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Go Pompano!



The Latest on the Path to Building Includes You

Last year, the City worked out the dollars and cents for GO Pompano!, and local officials worked behind the scenes to jump start the path to building. Here’s a look at last year’s progress, as well as some important next steps before construction can commence — one of which includes you!

Step 1: Recruiting

Like any big construction project, GO Pompano! needs talented contractors, architects and engineers to get the job done right. In August 2018, local officials sent out a call for talented designers and builders, then ranked them based on qualifications, price and other considerations. By December 2018, the list of recruits was complete.

Step 2: Approval

Once local officials compiled a large enough pool of talent, they sent their list of top recruits to the City Commission for approval. The Commission completed the approval process in February 2019, giving local officials permission to engage the top-ranking firms and negotiate contracts.

Step 3: Negotiation and Approval

Local officials are currently negotiating contracts with the top-ranking firms. They have until June to bring those contracts back to the City Commission, and the Commission will have until July 2019 to approve them.

Step 4: Public Outreach Meeting

THIS STEP INVOLVES YOU! The City has pre-scheduled 36 public outreach meetings between April 15th and August 6th. Each meeting will include a public presentation on Go Pompano! and a chance for you to make your voice heard!

Step 5: Design

Once local officials receive your input, it’s a race to the drawing board! The City will then sit down with its consultants to design each project. The goal is to complete the design phase by mid-2020.

As you can see, we still have several important steps to complete before we can break ground on these exciting improvements to Pompano Beach. But local officials are putting the pedal to the metal to ensure our GO Pompano! projects are completed as soon as possible.

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