'Tis the season to be jolly-and caffeinated. If you want your peppermint mocha to give you a little more than an energy jolt, these booze recommendations are for you. I've had some peppermint schnapps in my hot chocolate before, but never thought to warm up with a spiked flavored coffee beverage. Here are some of the liquors and liqueurs Ananda Eidelstein at The Kitchn recommends for your lattes and mochas: Eggnog latte: Go with Irish whiskey or a dark rum. Peppermint mocha: Go with Bailey's Irish Cream or some marshmallow flavored vodka. Gingerbread latte: Go with spiced rum or KahlĂşa. Before you go walking around to look at the pretty Christmas lights, consider fighting off the cold with a drink that warms you up in two ways. You can find more great spiking recommendations at the link below. The Best Booze for Spiking Your Starbucks Holiday Lattes | The Kitchn Photo by Marco Verch.
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