My name is JoĂŁo P. Santos and I am a fine art photographer from Portugal. I always had a different way of seeing the environment that surrounds me. When walking in the street I imagine animals in places where they do not belong and objects doing what they are not supposed to do. I believe that inspiration can be found at every single corner all around us. That is why I am working with the most ordinary and simple objects and themes to prove that art can be applied almost everywhere, anytime. Just take a look and hopefully these will inspire you to look at the world differently and appreciate all the little things. You can find more on my Instagram. More info:Instagram
I see the world in a minimalist way I see the world in a minimalist way I see the world in a minimalist way I see the world in a minimalist way I see the world in a minimalist way I see the world in a minimalist way I see the world in a minimalist way I see the world in a minimalist way I see the world in a minimalist way I see the world in a minimalist way I see the world in a minimalist way I see the world in a minimalist way I see the world in a minimalist way amzn_assoc_placement = 'adunit0'; amzn_assoc_search_bar = 'true'; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = 'mustsee0e3-20'; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = 'bottom'; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = 'search'; amzn_assoc_ad_type = 'smart'; amzn_assoc_marketplace = 'amazon'; amzn_assoc_region = 'US'; amzn_assoc_title = 'Camera and Photo Department Bestsellers'; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = 'Bestsellers'; amzn_assoc_default_category = 'Photo'; amzn_assoc_linkid = 'f163510d3d9535ae04b753bc8806e144';
amzn_assoc_default_browse_node = '13900861'; Fine Art PhotographerJoĂŁo P. Santos Sees The World In A Minimalist Way Must See Media
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