Caleb Guidry
Senior Portfolio
Table of Contents Koselig Coffee
Yellowstone Park Posters
Hopsology Brewer’s Publication
Southern Prohibition Animated Logo
Haunting of Hill House TV Intro
Your CBD Co. Website
Edgar Allan Poe Book Cover
Resistance Poster Anti-Cigarette
Senior Capstone
The Passage Book Series
Salute Beer Co. Packaging
Caleb Guidry
Senior Portfolio
Koselig Coffee
Coffee Lookbook and Packaging Design This project was designed to attain the look and feel of a certain culture. It achieves this through the use of a lookbook and coffee packaging to compliment the brand. Koselig in particular was tasked with capturing the essence of Norwegian lifestyle and livelihood. This is achieved through its simplistic design and use of patterns commonly found in Norway. Norwegian culture has a sense of calmness and soothing vibes.
Caleb Guidry
Senior Portfolio
Caleb Guidry
Yellowstone Park Posters Illustrative Advertising Posters
This project includes a series of 3 advertising posters aimed at attracting more visitors to the Yellowstone National Park. Using a relatively simple color pallete, the goal for design was creating flat gradated color to emphasize specific park features. Each poster represents a certain area of interest within Yellowstone.
Senior Portfolio
Caleb Guidry
Senior Portfolio
Hopsology Brewer’s Publication Trade Journal/Layout Design
Hopsology is a publication/trade journal geared towards beer brewer’s, professional and amateur. This project was centered aroung creating an original and unique masthead that matches the trade’s aesthetic. Layout and design needed to follow a cohesive layout pattern that followed the designed aesthetic of the masthead and trade. Hopsology includes relevant information and original advertisements.
Caleb Guidry
Southern Prohibition Brew Co. Animated Logo Redesign
This project focused on animating an existing logo based on the choices given. This one uses Hattiesburg, Mississippi’s local brewing company, Southern Prohibition Brewing. The goal was to create an animation using the brands already existing aesthetic. Southern Prohibition has a relaxed yet professional look, so the animation takes advantage of this by utilizing existing elements creating a
Awards: Silver Addy // tbd
cohesive lockup.
Senior Portfolio
Haunting of Hill House Intro Animated TV Intro
Redesign for an animated TV intro for the Haunting of Hill House. The goal for this project was creating an intro that showcased the shows aesthetic and setting.
Caleb Guidry
Your CBD Co. Website Redesign Website Redesign
This project is centered around redesigning a Hattiesburg local shop, Your CBD Company’s website. The goal was to keep the brand’s established aesthetic and identity while creating a cohesive and user-friendly web experience.
Senior Portfolio
Caleb Guidry
Resistance Poster Anti-Cigarette Handcrafted Illustration/Stop Motion Ad & Ad Campaign This project focused on using everyday materials to form a one of a kind hand crafted poster. Restrictions for this project did not allow for any sort of drawing media such as pens or pencils. This one in particular was aimed at bringing awarenes to the harmful effects of cigarettes. With this came the concept behind the design to use old cigarettes found around various locations to create any sort of shape or type needed. Digital type for this project was allowed, although limited to just facts as a supplement to the overall design.
Senior Portfolio
Caleb Guidry
Senior Portfolio
Caleb Guidry
Senior Portfolio
Senior Capstone (Hive Co.) Web design, Publication/Layout, Packaging What is Hive Co.? Hive Co. is a company geared towards educating and creating a more accessible way to beekeeping. It’s goal is to inspire a new generation of beekeepers to help the current honey bee population thriving in hopes to continue to prevent disasters such as Colony Collapse Disorder or CCD for short. Colony Collapse Disorder was an unexplainable phenomenon that caused the honey bee population to virtually disappear in the early 2000’s Now in more recent years research has shown us potential causes that have had a hand in causing such an ordeal such as harmful pesticides. Moreover, beekeeping can be a very strenuous job to handle. As more people are exploring the possiblity of backyard beekeeping, they run into the problem of knowing where to start and in turn, give up. Knowing this information in conjunction with real world experience, Hive Co. aims to challenge these problems by creating a product that both serves as platform for education on the subject and an exciting yet simplistic way to beekeeping.
Caleb Guidry
Senior Portfolio
No Hidden Ingredients.
105 likes HiveCo. Harvest your own honey with Hive CoÕ s simple kits! ‘s
Strained, Not Filtered.
‘s HiveCo. Harvest your own honey with Hive CoÕ s simple kits!
100% Pure Natural Honey.
‘s HiveCo. Harvest your own honey with Hive CoÕ s simple kits!
Caleb Guidry
Senior Portfolio
Caleb Guidry
Senior Portfolio
The Passage Book Series Cover Redesign and Promotional Collateral This project is a redesign of the original covers of The Passage book series, it also includes collateral consisting of a promo poster, commemorative posters, and book display The design showcases the dystopian setting within the book by referencing key themes in each book series.
Caleb Guidry
Senior Portfolio
Caleb Guidry
Edgar Allan Poe Collections Illustration
A hand made illustrative approach to book cover design. Retrictions for this project limited any digital art apart from scanning the images in and content type. Everything was made using black water color using a multitude of techniques.
Senior Portfolio
Caleb Guidry
Salute Beer Co. Packaging Design
This project’s goal was to borrow a specific time period’s style and design beer labels and packaging accordingly. This piece specifically took from the 1800’s Spanish-American War era. The design is loosely based off of Yellow Journalism, a prevalent use of propaganda during the time. Keeping that in mind the label and packaging needed to have an emphemeral sense to them, they accomplish this by using a newspaper like finish and texture. They also use real life imagery to help further that concept, along with accurate headlines from the time period.
Awards: Silver Addy (District) // Accepted for National Addy
Senior Portfolio
Thank You for taking time to view my portfolio. The next round is on me!