Gnf pl newborn and maternity 2015

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Hey There Thank you for contacting us for our services! In case you haven’t noticed, we shoot babies for a living, so we provide on-location photo session for maternity, newborn, baby and family. While our style is constantly evolving, we always strive for natural, candid and often quirky images for your special ones. Don’t just believe our words, have a quick peek of our portfolio from these channels:



or you can contact us straight here:

0812 9499 6358

We are always on the hunt for belly laughs and great stories to tell, and that might be just you! Warmest regards, Jack & Doreen

" You know what the great thing about babies is? They are like little bundles of hope. Like the future in a basket. " LISH MCBRIDE

Maternity Session Maternity Files Only

Maternity Files + Alb

ID R 4 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 ,-

I DR 6.000.000,-

2 – 3 hours on-location session / studio All Original Files + 20 Edited Files Custom Box Gift + 10 Small Prints

2 – 3 hours on-location session / studio 1 Designer Album 30 x 20 cm (24 pages) All Original Files + 20 Edited Files Custom Box Gift + 15 Small Prints

Newborn Session Newborn Files Only

Newborn Files + Album

ID R 4 . 5 00 . 0 0 0 ,-

I DR 6.500.000,-

3 – 5 hours on-location session / studio All Original Files + 20 Edited Files Custom Box Gift + 10 Small Prints

3 – 5 hours on-location session / studio 1 Designer Album 30 x 20 cm (24 pages) All Original Files + 20 Edited Files Custom Box Gift + 15 Small Prints

Maternity & Newborn Session Maternity & Newborn Session Files Only ID R 7 . 5 00 . 0 0 0 ,-

2 Photo Sessions (Maternity and Newborn) All Original Files + 40 Edited Files Custom Box Gift + 20 Small Prints

Maternity & Newborn Session Files + Album IDR 9.500.000,-

2 photo sessions (Maternity and Newborn) 1 Designer Album 30 x 20cm (36 pages) All original Files + 40 edited images Custom Box Gift + 20 Small Prints

Additional Edited Photo IDR 50.000,- / photo Additional Album pages IDR 100.000,- / sheet (2 pages) Additional Designer Album IDR 2.000.000,- (24 pages) Wall hanger frameless canvas (60 x 40cm) IDR 350.000,Additional Transport & Accomodation Cost for photoshoot outside Jakarta

FAQ These FAQs are designed to provide a better understanding about maternity and newborn photography and will be helpful for your preparation before the shoot. If you can't find what you're looking for here, you can always ask us!



Warmest regards, Jack & Doreen

0812 9499 6358

Frequently Asked Question We love photographing newborn and we want to make sure the smoothest session for you and your newborn. WHE N I S T H E B E ST TIM E TO SH OOT?

Photographing newborn is the best within 5 – 19 days of life. Let’s schedule the session before the baby’s birth to secure a spot in our calendar. You could contact us via email soon after you deliver so we could arrange a date. HOW LON G I S YO UR SE SSIO N ?

Our newborn session lasts between 2 – 4 hours, depends on baby moods and willingness to sleep. As this is something we can’t predict, we ask everyone to remain calm as baby can pick up nervousness and frustration in the room, especially from mom. IS IT I N D O O R O R O UTD O O R SESSI ON?

Most of our newborn photo session happens at the comfort of the client’s home, and if you’re comfortable and adventurous, outdoor. We don’t really need much space, only 3 meter x 2 meter, and we would be happy to move your furniture around and put it all back when we’re done. We advise mainly indoor to ensure baby’s safety, but if you have a good backyard, or pool we can do outdoors. L IGH T I NG EQ UIP ME N TS?

Ninety percent of the time we use natural light as it works wonderfully on soft, light newborn skin. We only use flashes if it’s absolutely necessary, such as dark environment or rainy cloudy days. Prior to our arrival it’s best to open the curtains so we could spot the best source of natural light in your home. Usually the best spot is whenever there is a large window. OU R PR O P S?

We have collection of baskets, blankets, and knit hats and headbands to bring to your session. You are welcome to use your own props. Look for items with texture and color to help make your pictures unique. We strongly recommend you to discuss any ideas, props and poses before the session so we know what to expect.


• Mom. Keep it simple, throw in color that you’d like, but avoid busy patterns. We suggest cotton knit and knit tops. We’re also big fans of skin-on-skin portraits with you holding your baby against you. It’s simple and timeless. • Dad. Long or short sleeved knit. Undershirts also work well. Make sure your T-shirt is free of logos or too much writing, and smoothing the wrinkles by ironing them. WHAT TO PR E PA R E P R IO R THE SESSI ON?

• Turn off the aircon 30 minutes before our session to ensure that the room is warm enough for the newborn. • Loosen up the baby diaper and clothing at least 30 minutes before the session. This gives time for the imprint mark to disappear. • Sleep. We found out that babies look best when they are asleep. Feed and burp them early before our session to ensure they are sleeping happily. Don’t worry about keeping us waiting or having as many breaks as needed to make sure the baby refuel. • With your permission, sometimes we like to use bed for the backdrop. So please make the bed, as we don’t want a messy bed. WHAT TO PR E PA R E DUR IN G THE SESSI ON?

• Volume Down. Keeping the voices down helps to ensure smooth photo session. The older sibling might create a little noise, and it’s advisable to take them away. If you want them to be included, bring them at the beginning or the end of a session, then someone can take care of them. • Relax. We’re pretty comfortable holding and posing newborns. Your baby is safe in our hands. We take the baby’s lead and say good 50% of your session will involve feeding, diaper changes, and cuddling to get the baby comfortable. • Speak Up. If you have any concern during the session, let us know. We don’t want you to be uncomfortable and we want to ensure your baby’s safety is our priority. For that reason we always have the parents or assistant nearby to lend support if needed.

What's Next BO OK I NG

If our style suits you, please confirm your booking session by transferring 20% of the price as down payment to following the account number: Account No: 2531189711 Bank BCA Jakarta Account Holder: Jack Muliadi By booking your session early, you have secured a slot with us with the agreed price, in case the price changes will happen in the future. Note that the deposit is non-refundable should you no longer require our service. SC H E D U L I N G

Please contact us at least 1 week prior to the photo session PAY M E NT

The remaining 80% of payment should be made on pictures approval stage. POST PR O D UC TIO N

We will send you either • CD with all original images, unedited. Within 1 week after the photo session. Simply inform us the file name • Or online private gallery on FB where you can simply like or comment on the image for you to pick pictures that you love We will edit your images, and design your album. Before printing we would send you a draft album design, and you are entitled of 2 revisions. The edited photos with the Photobook will be delivered within 2 months (assuming you get back to us within 1 week after the original images sent to you)

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