A warm bowl of chili is such a comforting meal on cold nights. Beef chili usually takes at least an hour and a half to simmer on the stove, but you can cut that time down by half when you use a pressure cooker! Electric pressure cookers are having a renaissance these days. The newest models are programmable smart appliances that are very safe and very easy to use. They're completely different than traditional stovetop models many of us grew up with. Find out just how great pressure cooking can be with this super-quick chili recipe!Continue reading 'Pressure Cooker Ground Beef Chili' Âť amzn_assoc_placement = 'adunit0'; amzn_assoc_search_bar = 'true'; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = 'mustsee0e3-20'; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = 'manual'; amzn_assoc_ad_type = 'smart'; amzn_assoc_marketplace = 'amazon'; amzn_assoc_region = 'US'; amzn_assoc_title = 'Related Items'; amzn_assoc_linkid = '9505aca3355b6002e98ebe9eabfc0d5d'; amzn_assoc_asins = 'B00FLYWNYQ,B000MPA044,B 00006ISG3,B00EXLOW38,1934193798,1623156122,1936493411,1540374114'; Pressure Cooker Ground Beef Chili
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