Why Alps Are The Best Place To Practice Photography

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As a photography lover I always look for new sparks in order to improve my technique: here in Northern Italy, it's enough to watch out of my window to see the beauty of the Alps. From winter to summer, this incredible mountain landscape, it's one of the best place where to practice photography and test new frames (in my personal opinion). So, that's a short selection of pictures taken with a modest camera among the valleys of Italy, France, Switzerland and Austria. In some cases it was enough to get off the car and shot, in other ones the photos were taken during simple hiking... More info: Facebook

Piancavallone, Val Grande National Park, Italy

Argentine, Savoie, France

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Val Varaita, Region Piemonte, Italy

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Rochemolles, Region Piemonte, Italy

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Piancavallone, Val Grande National Park, Italy

Valposchiavo, GraubĂźnden, Switzerland

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Col del Lys, Region Piemonte, Italy

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Termignon, Savoie, France

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VallĂŠe Etroite, Hautes-Alpes, France

Mont-Cenis, Savoie/Piemonte, France/Italy

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Termignon, Savoie, France

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Tauplitz, Steyr, Austria

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Gran Paradiso National Park, Region Piemonte, Italy

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