We are always learning to get better!

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GS Bigugu with a piggery business Teach A Man To Fish_ Rwanda, is working in partnership with Health Poverty Action whereby it will contribute in the said Rwandan Girls’ Education Advancement program (REAP) applied in the window of Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC). TEACH A MAN TO FISH CORE SUCCESS AND ACHIEVEMENTS

Output 1 - Increased income for investment in schools and girls’ education Teach A Man To Fish aims at helping 28 schools of Nyaruguru to start and run businesses which will generate income to be invested in Girls’ education which will result in decreased rate of Girls’ drop out and increase retention rate of Girls and completion as well. So far Teach A Man To Fish has worked tremendously with Capacity building, 140 Parents and Teacher Parents Committee have been trained on business planning and management, and they have gone back at their respective schools whereby they developed business plans and budgets. Now all 28 schools have developed budgets and they are looking forward to the implementation stage. Moreover, the development of School business plans is thrilling and providing a learning space to Teachers among the Business Management Committee in way that they are now able to count their blessings in as far as business operations are concerned. Eight of the 28 schools are at the stage of business implementation whereby they have started contacting suppliers of items that they will use in their business, 14 schools have signed off the agreement and 900 members of MDCs has been trained on the use of Profit and how they can do Small and Medium Income Generating Activities and they are to start soon and this created activities will impact 1,500 women head of family, and 1,500 children who are defined as Most Marginalized Girls (MMGs).

Testimony from the Head Teacher of Bigugu Secondary School

“We had a good chance to partner with Teach A Man To Fish in the step forward to gear up the Girls’ Education through establishing school enterprises, Luckily I attended the training on business training and management and it was such a good experience to get a theoretical skills on business planning So far, we are getting practical skills on business planning through implementation phase which we are closer and we are strategically setting up ways of how our learners and the management team of the school will be involved and engaged in as far as the benefits and required skills on business planning is maximized and making sure that all our learners are produced at a high standard in as far as entrepreneurial skills and practical sense of business as well! Our Teachers have been able to identify and put details on the vegetable garden that we are having such that It can be one of our source of income rather than being used in feeding our students only, Thanks to Teach A Man To Fish for working with us and we shall not step backward but we shall keep our steps forward. �

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