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EGACY Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.

WEDNESDAYS • April 13, 2016


Gov.: No electric chair in Va. - 2 Is God real? Belief levels decline- 9 N.W.A. inducted into RR HOF- 10 Good advice for business investment - 12

Richmond & Hampton Roads


Who decides if you’re too young to marry? In Virginia.... a man in his 50s was in a relationship with a 15-year-old girl. When investigators started closing in on him, he married the girl, making it no longer a crime.

Child brides are often associated with developing countries, but thousands of cases actually occur in the United States. A few states are pushing for laws to ban underage marriage. Child brides are often associated with developing countries, but thousands of cases actually occur in the United States. A few states are pushing for laws to ban underage marriage. More than 700 million women worldwide today were married as children, and most of them are in developing countries. But there is a growing recognition that many young teens are marrying in the United States as well — and several states are now taking action to stop it. Advocates say the young marriages run the gamut: They include teens of every ethnicity and religion, teens who are American-born and teens who are not being forced into arranged marriages. “To be honest with you, I begged my parents to let me get married,” says Rachel Holbrook, who was 15 when she decided she wanted to marry her 21-year-old boyfriend. Partly, she says, it was because of her fundamentalist Christian upbringing. “I thought that was God’s will for my life,” she says. “I had been pretty much taught from birth that the highest calling of a woman was to be a wife and mother and that I needed to do that to be in God’s will.” Holbrook says her other motivation was her belief that sex before marriage was a sin. “You know, at that age, sex is very high on your priority list,” she says.

With guidance from the Tahirih Justice Center, Richmond Del. Jennifer McClellan (left) introduced legislation to amend Virginia’s marriage laws, which allowed 16- or 17-year-olds to marry with parental consent. Children 15 or younger could previously also get married with parental consent if there was evidence of a pregnancy. McClellan’s legislation completely bans marriage for anyone under 16 and requires that 16- and 17-year-olds in the state be legally emancipated from their parents. “A lot of people, when they first think of [child marriage], they think, ‘Oh, this is something that happens somewhere else,’ and they don’t realize that this absolutely is happening here,” said McClellan. “The most disturbing [case] was a 13-year-old pregnant girl. When she showed up at the court, somebody should have said, ‘Hold up. She is pregnant— someone committed a crime.’ Instead, she was given a marriage license and married the person who committed that crime.” After threatening to never speak to her parents again, she says they finally relented and signed papers allowing her to marry at 17. Four kids and 12 years later, she divorced. Now, she believes teens should not be allowed to do what she did. “I know how strongly you think you know what you want at that age,” she says. “But the truth of the matter is I was a kid when I got married and I think that’s almost in every case a bad idea.” Loopholes in legal marrying age Advocates say child marriage endangers girls’ health, undermines their education and economic opportunities, and puts them at higher risk for domestic violence as well as divorce. Jeanne Smoot of the Tahirih Justice Center, located in Northern Virginia, says around 14,000 underage marriages occurred in the decade between 2000 and 2010 in New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia. “That’s shocking to me,” says Maryland Delegate Vanessa Atterbeary. She was also stunned by how many of those teens were 14- and 15-year-olds and how many were marrying men a decade or two older. Like most states, Maryland sets the minimum marriage age at 18, but teens can easily get around that with a note from their parents or a doctor’s note saying they’re pregnant. Atterbeary is pushing a bill to tighten those loopholes. Even stricter measures are pending in New Jersey and in New York, where

Assemblywoman Amy Paulin wants to ban all marriages under 18. “No exceptions,” Paulin says. “Nothing sways me. I think it’s inappropriate.” In Virginia, a bill aimed at underage marriage was just signed into law. State Sen. Jill Holtzman Vogel filed it after hearing that a man in his 50s was in a relationship with a 15-year-old girl. By law, that constitutes statutory rape, but when investigators started closing in on him, he married the girl, making it no longer a crime. “People said, ‘How is it possible that in Virginia that’s allowed?’” Vogel says. “It’s just appalling!” Looking out for vulnerable teens “Many states have been asleep at the wheel,” says Smoot. Any pregnant teen who shows up for a marriage license, she says, should set off alarm bells, not wedding bells. But in most states, clerks will simply rubber-stamp the marriages. “I find it so troubling that [clerks] are not on the lookout, trained or mandated to consider whether there are serious child protection concerns,” she says. Smoot says teens are especially vulnerable because as minors, they can’t get a restraining order or go to a domestic violence shelter. In many states, child protective services do not handle cases of spousal abuse. Now under Virginia's new law, 16- and 17-yearolds who want to marry have to first convince a judge they should be legally emancipated and that

(continued on page 4)

2 • April 13, 2016



Housing discrimination complaint settles for $40k Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia, Inc. (HOME) has settled a housing discrimination case with W.S. Carnes, Inc., owner of Meadowbrook Apartments complex in North Chesterfield. The case alleged that defendants violated the federal Fair Housing Act for failing to accept Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) as income. The complaint contended that refusing to accept disability income for housing discriminates against someone because of their disability, which is a violation of the Fair Housing Act. In March 2014, a Hopewell woman brought to HOME’s

attention Meadowbrook’s policy against accepting SSDI as a sole source of qualifying income. After an investigation that included fair housing testing, HOME filed a formal complaint with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in March, 2015. In the complaint, HOME claimed that this policy constituted housing discrimination against people with disabilities because 100 percent of SSDI recipients are disabled. W.S. Carnes, Inc. responded to the complaint and denied that it discriminates against any tenant or prospective tenant on the basis of

McAuliffe guts Va.’s electric-chair bill Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe gutted a bill to let Virginia use the electric chair when it cannot find scarce lethal-injection drugs, making an 11th-hour amendment Sunday that would instead allow the state to hire a pharmacy to make a special batch in secret. Up against a midnight deadline to veto or amend legislation from this year’s General Assembly session, McAuliffe (D) scrapped the essence of a measure intended to address the drug shortage by making the electric chair Virginia’s default method of execution. The chair is already an option in the state, where condemned inmates are allowed to choose between it and lethal injection. The measure was intended to remove the choice if the state cannot obtain the drugs, which have grown scarce amid political pressure against the death penalty. McAuliffe’s amendment comes at the scarcity issue in a different way, by allowing the state to specialorder the drugs from compounding pharmacies, whose identities would be kept secret to shield them from pressure. McAuliffe backed a bill to

that effect last year, but the measure died amid controversy over the secrecy provisions. McAuliffe’s amendment once again seeks to keep the names of the pharmacies private, potentially even from lawsuits that could arise from a botched execution. The names of the pharmacies and any other indentifying information “shall be confidential, shall be exempt from the Freedom of Information Act . . . and shall not be subject to discovery or introduction as evidence in any civil proceeding unless good cause is shown,” McAuliffe’s amendment reads. The Republican-controlled legislature will have the opportunity to accept or reject McAuliffe’s amendment when it returns for its veto session April 20. Like many states, Virginia has struggled with how to carry out capital punishment at a time when lethal-injection drugs have become hard to obtain. A European export ban has stopped pharmaceutical firms from sending the drugs to the United States. © WaPo

disability. HUD proceeded with the investigation and facilitated the settlement. The settlement resolves all claims in the case. Part of the settlement includes a $20,000 fund that Meadowbrook Apartments will set aside to make reasonable modifications to the units or complex as requested by people with disabilities or on its own initiative. Another $20,000 will be used to compensate HOME for the time and resources used in the investigation. In addition, W.S. Carnes, Inc. will train relevant staff at all of their rental properties on fair housing laws. It will also market Meadowbrook’s housing opportunities and its reasonable modification fund to Richmondarea disability advocacy groups. The fund will help make units and common areas at Meadowbrook more accessible to people with disabilities, and could include features such as ramps, grab bars, widening of doorways, and other improvements. “Every time a person is denied access to the housing of their choice because of their membership in a protected class, it limits free choice to housing,” said Heather Crislip, president and CEO of HOME. “We are pleased and grateful that W.S. Carnes, Inc. worked with us to change policies and marketing efforts to be welcoming to people with disabilities.” Paul Carnes, president of W.S. Carnes, Inc., said that for more than 40 years, they have strived to maintain a welcoming and

comfortable environment for all of our tenants at Meadowbrook Apartments, including individuals with disabilities. “We take our responsibility to be an equal opportunity housing provider seriously and have always done our best to go above and beyond what is legally required,” said Carnes. “In this case, even before we found out about HOME’s complaint, we had already changed our rental policy to allow SSDI as an acceptable sole income source after members of our staff learned during an annual training course that excluding SSDI could be considered discriminatory.” Carnes added that W.S. fully supports HOME’s mission. “We’re glad we could work with them to bring about a prompt and amicable resolution to this case,” he said. In 2013, private fair housing agencies like HOME received a total of 9,088 complaints on the basis of disability, comprising 48 percent of all complaints nationally. If you believe that you have been treated differently because of your disability-related needs, or you have been a victim of any type of housing discrimination anywhere in Virginia, contact HOME at 804354-0641. The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination based on seven “protected classes”: race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, and familial status (families with children under age 18). Fair housing laws in Virginia offer an additional protection for individuals aged 55 years or older.

April 13, 2016 • 3

Poll: 2/3 of teens see borrowers, not gov’t, responsible for paying off student loan debt A new survey of 1,000 teens by Junior Achievement USA and Voya Foundation shows that nearly twothirds of teens, or 65 percent, believe borrowers are ultimately responsible for paying off their student loans, even if they borrowed more money than they are able to pay off, while 11 percent believe the government should do so. Fewer, 7 percent, believe it is the responsibility of the college and 5 percent think it’s up to the lender to resolve. The survey was conducted recently by Opinion Research. “This survey shows that today’s teens need to know how to make informed decisions on the best higher education avenue for them and how

Daphne Swanson to pay for it,” said Daphne Swanson, president of Junior Achievement of Central Virginia “This is why it’s critical that our young people have the kinds of financial literacy

Analysis dissects wage gap On average, Virginia women employed full time, year round are paid just 80 cents for every dollar paid to men – a yearly pay gap of $10,419. That means, in total, women in Virginia lose more than $13 billion every year, which is money that could strengthen the state economy and the financial security of Virginia’s women and families, including the more than 381,000 Virginia households headed by women. These are some of the findings of a new analysis conducted by the National Partnership for Women & Families and released for Equal Pay Day tomorrow. The analysis spans all 50 states, all 435 congressional districts in the country, and the District of Columbia. It can be found at The full set of findings for Virginia is available here. These findings include that, for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men in Virginia, African American women, Latinas and Asian women who work full time, year round are paid 60 cents, 53 cents and 85 cents, respectively. “This analysis is a sobering reminder of the serious harm the wage gap causes women and families all across the country,” said Debra

L. Ness, president of the National Partnership. “At a time when women’s wages are so critical to the economic well-being of families, the country is counting on lawmakers to work together to advance the fair and family friendly workplace policies that would promote equal pay. There is no time to waste.” According to the new analysis, if the gap between women’s and men’s wages in Virginia were eliminated, each woman who holds a full-time, year-round job in the state could afford to buy food for 1.6 more years, pay for mortgage and utilities for six more months, or pay rent for more than nine additional months. Basic necessities like these would be particularly important for the 37 percent of Virginia’s woman-headed households currently living below the poverty level. Virginia is not the only state with a wage gap. In fact, every state and 98 percent of the country’s congressional districts have one. The National Partnership’s national analysis finds that the 10 states with the largest cents-on-the-dollar wage gaps in the country – from largest to smallest – are Louisiana, Utah, Wyoming, West Virginia, North Dakota, Alabama, Idaho, Oklahoma, Montana and Michigan.

programs JA of Central Virginia offers free to schools in our community.” Swanson notes that a four-year college education is the second largest investment many people will make in their lifetimes, and yet decisions to take on student debt are made by 17 and 18 year olds who have received little to no financial literacy education. This can result in students assuming more debt than they are able to pay off with their expected future income. Each year, Junior Achievement of Central Virginia reaches 26,000 students throughout the Greater Richmond area with programs focused on financial literacy, work readiness and entrepreneurship. Another resource available to teens, parents, teachers, and school counselors is JA Influencer, a free online resource that explores the opportunities and challenges associated with student loans. A guide titled “Understanding the Student Loan Explosion: Implications for Students and Their Families,” also investigates the

various factors students should take into consideration when exploring opportunities in higher education. These include gaining a better understanding of the real costs of going to college and weighing alternatives to a four-year school, such as community college and technical schools. JA Influencer is the result of support from Voya to reach students through Junior Achievement. Voya has partnered with Junior Achievement since 2001; the partnership is centered on the shared belief in the need to actively prepare and equip future generations to succeed. The survey also found that 89 percent of teens who responded expect to attend college. Of those, 40 percent expect help in the form of scholarships and grants; 21 percent believe they will receive financial support from their parents and family members; 17 percent plan to work to earn money for college; and approximately 11 percent anticipate taking on student loans to help pay for their higher education.

Save the Date! Zion Baptist Church Yard Sale/Fish Fry Tell others, come out and buy or sell Saturday April 23 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. To reserve a table, and to get more information: Grace Steed @ 804-231-9910 Joyce Easter@ 804-233-1301 or any Greeter’s Ministry member 2006 Decatur St. Richmond, VA 23224 804-859-1985 Dr. Robert L. Pettis, Sr., Pastor

4 • April 13, 2016


3rd ‘Youth Rip The Runway Fashion Show Spring Fling’ The Abu Unity Foundation, in resist negative influences. Cheryl partnership with I Love 2 Model Lomax’s son, Koby Lomax has been Inc. and KMK Productions, and a part of the Spring Fling since its Privy Communications have first year. She says she has seen partnered for the 3rd Annual Youth tremendous growth in him since Rip The Runway Fashion Show he became involved, and it has had Spring Fling that takes place on a positive impact on both of their Saturday April 16, from 6 p.m. lives. Those sentiments are echoed to 10 p.m. at the Hampton Roads by Jene Gwathmey who brings Convention Center in Hampton. her daughter, Laila Gwathmey The fundraising event is a part every week for practice from North of Abu Unity Founder, LaTonya Carolina. “Abys” Wallace’s mission to create “The 3rd Annual Youth Rip The an environment for young leaders to Runway Fashion ShowSpring Fling embrace their differences, build self falls on the last Saturday of many esteem, and display their talents on area schools’ spring break, and will 409 E. Main St. #4 (mailing) • 105 1/2 E. Clay St. (office) a creative and positive Richmond, platform. VA 23219 be an exciting event encouraging Organizers note that more than • 1-800-783-8062 youth to finish the school year 804-644-1550 (office) (fax) 75 youth from across Hampton strong and continue to strive Roads, ages 4-19, have “tirelessly toward their goals,” note organizers. practiced for months for this highly “With so much facing our youth anticipated event”. From models today, it is Abu Unity Foundation Ad Size: 8 inches (2 column(s) X 4 inches) to fashion designers to vendors, and its partner’s goal to help young Abu Unity and its2partners have succeed in all they wish to Issues (April 13 & 20) leaders - $224 ($112 per ad) engaged the participants atRate: every achieve $17 per column inchandwe hope you will join us Discounted rate: $14in persupportof column inch level of this event; encouraging this event.” them to use their talents and For tickets, call 757-528-8131.

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(from page 1) New Jersey (1995-2012) - 3,499

State Sen. Jill Holtzman Vogel they deserve to be seen as an adult in the eyes of the law. “Someone would at least be looking to see that they’re not being coerced, that the individual is mature enough to decide to marry and that the marriage is not going to endanger the minor in any way,” Vogel says. “In that case, they’d be allowed to get married. Otherwise, you’ve got to be 18.” The bill passed over some objections, including from Del. Richard Morris, who argued it would be better to change other laws, for example, to start letting minors get restraining orders, rather than have courts deciding who is mature enough to marry. How common is child marriage? The Tahirih Justice Center and Unchained at Last dug into marriage data from a few states. Here’s a snapshot of what they found: Virginia (2004-2013) - Close to 4,500 children were married, 90 percent of whom are girls Nearly 90 percent were to an adult spouse Maryland (Since 2000) - Over 3,000 children were married, 85 percent of whom are girls Texas (2009-2013)- 718 children between age 15 and 17 were married

children were married, most of whom were between ages 16 and 17 with parental consent New York (2000-2010) - 3,853 children were married “Is that really what we want our parental rights to come to?” Morris said during the legislative debate. “I think that is a huge infringement on parental rights and responsibilities and that’s why I will not support this bill.” A group advocating for children’s rights has also raised objections. Stephanie Nilva, executive director of Day One, a nonprofit in New York that works against dating abuse and domestic violence, says she agrees that it’s a good idea to have a judge make sure that parental consent is not actually parental coercion. But she says some young people have legitimate reasons to get married. They might have custody concerns or want to secure certain spousal benefits before one of the couple is deployed in combat. Nilva says an outright ban on marriages under 18 could put some young people at risk. “It’s a little bit of a baby and a bath water thing,” she says. “I just believe in the autonomy and the empowerment of youth, and that young people are in the best position to determine whether they’re safe, and also whether they want to be married.” Legal to marry, but not to vote? But many who’ve been there will be the first to tell you, kids don’t always know as much as they think. Mary Hall was 16 when she decided marrying a guy she met five months earlier was a great idea, because her folks had just divorced and she didn’t want to live with either one of them. “It seemed like marriage was the best way out,” she says. By 20, Hall was divorced with two children. She thinks the minimum marriage age should be even higher than 18. It makes no sense, she says, to tell teens they’re too young to get a tattoo or vote — but not too young to marry. © NPR

April 13, 2016 • 5















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6 • April 13, 2016

Op/Ed & Letters


Minister: ‘Payday lending is an abomination in plain sight’ CHARLENE CROWELL NNPA - Every once in a while a congressional committee hearing can almost seem like a time to grab your popcorn and a seat to hear the exchanges and varying opinions. On April 5, a U.S. Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee hearing on consumer finance regulations became one such occasion. The session was convened to publicly “assess the effects of consumer finance regulations.” In plain English, it was a time to publicly debate whether the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) had been good or bad for the country, since opening operations in July 2011. The forum also hearkened back to many of the former supporters and opponents of proposals to reform Wall Street in the aftermath of the worst economic crisis since that of the 1930s. Alabama’s Sen. Richard Shelby, chair of Senate Banking has consistently opposed the idea of creating an independent bureau with a director instead of a commission and a budget that would not be subject to the annual budgetary appropriations process. “Because of the Bureau’s structure and the means by which it is financed, it remains one of the least accountable agencies in the federal government,” said Sen. Shelby in his opening remarks. The LEGACY NEWSPAPER Vol. 2 No. 15 Mailing Address 409 E. Main Street 4 Office Address 105 1/2 E. Clay St. Richmond, VA 23219 Call 804-644-1550 Online

Conversely, Ohio’s Sen. Sherrod Brown, the committee’s Ranking Member, has just as vociferously supported financial reforms to shield consumers from further harms. “The CFPB has been a success,” stated Sen. Brown. “The agency has taken strong actions in a number of consumer finance markets that previously had no federal oversight, including credit reporting, debt collection, payday loans, student loan servicing, and auto finance. The benefits of the CFPB are clear: its actions have resulted in $11.2 billion being returned to over 25 million consumers.” The only hearing witness that spoke in support of all that CFPB has accomplished was Reverend Dr. Willie Gable, Jr., pastor of New Orleans’ Progressive Baptist Church and chair of the Housing and Economic Development Commission of the National Baptist Convention, USA. He brought to the forum a bit of Baptist cadence and truthtelling to the Capitol Hill committee, underscoring the damage that predatory lending continues to inflict. His perspective was also a significant one representing the National Baptist Convention USA with its 7,500,000 Baptist congregants. It is the oldest and largest religious convention in the nation. “Twelve million families lost their homes as a result of the financial crisis,” stated Rev. Gable’s written The LEGACY welcomes all signed letters and all respectful opinions. Letter writers and columnists opinions are their own and endorsements of their views by The LEGACY should be inferred. The LEGACY assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Annual Subscription Rates Virginia - $50 U.S. states - $75 Outside U.S.- $100 The Virginia Legacy © 2016

testimony. “Twelve million. Lives turned upside down. Life savings washed away. $2.2 trillion in lost property value, over half from communities of color.” In its comments submitted to the committee record, the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL) agreed with Rev. Gable’s assessment. “Abusive loan terms and lender practices bear responsibility for the foreclosure tsunami that disproportionately stripped wealth from communities of color,” noted Mike Calhoun, CRL President. ‘Risky borrowers’ had neither the power nor the authority to cause a housing market meltdown.” As this column has earlier reported, the families who lost their homes to foreclosure since 2004 were not the only victims of the crisis. Untold millions who lived nearby foreclosed homes may have kept theirs, but became upside down on their mortgages, owing more than the devalued homes are now worth. The rippling effects of foreclosures nationwide led to multiple losses – jobs, businesses, incomes, and even local property taxes that support vital services like police, fire and emergency medical assistance. “But other abuses continue to run rampant,” continued Rev. Gable. “Some may be more obscure than mortgage lending, but they are ever powerful, ever destructive…Payday

lending is an abomination in plain sight. A debt trap by design.” In his allotted five minutes, Rev. Gable cited a litany of other lending ills: bank overdraft fees, discriminatory auto lending, lawbreaking debt collectors, student debt and those who prey upon the elderly. “Please allow me to be clear: The notion that struggling Americans need access to products like those the Bureau has been working so hard to address is an insult to the basic dignity of every vulnerable person,” concluded Rev. Gable. “The predatory practices CFPB is addressing siphon off what little resources targeted persons have and leave them worse off. . . Uncontrolled predatory lending practices will relegate some communities to a state of perpetual poverty.” “Now, when more than a million families remain seriously behind on their mortgage payments and just under half a million more are in some stage of foreclosure, it is not a time to move backwards into the same failed and reckless lending practices,” continued Calhoun. “Instead, we must continue to move forward to a more sustained housing recovery that benefits consumers, lenders and investors alike.” Crowell is a communications manager with the Center for Responsible Lending. Reach her at charlene.crowell@responsiblelending. org.

April 13, 2016 • 7

P.T. Hoffsteader, Esq.

Gay is the new black

In order to have a fully functioning society, we must have some common baseline of beliefs that join us together, whether it’s a fraternity, a church, or a political party. Without this commonality, belonging to a group or a society is impossible. We hold these trues to be selfevident: the Earth is round, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, Barack Obama is the president of the United States, and if you are born with a penis you are a male. If you are born with a vagina you are a female. Oh-oh! These last two are going to get me in trouble. Now I will be called homophobic, hateful, unChristian, a divider, not fit for public service, unfit for management in corporate America, etc., but the question is, “Why?” In God’s senility, he has become so old and feeble that he is making a lot of mistakes. He is mistakenly putting penises on girls and vaginas on boys. As the philosopher Protagoras argued, “Man has become the measure of all things.” This was the essence of the philosophy called relativism. Many Christians and conservatives have willingly bowed at the altar of political correctness for political gain. Why do we feel the need to apologize for not wanting a man going to same bathroom as our 14 year-old daughter? Why do we feel the need to apologize for not wanting a woman going to the same bathroom as our 16 year-old son? Spineless corporate America

has never shown in any principles when it has come to issues of right and wrong. They respond only to profit and liberal orthodoxy. Why would a business oppose legislation describing those born with a penis as male and those born with a vagina as female? These orbiters of “moral hypocrisy” have come out of the closet, literally, against the state of North Carolina because their governor, Pat McCrory, recently signed legislation codifying the biological principle of male and female. How this bill, HB2, is being described as hateful and discriminatory is baffling to me. Singer Bruce Springsteen has made this his cause célèbre by cancelling his upcoming concert in Greensboro, North Carolina. Bruce seemed to have gotten laryngitis when it came to the lack of any black actor nominees for the past two years for the Academy Awards, but I digress. If the corporate community showed the same amount of outrage over the “real” discrimination towards the black community, we would have more lacks in the executive suites and on their corporate boards. According to 2013 research by Richard L. Zweigenhaft of Guilford College, the board of directors of Fortune 500 companies are 87.2 percent white (about 75 percent male), 6.8 percent black (5.3 percent male), 3.1 percent Latino (2.4 percent male), and 2.4 percent Asian (2 percent male). Now let’s look at sports. Based on 2013 research from

Richard Lapchick, director of the Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport at the University of Central Florida, 19 percent of NBA players are white, but 98 percent of majority owners and 64 percent of the league office staff is white. In comparison, blacks account for 76 percent of NBA players, and roughly 2 percent of majority owners and 18 percent of league office staff. In the NFL, whites account for 30 percent of the players and 97 percent of majority owners. Even though 66 percent of NFL players are black, not a single majority owner in the NFL is African American. When it comes to diversity in ownership, coaching positions and league office staff in the NBA and the NFL, Hispanics and Asians often fare worse. Blacks account for 13.2 percent of the U.S. population, Hispanics make up 17.4 percent of the population and Asians account for 5.4 percent of the population. Homosexuals are estimated to be 3 percent of the U.S. population, but corporations are more aggressively seeking diversity based on sexual preferences than other measures of diversity. The homosexual community has done a masterful job at the old art of bait and switch. They have portrayed their issue as one of equality, but their real goal is to obtain “legal status” as a protected class in order to get their radical agenda codified into law. All this other stuff is simply background noise. Raynard Jackson Washington, D.C.


On behalf of the Virginia State Unit of the SCLC and Peninsula District Chapter SCLC we would like to commend Mayor George Wallace, Vice Mayor Linda Curtis and Members of Hampton City Council for naming the bridge near Fort Monroe in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. There was no opportunity for citizens to express their concerns and opposition with the naming of a street in the city of Hampton after John B. Magruder, who was responsible for burning down the city of Hampton, murdering innocent women and children and enslaving African Americans. In fact, many consider Magruder, who was a confederate general, a terrorist and a traitor. Magruder further demonstrated his disloyalty to the United States by going to fight against us in the Mexican-American war. Magruder, Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee all committed treason by seceding from the Union. I will remain a voice to the voiceless as it pertains to civil rights, equality and justice. My involvement in the efforts to singularly honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the city of Hampton did not begin in 2016. It began over 15 years ago and I, along with members of our organization and many concerned citizens remained engaged in the process from the conception to fruition. I had the opportunity to speak at every Hampton City Council meeting this year, and so have others. I chose to speak at the past three city council meetings in Hampton. I applaud those who are involved in civic engagement. Andrew Shannon

8 • April 13, 2016

Faith & Religion


Is God dead? No, but belief has declined slightly DAVID MASCI & GREGORY A. SMITH Fifty years ago this month, Time magazine published one of its most famous and controversial covers. Splashed in bold red print across a black background was a short, simple and yet intensely provocative question: “Is God Dead?” Without providing a definitive answer, the authors of the piece, dated April 8, 1966, seemed to imply that, in many parts of the world, the idea of an omnipotent creator could be heading for history’s dustbin. Even in the United States – where, the authors acknowledged, faith in God seemed nearly universal – many churches and seminaries were slowly dispensing with the traditional notion of the divine in favor of a God who was more symbolic than real. But a half century after the Time article was first published, a recent Pew Research Center survey shows that belief in God is strong in the United States. Indeed, according to a 2014 Religious Landscape Study, nearly

nine-in-10 American adults say they believe in God or a universal spirit. Declining Share of Americans Express Absolutely Certain Believe in GodTo be sure, the share of people in the United States who say they believe in the Almighty has dropped a bit recently, from 92 percent in 2007 (when the Center’s first Religious Landscape Study was released) to 89 percent in 2014. And among the youngest adults surveyed (born between 1990 and 1996), the share of believers is 80 percent. In recent years, there also have been small declines in other measures of religious commitment. For instance, between 2007 and 2014, the share of Americans who say they attend church or another house of worship at least once a week has dropped from 39 percent to 36 percent. During the same period, the share of Americans who say they pray daily also has dropped 3 percentage points, from 58 percent to 55 percent. Perhaps more strikingly, the number of people who no longer

Applause, dismay, confusion over Pope’s divorce words

consider themselves to be part of any religious denomination or tradition has risen dramatically in recent decades. Between 2007 and 2014, for example, the share of Americans who are religiously unaffiliated jumped from about 16 percent to almost 23 percent of the adult population. However, it’s also important to point out that a majority of these “nones” (61 percent) still say they believe in God or a universal spirit. As part of its argument that theism might begin to decline dramatically (even in the United States), the 1966 article posited that the need for man to worship an omnipotent creator will disappear as science increasingly explains the mysteries of the universe, and as knowledge and technology shield us from disease, starvation and life’s other harsh realities. Indeed, the Time article stated that “faith in God survived scientific attack only when churches came to realize that the religious language of the Bible is … ‘poetryplus, rather than science-minus.’” But recent Pew Research Center

polling suggests that about sevenin-10 (68 percent) U.S. adults did not see a conflict between science and their own religious beliefs. And for those who see a clash, religion often takes precedence. Consider, for instance, the public’s views on the theory of evolution as outlined by British naturalist Charles Darwin more than 150 years ago. While an overwhelming majority of scientists accept Darwinian evolution through natural selection, only a third of American adults (33 percent) do so. Roughly six-in-10 Americans (including creationists and those who believe that life has evolved over time through a process guided by a supreme being) see an active and creative higher power behind the origins and development of human life. So while the U.S. may be slightly less religious now than in the past, religion’s place in the nation’s collective consciousness has remained strong – certainly much stronger than the authors of the Time article, and most of the experts they cited, seemed to predict.

RNA - Pope Francis’ “Joy of Love,” a massive document released April 8 that wraps unchanged doctrine on marriage, divorce, and LGBT life in gentle terms, is getting a mixed reaction from U.S. Catholics. It brought joy to conservative Christians who feared Francis would tamper with dogma, but less love from liberals who had hoped for a change in practices, not simply in tone. Statements flooded out from both directions. A sampling: Archbishop of Kentucky Joseph Kurtz, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, extolled it as “love letter to married couples and families” to realize more and more her mission to live and love as a family. “The pope traces through the Bible all the beauty of marriage and that “no obstacle is to big for Christ to overcome.” The Human Rights Campaign was

“disappointed” that the document, issued in the pope’s Year of Mercy, did not translate into fuller inclusion for LGBT Catholics, said Mary Beth Maxwell, an HRC senior vice president. She found consolation in knowing that “in a growing number of Catholic families and parishes all across this country we are welcomed for who we are, not judged or excluded because of doctrine.” Conservative Catholic writer George Weigel, in the National Review, saw a thread throughout that church teachings can offer a structure for both holiness and happiness. He wrote that it says “many important things about love, marriage, the family, and the current cultural crisis of a world in which the imperial autonomous Self is running roughshod over just about everything, leaving a lot of

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April 13, 2016 • 9

Lecture to address theology and science collaboration William P. Brown, Columbia Theological Seminary’s William Marcellus McPheeters, professor of Old Testament, will address ways that biblical theologians can work constructively and collaboratively with scientists at Union Presbyterian Seminary’s Howie Lectures, April 18. The notion of collaboration between theologians and scientists “assumes that conflict and caricature are not an option,” said Brown. “Instead, it suggests that both the theologian and the scientist proceed from a common point of departure: wonder. Wonder is what drives science as much as it lies at the heart of theological inquiry.” Brown will offer a seminar and conversation from 1:30 – 4:30 p.m., following a free lunch for those who register, on the topic “From Ardi to Adam: How Anthropology Rewrites Genesis” in the seminary’s Early Center at 1106 Westwood Ave., in Richmond. From 7:30 – 9:00 p.m., Brown will deliver a lecture entitled “From Ash Heap to Asteroids: How Astrobiology Rewrites Job.” This free lecture is open to everyone, and no registration is required. This lecture takes place in Lake Chapel in the Early Center, 1106 Westwood Ave. Brown is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and professor of Old Testament, is a member of the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, New Jersey, where he is working with scientists,

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William P. Brown philosophers, and ethicists exploring the “societal implications of astrobiology.” He previously taught at Union Presbyterian Seminary (formerly Union-PSCE) as professor of Old Testament. In his presentation, Brown will ask how the latest findings of science help to reread the biblical stories of creation, from Genesis to Job, with even greater wonder. Register online. The Carl Howie Center for Science, Art, and Theology sponsors presentations through which church leaders (including seminarians) recognize and engage the insights and implications of the interplay of science, art, and theology for theological expression and the practice of ministry. The Center generously provides funding for lectures, seminars, and displays at Union Presbyterian Seminary once or twice a year, featuring artists, scientists, and/or theologians in conversation about a particular topic.

human unhappiness in its wake.” Catholics for Choice, a procontraception and abortion-rights group, pointed out that most U.S. Catholics were not waiting for approval from their church. President Jon O’Brien called Francis’ pastoral approach “a breath of fresh air… But talking about the law in a pastoral manner does not change doctrine, and it will not change the real practice of Catholics.” Analysis by Catholic publications also divided on which themes to highlight. National Catholic Reporter columnist Michael Sean Winters pulled a more optimistic message from the document. He says it “challenges the Church to do more than simply repeat the Catechism and harangue the fallen… The Holy Father does not believe the pastor,

still less the magisterium, should tell people what to do, but that a pastor should accompany people so that they can discern God’s activity and calling in their own lives.” The National Catholic Register highlighted a different thread through the document, one that might disturb conservatives by muddying up traditionalist ideas of clear rules with unspecified pastoral discretion: “Francis speaks in the chapter of a ‘need to avoid judgments’ that don’t take account of the ‘complexity of various situations’ and stresses the need of ‘reaching out to everyone.’ The divorced, he writes, should not be pigeonholed in ‘overly rigid classifications,’ leaving no room for personal and pastoral discernment.” Reaction did not only come from Catholics struggling with the complex material and conflicting ways to read it.


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10 • April 13, 2016


N.W.A. gets into HOF

Gangster rap legends N.W.A. were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on Friday night in Brooklyn, and instead of cussing out the police, they instead took aim at Gene Simmons. “I want to say to Mr. Gene Simmons, hip-hop is here forever — get used to it,” said MC Ren, (aka Lorenzo Patterson) during the group’s acceptance speech. It was a direct response to a recent interview Simmons gave to Rolling Stone, in which the KISS front man explained he was looking forward to the “death of rap.” But N.W.A., whose career was depicted in the 2015 movie “Straight Outta Compton” (now the most successful music biopic of all time), were keen to stress that it’s going nowhere. Even though hip-hop icons such as Run-D.M.C., Beastie Boys, and Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five have already been inducted, Ice Cube (O’Shea Jackson) also addressed the ongoing

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Left: Members of rap group N.W.A are seen in this 1989 file photo. Back, from left: D.J. Yella, Dr. Dre & MC Ren. Front, from left: Ice Cube and Easy E. Right: Dr. Dre, Ice Cube and MC Ren speak onstage at the 31st Annual Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony Friday night.

Film review: ‘Batman v Superman-Dawn of Justice’ DWIGHT BROWN NNPA - Director Christopher Nolan, gone. Oscar-winning actor Christian Bale, gone. There will never be another “The Dark Knight Rises.” That iconic, once-in-a-lifetime action trilogy is over. If you can wrap your head around that, and get past the first sluggish minutes of this Batman derivative, you just may find some instances of wonder in between the baffling moments. First, the elephant in the room. Ben Affleck, aka Gigli. He isn’t totally miscast. However, his stiff performance does nothing to elevate the Batman character, or this movie. And his toupee, a distraction that should get second billing, steals his scenes. Henry Cavill as Superman looks more comfortable in his tights. Both actors’ characters are sourpusses most of the film. The incessant brooding is off-putting.

It’s like watching teenagers pout, because they can’t go to the mall. Blame the screenwriters Chris Terrio and David S. Goyer for handcuffing them. And even those scribes deserve a pass because the task of writing a

script about two normally centered heroes, who now want to destroy each other, is a tad preposterous. An alien force, Zod, is in the midst of destroying downtown Metropolis where Bruce Wayne has an office

building full of employees. Zod is facing the brutal force of Superman, who is, of course, out to save the world. In the process their fight causes Wayne’s building to crumble. The eerie similarities to 9/11 border on bad taste. That incident strikes a nerve with Bruce Wayne/Batman. He becomes enraged and obsessed with wiping out Superman. Meanwhile, Superman’s repeated collateral damage as he saves lives becomes a cause célèbre for a Senator Finch (Holly Hunter) and her Congressional Superman Committee. A mouthy, jittery and obscenely wealthy tech entrepreneur named Alexander “Lex” Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) has a beef with Superman, too. He’s plotting to bring kryptonite into the country. It’s a weapon Bruce Wayne also wants. The Man of Steel had better watch

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(from page 10) debate over whether a rap group should even be a part of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. “Are we rock and roll? Ya god damn right we’re rock and roll,” he stated emphatically. The 46-year-old also explained rock and roll to be about not conforming “to the people who came before you,” but instead, “creating your own path, in music and in life. That is rock and roll, and that is us.” The group had been planning a performance, with fellow Compton native Kendrick Lamar strongly rumored to be filling in for the late Eric “Eazy-E” Wright who died in 1995. But it didn’t come to fruition, and Lamar simply inducted them, describing NWA as “black superheroes” whose gritty lyrics took an “intimate look at what was happening in our communities.” It was a night of missed opportunities

(from page 10) his cape. Batman hating Superman never really gels. The congressional committee subplot is equally suspect. The only person who logically hates the Superman is Lex Luthor, and that’s just comic book legend. But as played by the mousy Eisenberg, who acts with the verve of a pesky mosquito, even Luthor is lame. Director Zack Snyder (Man of Steel) has his hands full trying to make the silly plotline work. He does himself no favors by starting the film with a funeral that is poorly directed and filmed with too many overhead shots (cinematographer Larry Fong, “300”). The graveyard scene with the young Wayne running off into the woods is like watching an outtake from a B-movie. Not an auspicious beginning. The obliteration of downtown Metropolis is a bit better, but not excellent. Perhaps the best action sequences are when Batman, in his natty Batmobile, chases a truck that is transporting the kryptonite. It’s fun to watch. The film almost should have stopped there. It doesn’t. Subsequent action scenes aren’t as imaginative. The finale, involving a huge monster that looks like an electrified Hulk on steroids, is no better than a scene from any generic sci-fi/action movie. That beast is a poor effect (visual effects supervisor

April 13, 2016 • 11 at Barclays. Aside from N.W.A. not performing, legendary Deep Purple guitarist Ritchie Blackmore decided not to rejoin his old band for their induction, and the current line-up performed classics such as “Hush” and “Smoke on the Water” without him. Former Chicago singer, songwriter and bassist, Peter Cetera also failed to reunite with this old group, as fans had hoped. Instead, Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20 joined in on a version of “Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?” before the band rounded off their mini-set with a stirring version of the 1970 hit “25 or 6 to 4.” Despite the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame honoring the acts for their contributions to music, some couldn’t resist having digs at the institution itself. During Cheap Trick’s induction, guitarist Rick Nielsen snarked that he was grateful to the Rock Hall for charging so much for admittance that he couldn’t bring all of his seven grandchildren to the event. John “DJ” DesJardin). The loud score (Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL) doesn’t help either. Visually (set decoration Carolyn ‘Cal’ Loucks; art direction Patricio M. Farrell, “300: Rise of an Empire”; production design Patrick Tatopoulos, “300: Rise of an Empire”) the film has high and low points: Lex Luthor’s party, perfect. The Bat Cave, dull. At least the pacing (editor David Brenner, Man of Steel) is tight, which makes the two-hour and thirty-three minutes roll by at a decent clip. Amy Adams as Lois Lane is great, but her character is not pivotal. Diane Lane is far better as Superman’s mom. Laurence Fishburne as Perry White overacts. Gal Gadot, the sultry mystery woman who is always two steps ahead of Bruce Wayne, is gorgeous and bold as she morphs into Wonder Woman. She deserves her own franchise. As this uneven film grinds to an end, it sets itself up for more shenanigans in more episodes with more super heroes. Comic book fans will flock to this movie regardless. Whether they come back to see it a second or third time, like they did for The Dark Knight Rises or Deadpool, is the question. If they do, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will make a dent at the box office. If they don’t, Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale will look even better in hindsight.

Ask Alma

My cheating ex wants me to befriend his daughter Dear Alma, I joined the Air Force after graduating from high school. It seemed like the best decision for me and my boyfriend at the time. We wanted to be on our own and start a new life together. We promised to remain faithful to each other, until we could get married once I was settled and sent to my duty station. Well, all that came to a halt when I found out another woman was pregnant by him. He tried to apologize and tell me that he still wanted to get married, but I couldn’t. I was heartbroken and just couldn’t bear the thought of coparenting this child that would be a constant reminder of his betrayal. We found each other on Facebook last year, so we started communicating again. We both apologized and had a long conversation about how we could have better handled the situation. I forgave him. I mean after all, life carried on. We’ve both been married and are both currently divorced. I don’t have any children. He has four. We met a few months ago and although there weren’t any heavy flames, we decided we will remain the best of friends. He’s now seeing someone else, so we agreed to stay in touch and talk often. His oldest, the one that broke up our relationship, will start college next year in what’s currently my hometown. He says he’s excited that we’re talking again, because she doesn’t know anyone in the area. He has mentioned on more than one occasion that I can become her family away from family. I’ve got to be honest, Alma, I don’t think that’s something I want to do. I can honestly say I’m over what happened many years ago, but I don’t want to meet his daughter. How can I let him know, “No thanks,” without coming off childish about the situation? Uncomfortable Ex Dear Uncomfortable Ex You’re coming off childish and immature, because that’s still where your heart is. You’re stuck in that summer after high school graduation, and that’s a long, long way away from forgiving. You’re still so deep in this yearbook of a broken heart, you can’t even turn the page. Let me help you let this go, because

honestly, enough time has passed for your heart to have healed. Take my hand and let’s face your truth. Here’s where we take a minute to grieve the perfect relationship you thought would last forever. Over the years, you’ve been able to fantasize and worship this extraordinary courtship that never was. You said you’ve forgiven him, but, I’m not seeing that. Not in your words or actions. Entertaining forgiveness alone hurts and constantly reminds you of the pain unless you forget. What you’ve gotta do is, erase, delete, zap, remove, shazam, be gone – get it all out! Yes, yes, that’s right, remove it completely from your recollection. I know this takes determination, practice and prayer, but that’s okay, you can do it. Before you make your decision based on a 20-year-old emotion, lace up your big girl sneakers and invite her to meet for lunch. The encounter will update your gut, give clarity to your heart and make room for the forgiveness you speak of. Step out in maturity and faith. You aren’t that teenage girl whose heart was broken anymore. The circumstances of her birth, in relation to you, are not her fault. That baby girl doesn’t know details I’m sure, or at least I hope. He most likely speaks highly of you and your friendship since high school. No dirty details were necessary in the discussion. I think you may find that she’s a lovely young lady. One who happens to be in your city all alone. The way you handle a situation at 20 should be vastly different from the way you handle it at 40. Flip the script and be the blessing she needs at this time. You never know, this acquaintance might only last a season or a semester, open up to it. I’ve got a feeling meeting her will warm your heart, allow for forgiveness, and bring about a positive resolution to what was once a painful memory. ***** Want advice? E-mail questions to her on Facebook at “Ask Alma” and twitter @almaaskalma *****

12 • April 13, 2016


UVA alumnus earns record investment on ‘Shark Tank’ KATIE MCNALLY University of Virginia alumni are causing a frenzy on ABC’s “Shark Tank.” In an episode of the investment-pitching competition series, UVA alumnus Ben Young earned the biggest tech deal in the show’s history for his fitness app, Sworkit. The 1998 graduate’s success comes just three months after alumna Desirée Davis Stolar struck a deal with the very same “shark.” It seems that investor Mark Cuban is a fan of Wahoo ingenuity. On the show, budding entrepreneurs compete to earn investment dollars from five “sharks.” Each “shark” is a wealthy and well-known business tycoon like Cuban. He agreed to give Young and his co-founders $1.5 million in exchange for a 10 percent equity stake in Sworkit and up to $1.5 million in unsold ad space inside the app. Like the app’s millions of early adopters, Cuban was drawn to Sworkit’s personalized, easy-to-use style. “In essence, we’ve created a video workout player that’s built on the same principles as a music player and people understand that,” Young said. Young founded Sworkit’s parent company, Nexercise, with fellow University of Pennsylvania Wharton School graduate Gregory Coleman while the two were completing their MBAs. However, Young’s desire to experiment with exercise and the digital space began more than a decade earlier while he was an undergraduate in UVA’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. “Growing up I was always interested in building things and I thought I wanted to do more physical stuff,” he said. “Then I took a computer class at the Engineering School and just fell in love with computer programming. That was the start of the fundamentals for me.” Young began exercising more often because one of his Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity brothers taught him about planning regular routines and targeting different areas of the body. After graduation, a series of desk jobs made him more sedentary and offered less time for trips to the gym, so Young started thinking about how he could use computer programming to motivate himself and others to exercise more regularly. “I’d always been interested in the health space, and that was back when mobile technology was in its infancy,” he said. “Phones were getting sensors in them that I thought had great potential and I was always interested in seeing if I could use technology to motivate fitness.” Soon, Nexercise and Sworkit were born. Sworkit, derived from “simply work it,” allows users to build their own customized workouts of varying lengths. Similar to popular music players like Spotify, users can choose specific genres they’re interested in and even select specific workouts to create “playlists.” Rather than music, these playlists are made up of instructional videos focused on strength, yoga, Pilates or stretching. No workout equipment is necessary to use Sworkit and every video in its growing list of

University of Virginia Engineering School alumnus Ben Young, left, pitches his app, “Sworkit”, on television’s “Shark Tank” program with co-founder Gregory Coleman. options is created in-house under the supervision of the company’s certified personal trainers. Sworkit’s approach has garnered the app more than 14 million downloads since it was released in 2014, but Young said that it was a long road to that level of success. He and Coleman went through a process of trial and error in app design. “Sworkit was not our first idea,” said Young. They had moderate success experimenting with new apps that used prizes to incentivize people to exercise, but knew they were really on to something when they began collaborating with engineer Ryan Hanna. “When we met Ryan, who is now our VP of engineering, he had already created a prototype of Sworkit,” said Young. “The original was very simple and mainly just provided randomized workouts.” With Ryan on board, the three began rebuilding Sworkit for a re-launch using what they’d learned from their earlier experimentation. “The way we rebuilt it was so modular and flexible,” Young said. “A lot of other workout apps and programs are really repetitive, but ours are literally individual optimized workouts that are strung together into a workout.” The app is set up in a way that users can either flag favorite routines or never do the same thing twice. They can also set the exact amount of time they’d like to work out, anywhere from five minutes to over an hour. “Instead of just watching a video, you’re having

an interactive experience,” Young said. Sworkit has more than 200 original videos and is available in 12 languages. It’s offered as a free download as well as an expanded subscription version for either $2.99 a month or $19.99 per year. Now, with their new investment from “Shark Tank,” the partners plan to continuing growing their platform even further. Paying subscribers will have first access to a beta Web version of the app that the company is rolling out this month, and Young hopes they will soon be reaching platforms like Apple TV and Google Chromecast. Other plans in the works include a youth version and a larger subscription service that includes access to fitness equipment. Looking back on his current success, Young says his only regret is that he didn’t start working for himself sooner. He advises up-and-coming UVA entrepreneurs to begin testing their ideas as soon as possible and not to be afraid to try to launch them on their own. “It is now cheaper than ever to build something in the digital space,” he said. “It’s expensive to scale it, but it’s cheap to build and test it. I was always building things, but I was always building them for other people. My advice is to spend your spare time building for yourself instead. There is an inherent advantage to being young and just trying something out.”

April 13, 2016 • 13

GRASP receives $30k grant Rudd search unsuccessful

A $30,000 grant from The GRASP advisors now Community Foundation serve students and families Serving Richmond and in 76 Virginia schools, Central Virginia will from the greater Richmond help GReat Aspirations area, to Highland County Scholarship Program, Inc. in the west, to Lancaster (GRASP), a college access County in the east, and organization, continue to Sussex County in the its financial aid services south. The highly trained, to students in central GRASP advisors are adept Bettsy Heggie at navigating the maze Virginia high schools during the 2016-2017 of the college and postschool year. secondary education financial aid “GRASP is most appreciative of process. They also have a passion for this generous support from The helping today’s youth grasp infinite Community Foundation Serving opportunities. Richmond and Central Virginia,” During the 2014-2015 academic said Bettsy Heggie, GRASP CEO. year, GRASP advisors overall met “It will allow us to continue helping with more than 6,800 students central Virginia students take their individually, helping them with a next steps toward education after game plan for education after high high school and the opportunity for school. Additionally, GRASP awarded a better future as a result of that 124 Last Dollar scholarships totaling education.” $125,000 to students, providing GRASP, a Virginia non-profit, additional financial assistance implements its services via advisors toward their educational goals. who provide free, confidential, GRASP, co-founded in 1983 one-on-one counseling to students by state Sen. Walter Stosch and seeking financial aid and scholarships Dr. Ray Gargiulo, notes that its for continuing education after high advisors work one day per week at school – whether that is technical each school. Appointments, which school, community college or a fourare free, can be made through the year university. schools’ counseling offices.

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Sex Offender Helpline The helpline provides support to communities on issues related to accessing sex offender registration information; responsible use of information; sexual abuse prevention resources; and accessing crime victim support services. The tips program provides the public an opportunity to report registrants who are failing to comply with registration requirements. Tips can also be provided at This program is not intended to be used to report police emergencies.

that we receive that may lead us A new two-day search in to a different search area or lead connection with the case of Relisha Rudd, a homeless D.C. child missing us to different people we need to talk to, and this morning we will be for more than two years, met with conducting a search and probably go no success, authorities said. through the day tomorrow.” Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Last year, divers performed Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier extensive searches in several bodies on April 7 announced that the of water, and additional searches new search, which included took place at the construction site members of the Metropolitan for a future Wal-Mart store; neither Police Department, the FBI and uncovered any new evidence. the National Center for Missing Rudd was last seen on March 1, and Exploited Children’s Center, 2014 on a hotel video with janitor failed to turn up any new evidence Kahlil Tatum, who worked at the regarding Rudd’s whereabouts. D.C. General Shelter where the The active investigation included canine dogs and divers, who entered girl’s family stayed. Tatum’s body was later found in Kenilworth Park waters at the National Arboretum Serving Richmond & Hampton Roads in Northeast, dead from a selffor any clues or remains of the 409 E.girl. Main St. #4 (mailing) • 105 1/2 E. gunshot Clay St.wound. (office)He was inflicted missing Richmond, VA 23219 also responsible for the murder of “We have conducted numerous his wife Andrea, who was found in searches in various areas (office) around • 800-783-8062 804-644-1550 (fax) an Oxon Hill, Md. motel on March the city,” said Lanier. “We continue 20, 2014. to follow up on any information

Batten & Shaw, Inc. is currently seeking bids from qualified subcontractors and suppliers for construction of the HCA TriCities Free-Standing ER located in Colonial Heights, Virginia. Colonial Heights and surrounding area businesses are invited to learn more about opportunities associated with this upcoming project. Batten & Shaw, Inc. and the facility are strongly committed to the development and inclusion of minority and women-owned businesses.

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14 • April 13, 2016


RVA symposium to address youth substance abuse issues A symposium at Virginia Commonwealth University will bring together experts on substance abuse, addiction and treatment to share knowledge and hold a dialogue on the latest research on substance abuse and young people. “We know substance use touches all parts of our society. We want to create a space for students, family members, community members, staff, faculty, local professionals and scientists to hear different perspectives on a very complex topic,” said organizer Tom Bannard, program coordinator for Rams in Recovery at the Wellness Resource Center and administrative director for the College Behavioral and Emotional Health Institute at VCU. “In the midst of the current

Danielle Dick, Ph.D opiate crisis,” he said, “this is an important opportunity to further the

April 21 & May 5 from 6-8 p.m.

conversation in our community about substance use and young people.” The event, “From Research to Rehab: A Town Hall Meeting on Substance Use and Young People,” will be held on April 14 and 15. It will be free and open to the public, but seating is limited. To register, visit “A lot of times there is a gap between what researchers know and what both the public and professionals are able to access,” Bannard said. “There is also often a gap between what is happening on the streets and what is being studied in the lab. Bringing this diverse group of people together will help us to close that gap and build better systems of care.” The symposium is being organized by COBE, which was launched in November in the College of Humanities and Sciences with a mission to promote behavioral and emotional health in college communities through the integration of research with coursework,

programming and policy related to behavioral and emotional health. “One of the things we're trying to do through COBE is use the tremendous research expertise that exists at VCU in the area of substance use and mental health outcomes to benefit our community,” said COBE Director Danielle Dick, Ph.D., a professor in the Departments of Psychology, African American Studies, and Human and Molecular Genetics. “This symposium is an effort to bring together VCU researchers, outside speakers and members of both our VCU and Richmond community to have a dialogue about substance use challenges and how we can work together to make a difference in the lives of our young people,” she said. As part of the event, Justin Luke Riley, executive director of the nonprofit Young People in Recovery, will deliver a closing keynote address, “The Young People’s Recovery Movement,” at 12:15 p.m.on April 15.

Alzheimer’s Association 8th Annual Fundraising Breakfast

April 13, 2016 • 15

Why you need to check if your child has a credit report Good to know

JOSEPH PISANI They might not be old enough to swipe a credit card or take out a loan, but you still need to keep an eye on your little one’s credit. Kids can be victims of identity theft, too, and it often goes unnoticed by parents for years. Typically, a youngster doesn't find out something is wrong with their credit until they grow up and get rejected for a student loan or isn’t able to get a credit card. That’s why experts say more parents should monitor their child’s credit to fix issues early. “By the time the kid finds out, their credit has already been massacred,” said Adam Levin, founder of identity theft recovery service IDT911 and author of “Swiped: How to Protect Yourself in a World Full of Scammers, Phishers, and Identity Thieves.” All thieves need to obtain a fraudulent credit card or other loan is a child’s Social Security number, said Eva Velasquez, president and CEO of The Identity Theft Resource Center , a non-profit that helps identity theft victims. Often, thieves will use a different name and birthday when opening the accounts, she said Crooks like to target children because they know they can get away with it longer and open several accounts. “It’s very lucrative,” said Velasquez. Here’s more on what parents should know: HOW COMMON IS CHILD IDENTITY THEFT? Putting a number on just how many minors are identity theft victims is tough, since experts say many of the crimes are unreported or not known about until years later. The Federal Trade Commission says of the more than 410,000 identity theft complaints made last year, about 5 percent were for those 19 and under , the same rate as in 2014. HOW WOULD SOMEONE GET A HOLD OF A KID'S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER?

Identity theft is generally defined as: The use of a person’s personally identifying information—a name, Social Security number, credit card number or other financial information—without permission, to commit fraud, theft or other crimes. Among the 13 million consumers whose identities were stolen in 2013, are a growing number of children. One in 40 families with children under 18 had at least one child whose personal information was compromised, according to a 2012 survey by the Identity Theft Assistance Center and the Javelin Strategy & Research group.

There are a few ways. It could be stolen in a data breach. Last year, for example, children’s Social Security numbers were exposed in hacks of health insurance companies, said Velasquez. A child’s Social Security number can also get into the wrong hands from school forms and paper work. (Always question why a school needs a child’s Social Security’s number on a form; it may not be necessary to provide the number, said Velasquez.) A family member who knows the kid’s Social Security number may also use it to create fraudulent accounts. Children should also be reminded not to give out personal information online, whether it’s through contest forms or social media sites. Also, they should be told to stay clear of sketchy links in emails that aim to steal passwords and other information. WHAT ARE THE SIGNS THAT SOMEONE IS USING MY KID'S INFORMATION TO OPEN ACCOUNTS? Mailed pre-approved credit offers in your child’s name, or calls from debt collectors. IS THERE A WAY TO CHECK IF SOMEONE IS USING MY KID'S CREDIT? Yes. You can do so for free by contacting the three major credit reporting agencies — Equifax, Experian and TransUnion — and ask to check if your child has a credit report. They will ask you for your

child’s Social Security number and may ask to mail in other forms to prove you are the kid’s parent or guardian. If there is no credit report for your child, that’s a good sign — most kids should not have one. Credit reports are only created when a credit card, loan or other type of credit is opened. So having one may mean someone has opened a fraudulent account. To correct any fraud, you’ll need to work with the credit reporting agencies and contact the creditors. HOW OFTEN SHOULD I CHECK IF MY KID HAS A CREDIT REPORT? A: At least by the time they are 16 years old, according to the FTC. That will give you enough time to fix any issues before the child may need to take out a student loan or open their first credit card. Others recommend more frequent checks. Michael Bruemmer, the vice president of consumer protection at Experian, says parents should check in with all three credit rating agencies once a year. CAN I FREEZE MY CHILD'S CREDIT REPORT? It depends. Freezing a credit report blocks new credit cards, loans or other accounts from being opened. In fact, some consumer advocates and attorneys general recommend that adults freeze their credit reports as a way to prevent identity theft from happening. But doing that for children is more complicated. In order to freeze

a credit report, a report has to be created first, and most kids do not have one. Currently, 22 states have laws that let parents or guardians freeze a minor’s credit report, even if there hasn’t been fraud. In those cases, a credit report is created and frozen. States with those laws, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, are: Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin. If you don’t live one of those states, the credit reporting agencies will only freeze a minor’s credit report if one has already been created. IS FREEZING MY CHILD'S CREDIT REPORT A GOOD IDEA? If your child has a credit report due to fraud, it should be frozen immediately to prevent thieves from using it again, said Levin. If you live in one of the states that allow you to freeze a child’s account, there are a few things you need to keep in mind before you do so. You’ll be given a number that will be your child’s key to unfreezing their credit report when they need to. It’s a number you need to be certain you can hold on to for several years, especially if your child is young. Losing the number, or forgetting that you placed the freeze, can cause problems and delay removing the freeze, said Velasquez.

16 • April 13, 2016

Calendar 4.13, 6 p.m.

The Newport News Healthy Families & Parents as Teachers Community Advisory Board is hosting a Silent Children’s Garden in recognition of April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Silent Children’s opening ceremony will be held at Boulevard Gardens. Newport News Mayor McKinley Price, DDS, elected officials, and community members will participate in the brief opening ceremony. Highlights will include vocals by Hampton Roads Academy’s Tradewinds Chorus and a beautiful pinwheel art display and contest by Parks, Recreation and Tourism’s After-School programs. Located next to the Peninsula Health Department, at the corner of Warwick Blvd. and J. Clyde Morris Blvd. in Newport News, a display of colorful, spinning pinwheels, and silhouettes of children will help to remind passersby about child abuse prevention. The pinwheels serve as the national symbol to represent hope, health, and safety for children. The pinwheels will be on display in the Garden from April 13 - 27. To learn more about the pinwheel project and child abuse prevention in Virginia, visit

4.14, 4 p.m.

Fifteen Central Virginia school systems will be holding kindergarten registration on the same date. Children who will be five years old by Sept. 30 are eligible to enter kindergarten in the fall. Visit www. or dial “211” to learn what documentation and health forms you need to bring to register your child at the local elementary school in your attendance zone. Participating school systems include: Charles City, Chesterfield, Colonial Heights, Dinwiddie, Goochland, Hanover, Henrico, Hopewell, King William, New Kent, Petersburg, Powhatan, Prince George, Richmond and Sussex.



“Black Wall Street” pre-screening

The University of Virginia Richmond Ridley Chapter will host a prescreening of “Black Wall Street”, preceded by a reception with special guest Morgan Moses, offensive tackle for the Washington Redskins and former UVA football team member. The mistress of ceremonies for the evening will be Kelli Lemon, a Richmond television and radio personality and graduate of UVa. “Black Wall Street” is a work of historical fiction. The film celebrates the rich culture of Jackson Ward that, in its heyday, was full of affluent families, legendary music, and vibrant fashion; while entertaining us with a classic “whodunit” murder mystery. Black Wall Street takes you on a walk through historic Jackson Ward for a unique tour of the city. The event will be held at the Bow Tie Cinemas (1301 N Boulevard) on April 13 at 7 p.m. with a cocktail reception including heavy hors d’oeuvres and cash bar starting at 6 p.m. Tickets are $50 per person, which will include a donation to the Richmond Ridley Clarence Cain Scholarship Fund and subsidize the attendance of high-achieving Richmond-area high school students.

‘Struttin' 4 Domestic Violence’

The Carol Adams Foundation, Inc. (CAFI), a non-profit organization, will present the 5th Annual Struttin' 4 Domestic Violence Fashion Show at 6 p.m. on Saturday, April 16. The benefit fundraiser will be held at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College (Parham Campus), in the Massey Library Technology Center, Lipman Auditorium located at 1651 East Parham Road. Tickets are $15. “April is recognized as Sexual Assault Awareness Month,” said Shemece Todd, fashion show coordinator, “So we are speaking out boldly about its affect in our community. Our models will strut confidently to take a stand against sexual assault and the impact of domestic violence”. The purpose of the event is to create a safe environment of awareness, education and empowerment around the subjects of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. Attendees will be empowered to recognize, identify situations in which sexual assault may occur, and to intervene, if appropriate. Intimate partner violence prevention resources, tips for establishing new relationships in the community and educational exhibits will be on display. Merchandise vendors will also be on-site. The CAFI mission is to provide emergency assistance to women, men and children who are victims of domestic violence. Through the foundation, women, men and children will have a temporary safety net which will enable them to live violence-free and have the opportunity to become self-sufficient.

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4.15, 6:30 p.m.

VCU will host a free Diversity and Inclusion Networking Reception at the Academic Learning Commons, Room 1102, 1000 Floyd Ave., Richmond Join the networking reception that will bring together diverse alumni, students and campus members to recognize, honor and explore opportunities to expand diversity and inclusion at VCU. The Division for Inclusive Excellence, with support from the Office of Development and Alumni Relations, will host the inaugural Diversity and Inclusion Networking Reception to engage members of VCU’s three chartered diversity alumni organizations — AfricanAmerican Alumni Council, Latino Alumni Council and Rainbow Rams — in an effort to foster an inclusive community that welcomes and supports those historically excluded or underrepresented in higher education. The event that will highlight VCU’s New Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan of Action and more. Come enjoy food, music and drinks at this free event. Registration is needed to secure your spot and is available at

4.16, 4 p.m.

Back by popular demand, the Newport News Public Library System will be hosting its ToshoCon Anime Convention at Main Street Library. The event is free and open to teens ages 12 - 17. This annual event, now in its third year, draws hundreds of teens to the Library and offers a wide variety of activities, including screenings, crafts, workshops, dance, music, and a photo booth. There will be food and comic related items for purchase. Participants interested in competing in the contest should preregister online at www.nnpls. More information is available online at toshocon.

April 13, 2016 • 17

Ray Lewis slams BLM for ‘‘ignoring’ black-on-black crime

Former Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis laid into the Black Lives Matter protest movement for not highlighting blackon-black crime in a Facebook video that went viral last week. “…We keep screaming, ‘Black Lives Matter!’ If they really matter, than let’s do ourselves a favor, let’s stop killing Black folks,” said Lewis. The video is at four million views. This is not the first time Lewis has gone after Black Lives Matter. Back in September of 2015 he called out the movement for focusing on the wrong issues. “Remove the word black and say, ‘Lives matter,’” he said, referencing to the Black Lives Matter movement. “Stop sending mothers back home empty. You can never replace a mother’s child. If we want black lives to matter, let’s make it matter to us. That’s the new call.” Lewis went on to say, “Let’s take it back to when we once understood what slavery was all about, slavery was about togetherness and

understand that we must overcome together, not that we must separate ourselves to highlight our skin color.” Documentarian and media personality Tariq Nasheed, commented on Lewis’ Facebook page that we should get to the root of the problem with white supremacy then focus on black issues. “Let’s replace the system of white supremacy FIRST and then start preaching about ‘black problems’ because every single negative issue in black society is created, controlled and orchestrated by the white supremacists. If there is an exception, let me know,” he said. Lewis, famously faced double homicide charges after a Super Bowl game in Atlanta. He ultimately pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice. The response from Twitter was swift. Baltimore activist, Lawrence Brown, tweeted, “It’s time for Ray Lewis to practice what he preaches & say: “BlackLivesMatter so much to me, I’m going to confess.”

Ray Lewis Lewis, however, did have some supporters. A user by the name of ‘Black Conservative’ wrote on Twitter, “The problem

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w/#BlackLivesMatter is that it (rarely) holds CRIMINALS responsible for their actions. This is what @RayLewis is saying.”

18 • April 13, 2016




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April 13, 2016 • 19


156-408 HAMPTON SOLICITATION The Director of Finance or his designated representative will accept written responses in the Procurement Office 1 Franklin Street, 3rd floor, suite 345 Hampton, VA on behalf of the Entity (ies) listed below until the date(s) and local time(s) specified. HAMPTON CITY Wednesday, April 27, 2016 2:00 p.m. EST – RFP 16-67/DM Parking Garage Management Services Thursday, April 28, 2016 2:30 p.m. EST – ITB 16-81/E Remove and Replace Gym Floor at Westhampton Community Center. A Mandatory Pre-bid Meeting is scheduled at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at Westhampton Community Center, 1628 Brairfield Road, Hampton, VA 23669. 3:00 p.m. EST – ITB 16-82/E Replace Multi-Purpose/Exercise Room Floorings at three Community Centers. A Mandatory Pre-bid Meeting is scheduled at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at Westhampton Community Center, 1628 Brairfield Road, Hampton, VA 23669. Tuesday, May 3, 2016 11:00 a.m. EST – ITB 16-88/CLP Hampton Jail Annex Appliance(s) Maintenance/Repair 2:30 p.m. EST – ITB 16-80/TM Annual Needs Citywide Plumbing Supplies Wednesday, May 4, 2016 2:30 p.m. EST – ITB 16-84/E Installation of Hampton City Hall Lobby Security Doors. A Mandatory Pre-bid Meeting is scheduled at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 21, 2016, City Hall Lobby, 22 Lincoln Street, Hampton, VA 23669. Tuesday, May 10, 2016 1:00 p.m. EST – ITB 16-85/CLP Janitorial Services Fleet Services Building located at 413 N. Armistead Avenue. 2:00 p.m. EST. – ITB 16-79/TM Annual Needs Plumbing Supplies for Jails 2:30 p.m. EST – ITB 16-86/CLP Janitorial Services Five (5) City Buildings; there will be a mandatory site visit meeting. Date/Time will be provided in Addendum #1 Thursday, May 12, 2016 2:00 p.m. EST – ITB 16-87/CLP Hampton City Hall – Exterior LED Lighting; there will be a mandatory site visit meeting. Date/Time will be provided in Addendum #1

For additional information, see our web page at A withdrawal of bid(s) due to error shall be in accordance with Section 2.2-4330 of the Code of Virginia. All forms relating to these solicitations may be obtained from the above listed address or for further information call; (757) 727-2200. The City of Hampton has the right to reserve and reject any and all responses, to make awards in whole or in part, and to waive any informality in submittals. Minority and Woman-Owned and Veteran Businesses are encouraged to participate.

Karl Daughtrey, Director of Finance

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