Beacon Summer 2012

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SUMMER / 2012




Grand Lodge Moves to Ohio Masonic Home Campus The Grand Lodge of Free and

Accepted Masons of Ohio recently announced plans to move its staff and offices from Worthington, Ohio, to Springfield Masonic Community in Springfield, Ohio. A recommendation from the Grand Lodge Advisory Committee to the Grand Master, Kevin B. Todd, started the process. The Grand Secretary, C. Michael Watson, will oversee the relocation process, which includes moving the Grand Lodge Museum as well. “Moving the Grand Lodge Office to the Springfield Campus strengthens the relationship between every Ohio Mason and our Masonic Home…and has the added benefit of saving money,” said Todd. The Ohio Grand Lodge originated in 1809 in Chillicothe, Ohio, relocated to Cincinnati in 1852, and then moved to Worthington, Ohio in 1954. “This is the right time and the right location for The Grand Lodge of Ohio to move,” commented Terry W. Posey, Chairman of the Ohio Masonic Home Board of Trustees, and Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. “The Home’s Board members unanimously support the Grand Master’s decision,” he said. “The Springfield campus residents and staff are pleased that the Grand Lodge of Ohio will be

on the campus,” said the Home’s Chief Executive Officer Tom Stofac. “The Grand Lodge Museum will be located in the Hillman Building close to the campus reception area,” he said. A relocation progress report will be given at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication in October. Meanwhile, updates will be posted on the Grand Lodge website and the Ohio Masonic Home website

In this issue: Social Media Builds Brotherhood............ 4 Scholarship Recipients............................6 New Presidents....................................... 7 DeMolay and I-CARE Join Forces......... 10 A Brother Serving Abroad..................... 14

Standing With Your Brothers By Kevin Todd, Grand Master

An Obligation

There is little more we can do for

a Brother who has passed from this earthly toil than to honor his life by attending his Masonic Funeral Service. When you find out that a Brother has passed away, take note of when and where his Masonic Service is being held, put on your coat and tie, and then just show up. A nice card and flowers are good, but to take some of your valuable time to stand up for a departed Brother, in front of his family and friends, is an honor and an obligation. This brings comfort and shows that we all appreciated the life of our Brother. Standing with your Brothers, looking into the faces of the family, you will quickly see that whatever excuse you thought you had for not being there – pales in insignificance. The Master of your lodge may lead the Masonic Service, but it is your obligation to be there. If you have not made your desires clear to your family as to what you want for your final arrangements (your white apron and ring, The Beacon is published quarterly. Please report all changes of address to your lodge secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces the BEACON mailing labels. Chad Simpson Director of Program Development The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio P.O. Box 629 Worthington, OH 43085-0629 614-885-5318 Kristen Hirschfeld Communications Manager The Ohio Masonic Home 2655 W. National Road Springfield, OH 45504-3698 937-525-3025



Masonic Service, etc.) you should do so or at least write them down to be used by your family later. If you are reading this, it’s not too late.

Charity I am tremendously impressed with the generosity of the Ohio Masons this past year. You have supported three major charitable efforts: Ohio Masonic Home Capital Campaign; Masonic Model Student Assistance Fund Raiser; and the Special Olympics Fund Raising. To date, the capital campaign has raised in excess of $4 million, MMSAP is over $190,000, and you donated $175,000 to Ohio Special Olympics! All of this and you support your lodge’s local relief efforts too! Everyone has shown extra heart and spirit for supporting Pam’s program to put reading books in the hands of children all around Ohio. It was fun to see the enthusiasm for this labor of love. After the final count is taken, Pam will announce the grand total of books donated at Grand Lodge. Your wonderful acts of charity will pay dividends far into the future.

Masonic Wings What fun it has been to share the joy and pride of being a Mason and an aviator with many of my Brothers. I was not sure how well the Wings Pins would work but it has become a fun and popular item. The Wings Pin is being worn by Masons all around Ohio, the USA, and World. If you are wearing one of the Wings Pins, congratulations! For the Masons who are not pilots yet, I encourage you to stop at your local airport and sign up for flight lessons. After you solo the aircraft, stop by to see me for a pin.

Ohio Masons One of the benefits of being a Grand Lodge Officer is the opportunity to meet all of the wonderful people that make up Masonry in our great Ohio jurisdiction and around the country. If you and I did not get the opportunity to meet, shake hands, and share a few comments, it’s never too late. I love Masonry and Ohio Masons are the best. The past two centuries have been a great journey for Ohio Masonry. But Freemasonry today is not the same as it was in 1808 – it has evolved. In the coming years, Ohio Freemasonry will need to adapt and evolve to survive and prosper. What we all do as Masons is important work and is necessary to our American Society and to the entire world. My Brethren, the Future of Freemasonry is up to you.

Grand Lodge Kevin B. Todd, Grand Master

Future site of the Grand Lodge of F.& A.M.

Growing in Masonry...and in Life By Tom Stofac, Chief Executive Officer, the Ohio Masonic Home

I hope this issue of the Beacon finds you well and surviving a very hot and dry summer. This season is a time to relax and enjoy the gifts that Mother Nature and the Grand Architect of the Universe provide for us. It is filled with vibrant colors and the changing and growth of our plants, crops and such. Although this summer may not have brought about the same color changes we hoped for, and the heat and drought change our expectations of what we wanted to see, we can still count on the fact that it will change. For me, I try my best to nurture the plants and allow them to grow. Much the same way we nurture each other and encourage each other to grow

in Masonry and in life. It is with this thought in mind that I express my heartfelt thanks to you all for nurturing the growth of the Ohio Masonic Home. We know and feel your support each day and so deeply appreciate it. When I came here some 15 months ago I said there were three key areas we needed to address. First was to bring stability to our fiscal situation, second was to raise money in an active way and third was to grow our relationship with the Fraternity. I can honestly say we have made great progress on all three in the past year. One of the areas I am most proud of is that we are establishing ourselves as YOUR Ohio Masonic Home. It occurs to me every day that we are the visible expression of Masonic service and philanthropy to our state in all that we do for our brothers, their wives, and widows, as well as our

community as a whole. We do not take this responsibility lightly. This is why I am delighted to have the Grand Lodge of Ohio relocating onto the Springfield campus. I believe it will further the working relationship between the Home, the Grand Lodge and the Fraternity. I am sure it will build our relationship and assist in the operating costs of the Grand Lodge from which we all benefit. Most importantly it will further the visible expression that we are of Masonry in Ohio. I also need to say that over the past months, I am most proud to have been raised a Master Mason and further my knowledge of Masonry through my ongoing journey. I am a proud man to be able to call you all my brothers. I hope you all stay safe this summer and find time to relax a bit in these hot days.

Office is moving to Springfield The location of the Grand Lodge office has been under study for the last four years. Several locations have been studied, including the current location, and the Springfield Ohio Masonic Home location makes the most sense for the Grand Lodge of Ohio. Considering the remodeling efforts needed to convert the CEO’s residence into a functioning Grand Lodge Office, it will take no more than a year to complete the move. You have elected your Grand Lodge Offices to manage the affairs of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. You expect sound fiscal management and timely, unbiased direction from the Grand Master, Grand Lodge Officers, and the Grand Lodge Office. This is good example of how well

that system has worked. Options have been presented and well examined. The various effects of the decision have been discussed. A sound conclusion has been reached. And directions have been given to put the decision into motion. This move will save us $80,000 per year. Expenses involved with the move will give us a two year payback. What we get for this effort is a Grand Lodge Office that better fits our needs, with half the operating budget, located at the front door of a beautiful Masonic campus, and it unites the relationship we have with our Ohio Masonic Home at the same time. That is called a win-win situation. More updates will follow in the coming months.



Freemasons use Social Media to build Brotherhood Facebook, text messaging, Twitter

and other social media outlets have become the working tools of the modern Freemason. Brothers as young as 19 and as old as 79 (or older) can be found on Facebook, liking and friending other Freemasons, Masonic Lodge pages, and even the Grand Lodge of Ohio, when they are not tweeting or texting one another. Social Media is the use of “web-based and mobile based technologies […]to turn communication into interactive dialogue among organizations, communities, and individuals,” according to Wikipedia.

responded to the poll, 90% had email accounts, 84% have visited, 46% are on Facebook, 47% use text messaging, and 7% have a Twitter account. Brothers who were asked about how social media has affected their Masonic experience had a variety of things to say. “I’m Junior Warden of our Lodge, and texting is the only way that I communicate with the Worshipful Master outside of Lodge,” said Paul Berick, New England Lodge #4. Mert Baykut, Cleveland Lodge #781, noted, “Social media has tremendously influenced my Masonic life. I have met so many great Brothers from Turkey (my native country) as well as USA, and I learned so much from them. The Ohio Freemason page on Facebook is a perfect example of the benefits of social media. We can share visual posts and hold discussions. Hence, two thumbs up! :)” There are some negative sides to social media as Christopher Keller, Science Lodge #50, explained. “I did not participate in Lodge for about ten years. I got back into it and started wearing my ring again. Suddenly, people I know began messaging me links to all the YouTube conspiracy junk, which I ignore.” On the positive side, “I do check the Facebook pages, and I like them. It is a great way to see what’s going on in different areas. Also, they give ideas of things to look into doing at my Lodge.”

“Social media technologies take on many different forms including magazines, Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, microblogging, wikis, podcasts, photographs or pictures, video, rating and social bookmarking.” Social media has become a convenient way for individual Brothers and their Lodges to stay connected, making for a more inclusive Freemasonry. Those who cannot attend a Lodge meeting are still able to find out what is happening. The Grand Lodge of Ohio has its own information page on Facebook as do countless local Lodges. Grand Master Todd surveyed the Brothers who attended his roll-out program last summer. Of those who



“To me social media has been an exciting experience,” shared Sherry Chandy, an Indian Freemason living in Cleveland. “I personally like the format that allows everyone to interact at their own time and pleasure. It’s an evolution of human interaction on a level not seen earlier. My ability to introduce new people to the fraternity has also borne fruit because of the social mix of my personal and Masonic circle of friends.” Historically, Freemasonry has adapted the use of technology to best serve the fraternity and its members. Social media is the latest stage of this social evolutionary process. Those who use it wisely will reap the benefits, but everyone should be cautious as to what if any personal information they share using social media. For more information about Freemasonry and social media visit Facebook, Twitter or some other social media outlet.

New vs Old... The Changing Technology of Masonic Ritual In the beginning, the Masonic degree lectures were illustrated by chalk drawings on the floor. That practice was later replaced with hand-painted floorcloths. From the 1890s until recently, slide presentations have been used. The Grand Lodge of Ohio now offers two distinct ways to illustrate the Masonic degree lectures. The first takes full advantage of modern technology and is available on DVD. The second is a classic blast from the past – a genuine Master’s carpet. The DVD presentation for all three degree lectures was created by Brother Mark Munroe, a professional videographer. His style is similar to that of Ken Burns, whose now famous PBS documentaries about the Civil War, baseball, and Prohibition brought to life photographs and other historic, archival images.

The lecture DVD features many traditional Masonic images as well as animation created specifically for this presentation and can be ordered from the Grand Secretary (800-292-6092) for $150. Brother Stephen Hill, a Past Master of Hiram Lodge #18, has designed a special Master’s carpet to be used in conjunction with the Master Mason lecture. It is machine painted on canvas and measures four feet by five feet. This Master’s carpet is a wonderful opportunity to experience the intimate style in which lectures were given from the mid 18th to late 19th centuries. It can also be ordered from the Grand Secretary. The cost is $200, $50 of which goes to support Ohio Special Olympics.

Life Compass – eCareDiary It is a safe, secure, password Life Compass, a program of the Ohio Masonic Home, has recently added a new service to our growing list. This latest addition is eCareDiary and it is offered to you at no cost. eCareDiary provides comprehensive information, tools and resources to help those who are seeking and providing long-term care. A unique feature is the diary, a set of online tools designed to make coordination of care and sharing of information very easy amongst family members and other caregivers. eCareDiary provides: • an online calendar to help you manage appointments • a means to accurately share information within your immediate circle of care providers • a connection with an extensive community of caregivers

protected website that is housed behind the latest firewall technology available. All data that is entered into and stored within the online diary belongs to the person who entered it. The information is under your control and is never shared. eCareDiary allows you to set up reminders for appointments, medication and meals as well as other items. The program is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The diary includes the capability to provide reporting on daily visitors, registered users and time on site to ensure proper usage of the system. Check out this latest product from Life Compass on our website at and learn more about this and the other products available through the program. Or call 877-881-1623

toll free and speak to our customer service representative. Remember, eCareDiary is offered at no cost to you through the Life Compass program of the Ohio Masonic Home, your trusted resource to help people age respectfully.



Less Paper Means Better Care Cornerstone Home Health and Hospice Switching To Electronic Medical Records

Much of the technology we use

each day provides us with added convenience or entertainment. You can change the TV from the comfort of your couch, shop without leaving home and instantly send vacation photos to friends using your phone. Technology will play a much more important role for clients served by Cornerstone Home Health and Hospice. The new electronic medical records system that members of Cornerstone are now learning to use will make a tremendous difference in helping clients remain healthy and live independently. “Healthcare organizations like ours drown in a sea of paper,” explained Cara Schuster, Cornerstone’s President. “We need to thoroughly document information about our clients and the care we provide. But when you’re wading through a fat file folder full of hundreds of documents, it can sometimes be difficult to find the information we need.” With the new electronic system, Cara and her team have a goal of completely eliminating paper forms. The nurses calling on clients will spend less time filling out paperwork while with patients. If they need to look up some information about their client, it will be just a few keystrokes away on their laptop computer. Less time doing paperwork means the nurses can spend more time delivering top-quality care. As an added benefit, nurses will be able to access educational



information. Their laptops become a portable super-library of training materials that will help clients to better understand their condition, and the medicines and treatments available to address it. Clients may sometimes still see a paper form, but once the Cornerstone caregiver returns to the office, it will be scanned and stored electronically rather than going in a file cabinet. Cornerstone caregivers are still getting comfortable with how the system works. They have until September 1 to be fully trained. That is when they will make the switch

2012 Scholarship Recipients On Saturday, July 21, 2012, the Ohio Masonic Home held a special evening reception for the recipients of its annual scholarship program. A total of 17 students out of over 100 applicants were given awards to help combat the cost of rising tuition in the 2012-2013 school year. With a deadline of April 1 the applications arrived from all corners of the

and begin their quest to eliminate paper and go electronic. Some of the first clients to benefit from the system may be some of the newest to Cornerstone, which just began accepting new client referrals in the Medina County area as of July 1. “We can see that every healthcare provider will be using electronic records in the future,” Cara said. “With all of the benefits this technology will provide both to our clients and our staff, we are eager to begin using it sooner rather than later.”

state. While most of the winning scholars happened to be first year freshman, there were returning students among the group as well. These best and brightest have been accepted to universities and colleges ranging from The Ohio State University to Marietta College. The Ohio Masonic Home continues this program with great hope to encourage the youth of today to flourish and become the leaders of tomorrow.

Scholarship recipients from left to right starting with the back row are: Andrew Jeffers, Barrett Lawlis, Anthony King, Erin McNulty, Zachary Adams, front row, Madison Stuhlreyer, Rebecca Kirk, Lyndsay Hagemeyer, Ashley Mohridge, and Jennifer Moore.

Introducing Two New Presidents Welcome, Mrs. President The Benevolent Endowment Foundation (BEF) of the Ohio Masonic Home (OMH) has been through many changes this past year. We have moved to a regional fund development model in order to better respond to the needs of the organization. We have been successful in raising money to support our memory care units at Medina and Waterville; admittedly there is still some work to do. We have stabilized many aspects of the Foundation and to this end it was necessary to appoint a President who

Mrs. Cathy Wigton

would lead this vital part of our organization into the future. At the BEF board meeting on July 8 the board unanimously voted and approved Mrs. Cathy Wigton as the new President of the Foundation. Cathy has been crucial in the restructuring, vision, planning and implementing of a great group of fund raisers. In short order she has been successful in stabilizing and setting a true and good course for the Foundation. Cathy has been with OMH for three years and brings a wealth of experience in fund raising and nonprofit management to her new role. She is a trusted and valued asset to our organization and I am sure her

interaction and navigation with the OMH board will translate well to the BEF board. I am delighted to inform you of this news. Please know that we all appreciate your commitment and dedication to OMH and BEF. If you have questions or would like to talk to Cathy or any of the Foundation staff please feel free to contact them. You can reach Cathy at the corporate office; the other fund raisers are available by contacting the BEF office or asking your area representative from OMH. Thank you again for all your support. Together we can make a difference in the lives of our Brethren.

Meet the New Cornerstone President Cara Schuster has been promoted to the position of president of Cornerstone Home Health and Hospice, Cornerstone Home Health and Cornerstone Helping Hands. Originally hired on as Corporate Director of Clinical and Process Improvement in March of 2012, in her new role Ms. Schuster will be responsible for the home health services provided through the Ohio Masonic Home’s family of organizations.

Ms. Schuster has worked more than 20 years in long-term care throughout Ohio, specifically with non-profit organizations. Prior to accepting her position with the Ohio Masonic Home, she was employed four years as Vice President of Operations for the northern region of Lutheran Social Services of Central Ohio. “There is wonderful opportunity for growth in our state where in-home service is concerned,” said Tom Stofac, CEO of The Ohio Masonic Home. “Cara has the experience and the compassion

needed to bring our products and services to people’s homes so they can age where they want to, respectfully.”

Ms. Cara Schuster

“I believe in the quality of care found in the organizations of the Ohio Masonic Home,” Cara states. “When combined with their push to find leading edge products and services, they are at the forefront of care in the state. I am pleased to be a part of that vision.”




Year in


The close of another Grand Lodge year is fast approaching. It has been a year of changes, joys and sorrows. Grand Master Kevin Todd has filled his year with people and events that he will not soon forget. As he prepares to join the ranks of the Past Grand Masters, remember his motto: “The future of Freemasonry is up to you.�

Cornerstone Ceremony at Browning

Community Service Award Riding for Freemasonry Michael and Judy Puskarich

Service Awards in Florida

Sister and Brothers at Miriam Chapter

Ready for Takeoff!



Masonic Service Award

White or Dark Meat?

Masonic Service Award

Ready to Go to Work

Making New Friends

Good Food – Good Times

An Evening with George “W”

7th District Reception

Reception in Stockport SUMMER 2012 9

DeMolay and I-CARE Join

in Helping

For some people, yard work is a

pleasant way to spend some time outdoors. Others, including the tech-savvy younger generations, find it a tedious chore to be avoided at all costs. For Juanita Gruner, the 94-year-old widow of Mason Paul Gruner, yard work was an impossible task. Fortunately, a generous group of DeMolay members were eager to help keep Juanita’s yard looking nice. Juanita’s husband Paul, a member of the Cincinnati Lafayette Lodge #483, passed away in 1999. As Juanita and her son became less able to manage some of the routine chores of daily life, she turned to I-CARE for help. This program assists Masons, wives, and widows as well as Eastern Star members, age 65 and older, with a variety of services that enable them to age successfully at home.

Good young men becoming better.



“I contacted a member of Mr. Gruner’s lodge to see if they might be able to help her with yard work,” recalled I-CARE coordinator Shelley Fricke. “He suggested that the Hamilton DeMolay group would be happy to volunteer their services.” So on a summer day in 2011, a group of young DeMolay men arrived at her house sans smart phones, iPods and other gadgets, ready to help. Mrs. Gruner, of course, was thrilled. As for the boys they found the value of helping someone in need. This year, the DeMolay crew made a return trip to help with yard cleanup. “This year, we cut down some bushes and moved brush,” said

DeMolay group at a dance.

Fred Morris, one of the DeMolay work team. “We were pretty proud, because the yard looked very clean when we were done, like it had been a professional job. We were glad to have the chance to help Mrs. Gruner.” After they had finished the project and said their goodbyes to the grateful Mrs. Gruner, Jim Blevins, Chapter Advisor for Hamilton DeMolay, took the boys out for a meal of chicken wings. “At the restaurant, we all got in a competitive mood as we played a punching bag game that measures how strong you are,” Fred said. “We all laughed and had a fun time. It was a great day all around.” Chapter Advisor Jim Blevins said that the group also performs other community service activities. “Each year, you will find us at the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Twice a year, the boys cook for the families staying at the Ronald McDonald House. Our local DeMolay chapter, and the entire DeMolay organization, helps make good young men better and prepares them to be the leaders of tomorrow.”

Freemasons receive Heroes’ Welcome at Special

Olympics Ohio Freemasons have supported the Special Olympic Summer Games since 1978 with a total contribution of $3,655,000.

The Freemasons of Ohio once again received a rousing heroes’ welcome from the athletes and their families at the opening ceremonies of the Special Olympic Summer Games. Over four hundred Freemasons led the parade of athletes around the Jesse Owens Track at OSU.

Grand Master Kevin B. Todd presented a check for $175,000 to Ohio Special Olympics. That amount represents the efforts of 310 lodges, several Eastern Star Chapters, Scottish Rite Valleys and the Ohio Grotto Association, which also provided brats and burgers to the marchers.

As an expression of their gratitude, the athletes from the Summit County MMRD marched wearing white aprons with blue trim that they had made themselves, proving the old adage that imitation is the highest form of flattery.

Ohio DeMolay Members Recognized as 2012 Heartland Heroes

Daniel Gold and Brett Barber who saved the life of Frank Stanek. According to the Red Cross, on May 21, Stanek was working in his orchard cleaning and moving equipment with Brett Barber the assistance of Barber and Gold. While Stanek was using a large garden tractor to pull a twelve foot trailer, the tractor

flipped backwards and pinned him between the steering wheel and the wheel jack of the trailer. He was unable to free himself and had trouble breathing. Daniel Gold Thankfully, the two DeMolay saw what happened and rushed to his aid. Their quick action is credited with saving his life.

The Medina County Chapter of the American Red Cross recently recognized several community members who performed extraordinary acts of courage or who have committed countless hours of community service. Among those recognized were two members of the Medina Chapter of the Order of DeMolay,




Point Within a Circle

A Speculative Article by Jason Eddy, High Point Lodge #773

We are first exposed to the point

within a circle in the lecture of the Entered Apprentice degree. We are told that the point represents an individual Brother and the circle the boundary line beyond which he is never to suffer his passions or prejudices to betray him. Later on in the lecture we are told that this particular symbol is represented in all Lodges dedicated to the Holy Saints John.

I, however, have never seen this symbol anywhere in Lodge except during the lecture itself. As Masons, we are keenly aware that our symbolism lies far beneath the surface of what is seen with the eye. After all, in the same lecture, we are told that our heart should be taught to conceive before our eyes behold the beauties of Freemasonry. In this case, I had been seeing only with my eyes, but now, with the help of another Brother, I can see it



everywhere in our ritual and even a bit beyond that. First, let us revisit what we are told about this symbol. It is a point within a circle, embordered by two parallel perpendicular lines and on top of the circle rests the Holy Scriptures. A point, as I now see it, can be symbolic of an individual Brother, as the altar that we see in every Lodge and even the Lodge itself. Each of these aligns perfectly not only with the symbol itself, but with the application of it in our everyday lives. The circle can be found in a multitude of places both inside the Lodge and outside the Lodge. Circumambulation traces a circle about the Lodge. The compasses, one of the Great Lights of Masonry, are used to draw circles. Outside of the Lodge, we are surrounded by the profane world, which despite the belief of those who came before Galileo is actually round. Two parallel perpendicular lines are found inside the Lodge as well as outside the Lodge. In the opening and closing of a Lodge of Master Mason we see the Junior and Senior Deacon trace the path of two parallel lines. During parst of the initiation ceremonies, the candidate beholds his Brothers standing in two parallel lines. When seen from space, the light from the sun forms two parallel lines between darkness and light (one to the East and one to the West) as it makes its trek across the sky. So how does each of these connect to the symbol of the point within the circle? Let us examine each starting at the outside and working our way inward.

The Lodge is a Mason’s sanctuary (a Point), surrounded by the outside world (the Circle), and the Sun at High Twelve which is the “beauty and glory of the day” forms two distinct parallel lines on each side as it makes its trek from East to West (two parallel perpendicular lines) and the Great Architect of the Universe, who is above all sits above us, watching down (the Holy Scriptures). The altar is a place of great importance in our Lodge (a Point), circumambulation around the altar is a part of every degree (the Circle), the Brethren form lines along each side of the altar as our Brothers are obligated (two parallel perpendicular lines) and again, the rule and guide of all of our actions is the Holy Scriptures. I cannot say with any degree of confidence that our ritual was designed specifically to align with this symbol. I am simply speculating that it does. That is, of course, what we do as speculative Masons. We seek to understand through study, contemplation and speculation. What I can say with confidence is that the relationships that I have shared in this article represent what the point within a circle means to me. I hope at the very least, you will pause and reflect for a moment the next time you hear mention of the point within a circle. This article expresses the opinion of the Brother who wrote it and is offered as a sample of speculative thinking regarding the symbolism of Freemasonry. – Editor’s Note.

Mt. Olivet Lodge Commemorates 150th Anniversary of Andrew’s Raid Mount Olivet Lodge #226

commemorated the 150th anniversary of Andrew’s Raid during their recent Past Masters night. The raid took place on April 12, 1862 and is also known as the

Great Locomotive Chase. It was an attempt by the Union forces to cause havoc in the South by capturing the locomotive called the General and destroying as much property along the way as possible. Many of the raiders were eventually captured by the Confederates, tried and some even executed. Among those who paid the ultimate price was Brother Marion Ross, who was a member of Mt. Olivet Lodge. Brother Ross was among the first recipients of the Medal of Honor. His posthumously awarded medal was on display during this meeting. The speaker for the evening was Robert Weller, a Past District Deputy Grand Master of the 9th Masonic District and an avid researcher of Andrew’s Raid.

After an informational presentation, Weller made a generous gift of his entire collection of materials related to the Raid to Mt. Olivet Lodge. “I know this is a place where these items will always be cherished,” stated Weller.

Ohio Month at the George Washington National Masonic Memorial August was Ohio month at the George Washington Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia. In recognition of this auspicious occasion and to commemorate the 274th anniversary George Washington being raised a Master Mason, 245 Ohio Freemasons converged on the Nation’s capital on August 4, 5 and 6. “Ohio Masons have always been great supporters of the George Washington Memorial,” explained Grand Master Todd. “It is a great thrill to be able to raise Ohio Master Masons at the Memorial to kick off Ohio’s month. I know that everyone involved with this event will remember it for the rest of their lives.” The trip included a visit to the National Cathedral and to Arlington National Cemetery, where Grand Master Todd laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. On Saturday, August 5, the Grand Lodge of Ohio was opened at the Memorial and twenty new Master Masons were raised by the Grand Master and the Officers of the Grand Lodge, 274 years to the day that George Washington became a Master Mason.



Tee Off With Celebrities What could be better than a late

summer day playing golf with former Ohio State Buckeyes and retired professional baseball, football and basketball players? How about playing for a special reduced rate for Masons only? It is part of the 10th anniversary Jim Perry Celebrity Golf Classic on Monday, September 10 at Windy Knoll Golf Club in Springfield. For just $70 a person, a savings of $30, Masons will get a memorable day of golf including 18 holes with a sports celebrity, a commemorative shirt, a special gift plus lunch and dinner. That’s just for starters. You’ll mix with Buckeye greats like Dee Miller, one of Ohio State’s top receivers in the late 1990s; and Michael Wiley, an All-Big 10 first teamer in 1998 and one of the top rushers in Buckeye history. Retired professional sports celebrities teeing off will include 1970 Cy Young Award-winning

pitcher Jim Perry; NFL Pro Bowl quarterback and Cleveland Brown Milt Plum and the first ever NBA Rookie of the Year, Don Meineke. Several others will participate as well.

Two exciting competitions will be conducted including a Hole-in-One competition for $10,000. Every golfer will get a shot. Also, a shoot-out for the six golfers closest to the pin will be held for $100,000. Get autographs, hear great stories and come away with great memories that can’t be equaled. All the while, you’ll be supporting fellow Masons and their families at Springfield Masonic Community. Proceeds from the Classic will go toward upgrading the campus Wellness Center. Exercise is an important part of senior aging, and residents in all areas of the campus will benefit. The special registration fee for Masons is good through Aug. 10. To register or for more information, call 937-325-1531, ext. 5433 or go to

“A Gathering at the Knoll” Not a golfer? Not a problem. You can still have a great time, meet the celebrities and help a good cause during “A Gathering at the Knoll”, 4-7 p.m. Sunday, September 9 at Windy Knoll Golf Club in Springfield. This special event will combine live entertainment, food, sports celebrities and live and silent auctions. Come away with some great collectibles and other items, enjoy heavy hors d’ oeuvres and hear music from jazz guitarist Dennis Turner or get a portrait from caricature artist Dennis Porter. The price is just $25 a person, with proceeds going to the Springfield Masonic Community Wellness Center project. Windy Knoll Golf Club is located at 500 Roscommon Drive, Springfield. Further information is available at 937-325-1531, ext. 5433.

Home Day Celebration Another successful Home Day has come and gone this year. Over 1300 visitors came out for the festivities. The Foundation handed out popsicles and the shriners delighted parade watchers. This family friendly annual event falls on the first or second Sunday of June each year, and has been an ongoing tradition in its current form for the past 28 years.



BEACON 2655 W. National Road Springfield, Ohio 45504-3698

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A Caregiver and a Businesswoman Often when thinking of Masons,

men come to mind. However upon a closer look, quite a few women are revealed working among their ranks. The same holds true where Betty Rettig, R.N. and the Browning Masonic Community Board of Trustees are concerned. In 2006, Mrs. Rettig was asked if she would consider becoming a Browning Trustee. She found the opportunity to be an excellent way to continue her service. As a trustee is being considered, his or her background and experience are contemplated. In this respect, Betty is more than qualified on both accounts. Her nursing career started in 1971 with the past 20 years spent in hospital administration. This afforded an understanding of the business side of healthcare to complement what she knew concerning the patient/caregiver perspective. In addition, Betty was given a role allowing her to learn about building projects during the construction of a new $50 million hospital campus. Her experience will be invaluable as Browning Masonic

Community constructs and opens its new dementia/Alzheimer’s unit “Pathways at Browning.” When asked about the current healthcare trend of moving toward in-home care Betty said, “I remember thinking that people in their 60’s and 70’s were old! Now that I have joined those ranks, I can better understand the desire to stay at home because I don’t FEEL old,” a shared sentiment among baby boomers. However, in considering those with health problems and dementia Mrs. Rettig commented, “I think retirement communities can offer a mix of “home” with the security of living in a small community designed to meet the needs of folks as they age;” allowing residents to “retain their independence while eliminating the demands of home ownership.” These remarks bring to light the necessity of both in-home and retirement community options in the aging industry. At home Betty is a wife, mother of two accomplished daughters and grandmother to four

very active grandchildren. In addition to time spent with her family, Mrs. Rettig has been teaching, an item that was on her “bucket list.” She also works in a private counseling office in Defiance, Ohio. Her hobbies include reading, gardening, sewing, and a variety of crafts. Betty’s husband Bob is an active Mason as a PMIGM, currently serving as Grand Treasurer of the Grand Council Royal and Select Masons and Grand Aide to the Right Emminent Grand Commander. She enjoys the opportunity to travel with him to Masonic events when she can. Betty is a commendable member of the Browning Board of Trustees. Her experience and drive to serve the community recommend her to any board or service.

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