Table of Contents Wreck my life 2020 edition ..... 4-7
photo manipulation .................. 18-19
Emily dickinson cover .............. 8-9
caribe coffee house ................. 20-23
rodger’s root beer ................... 10-11
The black rhino society .......... 24-25
2016 annual report ................... 12-13
castle quest ............................... 26-29
Flowers by mariam ................... 14-15
taco t’go ...................................... 30-33
childrens book .......................... 16-17
matchwear ................................. 34- 39
Wreck my life 2020 edition Wreck my Life 2020 edition is a journal based off of my expirence during Covid-19. In my journal, I wrote instructions such as “tear this page out and crumble it up” that the reader will perform in order to feel the large range of emotions that I felt through each stage of 2020. I had a lot of fun designing this journal, especially when my family got to watch me first-hand create the cover out of disposable masks. Although they were confused at first, they loved the outcome just as much as I did. Notable to mention, this was also the first project I incorporated vulgar language into. I felt it was necessary in some areas of the book to really get my point across to the reader.
Emily dickinson cover I chose to recreate the cover of the book “The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson”. I realized two things, Emily loved flowers and she wasn’t afraid to be herself. With that in mind, I decided to paint flowers, but have the color burst out of them. I used watercolor, ink, salt, and hydrogen peroxide to create my cover. The first thing I did was lay salt all over my watercolor paper in order to get the texture that I wanted. I then dropped pink and blue ink onto my paper and strategically sprayed the hydrogen peroxide to spread the ink. Once that dried I painted the flowers on top using watercolor. I really enjoyed this project because I was able to hand letter the type on the front cover using watercolor, it was a new experience for me.
rodger’s root beer Rodger’s root beer is a four pack of root beer I designed to resemble the 1950’s. I used a bold typeface for the brand name, and a script for the words root beer, along with using a striped pattern and shapes for the sign that scream 1950’s. I really enjoyed building the four pack carrier because it was a new expirence for me. I am really happy with the outcome.
2016 annual report I chose to design a annual report for Dr. Pepper and Snapple because I felt I could put a creative edge to it. I designed the front cover to be the shape of a Dr. Pepper with their logo on it, when you turn the flap the title “2016 annual report” is displayed. On the back, I chose Snapple because they are the two prominent products that are referenced to in the actual report. This project was interesting because I was instructed to make circle graphs and bar charts. Though I had never used statistics in my designs before, I enjoyed the challenge.
Flowers by mariam Flowers by Mariam is a website I designed for a small buissness in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. For this assignment, I really got a good understanding of wireframes and discovered that I enjoy making them. I created a desktop, tablet, and phone version of the site so it is able to be collapsed to any size.
To see this website in action, scan the QR code to the left.
childrens book For this assignment, I illustrated a childrens book using watercolor, ink, and salt. The book I chose is “Goodnight Galaxy”, a spin off of goodnight moon. I put a layer of salt onto watercolor paper and sprayed ink mixed with hydrogen peroxide ontop, then I used water color to illustrate the planets.
photo manipulation For this project, I had to chose a topic from an already published article to create a magizine spread. We had to use photomanipulation inorder to portay what the article said. I chose an article on transgender bathroom rights. First, I found images in magizines to layer on a bathroom tile I bought from Lowes. Then, I ModPoged the images onto the tile and used acetone to mimic tear drops onto my spread. I also took a red sharpie and drew a prohibiting sign across the women’s bathroom symbol. This project was really interesting to do and took many tries. Due to this, I still have about five tiles laying around my apartment.
caribe coffee house Caribe Coffee House is a coffee shop based in Belize. I really enjoyed the research process because I was not familiar with the country Belize, or coffee itself. After designing the coffee bags and the menu, I expanded this project into a lookbook and a website for Caribe Coffee House. To view the website scan the QR code below.
To see this website in action, scan the QR code to the left.
The black rhino society The Black Rhino Society is an anti-poaching secret society. In order to keep my society a secret, I used a code that only members of my society would know. To get into my event, you have to crack the code that is on each part of my invitation set- located in red on the bottom right of each individual mailed item. Two things I really enjoyed doing for this project were creating a diecut of my secondary logo and creating a wax seal for the first time. To create the wax seal, I used the skills I learned from my printmaking class to carve my secondary logo into a block of linuliem. This was an easy and cost-effecient process that I really enjoyed.
castle quest Castle Quest is a board game that I created based on the popular gameplay Sorry. Castle Quest is a game for kids ages 6 and up, featuring a castle and dungeon theme. This project means a lot to me due to it being the first time I truly got illustrative with my type style. In addition to that, I also enjoyed the physical aspect of the project which was building the packaging and cutting the cards.
website page like flowers website taco T’go Taco T’Go is a food truck I designed for college students on the run. My food truck sells a variety of tex mex food easy to eat while running to your next class, as many of us have experienced before. This project was a new experience for me due to the fact that it began as simply a food truck and then expanded to packaging and a website. I really enjoy the craftsmanship that went into designing this food truck, and building the packaging.
To see this website in action, scan the QR code to the left.
MatchWear MatchWear Clothing Company’s goal is to allow people who are color vision deficent to gain back thier independance. We use a symbol matching system that allows people with CVD to color coordinate thier clothes. This is my first time doing a full branding project on my own schedule, and I really enjoyed getting to work at my own pace with consistent feedback from my peers. MatchWear consists of a website, closet guide, how to use guide, billboard, poster, packaging, paper tags, and cloth tags. To view the website scan the QR code below.
To see this website in action, scan the QR code to the left.