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Melissa Wenenn Uses Internationally Proven System To Fight Bullying By AlexChangho A recent bullying incident in Liberty, Missouri has emboldened a local business owner to step up her efforts to protect children from an all-too-familiar problem in schools: Bullying. “Don’t worry about it,” just doesn’t work, says Melissa Wenenn. Wenenn runs Pride Martial Arts with her husband, Senior Master Jack Wenenn. Martial arts has been known
for building confidence and respect in children, as well as teaching self-defense skills. These skills are even more relevant today with the changing face of bullying. “Today there are more ways to bully,” says Wenenn. A generation ago, bullying usually involved gossip or physical confrontation that was limited to school or the playground. Today, the effects of bullying follow children home as social media platforms such as Snap Chat, Facebook, and Twitter make targeting victims available from anywhere. Bullying isn’t a new problem, but has attracted the media spotlight with several recent events. In Liberty, Missouri, a middle school sixth grader was severely beaten and hospitalized by another boy in the school cafeteria. The boys’ parents had informed the school, even by certified letter, over a month prior to the incident. While much attention has been placed on tightening school policies, and the school administration’s response to the beating, bullying is a much more complex issue, which requires a more comprehensive response. Wenenn has introduced local schools to the OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Program, a system designed to teach teachers and students how to prevent incidents like in Liberty. “One of the problems is that not all schools have a definition of bullying,” says Wenenn. Without a clear definition, it is difficult for teachers and administrators to prevent or respond to bullying. The OLWEUS system defines bullying as having three important components: Bullying is aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions Bullying involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time Bullying involves an imbalance of power or strength This clear definition will make it easier for teachers to separate bullying from the times that “boys will be boys.” “It’s harder and harder for teachers and even school counselors to know how to handle this issue without knowing what to do and having set procedures all the way down to the classroom. Having something districtwide will be beneficial to protect not just the children, but the teachers as well.” While having these procedures will be essential to school systems, Wenenn makes it clear that bullying will not be solved simply by enacting policies. Ultimately, bullying can be prevented by focusing on the targets themselves: the children. “’Just look away’ works for a little bit, but doesn’t work long term, and when someone is saying degrading things to you, you can only ignore it for so long.” The OLWEUS training that Wenenn has implemented in her own business has already shown results. Children who have taken her martial arts training, along with the Bullying Prevention, have already developed more confidence, and have been better able to handle bullying at school. Wenenn’s goal is to share the OLWEUS Bullying Prevention Program with all local schools, to reduce the effects of bullying for all children. Her passion Click here to read more… Source:: http://smallbusinesstrendsetters.com/melissa-wenenn-uses-internationally-proven-system-to-fightbullying-2/
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This entry was posted in Business Articles on April 1, 2015 by Jack.
Financial Planners’ Reputations More Important Than Ever With New Obama Rule By lcwwealth@yahoo.com A recent New York Times article highlighted the growing debate around “fiduciary responsibility.” That is, financial institutions’ obligations to their customers (or the lack thereof). At the center of this debate is a conflict of interest. There are businesses that are designed to make money by giving you advice but what happens when what’s best for your financial future isn’t the same as what’s best for their financial future? Carl Richards, the author of the article, offers three pieces of advice for finding a respectable financial advisor: “A quick prescription without a diagnosis describes too many investors. People need advice that fits their financial situation, not someone else’s.” Ask about conflicts of interest. “The professionals who don’t hesitate to pull back the curtain are more likely to put your interests first.” “Ask financial professionals two questions: How much do I pay you? And who else is paying you?” Richards goes on to say that, “many of us have learned that we should never judge a book by its cover. In that same vein, we really shouldn’t care about titles, job descriptions, or even where someone works. What we should focus on is what someone actually does.” “One way to deal with this new level of accountability is to address it head on,” says authority-positioning consultant Lisa Williams. “Before your clients start asking, ‘how much do I pay you?’ or ‘who else is paying you?,’ start building your authority as a trusted advisor and address the hard questions.” In the eyes of experts like Williams, the general public’s heightened sensitivity is an opportunity for any financial planner ready to seize it. “Your articles, videos, and blog posts should be educating and advocating on behalf of your customers,” she explains. “You can establish a stronger reputation and credibility by being featured in the media or by writing a book addressing questions such as the ones Richards raises.”
It’s an important time to be a financial planner who is willing to put the investor’s interests first. Then any potential losses you incur (from recommending the best investment strategy for them) will be more than recuperated from the higher level of credibility you will establish. This credibility can result in media exposure that creates more trust, which means more subsequent business. The bottom line is this: You’ve been put on alert, financial planners. Your reputations are on the line, now more than ever before. Consider viewing quotes from President Obama differently, like the following: “You want to give financial advice, you’ve got to put your client’s interests first. You can’t have a conflict of interest.” Instead of running away with your tails between your legs, view this as an opportunity. Lisa Williams is an authority positioning consultant for professionals who make a living charging for their advice, experience, and expertise. To find out more about how you can establish more credibility visit: http://www.mediaauthoritymarketing.com. Click here to read more… Source:: http://smallbusinesstrendsetters.com/financial-planners-reputations-more-important-than-ever-withnew-obama-rule/
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This entry was posted in Business Articles on April 1, 2015 by Jack.
Your Cluttered Home And Office May Be Costing You Thousands Of Dollars Per Year By AlexChangho “People don’t realize the impact clutter has on their lives,” says Summer Rose, founder of Star Organizers in New York City. “The extra fifteen minutes a day they spend looking for something they’ve misplaced or just threw somewhere because they didn’t have a home for it in the first place – those fifteen minutes add up quickly. What could you do with almost two extra hours every week? Imagine how often you say, ‘I wish I had more time,’ ‘I’m too busy,’ or ‘I have too many things to do.’”
Rose has found that living in an unorganized home or working in a mess also impacts people’s mindsets and energy. “When your space is cluttered, it often causes your mind to be cluttered, as well.” While there is a common perception that “being messy” has no impact on someone’s professional performance, Rose sees the exact opposite. Working in a cluttered office can make it more difficult to make decisions and think clearly. “When your mind is focused on all the little tasks at home that you need to conquer, you’re not focusing on your business.” Organizational tasks that can clutter your mind include putting away laundry, going through piles of paper cluttering up the counters, and tidying up before guests arrive. The solution is not always custom closets or organizational systems. Much like home gym equipment oftentimes becomes a family’s most expensive coat rack, closet systems can become fancy shelves to hide a mess. “A custom closet, while it may be beautiful, isn’t going to hang up your designer denims that you tried on before making a decision on what to wear,” says Rose. Celebrity organizer Geralin Thomas of A&E’s Hoarders agrees. “There are many wonderful products available to help you get organized and stay organized, and although I don’t recommend running out and buying an expensive closet system, there are a few basic items that might be helpful.” These basics include things like hanging rods, shoeboxes, hangers, and a light fixture. Here are 5 Tips to Eliminate Clutter and Be More Productive, courtesy of Summer Rose: 1) Pick out your clothes the night before. It may seem juvenile (hearken back your elementary school days), but many women try on at least three items before deciding what to wear. And if you’re rushing out to a meeting, imagine how much less stress you would have if you already knew what you were going to wear. “You will be able to focus on your upcoming meeting or project instead of your sartorial choices.” 2) Organize your computer files. Instead of saving everything onto your desktop or documents folder, use a consistent naming convention and a system for all of your files, especially photos. It makes it so much easier if you know your folder path to your files instead of saving everything to your desktop. You will also feel less cluttered each time you open up your computer. You’ll actually get to enjoy your background photo. 3) Store items in pretty containers. “I have aesthetically pleasing boxes stacked Click here to read more… Source:: http://smallbusinesstrendsetters.com/your-cluttered-home-and-office-may-be-costing-youthousands-of-dollars-per-year/
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This entry was posted in Business Articles on April 1, 2015 by Jack.
TC Bradley, Publishing and Media Expert, Confirms April 2015 Release For His Next Business Book Successful media and publishing expert TC Bradley has announced “Instant Celebrity Status! Establish Your DOMINANCE In Your Local Market By Using Major Media And Becoming a Best Selling Author” The book, which provides insights on establishing dominance in your local market using media and by becoming a published bestselling author, is scheduled for a late April 2015 release. Bradley, founder of http://www.InstantCelebrityStatus.com could not contain his excitement about the upcoming book release “Media and publishing has changed so much just in the last few years. It is now possible to do in 90 days what would have taken you 5-10 years to achieve.” Bradley’s last book, “Business Leadership Success! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders” released in March 2015, hit #1 on Amazon’s Best Seller List topping such notable names as Stephen Covey, Jack Welch, Anthony Robbins and even Phil Jackson. When asked for a prediction for the new release Bradley said, “My expectations are simple. I fully expect this book to become a Best Seller and one of the TOP business books released in 2015 and based on my track record, I would not bet against it.” “Instant Celebrity Status!” will be available in both Kindle and Paperback formats through Amazon.com late April 2015 Click here to read more… Source:: http://authoritypresswire.com/tc-bradley-publishing-and-media-expert-confirms-april-2015-releasefor-his-next-business-book/
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This entry was posted in Business News on April 1, 2015 by Jack.
Stephanie and Jon Iannotti Business Leadership Book Soars to No.1 On Amazon Best Seller List New Life Vision, LLC announced the book, “Elite Business Leaders! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders!” reached number 1 on the Amazon Best Seller List topping bestselling authors Stephen Covey, Jack Welch, Anthony Robbins, and even Phil Jackson. The new business leadership book showcases leading business experts officially launched on March 24, 2015, and secured the rank of #1 Bestseller status in 2 Amazon.com categories on the day of release. Stephanie and Jon Iannotti authored the chapter titled “The Business Leadership Success Formula!” and “it’s a vital and valuable contribution to the success of the book” according to publisher TC Bradley. “Stephanie and Jon are amazing business leaders and I am thrilled we signed them to this book deal” said Bradley. Stephanie and Jon Iannotti have been business leaders since 2000. With over 30 years combined experience in Real Estate Investing/ Teaching, and Mentoring and over 1800 creative deals under their belts, they are considered one of the best in the industry. They have also come up with some amazing ways to structure deals that are cutting edge. They have done many deals with their student partners using these state of the art techniques which are now being taught across the country and internationally. They are the creators of ACT (Agreeable Contract Terms). This program and has totally changed many investors’ lives with the teachings and techniques. Then in 2012, due to even more changes in the Real Estate Market, the Iannotti’s came up with another System called REACT (Reverse Engineered Assignment of Contract Terms). REACT is now taking the Real Estate Investing world by storm as well as their most recent program CATS (Complete Agreeable Terms System), which was just released in October of 2014. Jon and Stephanie have trained with and worked with some of the biggest names in Real Estate Investing. To name a few, Ron LeGrand, Robin Thompson, Lee Phillips, Al Aiello, Ted Thomas, Lou Brown, and many others. Not only have they mentored hundreds of their own students, they have also mentored hundreds of Ron Legrand’s real estate students. The Iannotti’s are also Amazon #1 Best Selling Authors of “The New Masters of Real Estate, Getting Deals Done in the New Economy.” 12 of the 18 contributing authors were mentored or coached by them personally. They are also highly sought after National Speakers and National & International Mentors to well over 400 students over the past few 10 years. Owning their own businesses have given them the freedom to live where they want to live, do what they want to do and when they want to do it. To learn more about the Iannotti’s visit: http://www.usarementoring.com or http://www.buyreact.com “Elite Business Leaders! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders!” is available on Amazon.com at: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00V2TSPCI
Click here to read more… Source:: http://authoritypresswire.com/stephanie-and-jon-iannotti-business-leadership-book-soars-to-no-1on-amazon-best-seller-list/
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This entry was posted in Business News on April 1, 2015 by Jack.
Rick and Lisa Donner Business Leadership Book Soars to No.1 On Amazon Best Seller List New Life Vision, LLC announced the book, “Elite Business Leaders! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders!” reached number 1 on the Amazon Best Seller List topping bestselling authors Stephen Covey, Jack Welch, Anthony Robbins, and even Phil Jackson. The new business leadership book showcases leading business experts officially launched on March 24, 2015, and secured the rank of #1 Bestseller status in 2 Amazon.com categories on the day of release. Rick and Lisa Donner authored the chapter titled “Build Your Wealth, Get SMART About Your Business!” and “it’s a vital and valuable contribution to the success of the book” according to publisher TC Bradley. “Rick and Lisa are amazing business leaders and I am thrilled we signed them to this book deal” said Bradley. Rick is originally from western Pennsylvania; he worked as a welder after high school until age twenty-eight. He then went to college, graduated with a major in accounting and a minor in economics. He eventually moved to Southwest Florida and opened his own CPA practice. Rick has become the “go to” CPA for real estate investors. Lisa is originally from Miami, Florida and has been an entrepreneur since 1980, though not always in real estate. She is a mom of three and was divorced for a couple of years when she met Rick at church. They married in November 2002 and because of a mutual interest in real estate, they began their investing career The Donner’s have done hundreds of single family, multi-family and commercial deals using many types of
techniques to purchase and sell properties. They are two-time #1 best-selling authors, speakers and mentors. They began mentoring a few years after the start of their real estate investing career. They teach students both nationally and internationally. The Donner’s are co-founders of Florida Gulf Coast REIA, a valuable resource to investors, realtors and entrepreneurs. This is a place where investors come together to achieve their goals, master the business of real estate investing, develop great relationships and turn their dreams into reality! To learn more about the Donners and their real life insider secrets to success in real estate, go to www.RickandLisaDonner.com or call 800-548-8450 “Elite Business Leaders! An Introduction to Elite Business Leaders!” is available on Amazon.com at: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00V2TSPCI Click here to read more… Source:: http://authoritypresswire.com/rick-and-lisa-donner-business-leadership-book-soars-to-no-1-onamazon-best-seller-list/
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This entry was posted in Business News on April 1, 2015 by Jack.
Pasadena Man Pledges To Wear Tutu, Take Pies To Face For Charity Jack Von Bulow of Pasadena, CA isn’t a big fan of ballet. But he’s pledged to wear a tutu and even have pies thrown in his face to raise money for children’s charities. Von Bulow, known by his patients as “Dr. V”, is the owner of Temple City Dental Care in Temple City, CA. For the last 17 years he and his staff have participated in Smiles for Life, an annual charity event organized by the Crown Council that runs from March through June. Since its inception in 1998 Smiles for Life program has has raised over $34,500,000 for seriously ill, disabled and disadvantaged children.
Greg Anderson, director of the Crown Council says, “Smiles For Life allows a person to help children in need by doing something that benefits them as well. Our doctors donate their time and expertise, while Ultradent generously provides all Opalescence whitening products. You receive a brighter smile, and, best of all, provide children with a brighter future.” During the 4-month event, participating dentists reduce the costs of their teeth whitening services, typically by half, and donate all the proceeds to charity – 50% to the Smiles for Life Foundation, 50% to a charity of the dentist’s choice. In 2015 donations totaled $1.5 million and the Crown Council hopes to exceed $36 million mark for total collections during their 2015 campaign. Von Bulow expects to be a big part of that effort. Last year Dr. V raised $7000 for City of Hope in Duarte, CA and will continue to support them in 2015. His hope is that adding humorous incentives for their fundraising goal will help them raise even more money. “A bigger dry cleaning bill is a small price to pay to raise awareness and help such a great institution,” says Von Bulow. “Everyone loves to have a good laugh and in this case I don’t mind if it’s all at my expense.” More than his dry cleaning bill, Von Bulow is even willing to put his alma mater’s pride on the line in the name of charity. A die-hard fan of the University of Southern California Trojans, if their practice significantly exceed their fundraising goals, Von Bulow has pledged to wear, from head to toe, the fan clothing of their rivals the University of California Los Angeles Bruins. Given the upswing in charitable giving since 2008, Von Bulow may want to get his UCLA blue and gold in order. According to a 2013 study by Giving USA, charitable donations declined 15% since the beginning of the recession in 2008. But 2013 data indicates that donations are increasing. Blackbaud, an online donation processor, saw overall donations grow by 4.9% in 2013. A recent survey by the Nonprofit Research Collaborative showed 62% of charities reported an increase of donations in 2013 over 2012, much of the gains coming from online appeals and special fundraising events. To learn more about Dr. Von Bulow’s fundraising efforts and Smiles for Life, go to www.drvsmiles.com/smilesforlife. Click here to read more… Source:: http://authoritypresswire.com/pasadena-man-pledges-to-wear-tutu-take-pies-to-face-for-charity/
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This entry was posted in Business News on March 31, 2015 by Jack.
Las Tortugas Properties Launches New Website Featuring Apartments & Penthouses For Sale Featuring a clean and simple look, the website is designed to be a one-stop shop for buyers looking to purchase a property in Las Tortugas. Aside from a complete listing of properties for sale, visitors will find a detailed description of the development, as well as a photo gallery and downloadable floor plans. Owners that are looking to sell their property can also submit details of their property for a free evaluation. In keeping with the demands of users on the go the website is fully responsive, allowing visitors on their mobile devices to comfortably browse the website without the need to zoom in or out. Click on the link for a video walk around of the new Las Tortugas website https://youtu.be/slhodqtfnzU The development itself is a stunning real estate development located in the area of Nueva Andalucia, in Southern Spain. It is named after the lake to which it is adjacent, Turtle Lake or Las Tortugas in Spanish. Constructed in 2005, it is a compact gated development of some 60 units, including apartments, penthouses and duplex flats. The entire development, or urbanisation as it is known locally, is painted white; in the style of the traditional Spanish white villages, so renown in Andalucia. Situated in the hills, it has both panoramic sea views of the Mediterranean and the coast of North Africa, as well as views of the Sierra Blanca mountain range. Constructed to a high standard, the properties have marble flooring and air-conditioning. For owners there is a separate storage area as well as underground parking – perfect to keep your car cool during the hot summer days. Each flat has its own terrace with views over the gardens and the swimming pool. Prices for the various apartments for sale range from around 250,000 Euros for a smaller 2 bedroom flat up to around 600,000 Euros for a 3 bedroom luxury penthouse. Constructed areas range from some 115m2 to 160m2, with terraces in the region of 35m2 to 85m2. Owners benefit from communal landscaped gardens as well as a large lagoon style swimming pool – ideal for spending lazing afternoons enjoying the panoramic views. For golfers, Las Tortugas is located in the golf valley of Nueva Andalucia; within minutes a player can be at
one of a number of world class golf courses including Las Brisas, Los Naranjos, La Quinta or Aloha. For beach lovers the beaches of Marbella are within a few minutes´ drive, as is the world famous leisure port of Puerto Banus, home to some of the most exclusive shops and yachts in the south of Spain, as well as a vibrant restaurant scene and night-life. For the security conscious the development has 24 hour security. The gardens and swimming pool are maintained by the community. For more information on the different types of property for sale, including apartments & penthouses, in Las Tortugas urbanisation in Nueva Andalucia, Marbella, the sales team can be contacted by telephone on: + 34 952 811 552 or click here to visit their website www.lastortugasproperties.com Click here to read more… Source:: http://authoritypresswire.com/las-tortugas-properties-launches-new-website-featuring-apartmentspenthouses-for-sale/
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This entry was posted in Business News on March 31, 2015 by Jack.
Miami Attorney Christopher Benjamin Uses His Love of Tech To Help Startups Miami Lawyer, Christopher Benjamin of The Barrister Firm, P.A. has always loved tech. After 12 years as a well-known and respected trial lawyer, his firm has grown so much that he’s chosen to follow his love of tech and specialize in helping tech startups. He assists tech startups and other business startups with everything from deciding which type of business incorporation is right for them, to filing for patents and trademarks to protect their apps and ideas. Attorney Christopher Benjamin says, “I’m a techie–I’ve always loved technology and what it allows us to do. I can hardly remember life before my smart phone. I use it for all kinds of things!” Aside from helping founders form businesses, Benjamin also helps them outline partnership agreements, create operating agreements, review contracts, develop licensing agreements, create employee manuals and policies and
advises tech companies how to best protect their products. The Miami-based firm, located in Downtown Miami was founded by Benjamin and has grown to include 22 attorney’s representing over 15 different legal specializations. The Barrister Firm, P.A. was founded in order to provide affordable legal services to middle class America. With that goal in mind, the firm is unique in that it offers fee arrangements that take into account the financial means of their clients. According to Benjamin, middle class Americans are in need of good legal counsel, but finances often prohibit them from retaining a private law firm; his firm strives to fill that need. “Startups need attorneys that will work with them and be affordable,” Benjamin explains, “they shouldn’t skip obtaining legal counsel because funds are limited as they begin their business venture.” Emerge Americas Tech Conference May 1 – 5th, 2015 Miami Beach is hosting a well-known tech convention called Emerge Americas. Benjamin and others from The Barrister Firm, P.A. will attend to network and answer questions from emerging businesses and tech startups. For more information or to find out how to attend the Emerge Americas conference visit: http://emergeamericas.org/about-us/. About Attorney Christopher Benjamin Attorney Christopher Benjamin is an attorney based in Miami, Florida. He was admitted to practice law in Florida in 2002. Christopher Benjamin received his Bachelors of Art from Florida Memorial University and graduated from St. Thomas University School of Law in 2001. Christopher Benjamin is the founder of the Barrister Firm, P.A., he is rated AV Preeminent by MartindaleHubbell, Superb by AVVO.com and listed in Florida Super Lawyers, Florida Legal Elite, ALM Florida Legal Leaders and Marquis Who’s Who in American Law. For More Information For more information about The Barrister Firm, P.A., or to get in touch with Attorney Christopher Benjamin, call (305) 407-1180. Or, visit http://www.thebarristerfirm.com /. The law offices are located throughout Florida and are headquartered at: 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 3760, Miami, FL 33131. Click here to read more… Source:: http://authoritypresswire.com/miami-attorney-christopher-benjamin-uses-his-love-of-tech-to-helpstartups/
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This entry was posted in Business News on March 28, 2015 by Jack.
Ellie Savoy, Holistic Health Coach, Reaches Number 1 on Amazon International Best Seller Lists Millbrook, NY – Ellie Savoy, Holistic Health Coach and founder of the Diet Free and Healthy Weight Loss System, reached No. 1 on Amazon best seller lists in the U.S.A., Australia, and Germany with her book, “Stop Dieting Start Living: 5 Foundations for Your Health to Permanently Lose Weight Without Dieting, Starvation or Suffering in Silence”. Amazon also listed the book as the No.1 Hot New Release in several categories. In her book, Savoy shares how she ended her own struggle of more than 25 years of excess weight and yo-yo dieting and how she has helped women all over the world do the same, without being on a diet or using any other quick fixes. She is on a mission to help women take back their waistline and health while celebrating every step of the way. “My goal in writing this book was to help women free themselves from the misery of diets by focusing on the 5 Foundations for Permanent Weight Loss”, said Savoy. “I spent half my life riding the dieting merry-goround and I know from experience how disheartening the dieting game can be.” She continued, “The focus is on becoming healthy and losing weight without struggling or feeling restricted. It is time for women to start making themselves a priority. I encourage women to stop pretending about their current reality and to shift their perception about how they see themselves.” Savoy empowers women by instilling a plan for change and a passion for looking and feeling great. Her message to women all over the world is to finally take control of their own body and life so they can embrace their health and happiness as their most precious assets. In “Stop Dieting Start Living”, she explains how 5 simple foundations are the cornerstone to creating health and happiness. The book provides a commonsense approach to making simple lifestyle changes through taking baby steps that are easy to implement into everyday life. “Stop Dieting Start Living” is available in Amazon Kindle and Paperback versions at http://www.StopDietingBook.com. Audiobook and iBook versions will be available in the near future. For more information about Ellie Savoy and losing weight without dieting, visit http://www.DietFreeAndHealthy.com. Click here to read more… Source:: http://authoritypresswire.com/ellie-savoy-holistic-health-coach-reaches-number-1-on-amazoninternational-best-seller-lists/
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This entry was posted in Business News on March 27, 2015 by Jack.
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Melissa Wenenn Uses Internationally Proven System To Fight Bullying Financial Planners’ Reputations More Important Than Ever With New Obama Rule Your Cluttered Home And Office May Be Costing You Thousands Of Dollars Per Year TC Bradley, Publishing and Media Expert, Confirms April 2015 Release For His Next Business Book
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