editor’s note
by Donna Ladd, Editor-in-Chief
s I typed Tuesday morning, April 14, public-school administrators, parents, teachers and students had no idea whether they were going back to school next week. Gov. Tate Reeves hadn’t yet shared his decision, even as most of us knew it was impossible to re-open schools this semester as the state’s COVID19 cases and death toll still climb. Nevertheless, school staff prepared to re-open schools, using wasted taxpayer resources, while trying to navigate new realities, and care for their own children and livelihoods while they waited. It’s not that far off from Reeves taking way too long to declare a statewide shelter-in-place order to keep COVID-19 from spreading in Mississippi. It’s a strange timeline. Before he went to Spain for spring break with his family—where and when COVID-19 was already a serious issues—
April 15 - 28, 2020 • jfp.ms
This is beyond amateurish. It’s repulsive.
he actually set up a COVID-19 task force. Then, he left the country. Reeves returned the Friday of spring break with coronavirus hitting us all fully in the face. That, by the way, was the first official day our staff started working remotely to help flatten the curve and stay safe. Maybe Reeves was jet-lagged, because he didn’t immediately grab a microphone to tell Mississippians to stay home to stop the spread. Over the next week, we kept hearing from people shocked by close gatherings on beaches, in flea markets, in restaurants, at auto auctions, in churches, right at the pivotal time when stronger, smarter leadership could have helped contain the spread and, frankly, keep some Mississippians alive who have died since then. Finally, under a lot of pressure from citizens of all political stripes, mayors across the state and this newspaper, Reeves finally issued a weak executive order on March 24. It mostly provided an expansive list of “essential” businesses and operations exempt from social-distancing and closing rules, including car sales, gun shops, churches, department stores, shopping centers and even “offices.” (The latter three weren’t on the “essential” list, but he still managed to exempt them, which caused major confu-
sion and worker fear in upcoming days.) The order also was a clear override of any attempts by local governments to limit his laundry list of essentials. His staff and friends in media then tried to deny that he had done a lot of what he said in black-andwhite in the order, even personally attacking me and reporter Nick Judin for reporting what he wrote. It was a hot mess. It took until Wednesday, April 1, for Reeves to bow to pressure and issue a shelter-in-place order—24 hours after he had taken great pains to explain why issuing one in just one county (Lauderdale) made a lick of sense. By then, of course, many people had come into contact with those infected with the virus, and the rest is tragic history. Reeves showed that he can, however, make haste with anything connected to conservative political wedge issues. Just two days after he belatedly issued the shelter-at-home with excuses about it just then being needed, Reeves quietly signed a Confederate Heritage Month proclamation on April 3. Now, this embrace of the “heritage” of a treasonous war to maintain and extend slavery is horrific any year, and makes Mississippi look back-assward, but doing it this year was mortifying. For one thing, we knew by then that many of the early deaths were African American. Nick and I had started asking for race demographics of the COVID-19 cases and deaths well before—him at press briefings and me daily in social media, tagging the Mississippi State Department of Health and Reeves. Importantly, Reeves and State Health Officer Thomas Dobbs knew when the governor signed that Confederate glorification document that black Mississippians were disproportionately contracting and dying from the coronavirus.
courtesy State of Mississippi
Gov. Tate Reeves Has Failed the COVID-19 Leadership Test
Gov. Tate Reeves is using COVID-19 to play politics with Mississippians’ lives, only invoking the Constitution when it serves the political interests of his voter base.
Still, as we discovered two days later on the Sons of Confederate Veterans Facebook page, Reeves signed that proclamation and gave it to SCV, much as former Gov. Phil Bryant used to do. But here’s the thing: I really don’t think even Bryant would show the kinds of callous leadership Reeves is showing. Last year, for instance, in 2019, Bryant signed a Unity Month proclamation instead of honoring the Confederacy, urged by a Christian racial-reconciliation group out in Flowood, Reeves’ hometown. On top of that, Reeves has given special dispensation to gun stores, saying he was honoring the Second Amendment (which doesn’t mention regulation of sales) and going after mayors who tried to enforce social distancing in churches, saying the Constitution doesn’t allow government to close them during a pandemic. (Churches are a major hotspot for coronavirus outbreaks in the U.S. and elsewhere.)
Seyma Bayram
Torsheta Jackson
Richard Coupe
Staff Reporter Seyma Bayram is from the Kurdish region of Turkey and grew up in The Netherlands and New York. She is a graduate of the Columbia Journalism School and the State University of New York at Binghamton. She wrote about how COVID-19 has affected small businesses.
Freelance writer Torsheta Jackson is originally from Shuqualak, Miss. A wife and mother of four, she freelances and is a certified lactation counselor. She wrote about JXN Transplants. She wrote about Jacksonian Shannon Alsobrooks this week.
Recently returned from living in France, Richard Coupe is a scientist, occasional writer, soccer referee, and once more, against all odds, the owner of a house needing much work. He wrote about several Amazing Teens for this issue.
But Reeves’ devotion to constitutional rights did not extend to women. He banned abortion on Friday, April 10, saying they are an “elective” surgery and the protective gear is needed for COVID-19 cases. Problem there is that Reeves told the hard-right American Family Association president just the day before on his radio show that he was using the same strategy the Texas governor used to stop abortions during the COVID-19 crisis—basically to pretend it was to preserve PPEs. To recap: Reeves’ leadership logic says it’s OK to endanger people’s lives to keep churches and guns stores open using a constitutional excuse, but then ignore constitutional precedent on a procedure Mississippi women have the legal right to choose. Bottom line: A real leader would put politics and his 2023 re-election aside right now to save lives. Reeves must stop delaying needed safety precautions in an extraordinary time while using the pandemic as political red meat for his (and Donald Trump’s) voter base. He should stop ensuring that the State will spend even more in legal fees over abortion lawsuits, especially since he foolishly went on the radio to make it clear that he was about to violate the constitutional rights of Mississippi women. Reeves should also rescind and apologize for “Confederate Heritage Month.” Oh, and stop blaming a non-existent statute for making him sign a celebration of a war for slavery while black people can’t even have funerals to properly bury their dead. This lack of leadership and treatment of Mississippians is beyond partisanship, and more than amateurish. It’s repulsive. Twitter and Instagram:@donnerkay.