s. The main flax building of Cleeve’s factory was constructed of limestone, which was extracted from the very site itself. The quarry wall within Cleeve’s remains intact today. Limestone can be seen all over the city, through building forms and the construction of walls, while of course brick within Georgian Limerick remains an extremely strong presence.
Fig. 8 : Sketch drawing exploring connections between composite timber columns, forming an expressed timber structure.
In conjunction with this idea, I enjoy the work of Kengo Kuma which applies today’s on-going technologies by closely communicating through traditional techniques in the form of modular timber construction. As mentioned I find this form of construction and design facilitates a range of engaging, social, active spaces which I believe corresponds with this thesis interest. Having this timber frame structure also acts as a framework to support other materials, which will form more dense spaces, whether that may be brick, concrete or perhaps a material such as hempcrete. I feel the use of sustainable materials such as timber and hemp could be an interesting test and addition to the current material fabric which has formed Limerick as a city as a way of forward thinking with regards the city’s design and construction approach. Throughout this thesis study my ambition is to allow my ideas of social issues and the idea of construction and design methods to inform one another formulating an expression of meaning. This meaning is something which I have started to discover throughout this essay piece. I have taken my mind and pencil for a walk as such, exploring avenues of interest, analysing subject matters, weaving my thoughts and ambitions into a process of foundation for design. A process whereby Architecture pulls the strands of social, philosophical, construction and design concepts to produce a physical form and ideology which can be applied and manipulated to suit the needs of different cultures within society. This I believe allows for an intriguing exploration in design.
Fig. 9 : In Nest We Grow by Kengo Kuma & Associates. The image shown above illustrates an expression of composite column joinery. Source:
Chapter 2 - Social Analysis 11
Social Analysis
Fig. 10 : This mapping highlights the locus of where this thesis is anchored. Routes through the site and surrounding context are also shown in this drawing. The area highlighted sits between Ballinacurra Weston and Janesboro, located south of Limerick City centre.
Social Analysis
Fig. 11 : This mapping deals with an interest in community and what makes up aspects of community ranging from the north to the southside of Limerick city.
Social Analysis
Fig. 12 : Within the chosen locus, there is a strong interest in the keeping of horses. Through this drawing I am exploring ideas of how these interests can be used to benefit those within the community. The drawing shows a farrier workshop whereby people could learn this skill of shoeing a horse, while also potentially leading to a route of employment.
Fig. 13 : The image on the left shows five youths in Ballinacurra Weston. The care and interest for horses is evident in this photograph. However, what strikes me about this image is a lack of facilities therefore people are left to their own devices to create entertainment. Source:
Social Analysis
Fig. 14 : Mapping cycling movement between Hyde Road, Ballinacurra Weston and Limerick city centre.
Fig. 15 : Mapping illustrating cycling movement between Hyde Road, Ballinacurra Weston and Limerick city centre, showing surrounding urban context.
Social Analysis
Fig. 16 : Drawing which describes the social relationships within Limerick City. The left of the drawing shows O’Connell Street and its relationship to Hyde Road of Ballinacurra Weston to the top right of the drawing. O’Connell Street being the focal point of the city while Ballinacurra Weston is an area which is viewed as a “socially deprived” area of the city.
Social Analysis
Fig. 17 : Taxonomy of the situation adolescents find themselves in within the area. This thesis proposal creates a positive opportunity for people in the area to express themselves.
Fig. 18 : Illustration of the decay of surrounding building context. Decay being the result of a community which finds themselves in the process of regeneration.
Chapter 3 - Site Analysis 18
Site Analysis
The site for my thesis proposal is located on upper Careys road 1km south of Limerick city centre. Throughout history the site’s entrance was used as a Guinness warehouse, an element of Limericks Industrial past. The remainder of the site contains open green space and a football pitch used by local football club Caledonian F.C . A disused railway line meanders through the site which used to link up with the Guinness warehouse and to Limericks main rail network. The site is surrounded by two main estate suburbs of Limerick city, Ballinacurra Weston to the west and Roxboro to the east. A row of residential housing confronts the entrance to the North on Careys road with an adjacent Value Centre shop and derelict sports centre situated on either side of the north entrance. Hyde Road situated west of the site acts as a main route in and out of the city. Careys road also occupies a constant flow of traffic both vehicle and human. Apart from a Football pitch the site is generally left unused and unkept. The rail line which runs through the surrounding green space has been left over grown and dormant, with the land being occupied by stray horses. I believe there is major opportunity within this site, in terms of a proposal regarding economy and trades. The sites location to LimerFig. 19 : March 1976, Guinness Depot at Carey’s Road, Limerick Source: Limerick Leader
ick’s city centre will open as a new centre for the city and be revitalised for Ballinacurra Weston and Roxboro neighbourhoods. The idea of entrance is something which I am developing as part of my thesis proposal, an idea of compression and release as the entrance to the site acts as a gateway to the sprawling park landscape beyond. The image on the right Fig.1 captures an idea of the activities on site when functioning as a Guinness depot. The concept of trade and deliveries is something which influences my proposed project. The image on the bottom right describes the entrance of the site as it stands today, unused, overgrown, uncared for. The brick wall remains intact however tarnished by weathering over time.
Fig. 20 : Authors own, January 2021, site entrance in its current form.
Site Analysis
P I N K : I N D U ST R I A L
P U R P L E : E D U C AT I O N
B L U E :T R A N S I T N E T W O R K
Fig. 21 : Zoning map of surrounding site context.
Site Analysis
Fig. 22 : Ground condition section cuts at various points across the site, spanning from Ballinacurra Weston to the left and Janesboro to the right.
Site Analysis
Fig. 23 : Cast model mapping the site, highlighting routes and movement through the site. The concept of movement and the connection of people is important throughout this thesis. The site reflects this idea as a disused railway line runs through the centre of the site, a symbol of connectivity and movement.
Site Analysis
Fig. 24 : Sunpath diagram hightlighting site area.
Site Analysis
Fig. 25 : Map illustrating Limerick’s transit network. Street’s and road network are also demonstrated. This drawing projects the idea of movement and connection across the city. To the bottom left, the drawing shows the railway line joining with Mungret cement factory. This railway line projects itself through the site which is now being re-thought as a greenway through this thesis proposal.
Site Analysis
Fig. 26 : The drawings on the left show Solo House II by office KGDVS. The house is developed in the mountainous region of Matarrana, Spain. The concept of the building is to emphasis the natural surroundings. The circular roof of the building is supported by four rows of eight columns. The outer portions of the circle incorporate sliding facade sections which provide shade and privacy when closed. These can be drawn aside to completely open up the rooms to the outdoors. The internal areas accommodate the living room, master bedroom, quest bedroom and bathroom. The central area acts as a communal space. What is fascinating about this building is how it sits on site without disturbing the landscape, celebrating a connection to the outside. Source:
Site Analysis
Fig. 27 : Authors own, A moment whereby Solo house is placed in Ballinacurra Weston. This idea forms a central space on site, expressing a strong communal and social idea.
Chapter 4 - Material Study 27
Material Study
H E M P - B U I L D I N G M AT E R I A L
CORE PARTICLES - Hemp takes up to three months to grow in Ireland reaching a height of up to three metres. The lightweight cellulose core of the hemp stalk is broken into small particles called hurds. These particles are absorbent and transfer water vapour quickly. The plant can be harvested using a combine harvester. FIBRES - The fibres from the skin of the Hemp stalk are long , strong and hollow making them suitable for insulation materials, reinforcement and sealing compression joints. HEMPCRETE - Hempcrete is made by mixing the Hemp hurds with a binder made with Lime, clay and other materials depending on the performance required. The resulting materials can be incor-
Fig. 28 : Hemp Plant Source:
Fig. 29 : Hemp Hurds Source:
Fig. 30 : Hempcrete wall cast within timber frame Source:
Fig. 31 : Hempcrete wall with internal plaster render Source:
porated into structural envelops. FIBRE INSULATION - Hemp can be used as a replacement for mineral fibres as they handle moisture more efficiently and do not compress overtime. They also do not cause dangerous fibres to enter the atmosphere during installation. BUILDING SYSTEMS - Hempcrete can be applied by casting manually around a timber framework, sprayed around framework, can be made into hempcrete blocks and also can be made into prefabricated hempcrete panels. FRAME STRUCTURE - When applied surrounding a timber framework, Hempcrete provides added strength to the structure. Large scale buildings using concrete or steel frames as main structural supports can be made comfortable using hempcrete walls, floors and roofs. ENERGY - The use of Hempcrete provides a very low carbon footprint for the building as its carbon negative as a material and reduces the energy needed to either heat or cool the interior. FIRE - Hempcrete becomes more fire resistant as it ages and will not produce flames or emit noxious gases when burnt. HEALTH - The manner in which hempcrete manages moisture vapour avoids problems associated with fungus spores, whilst maintaining a healthy level of humidity in the building.
Fig. 32 : Authors own, two variations of how hempcrete can be cast around a timber framed structure.
Material Study
EXPERIMENTATION - Through experimentation, four different mixes of hempcrete have been evolved to be used in house construction. LIGHTWEIGHT MIX - Hempcrete suitable for insulation between floors as thermal and acoustic insulation. 10 % Lime in mix. WALL MIX - To withstand the forces of impact, wind loading and additional structural rigidity. Lime is increased to around 25 % to more solidly bind together. This will add rigidity to the timber framework. FLOOR MIX - When acting as an insulating material beneath a solid floor more compression strength is required to withstand the gravel beneath and also the tiles and mortar above. Lime is increased to 35 %, when laid on gravel ventilation is needed. PLASTER MIX - Sufficient Lime needs to be added to produce a workable material, in order to bind hemp hurds together to form a practical, solid surface. The binder content is increased to 45 50 %. Sand may also be added to enable a more fluid application.
Fig. 33 : Hempcrete cast in timber studwork. Source: (2017)
Fig. 34 : Axonometric drawing hightlighting different wall mixes.
Material Study
Fig. 35 : Global hemp production.
Material Study
60L - Water
180L - Hurds VII
80L - Hydrated Lime
Hemp takes up to three months to grow and can grow up to three metres. Hemp plant is harvested using a combine harvester. The harvested plant is made into bales and brought to a factory. This is where the bales are broken down by a decordicator, which seperates the plant into three, leaf, fibre and stalk. Oil which is extracted from the leaf is used in products such as hand cream. The fibres are strong and hollow, making them suitable for rope material. The stalk of the plant is broken into small particles called hurds. Hempcrete can be produced on site by mixing hemp hurds with a water and lime binder. The hempcrete can then be transported manually to cast in framework.
Material Study
Fig. 37 : Hemp quantity drawing.
Soccer Pitch 125 X 85M Quantity of hemp needed to construct walls of the house shown.
Material Study
Fig. 38 : Hempcrete in modern construction methods.
I - Hempcrete wall with external timber cladding finish.
II - Hempcrete wall with external plaster finish
III - Hempcrete as insulation in floor and wall build up, with external brick skin
IV - Prefabricated Hempcrete wall
V - Interlocking hempcrete blocks
VI - Hempcrete blocks laid with mortar, sitting within a concrete frame
Material Study
Fig. 39 : Axonometric drawing exploring methods of timber joinery and assembly.
Chapter 5 - Design 35
Schedule of Rooms The interest of this thesis lies within the revitalization and development of a forgotten urban landscape, situated in an area of Limerick city which is in the process of regeneration. How Architecture can be used as a model of opportunity within society to promote social inclusion, through the design of a trade school as part of a practical educational park. The idea being that not many people are taking up construction trades within the country and this proposal provides a space where people can work, learn and skill share within the same space, as the thesis title states, a space of opportunity, a mode of being, acting, thinking The scheme will provide the local community with a fresh opportunity through education and employment.
Pavillion Building - Cafe - Administration offices - Auditorium - Teaching Rooms/Studio Spaces - Student Lounge
Workshops - Carpentry/Joinery - Stone Mason/Brick Layer - Horticulture - Storage - Bathrooms
Fig. 40 : Through this mapping we can see the relationship of the site to Limerick City. The site is located between Ballinacurra Weston (pink) to the left and Janesboro (green) to the right , two residential suburbs of Limerick city. Southill (purple), another suburb south of Limerick city centre is shown here. 50 % of citizens in these areas are under the age of 25, with 36 % under the age of 15. There is also a 53 % unemployment rate in Limerick city suburbs for people aged 15 and over.
P I N K : I N D U ST R I A L
P U R P L E : E D U C AT I O N
B L U E :T R A N S I T N E T W O R K
Fig. 41 : 1: 2500 Map showing the proposed scheme in its surrounding context. The most significant being the peoples park on the top left and also the structures connected to the rail network which pose a relaionship to the street edge. The trade school building also creates a new relationship to this street edge.
Fig. 42 : In this site plan we can see the trade school building and its relationship to the urban edge. The plan is then broken into zones. The first zone contains an orchard garden and allotments for community growing and garden activities with trees landscaped adjacent. The middle zones consists of an outdoor theatre and performance space, while the third zone consists of a recreational park, with a soccer pitch, skate park bicycle park and playground also.
Fig. 43 : The revitalization of this landscape is shown here with the surrounding context to the right, with the railway line redeveloped as a greenway. As mentioned before the park contains areas which are landscaped providing spaces of congregation amoungst the other spaces provided.
Fig. 44 : Taking a look at the trade school, the building is broken into four spaces. The building at the front which faces the city with a plaza, consists of an auditorium, café, administration offices, student lounge and studio teaching spaces. The auditorium space provides a relationship with the surrounding community as this space can be used as an event space, drawing people into the building at night. The plan contains a functional layout, with outdoor covered spaces acting as service to the workshops, but also act as outdoor work spaces and flow from the front building. Deliveries occur on the left hand side of the building, and the connection from storage to the workshops is shown here. The workshops are for carpentry and joinery, stone mason and brick layer. The workshop space at the back will be used as an exhibition space of materials, while also providing storage of materials and equipment for allotments and the horticulture element of the scheme, posing a relationship to the rest of the site.
Fig. 45 : This drawing illustrates the activity and movement withing the workshop space.
Fig. 46 : In section the relationship between the internal and external working spaces is evident. The idea of the pavillion building is that the classroom spaces act as a studio space, where learning, teaching and shared projects can take place. The primary structure of this pavilion building is a post and beam timber structure spanning on a grid of 5m squared. As seen in section there is an expression of timber structure in the pavilion building and also the workshop spaces, which inspire those working and learning within it. The elevation shown describes the relationship of the front facade to the surrounding context.
Fig. 47 : This model is an exploration of truss structure which forms the workshop spaces. It has a multi-pitched roof, supported by a timber frame structure.
Fig. 48 : The truss structure sits within this frame, meeting a point where cross bracing elements carry lateral load to the ground. The trusses have been left exposed and are supported by cross bracing elements.
Fig. 49 : The section illustrates the expressed engineered timber structure, demonstrating a spatial idea of how light and shadow works with the materials. The activity of the practical working environment can be seen here.
Fig. 50 : This drawing demonstrates the relationship between the practical learning spaces and the newly proposed public plaza which is created to the front of this façade. The market space will take place under the partially covered roof structure. This market area acts as a space where fresh food which is grown in the allotments can be sold, which connects the building to the park landscape behind.
Fig. 51 : Moving into the pavilion building which contains the studio and classroom spaces, this perspective illustrates the expression of timber structure and also an expression of the practical working studio environment, creating an actively engaging learning space.
01 - Zinc roofing resting on 50 x 50 battens 02 - 75 x 75 battens 03 - Exposed roof truss 04 - Outer brick skin 05 - 20 internal ply board finish 06 - 100 CLT flooring supported by beams 07 - 300 x 300 glulam timber beam 08 - Hemp insulation within timber frame 09 - Concrete lintel
Fig. 52 : Taking a look in detail, the main structure of the pavilion building is a post and beam structure, with an external brick skin.
Fig. 53 : Part plan showing the junction between the post and beam timber structure, hemp insulation and external brick skin.
01 - Zinc roofing resting on 50 x 50 battens 02 - 75 x 75 battens 03 - Hemp Insulation 04 - 300 X 300 Glulam Column 05 - Hemp Insulation 06 - 300 X 300 Glulam Beam 07 - Brick Skin 08 - 300 X 300 Glulam Beam 09 - Internal Timber Cladding Finish
10 - 25 X 50 Cross Battens 11 - 100 CLT Flooring upported by cross beams 12 - 300 X 100 Beams supporting floor
Fig. 54 : The axonometric drawing shown is an exploration of these elements and the relationship between internal and external space.
Fig. 55 : This drawing captures how the building sits within the surrounding context, which consists mainly of social housing. The beginning of a scheme which regenerates an area of the city which obtains much potential. This scheme will encourage and provide an opportunity for people to utilize their skills and talent, in a way that will form a route to employment and education.
Fig. 56 : Taking a look at the wider city landscape once again to conclude, this map illustrates the relationship of the proposed scheme to existing public parks within Limerick city. This project will provide an opportunity for those within the area and also the wider community of Limerick city. This scheme also provides an opportunity for those developing skills in the construction sector in Ireland, enabling people from around the country to become part of this environment. A space of active learning and socialising within the city context.
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Acknowledgements I would like to take this opportunity to thank Anna, Grainne and Maxime for their continued support throughout the year. I would also like to thank all the SAUL staff who have helped with my progression to this point. My family and friends deserve huge recognition, their support and kindness has proved to be a huge factor in what I have achieved to date. Thank you.