1 minute read
Visualisation: Construction Process
Phase 1
Phase 3
Phase 2
After the foundation structure has been put in place, mangroves can be planted on top. Over time, the mangroves will degrade and digest the waste in the foundations. They also serve to anchor the growth of the mangroves. Top cover
Some of Thailand's tourist attractions are deteriorating due to environmental problems, such as litter and waste water pollution, which are not well managed. There is a lot of rubbish on the beaches that needs to be cleaned up.
Use the boxes to collect rubbish from the beach and the masks to use as a base for the terrain. Pile them up into cones to form mangrove habitats. Over time, the mangroves will degrade the rubbish.
With the arrival of the epidemic, more and more tourists are choosing to wear masks for their trips. But at the same time the problem of littering with masks has also become more of a problem. The large number of discarded masks on the beach is not well disposed of.
Date: 09/202111/2022