Urunana dcworkshop tamtf presents

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GEC-REAP: Girls Education Challenge, Rwandan Girls’ Education Advancement Program SCHOOL BUSINESS AS A COMPONENT OF GEC-REAP

REAP CORE FOCUS Output 1 - Increased income for investment in schools and girls’ education 140 people from 28 PTAs have been trained on business planning and management First draft of business plans have been produced for all 28 school businesses in Treatment A & B schools 900 MDC members in ongoing process of training on how to manage the use of profit 14 schools have agreements signed off and provided with start up capital for school businesses MDC IGA have to start soon 28 schools have signed off and will sign agreement and after will be provided with start up capital for school businesses

INVESTMENT VS IMPACTS Activities related to entrepreneurship (Business Planning) 28 Schools provided with capital to run school business

Amount of Investment

$ 413,096.79 Schools, Students, and Parents who owes students in our partner schools in terms of entrepreneurial skills, decrease of school meals fee, school materials for the MMGs, etc

Training of 900 MDC members on the use of profit MDC Small and medium enterprises created

Beneficiaries at the start and completion of the project

900 H/Hs who will reach out other 975 Mothers and 2,850 Students $ 16,666.6

75 MDCs which is 1,500 women head of family, and 1,500 children who are defined as Most Marginalized Girls (MMGs)

Schools vs communities We work with schools through School business and communities through Mother Daughter Clubs (MDCs) See Framework and outcome, impacts that will be; Schools School businesses

Business Management Committee serves as Focal points, on School businesses, managing the use of start up capital, and business operations, profit and expenditure within the business

Communities Mother Daughter Clubs

Mother Daughter Clubs (MDCs) With Focus: 1) Income Generating Activities 2)Sexual reproduction Health 3)Awareness creation on Girls’ education

More girls completed their school levels of education

Entrepreneurial skills Employment creation Decrease of operational costs at the school level Decrease of the burden to be borne by the students

Results: Creation of IGAs Improved livelihood and standards of living Girls gain necessities within their families And Self sufficiency in the long run


Overall result of GEC REAP

School business

Will results in:

Mother Daughter Clubs (MDCs)

Results from School businesses and IGAs of MDCs

Cont’d Overall benefits of the project, The project will result in 

Increased income for schools and hence decreased burden to be borne by the parents

Increased entrepreneurial skills for both students and communities which may result on creation of employment through Small income generating activities

Enhanced expression skills among the students and the communities as well through theatre sketches and idea sharing as well (Shared in the clubs’ meeting)

Decreased drop out and enrollment of students due to the created environment which is safe and appropriate to students

Schools will further more benefit, the skills on how rights of children are respected and make their learners aware to avoid abuse

Materials tools Guides to implement your school business

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