An imbecile roadmap to fiverr

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Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

INFRINGEMENT NOTIFICATION: By been in possession of this eBook you now have the absolute right to distribute it to as many people as you want all for free. You can send it to your email list for free. You can upload it to your blog or website or Facebook fan page. But notwithstanding, one thing is prohibited; you do not have the right to alter the content in this guide. To before warn is to before harm. A word is enough for the wise.

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

LEGAL DISCLAIMER All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or otherwise, by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and is based on the views and opinions of the author and all associated contributors. By reading this document, you agree that you have a full understanding that you, and only you, are completely responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, regardless of your interpretation of said information. While every effort has been made by the author and all associated contributors to present accurate and up to date information within this document, it is apparent technologies rapidly change. Therefore, the author and all associated contributors reserve the right to update the contents and information provided herein as these changes progress. The author and/or all associated contributors take no responsibility for any errors or omissions if such discrepancies exist within this document.

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

INTRODUCTION I want to use this medium to congratulate you for downloading a copy of this guide, I can ensure you that the strategies in this guide is going to guarantee your regular income without saying sir again early in the morning for your boss. However, before I continue, I would like to warn you though 1. If you are not going to act on the information you read from this guide then I will advice you delete it off your system or not read it at all because information without action is zilch. 2. This is not a Get-Rich-Quick scheme, so if you expecting to be a millionaire overnight just by reading this manual without applying all the strategies below then I advice you look elsewhere. Notwithstanding, this guide will surely provide you with step by step ways on how you can make fast, easy cash in a fun way. My assumptions about you before writing this book are that: •

You look around your life and think, “There’s got to be more.”

You have big dreams, yet you’re concerned that the road you’re traveling will never converge with those dreams.

You’re college-bound, college-enrolled, or college-educated.

You have a job you don’t enjoy or isn’t going to make you rich.

You have little savings and carry a load of debt

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

You see rich people and wonder, “how did they do it?”

You have bought a few “get rich quick” books and/or programs.

You live in a free, democratic society where education and free choice are standards.

Your parents subscribe to the old school: “Go to college and get a good job.”

You are young and full of enthusiasm about the future, but unsure where to direct it.

You’ve lost money in the stock market or traditional investments championed by mainstream financial gurus.

If some of these assumptions reflect your situation, this book will have an impact. Hope you got the message Let’s assume you have never come across me before both online and offline, let me take this opportunity to introduce myself, my name is Abiola Kunle. I am an information marketer in the Nigerian market. I make my money online via this means. I am 30+ and I came in to the online business very late due to skepticism and the fear of unknown. I can remember back in those days when I started out, I used to borrow money all over in my neigbhourhood to buy information products from some Nigerian marketers claiming to make me rich overnight only to leave me even more confused than when I didn’t buy their products. This discourage me a lot to the extent of abandoning online business for some time and try to

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

look for job. I searched for job close to two years but all in futility. Thus I resolved to give online business another trial again, I began searching for the way out. I was persistent. It’s almost a year since I started out but I can tell you now, THE STORY IS DIFFERENT. Now I can proudly show you sure ways to make money online without stuttering. I do not know it all 100% and nobody can say I know everything about making money online, if you see such people please and please run from them, they only want to eat your money. The system changes year in year out so you need a mentor that will lead you through all the hurdles along the way to success. You need a system that will show you how to make money pretty fast to take care of those bills, right? That is where this guide takes you by the hand and shows you some fun and easy way to make money fast in Nigeria using the internet. SO ARE YOU READY TO EMBARK ON THIS MONEY MAKING JOURNEY WITH ME?

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

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Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

MINI JOB WEBSITE: THE FIVERR DOLLARS Earning five bucks at a time may not sound like much, but those little sales can add up to thousands of dollars. That’s the idea behind, an online mini job platform where users sell their products and services for $5 each. Fiverr says users create 4,000 new listings, or “gigs,” every day.

You only render short services and get paid for the work done. I might still have to break it down a little bit more for you to fathom. Fiverr has their slogan as "The place for people to share things they're willing to do for $5". Fiverr is the First

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

Minijob website, where people render services like Article Writing, Graphics Design, Backlinking, SEO Services, Adverts, Video Creation and Editing, Product Reviews and many more starting for the Price of $5. Each service rendered is called GIG. Earning a big buck from this site is easy; don't think that the money you are going to make is just $5. A lot of people will pay you $5 daily which will accumulate to become big cash for you. Fiverr invite you to buy, sell and have fun which could be very interesting financially on the long run. The list of stuffs that you can do for people are things that are hobby for you and they are endless. After stating what you can do, the next step is to give a brief description of the details of the service you want to render. This detail does not need big grammar or whatever you might think erroneously, it is just a simple description in plain English. Just list the details in plain English and you are done. You can check out other gigs on for examples on how it was created. To sign up for Fiverr account is free. The basic requirement is a PayPal account or Payoneer. Nigerians are now allowed to own a PayPal account according to the company though with restriction to withdrawal. You can only fund your PayPal account from Nigeria. There is no problem about this because Nigerians abroad are allowed to have PayPal account but those residing in Nigeria are not allowed. From this, it means

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

that they are only fighting Nigerian IPs (Internet Protocols) and not Nigerians. So you can equally use Dedicated IP address meant for only you as if you traveled abroad to withdraw from PayPal. After all, the Internet has made the world a global village, so you can easily travel to any country and use their IP address and return in a minute. I don’t mean using proxy or shared IP, I mean dedicated IP meant for only you and that is what PayPal loves. If you don't have a duly verified PayPal account that is functional and accessible yet, do not worry as you can withdraw with Payoneer. Note: You can now open a PayPal account with a Nigerian IP address, which is easily accessible. So let’s continue: To be able to make good money from Fiverr, you have to write good titles about your services. Your title should include the main idea of your service and what you can do in a simple and concise manner. Also, use appropriate picture for your advert. The picture is important and should match what you have to sell. You will need to find a suitable picture (avoid using pictures that break copyright rules). If for instance you are marketing the service of directing traffic to Facebook pages for people use Facebook logo. This will attract more people to buy your gig. Do not use a blur or dull picture. So the first thing I would do is head over to Public Domain Pictures and find a picture that relates to your gig. The quality of your work and how fast you deliver your work

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

are the most important factors to have a nice rating and make money from Fiverr. With dedication, I bet that you will certainly make it big with Fiverr. Earnings of $1,500 to $2,000 monthly from Fiverr just spending few hours a day is common. If for instance, 20 people request for you to post their URL (or web address) on your wall for $5, you just need 20 posts to make a cool $100 that day. This will not take you thirty minutes. If on the other hand, another 20 people also request you do the same for them with your twitter account that is another $100 dollar for you again. But remember that Fiverr takes a commission of 20% which translate to $1 from each gig, so you always get $4. But don't worry because money making from Fiverr is easier that ABC, a 12 year old can keep making thousands of Dollars from it so you too can make it. The idea is just to be creative, think of something you can do that people will continuously pay you $5 for it.

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

IN STEP BY STEP SUMMARY 1.) Sign up at Majority of the People that order from Fiverr are from USA and they love to buy from their People. That is why as a Nigerian you need a USA account. To create a USA account, you have to change the I.P of your system. Do not worry this is not a problem. Just visit, it will show you your Nigerian I.P. address. To change your I.P address, go to and download it









It will change your I.P to that of USA; go back to to confirm








Then visit and click on ‘JOIN’. A confirmation will be send to your email address, click on the link, and your Fiverr USA account is ready. Note: Make sure you fill all the fields in your profile by giving a brief description of the service you are going to render. The first thing you have to note when rating your profile is your image. Since your account is a USA account, it will be smart to use an American picture as a profile image. And a girl's image sells faster than a male image. Go to google image and download an image of a white girl. After that, your description should be considered next. Let your description say

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

volumes about the gig or services you are offering. The editors will only promote your account only when all the blanks in your account are filled in. 2.) Find a service you can offer on Fiverr that will make people pay you $5 continuously, services you can render on Fiverr could be anything that is hobby for you or a skill you can do, search yourself there is an inherent skill or hobby in you that you could turn into cash right away; it could be you are good in designing banners of websites or anything related to graphics, developing apps, writing an article on any topic, promoting a webpage online, maybe you good in programming or any Information Technology related, if you a musician you can offer to record a song for someone on anything they love to hear, maybe you are good in any online business, why not offer a valuable piece of idea in form of ebook, video for $5 etc. The list of things you can do are so enormous and wide if you cannot still think of anything to offer, get ideas from other gigs listed on mostly on the social marketing category, they tend to receive more buys, another great way to check for service to offer on Fiverr is to look at the right hand corner for what people are requesting others to do for them using Fiverr.

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

Also gigs range from the standard data entry and research tasks to the truly outthere. For example, as I write this, sellers in the “Fun and Bizarre” section are offering: 

A piece of rare metal that will melt in your hand

A prank phone call to anyone you choose

Three balloons released into the sky with your message in them

Your name written on two grains of rice

A photo of you on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine

A video of a woman pretending to be “crazy in love with you” — which has 253 buyers and a 98% positive rating so far

Furthermore, you can offer one of the thousands of more ordinary products and services, like: 

Draw the customer as a cartoon character

Make a photo into an avatar

Promote a business on Facebook

Write a short blog post

Translate English into Chinese (300 word maximum)

Create a video testimonial about a product

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

Teach people how to play blues guitar

Logo design (using software that does most of the work)

Video lessons (for anything you know how to do)

Crafts (if you can make them fast and cheap and use one stamp to send them)

Photo-into-painting service (using software to convert the photo to look like a painting)

Facebook promotion of customers’ products (if you have many friends)

Writing (minimal for $5 — charge more for longer work)

Business card design (with software doing the heavy work)

Conversational language instruction (just a few minutes for $5, extra for longer sessions)

Online research for writers (have a template and a system for speed)

Ebooks (your own or ones you buy the rights to)

To be successful, you need to find a product or service that costs almost nothing to provide and takes only a few minutes of your time to create and deliver. If you have an unusual career, you could target those who might want to learn more about it by offering a video or PDF file that explains your work and how to

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

get a similar job. Gigs where you sell the same thing over and over — and continue earning with little additional work — are some of the best. 3.) Make a list of all the GIGS/JOBS you can offer plus the ones you have researched on Fiverr that you can render as a service to others using a notepad or pen and jotter. The more gigs you have the more gigs you will sell, you are allowed up to 20 gigs per account. Make sure you use them! Having multiple accounts will really explode the potentials of this system 5 accounts times 20 gigs = 100 GIGS.

4.) Log in to your account and click on “My Gig” under “Seller” tab to create a gig. This is one of the things that will either make or mar your chances of making money on Fiverr. Care should be taken in making your Gigs attractive and optimized. Let’s go through the process step by step. To create a gig, Log into your account and click on “CREATE GIG". The first is your GIG title. This is the first thing that catches the attention of a buyer scouting through hundreds of thousands of gig. Your GIG TITLE should be able to grab the attention and interest of the buyer at first sight. Remember to garnish your GIG TITLE with an eye catching adjective.

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

For instance, if your gig is about creating an ebook cover, the title can look like this, "I Will Write ORIGINAL And EFFECTIVE Content Up To 500 Words For Your Website For $5" for the title above, you will notice that 1. All my words started with a capital letter. 2. The adjective was all in capital letters, 3. The Title was straight to the point on the service am offering. So anybody searching for content for a website or blog will automatically notice my gig. Other adjectives you can use for your GIG TITLE includes: Killer, Dazzling, Attractive, Formidable, Mouthwatering and many others. Note: when creating a gig always create a very attractive title with a simple and concise description, for example “I will design outstanding logo for $5�. Please always use an original image that captures the problem that your gig really solves. Make sure you try to add a video to all of your GIGS. It is a recent feature that Fiverr added and it gives you credibility and people tend to buy your gig more when you add a video of you talking about the service/product you rendering. A video is a must for all your gigs on Fiverr. It will increase your chances of making sales by over 50% to create a video; you will need the services of ANIMOTO which is a video making site.

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

 You can create free videos on this site but you are limited to 60 secs. To make anything more than 60 secs, you have to pay. It is just $5 per month and $30 per year. Now all we need for our video is a video about 60 secs which means the free account is enough for you. But there are two snags which include the following:  You can make your video but there is no way to download it directly.  Another thing is that animoto adds their signature at the end of your video which is not good for us.

I will teach you how to get your videos and how to make edits to remove the animoto signature at the end.

Go to animoto and register for an account. Choose a good slide template from the list. Then add text and upload images in the order that you want it on your slide. It is very easy; you just have to figure that out.

Usually you start with something like "Fiverr presents username" - replace username with your username. From your second slide, add whatever you

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

want to add using your gig descriptions as template.

Just write something in your descriptions in text and images on different slides until you are satisfied with what you have. Then finish with "exclusively on Fiverr" and "order now" on the last two slides.

Most templates have each slide running for about 3-5 secs and if you have 12 slides, your video should run up to like 36-60 secs. Since this is a free account, you can't go more than 60 secs.

Once you are done, click on produce and add title and descriptions to see your final work. If not satisfied, click to edit and make changes and even reorder your slides. Once done, click to see final work again. Once you are sure you have what you need, then save.

The best method to download and remove animoto signature from the video you created is to use Video downloaders. There are many video downloads you can use. Just search online and find a good one. Some are Mozilla Firefox plugins and freemake video downloader. Once you are

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

through with your videos, downloading a video is as simple as clicking the arrow button. Once clicked, a window appeared containing the link for download.

Once you have downloaded it, you can then find a way to cut out the final part of the video where the animoto signature is added. You can use Movavi, Camtasia Studio, Camstudio, Wax and Microsoft Movie Maker as any options. Other options are video cutters. Just find one to use and edit out the animoto signature.

Use these videos on your gig and do it for others for a fee. You can also offer it as a service on Fiverr. Cheers

downloading your video and you're then free to do whatever you want with it.

5.) After the creation of the video. Then start to market and promote your gigs. How you market yourself has a huge impact on your potential earnings. Fiverr seller Mary Ingrassia told Business Insider her business really took off when she

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

used her cell phone to make promotional videos with “Pickle,” her pet bird, and put them on YouTube. She sells graphic designs and says, “Over the past year, it’s grown to five to fifteen orders per day, with people spending different amounts (between $10 and $20). To date, I’ve made $10,000 and the money just keeps growing.” To promote your gigs use any of the following strategies:  Post blog comments. A good place to start commenting away is Fiverr’s own blog ( Be sure to mention your Fiverr username and provide a link to your gig. Members may be intrigued, and just buy your gig and feature it. You should also be a frequent visitor and commenter on Fiverr’s Facebook page as well as the LinkedIn group. Some of the top sellers hang out there. They must know something. Wouldn’t you like to know what?  Offer review copies to relevant blogs – the hardest part about Fiverr is getting sales for your first few gigs. Buyers look for positive ratings and as a beginner you don’t have them, you’re waste bin. By offering a few review copies, you can easily garner off-site positive ratings to set the machinery in motion. I am cocksure you’ll be able to find a relevant blog that will accept your review copies.

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

 One of the best ways to promote your gigs is to create a website. Ensure that you build a website that comes with a slider that would scroll the services you render and testimonials of happy customers. Integrate the Fiverr order page with a 'purchase or buy now' link on your web pages. Then drive traffic to your site using the following free methods: I. High Traffic Forums (keyword + forum) you do not have to join everyone you see. Stick to 2-5 of the best ones. Have a signature backlink to your site. Optimize with an attention grabbing keyword. Ensure your comments make sense. Look out for the forums with RSS feeds, so that you can comment early and get your signature seen by plenty of people.

If you spam or comment just for the fun of it, you will not get anything out of this. Make posting in forums a habit, like checking your mail, Facebook or Nairaland. Just do it frequently and move on.

II. Guest Blogging (keyword + guest blogger) People are looking for fresh content they do not have to pay for. You can provide this as a guest blogger to your niche and have your URL optimized at the end for people to read.

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

III. Article Marketing submits articles to directories and leaves your information in the resource box.

IV. Social Media: Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr, Yahoo Answers. You know what makes this special is the speed that things can go viral. You need to be smart here and weave your gigs around things that are funny, controversial or test the IQ. You might also need to use the power of pre-selling, just try to help people by offering valuable information related to your gigs. Forget about trying to sell them anything. If your information is good, they will check you out. Wait for the orders to start rolling in from buyers interested in your gigs. Don’t worry Fiverr have tons of traffic from potential buyers willing to pay you $5 continuously. Immediately you receive an order notification always respond to your buyers as quick as possible and provide the product/service you rendering. This will help build your credibility on Fiverr fast because when you have buyers leaving positive feedbacks on your GIG that is more money for you as other buyers will not hesitate or think twice before buying your gig.  Variations: sellers are allowed 20 gigs. Most people are not using anywhere near that many but they should if they want to be found. Here are some gig titles:

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

I will promote your company with a feature on my popular blog for $5 I will advertise your event or business on my website for $5 I will blog about you or your small business for $5 I will write an article for you and post it to my PR4 blog for $5 I will recommend you, your product or your company in a review on my blog for $5 I will plug your latest project or your new start-up on my site for $5 I will endorse your efforts and give you thumbs-up for $5 Seven titles, but they are all for the same gig, just worded differently. A thesaurus helps a lot when writing titles. Post your variations and wait about a month, then check the stats on each gig. Cull the gigs that have the least hits and replace them with new ones. If you keep testing your titles like this you’ll end up with absolute winners.  Network, network, network. Once you start communicating with other sellers, you’ll see the potential benefits. Here’s one: Find a popular seller whose gigs complement your own. Say you make killer videos and he produces royalty-free music. Promote each other in your gig descriptions. Make it easy for buyers to get the complete solution they need and they’ll come back for more. (And you get access to the other seller’s customers!) Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

And then network some more. Ask other sellers to favorite (star) your best gig. Don’t spam, but be selective in finding a Fiverr gig pal. Sellers hang out on the Fiverr Facebook page and on the Official Fiverr Group for Sellers at LinkedIn. In the Fiverr forums, members share what has worked or not worked for them. Use this valuable information to help you make the most of your time on Fiverr

Set up a landing page. Sure, you can push your gigs in your signature in various forums, but rather than linking directly to Fiverr, why not send them to a squeeze page of your own where you can collect email addresses in exchange for a free digital product (like an ebook)? Your main page can show work samples and sell your work with features and benefits.

 User – generated websites: websites like HubPages and Squidoo let users create pages on whatever interests them. Would it be wrong to include your gig on the page, “Top rated Fiverr Gigs”? Not if you are offering top quality. 6.) After you have responded to your buyer’s orders by providing the service/product, always ask your buyers to leave you a positive feedback by promising them a free bonus. After they leave you a positive feedback on your

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

gig send them a free bonus it could be in the form of an ebook, video etc. but something valuable for their time. This positive feedback is what will build your credibility and bring in that continuous cash from Fiverr, so treat your buyers like kings. However, there are moments in which you have to deal with Negative Feedback Once again, do not get negative and post a crappy remark on the job with a thumb down aimed at your Buyer. Message the Buyer and politely suggest you mutually cancel the job and do a refund with a promise the Buyer removes the negative remark. Or, be pragmatic and ask them if you might have misunderstood the task and you'd be happy to do it over again. Once again, negotiate the removal of the bad mark in exchange for the more polished work you deliver them. Keeping a high score of 97% - 100% goes a long way with Buyers when they go hunting for sellers. After you’ve made some sales, work to become a Level One, Level Two and Top Rated seller. At each new level you get extra selling tools, like the ability to offer “gig extras,� or add-on services. For example, if your $5 gig is a video about the town where you live, aimed at people moving there, for $40 extra you could

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spend two hours driving around and videotaping anything the customer wants to know more about. At the moment, the maximum additional charge for an extra is $100, but depending on your gig, you might also be able to get customers to buy from you again. For example, I’ve bought covers for my ebooks on Fiverr for $15, and I’ve returned several times to the same graphic artist. To climb the Levels, you’ll need to get positive reviews, deliver on time, respond quickly and politely to customer questions, and follow the rules. Some members have achieved Level One status after only one month and ten sales 7.) Start and repeat the process again from step 3-6. 8.) Withdraw accumulated earnings into your PayPal or Payoneer account as at when due by simply logging into your Fiverr account then hover your mouse on “seller” and then click “revenues” when the page opens click on withdraw.

VERY SIMPLE, AS YOU CAN SEE but it does not end here there are more strategies to make HUGE cash from FIVERR.

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ATTENTION: FIVERR INSIDE SECRET 1: For every strategy, there is an inside secret that works for those that know and apply it. Let me spill the bean about the inside secret of making endless cash from Fiverr that will make you sack your boss or never search for one in your life time. When I was young, there was a song I usually listen to simply refer to as "double portion". The "double" method has now been adopted on the Internet and most especially with Fiverr by Fiverr experts. This model is making Fiverr to give PayPal payment instruction like an insane bank manager, ordering payments at the speed of light. So what you need to do is to create multiple accounts and create multiple similar GIGS in each account and you will be too good to go. With the multiple accounts, you keep getting orders till you get tired of making money. It is as simple as I have explained. With this strategy, you will turn Fiverr to your 'father Christmas' that dash even when Christmas is many months away. FIVERR INSIDER SECRETS 2: The ideas I will lay down here are very simple but you should not overlook them because they are the secrets the Fiverr wizards use when it comes to skyrocketing their income online directly to the PayPal account using FIVERR. These ideas are out-of-the-box ideas. They are something you may have never thought about

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

before. I want you to sit down, relax and join me on the ride to making money into your PayPal account consistently using FIVERR. Now, let me do some more explanation here about before we start making money using this strategy, it is a freelance website or online portal where all jobs are 5 bucks or $5. We all know that now but let’s continue. As you have already gone there, all the jobs you saw on that FIVERR are $5 each. No addition, no subtraction. And on Fiverr, all jobs or offers are called Gigs. What you need right now is how to make serious money into your PayPal account using Fiverr... Shikena! Let’s Make the Money 1.) Login to your Fiverr account from 2.) When you get to, click on Popularity after Filter gigs by and you will notice something. The most popular gigs on Fiverr are things that generate traffic for buyers. They are social bookmarking, Facebook fan page traffic, twitter adverts, linking building and other stuffs. These are the most popular gigs on What does it mean? It means you can make money real fast there. Get the idea from here:

or But, you may be asking yourself, how? I know that is what is going on your mind now and I need to address it head on. Let me show you right away. I will be exposing two money ideas on how

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

you can make serious cash from FIVERR. Follow along. Money Idea 1: Go to and click on Marketplace. When page opens Search for good back-linking software with high gravity and purchase it. Use the image below to get a better description of how to purchase a product from Clickbank marketplace. After you have read the programmers sales page in depth and understood how it works, simply search for the order link mostly at the bottom of the sales page and purchase using your PayPal account connected to your dedicated IP. Note: Clickbank do not accept Nigerians to buy from them but that will not stop our progress here, before you can buy from Clickbank as a Nigerian using a credit card you have to hide your computers IP address using a foreign IP and then search for a foreign address from Google and use as your billing address and Clickbank do not accept credit cards issued in Nigeria. So, the best option for us is to use our Paypal account to make payment. You can use it to securely purchase any Clickbank product using your dedicated IP. Let’s continue if you have passed the above stage of securing your product from Clickbank…….. Read everything the programmer said. Watch the video tutorial if there is any. Use it yourself and master

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

how it works, then come over to and sell your service for 5 bucks. For example it’s like a doctor going to a university learning how to treat patients and graduating with the ability to render his service to the public but it’s more fun online. If you are good, you can be getting 100 or more buyers per month using the process I gave on how to create quality gigs. That is over $500 a month using this idea alone, convert it to naira and see how much you can make. The profit margin is just too much for you to abandon this IDEA. Money Idea 2: Open a Facebook account and create a Fan page or Group. Then, get like 10,000 – 100,000 fans or members and head to to make some 5 bucks. I know you are asking how to get 100,000 fans? Yeah, I know! Let me show you how.

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This is an investment and you will reap the reward soon. Just create an appealing Fan page by clicking create a page on Facebook home page, view below

Make it interactive and lively by posting some interesting things there and drive lots of traffic to your fanpage and have hundreds of people joining your page in a short space of time. Simply head over to Fiverr and type in “Facebook Fanpage� and you should see lots of people who would be willing to invite people to join your fanpage for just $5.00!

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Now, go over to and create your own gig offering a service of placing their website or affiliate link in your fan page of over 10,000 fans. If you perform the jobs perfectly, you will sometimes remove your gig because of so many orders in the queue. That is how it happens when you are good on

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

How To Make More Money with Your Services on When you get jobs, do them fast. After fulfilling orders, write your buyer and ask him/her to give you a positive feedback. Promise him/her another free job if he/she gives you a positive feedback. When he/she does it, fulfill your promise. With more positive feedback you are getting, more jobs will be coming. Also, when you are getting consistent jobs and satisfaction from clients, write them and ask if they will employ your service for a monthly payment. If 10 people agreed to be using your link building services where you charge like $77 per month, it will translate to $770 per month. Remember, you are still selling gigs on Maybe as a starter, you will be earning like $1,000 per month into your PayPal account and you can grow it to $3000 monthly. Hope you get the idea now? Yeah, to make money online, sometimes, you think out of the box. This is exactly how we did it.

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

HOW TO MAKE WITHDRAWAL FROM YOUR EARNINGS You have completed jobs and have made some cool cash, how do you get your money? Now I know this is why you are on Fiverr anyway so I am going to show you how to get it. There are two ways to get paid on Fiverr; by “PayPal” or by “Fiverr revenue card by Payoneer”. Now if you are selling gigs as a Nigerian, you cannot get your money by PayPal. PayPal payment service is not open to Nigerians for a reason is only when you want to fund your PayPal account. Don’t ask me why; just forget about this straightaway-- Except you want to use the backdoor. You need to apply for Payoneer Master Card at the official website or get it through Fiverr. Your Payoneer MasterCard will be sent to your address you have supplied in your account and you can use this card free of charge at least until you start using it. You can use this card to make withdrawal from your account at any ATM in Nigeria or anywhere in the world. Of course you can withdraw your money in Naira but some charges do apply for each withdrawal. Just make sure you withdraw your money at once when you get to a certain amount you need. These charges are minimal and won’t hurt you.

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

It takes like 5 weeks for your card to get to Nigeria. Once you get your personalized card, use it to withdraw your earned “ego” or “kudi”.

Note....If you have a means of getting a PayPal account, then by all means get your money via PayPal. I know guys who do. PayPal is also a great option but risky.

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

CONCLUSION ON ULTIMATE FIVERR CASH By now, I believe you have been equipped with enough ideas to help you suck consistent cash from FIVERR by doing simple jobs for those white men abroad. When It comes to making money online, you have to think smart and fast, do not rely only on the guide in this manual as this is just a stepping stone, dig deep I believe there are still a lot of ways to suck cash from Fiverr, make research, invest in getting ideas, you can no longer blame the government or the economy for the situation of your present condition, you now have potential power in your hands to pull that cash online and take care of those bills. My Last advice for you is, NEVER GIVE UP!

THANKS FOR THE AUDIENCE AS I WISH YOU BEST OF LUCK I will conclude by imploring you to please make sure you act, else you will not earn a shishi! Gone are the days of Yahoo+; the so called 'muggus' are now as wise as Serpent together. More over where are those that made little cash from 419 some years back? (Cooling off in Alagbon prison). So, I advise you to do what will make you earn money with peace of mind. Not money you will make and later be on the run, which does not tell well about an individual's reputation. Even the most palatable food on earth is not enjoyed while on the run. The strategies I have

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

outlined above are real and practical. Once you start making money, you also make name for yourself that will guarantee more students for you to teach which implies more money. Any money that is earned without work does not last. But the money made from proven principle can be made over and over again. The few strategies I outlined above are some of the ways I make money from the Internet. It is by doing legal business on the Internet, if you start now I bet that you will soon start earning beyond your imagination. The potentials of earning from the Internet are simply outrageous for those that know the way. I'm giving out this offer base on the fact that you are reading this and I want to see to it that you excel and make real money. If I can take my time and write all these quality information for free when some are out there selling stuffs far less than this for N5,000.00K and more, then know that I can do anything for you. That is why I am recommending these for you: and

Abiola Kunle +2347087710067, +2349099952526

Do you need gigs, I recommend the following: or

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