Mary claire pricing guide 2018

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ABOUT Iam an Ar i zonanat i vel i vi ngwi t hmyhusbandandbeaut i f ulbabyboyi nt hedeser t .Il ovesur r oundi ngmysel fwi t h f ami l y,t r yi ngnew r est aur ant sandt r avel i ngwi t hmyl ove. Iam passi onat eaboutst or i es.Fr om beaut i f ult r agedi esi n cl assi cl i t er at ur et ocheesyr omant i ccomedi esIsoaki tup. Asaphot ogr apherIbel i evei n nat ur all i ghtandt hebeaut y ofj uxt aposi ngl i ghtandshadow.Ibel i evei nr i chbol d col or sandcr eat i ngcompel l i ngsnapshot s,r emi ndi ngyou ofan exper i ence.Ibel i evei n genui ne,meani ngf ul emot i on.Aboveal l ,Ibel i evet hatbeaut yl i esi nt he i ndi vi dual ,whi chi sbestconveyedt hr oughsmal ldet ai l s. Fr om ayoungagest or i esenchant edandengul f edme.I spenthour son endr eadi ngbooksofever ygenr e,al ways year ni ngf ormor ewhen ast or yended.I n col l ege,Ist udi ed psychol ogy.Mypassi on f orst or i esl edmet oaf asci nat i on wi t hhuman behavi or .A st udyabr oadi n Par i sf or ever changedmeasmyi nf at uat i on wi t hst or i esandpeopl eand i nt enseappr eci at i on f orar tcamet oget herandf or cedme t oconsi derot heropt i onsout si deofacar eeri n psychol ogy. Ir eal i zedt hatphot ogr aphyof f er edt heper f ectmar r i ageof ar t& humani t y,acombi nat i on ofever yt hi ngIl ove& val ue.Not hi ngmakesmehappi erormor ef ul f i l l edt han wor ki ngwi t hyout ocr eat eandcapt ur eyourst or y. Mypassi on l i esnotonl yi n capt ur i ng,buti n cr eat i ng.I wantt owor kwi t hyout ocr eat ephot ost hatdef i neyou, yourr el at i onshi p,yourf ami l y.Iwantt ot el lyourst or y.



Iam s oexci t edt owor kwi t hyouondocument i ng yourweddi ngday!Eachcoupl eIhavet he oppor t uni t yt owor kwi t handeachweddi ngI s hoott eachesmet hepoweranduni que,yet uni ver s alnat ur eofl ove.Wi t hal lt hes adnes s& t ur moi li nt hewor l d,weddi ngsar eabr i ghts pot , andbei ngapar toft hemos ti mpor t antdayof yourl i f ei supl i f t i ngandbeaut i f ul . Iam ar el axed,l ai dbackphot ogr apher .Il i ket o l etevent sunf ol dnat ur al l y,butI ' m notaf r ai dt o di r ectandpos eyoui nor dert ocr eat egor geous i mager y.Iam ver yor gani zed,andl i ket owor k cl os el ywi t hyout ohaveyourengagement s es s i onandweddi ngdayunf ol di nas eaml es s manner . Ibel i evei ncr eat i ngacl os econnect i onwi t h cl i ent st ocr eat et hei mager yoft hei rdr eams .I makei tmypr i or i t yt oknow t heuni queas pect s ofyourl oves t or y,andcapt ur ei ti nawayt hat wi l lr emi ndyouofwhatmadeyouf al li nl ovei n t hef i r s tpl ace.Speci f i cal l y,Is peci al i zei nbr i dal andengagements es s i onsandt akesgr eatcar ei n pl anni ngandexecut i ngar omant i c, i ndi vi dual i zedphot os es s i onf oryouandyour s pous eawayf r om t hedi s t r act i onsofa bus yweddi ngday.

ENGAGEMENTS Iof f ercompl i ment ar yengagement s es s i onswi t hal lofmyweddi ngpackages .I hi ghl yr ecommendanengagements es s i on f ormanyr eas ons .Il ovet heoppor t uni t yt o s pendt i mewi t hmycl i ent s ,gett oknow t hem bet t er ,andl ear nmor eaboutt hei r l oves t or yandwhatmakest hem uni que.I al s ot hi nki t ' sanamazi ngoppor t uni t yf or yout ogetcomf or t abl ewi t hmeasa phot ogr apherandt hewayIwor kandpos e, et c.I ' vef oundt hatmycoupl est hatdo engagements es s i onsar eal wayscompl et el y comf or t abl eandateas eont hei rweddi ng day!

Engagements es s i onsar eal s oagr eat chancef oryouandyourl overt ogetf un, l i ght hear t edphot ost oget herwi t houtt he s t r es sofyourweddi ngday.I nmyengagements es s i onsyoucandot wo out f i t s ,andi fyouneedanyhel pori ns pi r at i onl etmeknow,Il ovehel pi ngcoupl es pi ckt heper f ectl ocat i on& out f i t s !

BRIDALS & THE FIRST LOOK Somet i mesmycoupl esoptt odoabr i dal s es s i onor' f i r s tl ook'bef or et hei rweddi ng cer emony.Thi scanbedoneanyt i mef r om t heni ghtbef or et heweddi ng,t oacoupl e weeksbef or eorevenont hedayofyour weddi ngbef or eyourcer emony.I compl et el yunder s t andandr es pectcoupl es whohaveal waysdr eamedofs eei ngeach ot herf ort hef i r s tt i meast heywal kdown t heai s l e.It hi nki t ' sal ovel yt r adi t i ons oi f t hi si st her out eyouchoos e,I ' m al lf ori t !I j us twant edt os har es omeoft he advant agesofabr i dal / f i r s tl ooks es s i on. Thi ss es s i ongi vescoupl est heoppor t uni t y t os eeeachot heri nt hei rweddi ngcl ot hi ng f ort hef i r s tt i mei nani nt i mat e envi r onment ,al l owi ngt hem t obe comf or t abl eands har et hi samazi ng pr i vat emomentt oget her .I tal s oal l owsf or anywher ef r om 15mi nut est oanhouranda hal fofbr i dalphot os ,dependi ngonyour t i mef r ame,s ot hatyouhavet onsof s t unni ngbr i dalphot ost hatyoucan cher i s handhangi nyourhome. Addi t i onal l y,i tmeanswecangets omeor mos tofyourbr i dalpar t yandf ami l yphot os donebef or eyourweddi ngcer emonyand al l owsmor et i mef ormi ngl i ngwi t hyour gues t sandenj oyi ngyourweddi ngday! Youar ewel comet os wi t choutyour compl i ment ar yengagements es s i onf ora br i dals es s i oni fyou' dl i ke,youcanal s o addi tonasanal acar t eopt i on.Iwoul d l ovet odi s cus st hi si nmor edet ai lwi t hyou whenwemeets owecandeci dewhatwi l l wor kbes tf ort het woofyouandyour weddi ngday!

PACKAGE 1 $3900 6hour sofc ov er age Ful l r es ol ut i oni magesonUSB Onl i nev i ewi ng/ or der i nggal l er y Compl i ment ar yengagements es s i on 300+i mages Phot ogr apheras s i s t ant

*Onl yav ai l abl ef orweekdayweddi ngsandbys pec i alr eques t

PACKAGE 2 $4900 8hour sofc ov er age Ful l r es ol ut i oni magesonUSB Onl i nev i ewi ng/ or der i nggal l er y Compl i ment ar yengagements es s i on 400+i mages Sec ondphot ogr apher

PACKAGE 3 $5700 8hour sofc ov er age Ful l r es ol ut i oni magesonUSB Onl i nev i ewi ng/ or der i nggal l er y Compl i ment ar yengagements es s i on 400+i mages Sec ondphot ogr apher 10x10Li nenal bum

PACKAGE 4 $7000 10hour sofc ov er age Ful l r es ol ut i oni magesonUSB Onl i nev i ewi ng/ or der i nggal l er y Compl i ment ar yengagements es s i on 600+i mages Sec ondphot ogr apher 12x12Li nenal bum 28x8Par ental bums

A LA CARTE Thes emaybeaddedont oanyweddi ngpac kagedependi ngonyourneeds .

Eac haddi t i onalhourofweddi ngc ov er age$650 Br i dals es s i on|$650 Engagements es s i on|$650 Boudoi rs es s i on|$500 Sec ondphot ogr apher|$500 Addi t i onalf l as hdr i v e|$500

PRINTS 10x10Li nenAl bum wi t h10s pr eads|$1000 Eac haddi t i onals pr ead|$20 Leat herAl bum c ov er|$60 Cov erDebos s i ng|$60 Woodenpr i ntbox|$450 Upt o3004. 5x6whi t ebor der edpr i nt sdel i v er edi nagor geous woodenbox

AddEngr av i ng|$50

FINE ART PRINTS 4x6|$7 5x7|$10 8x10|$30 11x14|$60 16x20|$100 20x24|$120 24x36|$200

“Wor ki ngwi t hMar yCl ai r ewasan abs ol ut edr eam!Ev er yt hi ngabout ourexper i enc ewi t hherexc eeded ourexpec t at i ons .Fr om t hemoment wes c hedul edwi t hhers hemadeus f eell i ket het womos ti mpor t ant peopl ei nt hewor l d.Wehav e r ec ei v eds omanyc ompl i ment son how beaut i f ulourpi c t ur est ur ned out .Mar yCl ai r ehasaneyef or beaut i f ult hi ngsi ts howsi nal lof herwor k. Wewi l lc her i s hourphot osf or ev er .

-MeganCar l i s l e,Br i de

“Li ghtandf r es hbutwi t han edi t or i aledge.Ti mel es s .Ev er y s hoti ss oper f ec t l yf r amed.I t ’ s c l as s y,nat ur al .Mar yCl ai r ei s gr eatatmaki ngc l i ent sf eel c omf or t abl eenought hats hec an r eal l yc at c ht hem i nt hei r el ement ,s ot hei rper s onal i t i es al wayss hi net hr oughi nher i mages . ”

-Ni c ol eTr av el l er ,Vi deogr apher

“Foral lt hos ef ut ur ebr i desout t her et hatar ehunt i ngf ort he per f ec tphot ogr apher ,Iur geyou t ol ooknof ur t her .Onet hi ngI r eal i z edIneededt hatIdi dn’ t ant i c i pat eneedi ngwasMar y Cl ai r e ’ sc al m andc ol l ec t i v e pr es enc eonourweddi ngday. Weddi ng’ sar ef as tpac ed, maki ngi ts oi mpor t antt ohav ea phot ogr apherwhoknowshowt o s l owdownt heday.Ir emember atonepoi nti nt heev eni ng,s he as kedmyhus bandandIt os t ep as i deandt akes omes uns et pi c t ur esawayf r om t henoi s e.We wer eabl et ounwi ndand r ememberwhatt hi sdaymeant t obot hofus .Hert i mel es s phot ogr aphsobv i ous l ys peakf or t hems el v es ,buti fyouneedt obe s ol donMar yCl ai r e,youc anbe r es tas s ur edyouwi l lgetan i ndi v i dual i z edexper i enc e. ”

As hl ynnMc Car t er ,Br i de

“Dr eamy.Mar yCl ai r ehasaway ofper f ec t l yc apt ur i ngl i ghti na wayt hatgi v est hi ngss uc ha r omant i cf eel .Herwor ki s uni quebec aus ei ti sv er yqual i t y andc l ean,butal s oar t i s t i c al l y mov i ng. ”

haelAf f l ec k,Ev entPl anner -Rac

Shootmeanemai lati nf o@mar yc l ai r ephot ogr aphy. c om & wec ans c hedul eat i me t omeetupandt al kmor eaboutyourweddi ng!Iwoul dl ov et ohearaboutyour v i s i on,v enue,andweddi ngphot ogr aphydes i r es !

A25% depos i t& s i gnedc ont r ac tr es er v eyourweddi ngdat e.

Al lpac kages& pr oduc t sar es ubj ec tt oan8. 3% AZs al est ax. Fort r av elout s i deofPhoeni xar eaf eeswi l lbeadded. Pac kagesandi nv es t mentr ef l ec ts es s i onshel dl oc al l y. Loc at i onf eeappl i esf orar eas15+mi l esout s i deofPhoeni x,AZ.Begi nni ngat$50. Fl i ght ,hot el& r ent alc arf eeaddedt oal loutofs t at eweddi ngpac kages . Di gi t ali mageswi l lbedel i v er ed610weeksf r om yourweddi ngdat e. Al lal bums& pr i nt smus tbeor der edwi t hi n3mont hsofyourev ent .


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