design format
common book sizing
4to pronounced quar-to bound book sizes
8vo pronounced eight-vo
bound book sizes
foolscap 8vo
108 x 171
foolscap 4to
171 x 216
crown 8vo
127 x 191
crown 4to
191 x 254
demy 8vo
143 x 213
demy 4to
222 x 286
royal 8vo
159 x 254
royal 4to
254 x 318
Books vary in size with substanitally tall books in Imperial folio, usually used for tables or bottom shelves due to the size versus smaller books like the foolscap octavo.
bound book sizes
fo, abbreviation of folio
crown fo
254 x 381
demy fo
286 x 445
royal fo
318 x 508
imperial fo
394 x 559
The most common sizing for books is ʻcrown octavoʼ, or ʻcr 8voʼ. Roughly 200mm tall, crown octavo is widely used for fiction, fact, poetry and biographies.