Women Entrepreneuers

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Women Entrepreneurs Be Unstoppable. Achieve More Than You Thought Possible

Issue 4/Feb 2013

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Roger Love Discover the

Power of Pinning

with Melanie Duncan

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Regulars 05 Editor’s Note 29 Books That Make Us Unstoppable! by Alysse Guitar

Features 07 Inspirational mompreneur

Go Bold. Be Gutsy. Break the Rules or Risk Being Lost in the Online Density!

by Marla Dennis

09 Awesome Man Of The Month Roger Love

by Dr. Vrunda Davé

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Cover Story Discover the Power of 12 Pinning with Melanie Duncan by Dr. Vrunda Davé


18 Reach Your Goals Through Spirit Driven Vision

by Rita Hovakimian

21 How to Make Love Last a Lifetime by Annie Lalla

24 Embrace Your Freedom: How to Succeed Fearlessly by Nancy Ferrari

27 Why Being Real Matters More Than Ever

With Ursula Mentjes

32 Indulge Your Sweet Tooth with Rose Cole

Enjoy Chocolate Without Breaking Out or Gaining Weight!

34 Majestic Monaco

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Editor’s Note


elcome to Women Entrepreneurs Magazine! We are a community of passionate, savvy, action-oriented women in business who consciously design and build our success, our way. As the Publisher of Women Entrepreneurs Magazine and a Business Success Mentor, I am passionate about bringing you tools and strategies that work from the best and brightest minds in business so that you can take achieve more than you ever thought possible in business and life. Our goal is to help you make the money you want so that you can make a difference in your own life, you community, and the world. We would love to hear from you! Write to us at info@WomenEntrepreneursMagazine and share your thoughts on what topics are important to you and what you would like us to cover in upcoming issues.

To Your Unstoppable Success!

WomenEntrepreneurs www.WomenEntrepreneursMagazine.com

Editorial Publisher Dr. Vrunda Davé Assistant Editor Sherrie Goodrich This Edition’s Contributors Rose Cole Marla Dennis Melanie Duncan Nancy Ferrari Alysse Guitar Rita Havokimian Annie Lalla Roger Love Ursula Mentjes Published By Soul Entrepreneurs Media To Advertise info@womenentrepreneursmagazine.com

Design & Layout Lise-Mari Coetzee www.CoetzeePublishing.com

Click Here to Contribute an Article Click Here for Affiliates & Earnings Disclaimer

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© WomenEntrepreneurs Magazine 2012

Want To Contribute? We are always looking for fresh and fascinating content from both men and women experts for Women Entrepreneurs Magazine. CLICK HERE for Article Submission Guidelines

Inspirational Mompreneur

Go Bold. Be Gutsy. Break the Rules or Risk Being Lost in the Online Density!

Go Bold. Be Gutsy. Break the Rules

or Risk Being Lost in the Online Density!


by Marla Dennis

e all jumped into 2013 with a blast of high energy. Did you feel it, too? The talk out there is how abundant 2013 will be as a result of the BIG energetic shift we had all year long that led up to widespread gossip of 12-21-12. Well it’s no coincidence all the online experts are pointing to 2013 as being the year of compelling content, which is required for strong Google rankings, better engagement in your social media channels and better online community building. It follows then how even more important it is to stand out today with your brand given the volume and density of online content. So, let’s go a step further. I’m claiming 2013 as the year of compelling BOLDER brand content which moves people to action even more! It’s the year of being BOLDER, more GUTSY, and BREAKING more rules in not only your content and brand, but how you operate in your business! The reason personal branding is the leading strategy for your business marketing is no one can duplicate who you are. As a result, you take yourself out of the heavy competition and rise above the online density. It doesn't matter if your competition is down the street; when you reach out to your market in a personalized way (always first person conversational) online and nurture that relationship via your authentic personality-driven ezine (newsletter), blog and social media channels, you hedge the competition and create more loyal clients and contacts. The key to strategic branding and higher Google rankings is positioning you as the “goto” expert in a very conversational manner for xyz. The blending of your business brand as your personal brand IS the secret to excelling in your marketing today. Emotional content ranks high on Google for your SEO, too. In today's overly saturated market, you (all business owners) MUST be consistent with your online marketing to build your know, like and trust factor. (Even if you think it's not necessary). 2013 is the year of BOLDER compelling content to move people to action.

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Kate White, former editor-in-Chief Cosmo magazine, now on her own to pursue a global speaking and author platform, is known for being a “rule breaker” in the magazine industry. As an author of four career books and eight novels, she takes no prisoners when it comes to being bold in the world. Her latest speaking campaign “Go Big or Go Home,” originated from a conversation she had with an employee one day while working at Cosmo. The employee said, “Go BIG or GO Home” referring to when she goes out on the town in New York. She said “If you don’t go out with the idea that you’ll have a heck of a good time - don’t even bother.” This hit a chord with Kate applying it to doing projects at COSMO. So with a new mindset in hand, each time she and her staff wrote cover lines for the cover of COSMO – she would ask go “Can we go bolder?” “Can we do it differently to take it to a new level?” She added, “If Jay Leno was not mocking our cover lines at least once a month I was not doing my job!”

Inspirational Mompreneur

Go Bold. Be Gutsy. Break the Rules or Risk Being Lost in the Online Density!

So she got out a pair of nail scissors and went into each bag and cut out her “Kate Spade New York” tag from inside the bag and sewed them on the outside of the bag. Now that was breaking the rules. Unless you were some big name designer back then, you didn’t place the name tags on the outside of the bag! But she did it with guts and glory! And that’s what she is known for now. Kate Spade is a multi-million dollar fashion brand today. Her willingness to go gutsy, bolder and break the rules made history for her.

Three Tips to Start the Process Now let’s look at how you can begin making a difference with your brand! Here are three tips to start the process of being BOLD, DIFFERENT & GUTSY in your compelling content:

Break the Mold What can you do that is more bold and more gutsy with your personal brand content? How can you be different and bolder in your content on your fan page, your ezine (newsletter), your blog articles and headlines, your videos and video scripts, video headlines, etc.?

1. Find a mentor who speaks your language. Is she or he where you want to be? Does their online content inspire you and help you feel bolder, more gutsy? Follow them for a while observing how their personal brand shows up on YouTube, blogs, TV, radio, magazines, ezines, etc. I found my writing muse, Kate White, on a freelance writing site that led to her site and many YouTube videos. I’m thrilled!

Mega fashion icon Kate Spade took the BOLD route back when she was just starting out with a line of black nylon handbags. She felt they were simple, different, light, and easy. It was

2. Start within by letting go of self-imposed limitations. Do whatever it takes to THINK BIGGER, BOLDER. Make small successes along the way to build your confidence and turn yourself into BOLD player. Let your mentor carry the belief in you before you can carry it yourself. See beyond your current level of content and continue to ask yourself, “Is there another approach to communicating my expertise? Can I do this article bolder? Can I write this headline bolder? Can I be more gutsy in my image?” The three leading categories to focus on today for a BOLDER brand is: mindset, communication, and image.

11 pm at night and she was getting ready for a trade show the next day – her first of many to sell her fashion bags to the wholesalers. But as she sat there she realized there really was not anything interesting for the eye to go to. She felt these are good but not good enough.

3. Spend an hour each week planning how you will evolve your business and brand in a BOLD way. Invest the time and emotion in where you are headed. Always anticipate the road ahead. Go BOLD and BREAK THE RULES!

Ask yourself each time – “Have I done it?” Simply asking yourself as you write your content for your marketing could this be BOLDER? Is there another approach? How can you break the mold and break the rules to stand out in your industry?

Marla Dennis, an expert in online personal branding and strategic positioning, inspires women lifestyle entrepreneurs how to be BOLDER and BREAK THE RULES in their brand content for the right audience, higher visibility and revenues. CLICK HERE to learn more about how you can build a savvy personal brand and monetize it on social media.

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Awesome Man of the Month

Awesome Man of the Month:

Roger Love by Dr. Vrunda Davé


first met Roger Love when I attended his seminar with Brendon Burchard and Bo Eason called “World’s Greatest Speaker Training.” It was three days of intense inner work, laughter, love and inspiration. I was absolutely floored by Roger Love. I kept thinking to myself, “who is this amazing man who has obviously passed up a very promising career in standup comedy to be a vocal coach?” I had never seen anyone before with Roger’s raw talent: he could bring up anyone to stage and was not only spontaneously hilarious but would transform their voice and uplevel their speaking style on the spot. It’s not surprising that Roger is recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on voice. No other vocal coach in history has been more commercially successful in both the speaking and singing fields. He has vocally produced more than 100 million CD sales worldwide, and written 3 best-selling books. His singing students range from The Beach Boys to John Mayer.

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Roger Love by Dr. Vrunda Davé

Awesome Man of the Month

Roger Love by Dr. Vrunda Davé

He’s coached celebrities like Reese Witherspoon and Jeff Bridges helping them get Oscars for their performances in “Walk the Line” and “Crazy Heart.” Roger has appeared as a regular in 3 major network TV shows, POPSTARS for The WB, ROCKSTAR/INXS for CBS, and THE ONE: Making a Music Star for ABC. Roger is currently the voice coach for the mega-hit TV show GLEE. Ever down-to-earth and humble about his success, Roger’s infectious humor and fearless approach to business and life makes him truly inspirational. Listen to my interview with Roger below and feel how his joy and wisdom empower you to be unstoppable.

CLICK on the Image to Listen to Roger Love with Dr. Vrunda Davé Sharing Juicy Strategies on How to Rock Your Business In this audio interview, you will learn: 1. Why the idea that “Content is King” is incorrect and what to focus on instead. 2. How to truly inspire and influence your clients/customers. 3. How Roger positioned himself as the go-to expert in the music industry and became the #1 vocal coach globally. 4. How Roger built his empire. 5. What you should think and do when anyone says “no” to you in business.

CLICK HERE to get 4 FREE Video Lessons from Roger That Will Teach You How to Bring More Charisma, Star-Power, and Influence to Your Live Presentations.

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Cover Story

Discover the Power of Pinning with Melanie Duncan

Discover the Power of Pinning with

Melanie Duncan

by Dr. Vrunda DavĂŠ

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Cover Story


hen I first met Melanie Duncan, the first thing I thought was: “how does she look that fabulous all the time?” Certainly, it’s easy to get carried away by Melanie’s chic style, effortless eloquence, and easy grace. Yet, once you start talking to Melanie, the truth becomes quite clear: Melanie Duncan is as astute and savvy as she is beautiful. An entrepreneur since her college days, Melanie utilized her laser sharp focus and vision to build an empire that contains multiple businesses from 2 e-commerce sites to the Entrepreneuress Academy, and her premier Pinterest program, “The Power of Pinning.”

Melanie, can you take us back to the beginning? What made you want to become an “entrepreneuress”? How did your journey start? If you knew then, what you know now, what would you have done differently? I had no idea that even wanted to be an entrepreneur until I met my husband, Devin, in college. He had been starting businesses since he was 14 and came from a very entrepreneurial family. I had very little exposure to entre-

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Discover the Power of Pinning with Melanie Duncan

preneurs when I was younger, and it wasn't until being exposed to the freedom and fun of starting and growing business that I got bit by the bug. Growing up I had always been very independent, and didn't like being told what to do. I dreamed of traveling the world and having the financial freedom to live any way that I wanted. I didn't know exactly how I would achieve those dreams, but it all ended up working out after all. I started my first business my sophomore year of college. It was that year that Dev and I begin to take notice of all of the sorority and fraternity members on our campus that were constantly wearing custom apparel with their Greek letters on them. We asked around and learning that they were paying upwards of $100 per sweatshirt and that it was really difficult for people to even buy them. They had to have a car and drive off campus to some little quilt shop to even get them made. Well that was our "aha" moment and CustomGreekThreads.com was born. Originally we had two other partners that helped us go door to door and try and sell our merchandise, but they

Cover Story

ended up deciding not to stay with the company. If I could go back in time, I would not have made the decision to have additional business partners (especially ones that were friends). The experience greatly strained our friendships and was distracting instead of beneficially to the growth of our company.

become friends with many interior designers. I wanted to take that uniquely custom experience that we were creating for our customers with apparel and transcend to the home as well. The bonus was that many people buy monogrammed goods as wedding or bridal shower gifts, which in part peaks during the summer months.

You have built two highly successful e-commerce businesses: CustomGreekThreads.com and LuxuryMonograms.com. How did you come up with these ideas? Why did you decide to focus on on-line businesses only?

Having our businesses be based online was always nonnegotiable. Devin and I started businesses so that we could live a life that we loved and showing up at 8am each day to open up shop was never something that I had dreamed of. We wanted to travel and work as much or as little as we pleased without having those choices be a detriment to our businesses.

LuxuryMonograms.com was created because we were struggling with the seasonal aspect of our Custom Greek Threads business. We would be insanely busy in the Fall and Spring during rush, but summer was painfully slow. We determined that we needed to create another business that would keep our production facility and employees busy during the slow summer months. I racked my brain trying to think of what we could produce that would increase sales during summer months and came up with the idea for LuxuryMonograms.com. I had been living in New York City for about 6 months at the time and had

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Discover the Power of Pinning with Melanie Duncan


Cover Story Plus there was the fact that we knew it was a smart business move. Having our offerings online made it easier and more convenient for more people to order, while increasing the reach of potential customers exponentially.

When you first launched your e-commerce sites, what were the 2 greatest challenges you had in making these sites successful and how did you overcome them? Well it got much easier each time, but with our first business we starting out using the "old-world" style of marketing (cold calling, traveling to expos and conferences, going door to door handing out brochures) instead of embracing the wealth of opportunities of the "new world" of online marketing (SEO, social media, pay-per-click advertising). Once we realized the error of our ways our sales increased rapidly within a few months. We also had to experience the learning curve of managing employees. Learning how to hire and effectively train new employees as our businesses grew and how to keep them happy, and productive. Managing people is still the biggest wild card in business for me. I learned by trial and error, realizing that for our situation it was best to hire people for attitude and not skills. Skills can be taught, while a poor attitude is impossible to retrain.

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Discover the Power of Pinning with Melanie Duncan

Many entrepreneurs have launched business websites, but are struggling to get traffic to their sites. Many are getting traffic, but their conversions are low. What are two action steps they can take right away to increase traffic and on-line sales? Here are some ideas to get entrepreneurs started: 1. To increase traffic create either a Facebook or Adwords ad campaign and target your key demographic with great ads that highlight a common problem they face and why your product or service is the solution. 2. To increase sales, simplify your website. The most common mistake that I see business owners make is having too much distracting information and images on their site. There should be one clear desired action on each page (like a "shop now" or "add to cart" button on each page, so that the visitor can easily understand what they are supposed to do. Home pages are usually the most cluttered and busy pages on the entire site, when it should be just the reverse! You can see an example of what I mean here: www.melanieduncan.com

Cover Story What is your on-line marketing philosophy? What is the most effective way for business owners to connect with their clients/ customers? My marketing policy is to always give first. You should always be providing something, information or entertainment before you ask for a sale. The most effective way for business owners to connect with their customers is to provide valuable content (blog posts, ebooks, videos, articles, etc.) that educates and entertains them about their products or services.

Melanie, you are also a Pinterest Marketing expert and have created a training program called “The Power of Pinning.” Why should women entrepreneurs use Pinterest for business? Is it possible to use it for any type of a business? The world of social media is an exciting and overwhelming one. Pinterest has established itself as the first commerce driven social media platform by generating a higher revenue per click than both Facebook and Twitter while driving extremely impressive amounts of traffic to websites (more than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn combined!). What I also find exciting is that 70% of people say that they use Pinterest to get inspiration on what to buy (compared to less than 17% say the same for Facebook). People are clearly using Pinterest to shop and with such an engaging social aspect as well, it is an opportunity that I was not willing to overlook. There are obviously certain types of businesses (like fashion, food and home decor) that have the advantage of easily assimilating into the Pinterest realm. But I have also trained a variety of surprisingly unique businesses and many service providers who have gotten great results as well.

Finally, how has being an “entrepreneuress” changed your life? And how do you remain unstoppable throughout the obstacles that come up for all of us entrepreneurs? Becoming an "entrepreneuress" was the one of the best decisions of my life (second only to marrying my husband). It has given me the freedom to experience things that I had never even dreamed of. I get to live in New York City, while managing businesses in California and enjoy a lifestyle that keeps me excited to wake up each and eve-

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Discover the Power of Pinning with Melanie Duncan

ryday. I can travel anywhere I please, whenever I please. Eat and shop all over the city, and sleep in until 10am every day! But honestly, the best part about what I do is that now I get to give back and help other women achieve their dreams as well. Nothing makes me happier than knowing that I am inspiring and educating others so that they can do what they want to do with their lives. To remain unstoppably is simply a choice. I'm not saying it's an easy one, but I constantly encounter problems and challenges in my daily life but I just focus on finding the solution. Because there always is one, as long as you look hard enough.

Cover Story

Discover the Power of Pinning with Melanie Duncan

Watch Dr. Vrunda Davé’s Video Interview with Melanie Duncan

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Here’s What We Get In-Depth About: 1. How to work smarter, not harder in your business. 2. Why Pinterest is such a powerful platform for your business. 3. How is Pinterest different and better than Facebook. 4. A typical day in Melanie’s entrepreneurial lifestyle .

CLICK HERE To Watch Melanie’s FREE Webinar on How to Use Pinterest to Double Your Sales.

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Reach Your Goals Through Spirit Driven Vision

Reach Your Goals Through Spirit Driven Vision by Rita Hovakimian


oal-setting can and should be one important part of your business process.

When you set goals with a powerful strategy the literally pulls you forward, everything that you do in business becomes “Inspired Action.” In order to design goals that lead to inspired action you must distinguish 3 different conversations for yourself that are commonly collapsed together by most entrepreneurs: Goal Setting, Visualization, and Visioning. Goal Setting involves making a list of outcomes you want to accomplish in a linear and focused way, resulting in measurable and specific results. You outline the steps to reach your goal within a time frame and take action. This is a powerful tool that stresses “doing.” You know what you want to accomplish, and you go do it. Visualization is a technique for mentally creating what you want to happen, as if it were already so! Visualization is important because it places you in the sensory and emotional experience of your goal. When you visualize, you are more capable of generating the emotions and mindsets that go with being there. This creates the vibrations that attract that event, thing, or goal that you want to manifest in reality. Visioning is driven by Spirit (God, Universe, your spiritual connection). Visioning involves opening yourself to allow messages regarding a specific outcome to come through Spirit and to unfold through this guidance in your life. When you Vision, you become a channel through which a highly creative process occurs. It is a way that allows you to live your soul’s purpose with excitement, grace and courage. Goal Setting is a tool. Visualization is a technique. Visioning is being open to allow the “divine download” of ideas, creativity and direction that come from Spirit.

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There is a logical order in which to engage with the three conversations: Visioning first, designing inspired goals to fulfill your vision second, and third, visualization to support your effortless achievement of the goals. To assist you in beginning now, here is an inspiring fivestep process that you can use to magically accomplish your goals. This is a step-by-step process to use when you start a project, when you know you need to move forward, but feel stuck or as regular practices to keep you moving forward toward your goal with ease and intention.

Step 1: Visioning – Get Into Alignment with Spirit First! Visioning is driven by Spirit. Visioning involves opening yourself up to allow messages regarding a specific outcome to come through Spirit and to unfold through Spirit's guidance in your life. Being open allows the “divine download” or the ideas and direction that come from

Reach Your Goals Through Spirit Driven Vision

Spirit. You do not have a preconceived or specific “what” you want to happen because it isn't about your wants, but about your divine purpose being expressed in your life. When you vision you become a channel through which a spiritual creative process occurs. By opening up to literally an infinite array of possibilities that you may never have considered, visioning is a way you can live your soul's purpose with excitement, grace and courage.

Step 2 : Goal Setting the Intuitive Way Using the above step regularly, you will be receiving "divine downloads" on what your goals should be. This will come from your intuition, not your ego or your mind. This provides powerful and unmistakable clarity. Set your specific and measurable goals and declare the courage to take the actions to carry them through.

the power of seeing. It is the power to see and create your future NOW in present time. There is a critical difference between activity and Inspired Action. Action without inspiration comes from your brain, rooted in disbelief and lack of faith. Inspired Action is allowing divine guidance to work through you and to move you. Activity feels contracted. Inspired action feels expansive. This is the ages-old dichotomy of the linear, “make it happen” attempt to force life on our terms, versus the Inspired Action of allowing. Wouldn’t you rather fulfill your goals with more grace and ease? The more people in our lives who design soulinspired goals and take powerful inspired actions from these goals, the better off our entire world will be. Let this become a daily ritual in your life and let it create an inspiring and magical year for yourself and your business!

Step 3: Visualization in 68 Seconds Once you have received the ”divine download” (or ideas and direction), and set specific goals, now it is time to hold this vision by infusing it with your intention and energy for only 68 seconds once a day. Whatever you focus upon expands and this technique allows you to be deliberate with what you want to create in your business and your life.

Step 4: Taking Actions from an Inspired Place You will get clarity on what actions to take. As they come through your intuition, write them down. Move through the fear and trust the guidance you are receiving. Then make a commitment to calendar them in your schedule and keep your word.

Step 5: Your Powerful Mindset Take this mantra on: "I am confident that I can do this, even though I don’t know how. I will be shown the way as I walk into the unknown.” Repeat often as needed and TRUST Spirit. Trust the process. One definition of a vision is

Rita Hovakimian is a business coach and has served individual entrepreneurs and leaders for 20+ years. Her specialty is working with clients to cultivate their unique talent and power, helping to define their niche, and turning that into accelerated success by creating 6-figure plus incomes. Visit www.InspiringSuccess.com to find out more about Rita and to get her free business kit.

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How to Make Love Last a Lifetime

How to Make Love Last a Lifetime by Annie Lalla

"Marriage isn’t a goal, it’s a decoration. You should be looking for love, True Love.” -Annie Lalla


ant to be in love forever? If so, you first need to know how to recognize the real thing. Since often, it’s the woman who sees it, before the man.

As a relationship expert & love coach, I’ve found the primary indicator of real love is when your body, your heart & your mind all converge on the same undeniable truth: this man was made for you. There’s also an unflinching awareness that you were made for him. Basically, if you would bet your life (and his) that no other woman could ever love him better than you, then you’ve found the One. But, let me warn you…Love is not easy. Once the starryeyed phase has progressed into the inevitable powerstruggle, that’s when the real work begins. But it’s good

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work, and it provides the most direct access to intimacy. Relationships are the most intense personal growth workshops that exist. They’re the places you dive deep into your darkest shadow work. Love is not for the fainthearted; it’s a gladiator sport. And that’s why I’m such champion for the highest, most resilient form possible, True Love. You need a relentless, unshakable force strong enough to keep you doing the intense self-inquiry required to make a partnership effective, long term. Your partner, if right, becomes a mirror for your magnificence and your myopias. A long-term relationship demands that you die-into a more expansive version of you, and it can be terrifying (to your status-quo self ). Only True Love is strong enough to withstand the uncontrollable urge to run, to leave when it gets too hard.

How to Make Love Last a Lifetime

And that is the point. Love is a sacred crucible for self-actualization. I believe it’s our fastest access to transformation. This game is about rolling up your sleeves and getting down to those wounded areas in the basement of your psyche that you’ve been avoiding your whole life. Here are some common reasons why you may not have found lasting love or marriage, yet. Listen for which statement(s) might apply to you: • You treat guys as if they’re more important or less important than you (both are equally dangerous & produce the same result, ie: guy doesn’t feel met) • You believe someone should love you ‘just the way you are’ instead of seeking a partner who will stand for your greatest self • • •

These are the unproductive beliefs I had once, and often find in my female clients. If any of these statements You want to be rescued –physically, financially, resonated for you, pay close attention to the rest of this emotionally, intellectually article. If you don’t get these identified and handled, you may keep doing the same things over and over and never You’re riddled by shame, fear & hopelessness, you find your life partner, or worse…you’ll find a good enough think true love is a fantasy that doesn’t exist guy, maybe get married, have kids, but you won’t be “in love” and the marriage will eventually dissolve leaving you You’re desperately attached to being married with kids by a certain date, and looking for a good enough feeling alone & disillusioned. husband. Being in love is less important that being If you want to find your dream guy, get him to fall in married love, and stay with you forever, he has to experience the You’re unwilling to look at your own patterns that following first… interfere with intimacy and keep relationships back from success You as THE safest place for him to go on the planet:

• You’re ashamed of your sexuality and have loads of unexplored guilt around it • You’re afraid of your feelings and don’t share them openly with yourself or your partner • You’re addicted to control and secretly want to have more power than he does • You’ve forgotten you’re a goddess, a creatrix and a high priestess deserving of love. If you don’t know you’re a Queen, you’ll never find your King

Your arms, your eyes, your lap, those have to be a refuge for him. It can be a scary world to your partner’s inner child. If he doesn’t feel safe in your presence, he will not choose to build a life there, you can never be ‘home’. However, if you become the safest place on the planet for his heart’s secret needs; he will never leave. You’ll continue to win over every other woman. Wherever his noveltyseeking eyes wander, he’ll always be called back to you. He wants to feel like a hero: This requires you to surrender to his strengths, wherever they are. Men want to feel trusted by their woman, that’s what they interpret as love. This means you must learn to lean into his unique wisdom, his power and his support. Trust is not earned, it can only be granted. Believe in his desire to serve you, nourish you and push you toward your wants. Look for the hero in your partner, acknowledge, revere & appreciate that aspect. Men fall in love with the woman who lets him be her hero. He wants to feel praised, NOT put down: With your partner, reward good behavior & ignore bad behavior.

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How to Make Love Last a Lifetime

to get good at ‘feeling’ (not thinking what you feel but actually feeling sensations in your body, in your somatic space. Many men don’t know how to feel their feelings and they’re unconsciously looking to their woman to teach them. A man falls in love with the woman he feels most alive around. A woman creates a field of aliveness when she’s experiencing & expressing her emotion, without justification. Learn to identify, map & name your emotional states, then practice sharing them. This can be scary but it’s a crucial skill, if you want to connect with your partner’s heart. What you put your attention on grows -it doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative attention. Do not use leverage, criticism or manipulation to get what you want, rather invite a new behavior by making requests laced with trust & desire. This is the feminine way to influence, seduce rather than coerce. Men hunger to be acknowledged for specific things and in public if possible. Also notice how your ego may hold you back from sharing empowering, affirming feedback with your man, as an attempt to maintain leverage & power. Power is not the currency of true love, open-hearted transparency is. He wants to have a great sex life: Keep developing yourself and your sexuality so that you and him can have a non-shameful, exciting sex life. The litmus test of a relationship working long-term is their sex life. Sex makes or breaks relationships. Like food, it’s not a luxury, it’s a staple and must be made a priority. If you want a guy to choose you to sleep with for the rest of his life, you have to learn to enjoy sex, share your needs, wants & fantasies, and be open to hearing his. Constantly re-invent your sexuality together. Until these primal issues around sex & shame are explored openly with surgical sensitivity, they will haunt & undermine your relationship. He wants to hear your truth: Share your fears, pain, desires and dreams with him; in particular show him your humanity. He’s looking for a place where all his emotions are safe to land. If you cannot own & express your own emotions, you definitely won’t be able to help him with his. For any relationship to really work, you have

Now that we’ve explored the main experiences needed for a partner to surrender, we shall invoke the last requirement of a love that lasts forever…Faith.

Having Faith Faith is the umbilical cord that connects you and your lover to each other and romantic success. Faith has no reasons, proofs or justifications...it’s a blind resolve based on nothing but the unwavering belief in something you find true, good & beautiful. Faith requires an unreasonable audacity. It is something you create in yourself, by yourself. When you forget all the ‘reasons’ for your love or cannot feel the encouraging emotions in your body, faith is the only thing that keeps you going when the situation seems dark & hopeless. Cultivating faith is a muscle and it must be practiced individually and privately when doubt tries to creep in. As a woman, you are the emotional leader in your relationship. This is why it’s important to master these skills if you’re committed to a love that lasts. Some things cannot be learned, except through creation. I invite you to take on becoming a creator of love, even in the face of fear. True Love requires only one thing: that you believe in it. I know somewhere deep inside you is an ember that burns with the knowing that true love exists; let’s blow on that ember & make a fire that funds your own private fairytale. You can never have what you don’t believe in. So believe.

A coach, speaker & thought leader, Annie Lalla is known as the “Cartographer of Love”. Specializing in love, sex & conflict resolution, Annie teaches her signature method: ‘The Art of Fighting’. She helps create & foster extraordinary connections that maximize freedom & minimize shame. Annie has created a suite of practical tools that help clients resolve toxic patterns, develop romantic esteem, assuage shame/blame & cultivate deep, resilient relationships that last a lifetime. To learn more, visit www.AnnieLalla.com.

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Embrace Your Freedom: How to Succeed Fearlessly

Embrace Your Freedom: How to Succeed Fearlessly by Nancy Ferrari


e are now in the time that has been 5,000 years in the making for women. We now have unprecedented opportunities to express our voices, insights and perspectives without fear. On my radio show, I have interviewed influential and inspirational women such as Jean Houston, Marianne Williamson and Marsh Engle, all of whom travel the world and share their insights with a global audience. All of these women noticed a surprising shift in modern women all around the world: many women today are going silent from fear that they will be rejected, judged, and ostracized if they truly step forward and freely express themselves. So the question is, what is holding us back from expressing ourselves? Fear of judgment, fear of failure, fear of success and simply said… fear? Within a series of conversations with women, what I learned is that women still feel the need to measure up to expectations of their parents, their spouses or partners and even worse, themselves. The most significant enemy is the relentless self-sabotaging thoughts generated with regularity by our own minds. Although we are all programmed to follow society’s rules, we must free our minds from the bondages that keep us silent. We must claim selfexpression as our birthright. There will always be people in our lives who will try to hinder our progress, like the college professor who once told me that I would never succeed as a broadcaster. But we must silence those voices instead of letting them silence or stop us on our way to our greatest achievements. As we evolve through life transitions such as marriage, motherhood, career, friendships, we have even more at stake. If we do not remain grounded in our true and authentic self, it’s easy to lose our sense of identity and feel lost. Women often ask me, “what is authentic?”. Authenticity is your core essence, which is your connection to self and your source, whether it be your Spirit, God, Light or whatever you choose to call your

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creator. Once I realized that I was not working alone, that Spirit is always with me, I felt a sense of lightness because I knew that I was supported by the light within. We all have a true calling and it often takes a process to identity our true life purpose. To some, this concept could be absolutely frightful, but I’m here to share with you that it is a place that you already know, but have forgotten over time. I also often get asked, “how do I overcome my fear?”. First, we need to determine what you are fearful of. As darkness is the absence of light, fear is the absence of love. When we love ourselves and accept ourselves exactly for who we are, the fear will dissipate as a new found level of confidence emerges. In my early years, interviews used to make me tremble. I overcame that fear by learning to visualize the outcome and that the interview was just the process to get to the outcome. If I didn’t receive the job, I knew that there was something even greater waiting for me!


Embrace Your Freedom: How to Succeed Fearlessly

want. An effective Vision Board is one where images are chosen through the process of utilizing your right brain hemisphere which is where your hidden treasures lie. Once integrated with other images and words, you will have a GPS system for the direction of your life.

Second, remember that for every door that closes, another one opens and it is essential that we are in a state of knowing that there is something far greater waiting for you. If you choose to hold onto what is comfortable, you will be in a state of stagnation and forward movement stalls. Imagine going to a movie and the same scene plays over and over again. That would be rather boring after a while. Take that image within your life and stop playing that scene over and over again. Move ahead to the next chapter of the movie so you can see the outcome.

Fourth, remember and honor the women who sacrificed their lives for the freedom we now have and paved the way for us to envision and go after our dreams. They are tingling as they watch us from up above as we soar onward and upward, embracing our true and authentic selves. We are women who are in collaboration with this new awareness of consciousness and much can be accomplished as we work together with enthusiastic expectancy! Give yourself permission and allow yourself to receive your intentions which will manifest themselves for the greater good in your life and those of others. It’s in the giving that the magic materializes! I encourage you to honor who you are in the historical time of rebirth, express your voice freely, and as you share your voice, remember that it truly is your birth right of freedom!

Third, we must be clear about what we are expressing to others. Clarity is queen! If they are confused, so are you. The most effective technique to attain clarity is practicing the art of stillness. For many, that is a foreign concept. Allow yourself the gift and set aside time for yourself. Shut off the noise around you and focus on your breath. That is the only way to clarity. One of my success techniques is the power of visioning. Creating a Vision Board is not a cut and paste project of just gluing images of what you

Acknowledged as an inspiring voice of transformation, Nancy Ferrari is the host of The Nancy Ferrari Show on W4CY Radio. Dedicated to helping people connect, evolve and discover their true authenticity, values, and clarity of life purpose, Nancy is the author of Discover the Essence of YouTM and serves women as a Certified Feminine SuccessTM Leader. Learn more about Nancy at www.NancyFerrari.com.

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Your Sales with Ursula Mentjes

Why Being Real Matters More Than Ever

Why Being Real Matters More Than Ever by Ursula Mentjes


scar Wilde once said, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” I love that quote! Whenever I post it on Facebook, there is always a quick response of “Yes!” Or when I state it at a speaking event, there are nodding heads throughout the audience. We love the idea of just being ourselves, but giving ourselves permission to do that can be way outside of our comfort zones. At a recent speaking event, an attendee was connecting with me afterwards. She was really excited about what I had talked about. She kept saying, “You are so REAL. I felt like you were speaking directly to me. I don’t even know you, but I want to be in your programs!” As she continued to speak, I realized that I had heard this same message before, over and over again, and I knew it was time to really analyze what was going on. What is it about me that is so real? And why is it such a big deal to people? So, of course, I had to enlist my husband’s help. While Tim is one of my biggest cheerleaders, he’s always extremely honest with me. I told him that I’d been hearing over and over again that what people appreciated most about my speaking presentations or my one-on-one interactions was that I was “so REAL.” I asked Tim, “What do you think they are referring to?” Tim paused for a moment and then he said, “I’ve known you a long time and you’ve grown a lot, but you’re still you. You’re the same person I met 15 years ago. You haven’t changed. When people interact with you in different situations, you show up the same way. Plus, you’re honest on stage or off. You’re not afraid to tell people what’s really going on and what you’ve gone through.” I continued to ask around because I wanted to be able to give other people permission to truly be themselves, knowing that when you consistently show up as your most transparent self, great things start to happen in your business and in your life. Most of the time, it also has a tremendous impact on your sales. It’s not why you do it, but it leads to consistent sales growth in your business.

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Let me be clear. My intention is not to be the poster child for “being real” because I think that’s a lot of pressure and I’m human. However, my intention is to shed light on the importance of giving yourself permission to be as real and as authentic as you possibly can so you can make a bigger difference in the world and truly shine. When you aren’t being authentic or real, you will know it, because things start to go a little off track. I’ve met a lot of people who I feel are truly genuine and have my best interest in mind. They are those trusted family members, friends, and colleagues I know I can call when I am in a jam or need a lift, and they will be there for me 100%. There are also others who I thought had my best interest in mind, only to find out it was mostly about them. That’s okay. I honor wherever people are on their path. I’ve just become more discerning. What I think my clients and attendees have been pointing out to me is that they’ve had those experiences too, where they thought someone had their best interest in mind, only to discover they did not. It can be a painful experience, but the contrast helps you identify the people who really do have your back. If you want to shift into being your most authentic self, then I want to encourage you to do that. You might feel a little vulnerable, or wonder what people might think of you, but that’s normal. However, the rewards of being you are endless.

Why Being Real Matters More Than Ever

• Visibility: You cannot hide. You need to be visible so you can give your gifts to the world. When I first started out in the business world, I didn’t want to be visible. I wanted to hide and “stay safe.” But I realized pretty quickly that wasn’t possible, especially if I was going to continue to grow as a speaker. Being visible will force you to step out of your comfort zone, but it will also allow others to see the real you.

In my experience of others, I believe there are six keys to being yourself. Again, by being real, you will probably find yourself more easily attracting your ideal clients and also closing more sales. It’s not why you do it (you do it to become free), but it can lead to working with the clients you’ve been dreaming of. 6 Keys to “Being Real”: • Transparency: Becoming honest with the world begins with being honest with yourself. Who are you? What are you up to in the world and what kind of impact do you want to make? By answering these questions, it will help you become clear on how you want to show up in the world. • Consistency: It’s all about showing up the same, wherever you are. If you think about it, YOU represent your personal brand. What you say, how you show up in the world and how you interact with others allows people to determine how THEY will interact with you. If you don’t show up consistently, others will doubt whether they can trust you. If they don’t feel like they can trust you, they won’t buy from you. • Integrity: Having integrity to me means that you are honest and moral. In the business world, if you don’t have integrity, you either won’t last, or you will have to continue to find new circles to sell to. By staying in integrity, you will build a powerful core community that will continue to support your business for years to come.

• Kindness: When you become whole and take care of yourself, you have enough energy to give kindness to others. From a psychological perspective, we all have a basic need to be accepted and included. When you extend that kindness to others and include them, they will naturally want to include you in their circles. Don’t underestimate the power of kindness in your business life! • Connection: When you look into someone’s eyes, take time to really see them and make a powerful connection. Whenever I lead and facilitate Extreme Networking events, I teach the attendees to practice active listening. Active listening is simply repeating back to the person in front of you what they just said to ensure that you heard them correctly. They will feel heard and validated and you will be on your way to creating a new client or strategic partner relationship! So, what are you going to do? Will you give yourself permission to be the most “authentic you” possible? Or, will you continue to hide from the world? I hope you choose to be real and shine as your most authentic self! CLICK HERE to learn more about Ursula’s 60 Day Sales Intensive

Ursula Mentjes is the founder of Sales Coach Now. She will transform the way you think about selling so you can reach your goals with less anxiety and less effort! Ursula is the bestselling author of Selling with Intention and One Great Goal. Her newest book is the #1 Bestseller, Selling with Synchronicity which is currently available on Amazon.com. As an inspirational speaker, she has shared the stage with Loral Langemeier, Lisa Nichols, and Giuliana Rancic.

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Books That Make Us Unstoppable!


Books That Make Us Unstoppable! by Alysse Guitar


nsinkable: How to Bounce Back Quickly When Life Knocks You Down by Sonia Ricotti is a book by and for someone who has hit rock bottom. For Ricotti, rock bottom was finding out that she had a blood clot and learning that her “soulmate� was a functioning alcoholic all while feeling the full effects of the 2008 financial crisis. She lost her house, her step-kids, her soulmate, and her sense of stability in one fell swoop. Unsinkable challenges readers to accept their fate no matter how challenging. She likens this attitude to floating in a river; why would you fight against the current, get exhausted, and get no where when you could just accept the current and enjoy a relaxing float downstream? She points out that fighting against something that is already or has already happened is

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a waste of energy and can turn one into an incredibly negative person. Ricotti has a lot to say about positivity and optimism. She lives a life where she consciously thinks positive thoughts and suggests others do the same. I want to reinforce the fact that this is an entirely conscious effort. When Ricotti finds herself feeling a negative or self-deprecating thought, she acknowledges it, throws it out, and summons a new, positive thought. Skills like this require a lot of focus and energy and it can feel foolish dialoguing with yourself in this way, but I believe that consciously focusing on positivity is a great way to become a more positive person and see the world in a much brighter light, no matter the circumstances.

Books That Make Us Unstoppable! Ricotti offers readers “20 Powerful Lessons to Live by When Life Knocks You Down” within 7 well-organized chapters leading with “First Things First” and ending with “Stepping into Your Greatness.” Each chapter includes personal anecdotes, tips, and stories from her friends’ own journeys from rock bottom. Her friends have dealt with some serious hardships but their positive attitudes make the stories inspiring and comforting. The “Powerful Lessons” range from the practical like “It’s Okay to Feel Bad” & “Be Good to Yourself” to the abstract like “Just ‘Be’” and “Step Outside of Yourself.” The book reads part like a slideshow at an inspirational seminar and part like a daily devotional for personal growth, understanding, and acceptance. The book is likely best read at a slow pace, like reading one “Powerful Lesson” per day. This allows the reader to take each Lesson to heart and focus on the tips and anecdotes that it provides. The stories that Ricotti borrows from her friends and acquaintances act as reinforcements for Ricotti’s “Powerful Lessons” where she uses a story that perfectly encapsulates her point. Each story is written in the first person so that you really feel like you are talking to a friend. The protagonists in each story convey the strength and clarity that’s only found in people who have overcome something much bigger than themselves. They exhibit a deep and all encompassing sense of self actualization and blind-optimism. Ricotti even points out in the book that hitting rock bottom is an extremely isolating experience and just remembering and realizing that other people overcame and are overcoming challenges can be really reassuring. One of the key themes in Unsinkable is the idea of bouncing back from rock bottom higher than you could have ever imagined. She highlights the hardships that she faced in her own life and points out that “everything


happened as it was supposed to” and that if it hadn’t happened, she wouldn’t be the person that she loves today. Unsinkable is about more than just accepting your fate but about finding inner peace and seeing the silver lining in every situation. Becoming an inherently positive person and finding inner peace can turn any situation around. Ricotti has a very amusing anecdote that she calls her “Oprah Story.” While I won’t spoil the details, the story emphasizes how a positive attitude can completely change a situation for grueling, awful, and annoying, to utterly spectacular. Finally, the book also mentions the “Laws of Attraction” as a school of thought. Ricotti wrote a previous book on the topic and seems pretty passionate about it. She brushes over it in the book and explains the basics. If Unsinkable is of interest to, I would suggest getting her first book as well as it probably explains these ideas further. It’s title is The Law of Attraction, Plain and Simple: Create the Extraordinary Life That You Deserve and it seems to me like it might be better suited to someone who isn’t necessarily in need of a bounce back but still wants to turn her life around. Overall, the book involves a lot of self reflection and attitude adjustments. If you are feeling overwhelmed with your life or your current circumstances, this book has a lot of insight that would be very valuable to you. If you are on the upswing, and walking on sunshine, and feel like life couldn’t get any better, you might want to pick up this book anyways to have it on reserve. Things can change very quickly and you can find yourself challenged by unforeseen circumstances. Ricotti definitely wrote the book as a kind of catharsis for herself after she bounced back. You can tell that she uses it herself. She even says, this book is not one you read and cast aside; it is a book you will refer to over and over again.”

Alysse Guitar is a Sociology graduate from the University of California Santa Cruz pursuing a career in marketing. You can contact her at: alysseguitar@gmail. com.

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Indulge Your Sweet Tooth with Rose Cole

Indulge Your Sweet Tooth with Rose Cole Enjoy Chocolate Without Breaking Out or Gaining Weight!

Watch Rose’s Video on how to make Raw Chocolate Pudding.

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Majestic Monaco

Majestic Monaco


ocated on the French Riviera in Western Europe, Monaco is the second smallest (area of .79 mile) and densely populated (36,371 citizens) country in the world. Since it’s a constitutional monarchy, Prince Albert II is Monaco’s head of state and wields much political power. With brief interruptions, The House of Grimaldi have ruled Monaco since 1297 with French, Italian, and English being the primary languages.

Monaco’s mild climate, lush scenery, luxe environment, and sophisticated gambling have made it the go-to place for the world’s rich and famous. The state has no income tax and low business taxes, and is well known for being a tax haven. Monaco also boasts the world’s highest GDP per capita at $153,177 and the lowest unemployment rate at 0% with over 48,000 workers who commute from France and Italy each day. It’s also no surprise that Monaco has the

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Majestic Monaco

Perhaps, due to its peaceful, affluent beauty, Monaco also has the world’s highest life expectancy at nearly 90 years. For the third year in a row, Monaco in 2011 had the world’s most expensive real estate market, at $21,867 per square foot and the highest number of millionaires and billionaires per capita in the world.

Yet, for most of us, Monaco allows us to indulge in nostalgically romantic notions of meeting, falling in love with, and marrying a prince! American screen legend Grace Kelly met Prince Rainier III when she headed the U.S. delegation at the Cannes Film Festival in April 1955. While there, she was invited to participate in a photo session at the Palace of Monaco with Prince Rainier III. After returning to America, Grace began to privately correspond with the Prince. Soon, Prince

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Majestic Monaco

Rainier came to America, proposed marriage and the couple started planning “The Wedding of the Century” which was held in Monaco on April 19, 1956. With her family, bridesmaids, poodle, and over eighty pieces of luggage, Grace Kelly boarded the SS Constitution from New York Harbor on on April 4, 1956. There were 20,000 people waiting in Monaco to greet their new princess. And the rest, as they say, is history…

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Majestic Monaco

Watch This Video to Discover Monaco’s Best Attractions

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