Process Book Kathleen Hetherington
Senior Capstone Kathleen Hetherington
Describe the proposed investigation and list problems objectively. For my proposed project, I will connect mental health with tarot card readings. I will focus on a younger demographic, and the impact mental health has on the youth. I will combine mental health imagery to the tarot deck, since tarot cards are centered around a person’s situation. The cards will be to help a person’s well being and mind-set. The area of design I will focus on will be branding, and my collateral will be shirts,
pins, stickers, or posters. I might also do motion graphics as an advertisement or to appeal more to my campaign. This project contributes to my growth as a designer because it is a packaging, branding project that aids in mental health. It also improves my illustration skills. It will also challenge me to learn more about mental health itself. I believe this concept is unique because it is combining a serious subject with an interactive design.
Sub problems Suicide risk; I can research about how stress/depression can lead to thoughts of suicide (suicide prevention). Delimitations The study could include all forms of mental health- personality disorders, eating disorders, psychotic disorders, substance abuse disorders. However, it only centers around an area of mental health. Definition of terms Tarot cards- Tarot cards are a form of divination, which literally means working with the divine, or your higher self, which is the ultimate purpose of tarot cards, just like yoga. Assumptions Some people may not know what tarot cards are or how to use them, and some may think tarot cards as witchcraft or devil worship. Methodology I will gather criteria about tarot cards and mental health; I will mainly focus on mood disorders/anxiety. I will also look at illustrations of tarot decks to get an idea of illustration themes. Since I am focusing on anxiety and mood disorders, I will illustrate according to those emotions. The study will be interactive.
Importance of the study
Will your concept benefit society in a meaningful way?
The project presents mental health awareness in a unique way, and will captivate youth in a creative way.
Yes, most people overlook mental health, so the concept will help society see the importance of it.
How truly practical is your concept?
If the project has served its purpose in helping spread mental health awareness as well as easing peoples’ minds.
With tarot cards, you can reuse them and use them to destress.
2/3: Have research/process, sketches-thumbs, digital logo (semicomps?) 2/17: start illustrations, start motion graphic (if decided), look at packaging ideas, buy paper materials 2/24: design packaging, design stickers/buttons, test prints for cards?, buy shirts or other
merch 3/4: start research paper, create template for t-shirt screening, create posters 3/16: buy stickers/buttons, test packaging 3/23: revisions
Is the concept original? Yes Is there a need and/or niche for this concept? Yes, not only does mental health need to be known, but tarot cards are rising in popularity Does the concept have marketability? Yes, many tarot decks sell in the market. Have you fully documented the concept’s originality, need and viability? Yes, there are many themes among tarot decks, but none are about mental health. Have you determined your audience? My audience will be teenagers through young adults. Can you assert that this concept will have value to this audience? I thought tarot cards would relate most to teenagers-young adults, but also emotions are very high among this group. I centered around this demographic for this reason.
Are you willing to devote an entire semester to realizing this concept?
Is the concept really important to you? Yes, I as well as many other people I know have struggled with mental health problems and I am willing to devote my time to it.
Logo Inspiration
Card Inspiration
Type Inspiration
-Official color palette
Logo Thumbnails
Logo Roughs
Logo Semicomps
- Final logo design
Card Thumbnails
-Theme: Animals and nature; more peaceful approach to calm the mind -Animal symbolism to connect to mental health
Card Roughs
Cards Revised
-Too stiff and rigid. - Gradients XIII serve no purpose
Box cover Roughs
Final Box Cover
Final Cards
Final Cards Continued
Poster Inspiration
- Brush effect to match the design’s hand drawn quality (paint-like features) -Soft and organic
Poster Thumbnails
Poster Roughs
- Third poster was not working well with the set - Needed similar effect in first poster throughout all of them.
Final Posters
Tarot Cloth Designs
Final Tarot Cloth
Tarot Booklet
- Booklet has informational spreads along with descriptions about each card
- Illustrations to show which card is being described
Research Paper Poker. Monopoly. Chess. Games across the world bring people together for a fun user
words, Art Nouveau with its “organic motifs” and elegant style mimics the serenity of the
experience. Not only do games bring people together, but they also trigger the release
outdoors, which has proven to relieve mental stress. Within Margarita Triguero-Mas ar-
of endorphins, the body’s happy hormone. Tarot cards originated as a form of playing
ticle, it states that natural outdoor environments have been associated with better mental
cards, but today they are known as a source of divination. Moreover, the same endor-
health and physical health (Triguero-Mas et al., 2015). With this in mind, Art Nouveau
phins can be released when someone shuffles through a tarot deck and displays a spread.
is considered a great source of material for inspiration purposes. In fact, this decided the
Thus, tarot cards can boost a person’s mental well-being. Tarot is a positive way to ease
design and theme of the tarot card deck. Since Art Nouveau consists of calming natural
mood disorders, and it will boost a person’s health and better his or her lifestyle, but the
qualities, the tarot deck theme would contain wildlife and flora. Each card would display
design of the cards also counts. The design of the cards contributes emotional aspects;
a certain animal and flower which would correspond to the card meaning. For example,
how a person may feel towards the card. There are many design elements to consider
the temperance card is about balance, patience, and managing emotions. The chosen
when creating a product. This research paper will reveal four ways to design with illustra-
animal for this card would be a spider, since it symbolizes patience and growth. Not only
tion, color, packaging, and shape for a better user experience.
does a theme add stability to the deck, but it also gives it meaning. Without a theme, the
First, design should be planned thoroughly, with the designer seeking and acquiring
tarot deck would be random and unstructured. Most designers will analyze the research
every possible source on project research. For example, points of departure and other
cumulated to determine a name for his or her project. For the tarot deck, Lumen matched
design sources are great for developing a project. This helps with the visionary process,
perfectly because it is short for illuminate. In other words, the tarot deck would “illumi-
so designers can capture what they want most. When searching for sources, designers
nate” or help people going through difficult, troubling situations. A moth was selected for
do not have to search for a specific subject. Instead, it is better for a designer to discov-
the logo because a moth is attracted to light, and it symbolizes determination and faith.
er inspiration that is well-designed. For example, typography and layout would help a
As Martin Luther King Jr. once said “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can
designer create ideas for his or her selected project. If designers solely searched for their
do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” Ultimately, the tarot deck
project concept, there would be less variety of references or ideas in design. Each tarot
will not only guide an individual’s self-journey, but it will bring peace to anyone who is
deck can vary in design because people choose different themes or concepts to apply to
struggling with anxiety or depression. As can be seen, a lot of effort and research goes
them. Thus, other than the original tarot, illustration among tarot decks are perceived
into creating a brand. Not only must a designer know the topic in depth, but also basic
differently. So, establishing an effective illustration style for the project was very difficult.
design skills to create and form an illustration style. As stated in the book Visual Design
With mental health in mind, Art Nouveau seemed appropriate for an effective illustration
Fundamentals, purposeful organization is the opposite of chance. Everything is thought
style. Art Nouveau is known for its organic and floral nature, which would help alleviate
out, planned, and placed with reason (Hashimoto, 2009). However, there are still design
mood disorders like depression or anxiety. Within the book When Art Nouveau Became
features that make up a brand campaign.
New Again by Elizabeth Guffey, Art Nouveau is known to psychologically calm the mind
Color psychology plays a huge role when designing for any medium. “Colors are
with its ornate borders, organic patterns, and floral charm. “A truly international style,
known to possess emotional and psychological properties. The meanings associated with
Art Nouveau expressed a variety of tendencies but generally encompassed an anxious,
different colors are important to marketers because the tools used to communicate brand
eclectic ornamentation based on organic motifs. Where psychologists advocated retreat
image are mechanisms of meaning transfer” (Madden et al., 2000). Thus, color psychol-
into calming interiors to relieve exhausted nerves, the densely appointed interiors of
ogy affects people’s perceptions and behaviors of colors. Within the design field, color
Horta and vases by Gallé seemed to reflect apprehensive psychological states” (Guffey,
psychology impacts how clients react to a brand and it persuades consumers to make
2006). Art Nouveau has a calming aura, which attracts many people to its design. In other
a purchase. Therefore, if consumers associate specific meanings with individual colors
and color combinations, managers can select the colors that best fit their image strategy
help with inner guidance and help quiet the mind. Although many people may associate
(Hashimoto, 2009). Each color within the color spectrum varies in meaning and symbol-
tarot cards with witchcraft or the devil, this is completely false. For instance, A Sociology
ism. For example, red is commonly used for passion or anger. Different values and hues of
of Tarot states, “here the tarot is a tool for praxis therapy, a thing to facilitate the process
color can symbolize diverse meanings as well. For example, symbolism of a light turquoise
of ‘individuation’, an instrument capable of ‘healing the human psyche and lifting the
is opposite of a dark royal blue. Colors are important within design because a color could
human spirit’, and offering transformation and transcendence. We can use individual
change the meaning of an entire piece. “A rose by any other name may still be a rose; but
archetypes to facilitate self-journey and awareness, reading deep archetypal significance
the color of the rose may make a difference” (Madden et al., 2000). With this in mind,
from them” (Sosteric, 2014). In other words, tarot is similar to a form of therapy, since
it is necessary to choose the right colors before creating a design. Creating color palettes
the individual asks questions and releases the stress with answers. As stated before, most
helps designers establish a vision for his or her design, and it is good for research pur-
games release endorphins, so tarot cards can aide in mental health because they help
poses. Since colors have an emotional impact, there are some colors that work well with
release the happy hormone of the brain. Color psychology assists with building a design
stress and anxiety, while others do not. Certain colors like orange or yellow are the most
and captures the attention of certain demographics. As Wassily Kandinsky once said,
eye catching; orange is also known to be the most unnatural and irritating. On the other
“Color is a power which directly influences the soul.”
hand, blue and green are soothing colors because they are not as vibrant. Also, green is
Within graphic design, concepts are presented through several visual elements to help
known to be the most natural and calming among the colors. In this case, it would make
shape and build a brand. As stated before, color psychology aides design by connecting
since to choose more soothing colors for a project centered around mental health. Thus,
an emotional aspect to the brand. However, shape is another essential element of design,
the color palette for the tarot deck consists mainly of blues and greens. On the other
which is used to form imagery. “The main objective of any successful graphic designer
hand, the gold and white within the palette represent hope and happiness, and act as an
is to communicate visual information in a unique and efficient way. The competition for
accent color. With color psychology in mind, a designer must consider his or her demo-
visual attention in an environment bombarded by images, coupled with the public’s short
graphic, which allows the designer to communicate to a specific audience. The majority
attention span, makes the understanding and creative use of shapes a necessity because
of today’s youth suffer from mental disorders, mainly mood disorders like anxiety and de-
of its ability to communicate visual messages quickly and directly” (Hashimoto, 2009).
pression. Thus, the demographic centered around the tarot cards are teenagers to young
Similar to color psychology, shapes create emotional meaning and symbolism, which
adults. Within society mental disorders are overlooked, especially among the youth. For
can improve a brand experience. Shapes with smooth edges are comforting and more
instance, many adults feel youth are too young to experience depression or any kind of
approachable, while hard edges are powerful and aggressive. The most natural, organic
mental disorders. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “approximately
form is the circle. Due to its organic form, it is commonly found in nature. For example,
3 to 5% of children under the age of 18 experience serious depression. This amounts to
the sun, moon, earth, and flowers are all circular and can be found in nature. The shape
well over 3.4 million depressed adolescents. An even greater number experience moderate
of the circle is infinite, which means it has no beginning or end. Thus, it commonly rep-
depressive symptoms. There are four types of depression that adolescents may experi-
resents the life cycle: life and death. Also, the circle is a very historic shape, and is found
ence: normal depression, major depressive disorder, dysthymia, and bipolar depression”
throughout history. Various cultures use the circle to represent different connotations: re-
(Navarrete, 1999). With this information, mental health is a serious topic and should be
ligion, movement, and the self. It is a universal symbol, which travels across platforms as a
taken seriously across all age groups. Furthermore, tarot cards can appeal to the youth,
symbol of extensive significance. With this in mind, the circle can be used within a range
since many are curious about divination or the unforeseen future. In other words, adoles-
of mediums. Since the circle is an infinite symbol, it is the best shape to incorporate with-
cents seek guidance or direction in life due to their young age. Similar to yoga, tarot cards
in the design. As stated, the organic shape relates back to mental health by symbolizing
the life cycle and the self. For instance, each card would discuss how to improve someone’s
When a designer completes the research and establishes the basic foundation of a design,
mental state, which relates to everyday struggles of life. The person would have to look in-
the next necessary step is packaging. “The origins of packaging as we know it today can
ward to improve the situation, which relates to self-discovery and guidance. Furthermore,
be traced back to the eighteenth century when the Industrial Revolution brought massive
the theme of the tarot deck is organic in nature because the inspiration is Art Nouveau.
change to the manufacturing industry. Many relied on manual labor before large-scale
So, the circle’s organic form would fit well with the flowers on the cards. Not only can the
production was introduced” (Denison, Edward and Richard Cawthray, 1999). Depending
circle symbolize life, but it can also symbolize light. Since Lumen signifies light, a circle is
on the concept, many designers will have to create packaging for his or her project. “Pack-
a perfect representation of imagery. It can represent the natural illumination of the sun or
aging design is one of the key elements of a marketing strategy for a product as it is the
moon, which are both organic forms that connect to the overall theme of the cards.
visual face that will be promoted, recognized and sought out by the consumer” (Ambrose,
Another important element of design is texture, which can be applied to enhance the
Gavin, and Paul Harris, 2018). Not only does it have to present the product attractively
quality of a project. Texture is the distinctive look and feel of an object, so it is commonly
to a group of consumers, but it also has to communicate information effectively about
known as a tactile sense. In other words, people associate texture with touch. Texture is
the brand or product. Furthermore, packaging shields and protects items when distrib-
found almost everywhere in the environment. For example, the rough gravel of a sidewalk
uted. It is important that the packaging is sturdy because if it is fragile and low quality it
or the smooth stem of a plant. In the culinary arts, texture refers to the physical sensation
will not attract consumers. “Packaging is often the first point of contact that a consumer
of a food in one’s mouth, such as the crispness of a cucumber or the slipperiness of an
has with a brand, so it is hugely important that it initially draws their attention and also
oyster. There are two types of texture: actual and implied. The physical form of texture
quickly conveys the messages that both present and support the brand” (Ambrose, Gavin,
is known as actual texture, while implied texture is intangible. “Implied texture is tex-
and Paul Harris, 2018). Thus, it is best to research the appropriate method for packaging
ture that we can see but cannot feel or touch. Technically, it is not texture at all—it is the
during the beginning stages of a project. Therefore, a designer will not have complica-
illusion of texture” (Bogost, 2011). Not only does this allow designers to work digitally
tions later in the design process. When creating a package, a designer will use templates to
with texture, but it also allows designers to work with a variety of texture options. Some
place his or design on. Templates allow designers to form mockups or physical copies of
designers will create their own texture by using photography. With this method, texture is
their work, which allows them to visually process what the package will look like. Howev-
achievable by editing the photo through a software program like photoshop or illustrator.
er, when designers cannot find a certain template, they will have to create their own style
Not only do texture overlays create contrast within art, but it also helps visually balance a
of packaging. Most will reluctantly have to create the layout of their own template and
design composition. It also makes the work appear more visually appealing to an audi-
design it themselves. When it comes to packaging, there are many elements a designer
ence. For example, a logo without texture may appear lacking in character compared to a
must know to make packaging successful. Although packaging is extensive, it is essen-
logo with a texture. However, research is required in order to know what texture to use. In
tial to everyday design. Packaging is the product’s sole purpose. Without it, information
other words, designers must choose a texture that will correspond with the design subject.
about the brand would be lost and sales would plummet. It also helps establish personality
For example, a gritty, grunge texture for a rock poster would match that brand’s identity.
within a brand (Ambrose, Gavin, and Paul Harris, 2018). Not only is shelf presentation
Since the tarot cards have a soft, dreamy appearance, choosing a natural texture would
and demographics key within packaging design, but also the structure and color of the
complement best. Environmental textures like wood or plants correspond well with the
product are significant. Thus, designers will have to consider demographics as well as
organic structure and concept. Also, artistic surfaces like canvas or paint could be applied
shelf presentation when it comes to packaging. When it comes to shelf presentation, a
as well. The tarot deck’s hand drawn style allows for these textures. With this in mind, the
product must be eye-catching to the consumer. In other words, how will the product stand
chosen texture is very organic in nature and compliments the design when necessary.
out to an audience? If a designer wants his or her product to stand out from the rest,
they will consider the product’s competition. For example, sprite and coke are complete
smoothly. Another packaging option is a tuck fold, which is commonly used for playing
opposites in design and color. Since the products are both complementary in color, they
cards. However, this method would not allow easy access to the cards and booklet. With
do not compete. Furthermore, a designer must consider the brand demographic. Within
the box lid, a person can easily open the box to reveal its contents and be amazed by the
the book Packaging the Brand, Sophie Mockford rebranded a body spray to appeal more
design within. As stated before, package design is similar to unwrapping a present. The
to customers and to stand out on the shelves. The container remained unchanged, but
dreamy, flowing illustrations on the box make the box stand out to consumers. Also, the
the simplest change in color and illustration made a difference in its appearance. With
gold accents on the box aide in the overall appearance. When opened, the box reveals the
the rebrand, it successfully improved sales by three hundred fifty percent. Kasia Rust says,
tarot guide booklet, which presents information on each card. Without the booklet, the
“The bold single colors help to differentiate the variants and make the product stand out
user would be lost and misguided on how to perform a spread. Also, the user would be
well on the shelf against the kaleidoscope of color surrounding it. The designs also make
oblivious to the card connotations. Most tarot guide booklets use little design, since their
the most of the metal substrate and print limitations” (Ambrose, Gavin, and Paul Harris,
purpose is simply used for information. However, the booklet integrates the brand design
throughout the pages by using illustrations from the cards. To summarize, packaging is
With this in mind, packaging must emit a brand’s atmosphere and appeal to the consumer’s needs. As stated before there are several different packaging methods a designer can choose. When selecting a package layout, a designer must contemplate on how he or
a significant element of design because it establishes an introduction to the brand and attracts consumers to buy the product. Overall, mental health today is a huge problem that should be taken seriously among
she wants the package to be opened. When a package is opened, it releases endorphins to
society. Adolescents today need reassurance and guidance as they struggle through life.
the brain. It is similar to when a child opens a present on Christmas day. The child is ex-
Not only do tarot cards release stress, they help guide someone using significant messages
cited and eager to unwrap his or her gift. If a package does not have a strong surprise, it
about a problem. Also, designers must research necessary elements for a design because it
will not have a lasting effect on the consumer. Matthew E May states, “People don’t want
will help them build a brand identity. Color psychology, shape, and texture all aid in the
products and services. They want solutions to problems. That’s value. And when it comes
process of creating a balanced design. In the end, the tarot deck is branded to help people
to solutions, simple is better. Elegant is better still.” In other words, the package must be
cope with the daily struggles of mental health.
designed to intrigue the consumer to open its contents. For example, a package could appear bland on the outside, but the inside is bright and fun. When a designer is inventive with packaging, it makes the package fun and inviting. For example, Strømme Throndsen designed an adjustable mayonnaise lid, which allowed for a thick or thin stream. With a creative, innovative design, the design’s appeal will increase drastically, and it will extend shelf life. “Packaging provides many examples of innovation; of the seemingly constant process of rethinking to make improvements that may make a product easier to use, or which may extend its shelf life, better protect it, facilitate its distribution and increase its consumer appeal” (Ambrose, Gavin, and Paul Harris, 2018). With this in mind, anything is possible to make packaging desirable for the client. Most tarot decks consist of a simple box format to hold its contents. Therefore, the box contains a lid to cover and protect its products. The box is thick enough to hold, and it allows the contents to be removed
Works Cited Ambrose, Gavin, and Paul Harris. Packaging the Brand: The Relationship between Packaging Design and Brand Identity. Lausanne: AVA Publishing SA, 2018. Internet resource. Denison, Edward and Richard Cawthray. Packaging Prototypes. New York, NY: RotoVision SA, 1999. Print. Guffey, Elizabeth E. “CHAPTER ONE: When Art Nouveau Became New Again.” Retro, Reaktion Books Ltd., 2006, pp. 29–64. EBSCOhost Hashimoto, Alan, and Mike Clayton. Visual Design Fundamentals: A Digital Approach. Boston, MA: Charles River Media, 2009. Internet resource. Madden, Thomas J., et al. “Managing Images in Different Cultures: A Cross-National Study of Color Meanings and Preferences.” Journal of International Marketing, vol. 8, no. 4, 2000, pp. 90–107. JSTOR Navarrete, Lori Ann. “Melancholy in the Millennium: A Study of Depression among Adolescents with and without Learning Disabilities.” The High School Journal, vol. 82, no. 3, 1999, pp. 137–149. JSTOR Sosteric, Mike. “A Sociology of Tarot.” The Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers Canadiens De Sociologie, vol. 39, no. 3, 2014, pp. 357–392. JSTOR “Texture.” How to Do Things With Videogames, by Ian Bogost, NED - New edition ed., vol. 38, University of Minnesota Press, 2011, pp. 77–82. JSTOR Triguero-Mas, Margarita, et al. “Natural Outdoor Environments and Mental and Physical Health: Relationships and Mechanisms.” Environment International, vol. 77, Apr. 2015, pp. 35–41. EBSCOhost