Portfolio 2022

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Jacob Leckie Schluessel B.Sc. in CurriculumArchitectureVitæPortfolio2022

Jacob Leckie Schluessel available from September 2022 [Paris & Brussels], driver's licence, 26 y.o. +49 157 52 83 89 linkedin/jacobschluessel63 | jacob.schluessel@protonmail.com | issuu/jacobschluessel Work AwardsExperience&Voluntary Experience Software & Language Skills Education FREELANCE DESIGNER Berkeley Prize for Undergraduate Design Excellence [2021] Honorable Mention (with Ting-Chun Yang) École Primaire Santiguyah, Faranah, Guinea [Apr - Jun 2019] Primary school construction project with students of ISAU Conakry, PBSA Düsseldorf and RWTH Aachen Backstage@BNPPRE, Frankfurt am Main, Germany [2017] Career insights and case study at BNP Paribas Real Estate Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, London, UK [2013] Work experience programme MS Excel MS Word MS FrenchGermanEnglishAutoCADARCHICADAdobeAdobeAdobePowerPointInDesignIllustratorPhotoshop native speaker native speaker very good command B.SC. ARCHITECTURE RWTH Aachen University, Germany INTERN, Full-time Drees & Sommer SE, Düsseldorf, Germany BANKING APPRENTICE & BANKER TARGOBANK, Brühl/Cologne, Germany QUALIFIED BANKING PROFESSIONAL SCHMALENBACH SCHOOL OF BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE STUDENT Tongji University, Shanghai, China Oct 2016 - Aug 2021 June 2021 - Nov 2021 Aug 2014 - July 2016 Oct 2017 - present Aug 2014 - Jun 2016 Feb 2014 - Jul 2016 Aug 2019 - Jan 2020 Thesis project “Salvatorklause – Conversion to a Music Rehearsal Center” (Grade: 3.3) supervisors: Bruno Schindler, Tim Scheuer jury: Prof. Anke Naujokat, Prof. Thomas Schmitz Supporting real estate consultants and project managers with tasks including: – technical due diligence reports & CAPEX calculation – environmental due diligence & ESG-matrix – feasability studies – project monitoring & 3D-laser scanning – invoice auditing and cost monitoring Banking apprenticeship towards qualification Banking Professional (Bankkaufmann) awarded by the Chamber of Commerce (IHK) in June 2016 followed by 2 months as a personal relationship banker. – reconstruction drawings, documentation and exhibition layouts for Michel Majerus Estate, Berlin – documentation of Art Installation for the exhibition playground at Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn – exhibition setup, archive work and visitor reception at Ungers Archive for Architectural Sciences – preparation of drawing for construction permits – photography and marketing material for individuals and landlords Courses at Alfred-Müller-Armack Berufskolleg (vocational business school) in Cologne, Germany during apprenticeship at TARGOBANK. (GPA: 3.7) Program for talented high school students, courses of the BBA program at University of Applied Sciences Cologne in Financial Mathematics (Grade: 3.7) and Busi ness Mathematics (Grade: 2.7)

Jacob Leckie Schluessel B.Sc. in PortfolioArchtecture2022

Projects Salvatorklause - Conversion to a Music Rehearsal Center 2 Architectural Research Incubator 6 Urban Design for All Ages – Heart of Hongkou 12 École Primaire de Santiguyah – A Primary School for Seven Villages 14 Green Idea Lab – Campus for a New Generation 16 Energy Concept for an Inner-City Highrise Building 22 Ca’ Veneziana – A House for the Sestiere Dorsoduro 24 Selection of freelance projects 28 BrunoBetreuerSchindler und Tim Scheuer, Lehrstuhl für Architekturgeschichte ProfessorCo-PrüferThomas Schmitz, Lehrstuhl für Künstlerische Gestaltung musikalischen Übungswerkstatt Fassadenschnitt M1:20 M1:200M1:200M1:200M1:500 Perspektive Hofbühne Perspektive Hof der Studierenden Perspektive Speisesaal Ansicht Ost M1:200 Ansicht Nord M1:200 Schnitt M1:200 Grundriss Obergeschoss mit Salvatorkirche M1:200 Grundriss Untergeschoss mit Salvatorkirche M1:200 Ansicht West M1:200 SOUVENIR SHOPS & CAFÉS RETAIL STORES INFORMATIONTOURIST COMMUNITY PLAYGROUND: ACTIVITY CENTER, ASSITED LIVING DAY CARE, ASSISTED LIVING

Perspektive Hofbühne

Salvatorklause - Conversion to a

Outside of the Aachen’s medieval walls, the Salvator Church overlooks the city from a hill and its surrounding forrest. Built in the 9th century for the Carolingian Emperor Louis the Pious, the church and its monastery served as retreat for centuries with wars, abandonment and reconstruction shaping the identity of the place. The most recent building is a structure from the year 1949, which in its formal language and function no longer matches its purpose. This design proposal for a music academy examines the history of lost traces to find an aesthetic identity that conveys a change of meaning through the release of fragments from their use. By inserting practice rooms within the brick walls of the dismantled building, the design reimagines the space as a resonating ruin for resident music students. Music Rehearsal Prof. Thomas Schmitz

Center Course: Bachelor ’s Thesis Project B4 University: RWTH Aachen University Chair: Chair for History of Architecture Year: 2020 / 2021 Supervisors: Bruno Schindler, Tim Scheuer Jury: Prof. Anke Naujokat,

01. Perspective view of musical courtyard

Grundriss Erdgeschoss mit Salvatorkirche musikalischen Übungswerkstatt Hofbühne Perspektive Hof der Studierenden Perspektive 02. Floor plan of music rehearsal center in relation to Salvator Church, perspective views

Schnitt M1:200 Schnitt M1:200 Ansicht West M1:200 03. Section a-a, east elevation, west elevation

Schnitt A - Süd M1:200 Ansicht Ost M1:200 04. Section b-b, section c-c, north elevation

05. Rendered perspective of Architectural



Architectural Research Incubator Course: Integrated Project University: RWTH Aachen University Chair: Chair for Building Construction,

Team members: Daria

Research Incubator



and Structure Year: Spring 2018 Jury: Prof. Hartwig Schneider,



The design for a seven-story cube as an addition to the Aachen Faculty of Architecture follows the principles of simplicity and clarity. The building offers workspace for architecture students, a medialab, a library and exhibition space. A façade of fixed louvers reveals the activities of the users inside and protects against incoming sunlight with its inclination adapted to the direction of the sky. An atrium with its adjacent open lounge areas serves as a meeting place for users while allowing the dissipation of excess heat through the effect of natural convection. Alongside the interior organisation of the space, the project included a broad scope of considerations including solar protection, thermal core activation, fire safety, plumbing, rainwater use and acoustics. Building Technology Prof. Dr. Dirk-Henning Braun, Prof. Dr. Martin Trautz Dovzhenko, Dos Reis, Kaufmann, Conrad Moschner, Nobarianasl, Schluessel Research Incubator



9Architectural Research Incubator 08. Perspective section with energy concept

10 Architectural Research Incubator ERZEUGTDURCHEINEAUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSION 09. Detailed elevation, section and floorplan



11Architectural Research Incubator






12 Urban Design for All Ages – Heart of Hongkou YOUTH HOSTEL, OPEN-AIR CINEMA, RESTAURANTS & SHOPS SOUVENIR SHOPS & CAFÉS RETAIL STORES FITNESS CENTER & HOTEL RESTAURANTS & RETAIL STORES RETAIL STORES MUSEUM INFORMATIONTOURIST Shanghai’s Hongkou district is characterized by strong socio-economic differences and the interplay of old structures and residents with with new developments for young professionals from all over the country. The aim of this design was to develop a strategy for upgrading the disadvantaged areas, to create a mixed-use civic center and to implement an overarching concept for accessibility. Lu Xun Park and Hongkou Football Stadium in the northern part of the district are linked to green spaces in the south. The selective destruction of walls and partial redirection of traffic reactivates street level retail space and creates areas for community interaction. In this way, a district for residents of all ages is created that achieves a higher level of interaction through attractive design. Urban Design for All Ages – Heart of Hongkou Course: Urban Design for All Ages University: Tongji University Department: CAUP, College for Architecture and Urban Planning Year: Fall 2019 / 2020 Jury: Prof. Tu Huijun, Naoki Tominaga (Nihon Sekkei) Team members: Jacob Schluessel, Ziad Zrihni, Li Xiaobao, Liu Xinyu 11. The historic Sichuan Bei Lu (North Sichuan Road) with a direct walking path to Lu Xun Park

13Urban Design for All Ages – Heart of Hongkou 1953 6 204 400 1964 10 816 500 1982 11 859 700 1990 13 341 900 2000 16 407 700 2010 23 019 200 2016 24 152 700 POPULATION GROWTH FOCUS HONGKOU2major public parks 25+ historic sites & musems 10+ schools & training centers AGING 24.1 million inhabitants in Shanghai with 152 000 foreigners from 39 Japan000 20 South500Korea 9 France500 8 AustraliaCanadaGermany600770065006200United Kingdom 21.100other FERTILITY RATE 26 United000 States 6 Singapore900 82 years avarage life expectancy children0.6per woman +5,0 % average population growth in the past decade 5 metro stations nearby 1 international sports stadium park CHOICEinheritedotherenvironmentpropertyOFLOCATIONworksituationgeographicaladvantageconvenienttransportation 1 to 5 years more than 10 years LENGTH OF RESIDENCY less than 1 year 5 to 10 years less than 10 minutes 20 to 30 minutes more than 60 minutes DAILY TRAVEL TIME 30 to 60 minutes 10 to 20 minutes with children by LIVINGwiththemselvesparentsSITUATIONotherwithspouseorpartner SOUVENIR SHOPS & CAFÉS RETAIL STORES MUSEUM INFORMATIONTOURIST SHOPPING MALL COMMUNITY PLAYGROUND: ACTIVITY CENTER, ASSITED LIVING SPECIAL NEEDS FACILITY: DAY CARE, ASSISTED LIVING RESTAURANTS & SMALL STORES 12. Plaza with shopping mall & community center, statistics on Shanghai/Hongkou

Despite its vast amount of natural resources, the West African country of Guinea is one the worlds poorest countries. With less than a third of the population being able to read and write, primary schools are in high demand. the first phase of construction, our group of students from Guinea and Germany designed and built a primary school in the rural region of Faranah alongside workers from the village community. Working and living together allowed for a profound exchange over regional traditions, a mutual understanding and friendship. École Primaire de Santiguyah currently serves as the only school for seven villages. The project taught me a lot about cross-cultural communication, the challenges of working with limited resources, and community participation. Primaire de Santiguyah – A Primary School for Seven Villages in the Region of Faranah

École Primaire Santiguyah – Design Build Project Institut Supérieure d’Architecture et Urbanisme Conakry, RWTH Aachen University, Peter Behrens School of Architecture Düsseldorf, Transsolar Santiguyah, Faranah Region, Guinea Summer Coordinators: Sekou Bangoura, Bernadette Heiermann, Prof. Judith Reitz footage of the village of Santiguyah and the construction site (top right) (credit: J. Höhmann)

2019 Project


13. Drone






14 École Primaire de Santiguyah

15École Primaire de Santiguyah 14. Elevation, floorplan and construction progress

Course: B3 – Integrated Project for Urban and

Georg Vinkeloe 15. Perspective view of the new campus

16 Green Idea Lab – Campus for a New Generation


Green Idea

Team members: Daria



– Campus for a

Based on the three guiding principles of mobility, education and urban greenery, the design proposal for a new campus is intended to revitalize the project area and the entire district. Situated on a compound that once was used as regional headquarters for the electronics company Philips, the current university campus is deserted during nonlecture hours. With our design, we changed the characteristics with a shift from a monofunctional area towards a mixed-use area where education and technology go hand in hand with leisure activities. Beside teaching facilites and student housing, the project facilitates multi-family housing, a kindergarden and office space. Opening the campus to its neighborhood allows mobility among different demographics and means of transportation. Lab New Generation Landscape Theory Urban Förster, Prof. Christa Reicher, Prof. Dr. Frank Lohrberg Dovzhenko, Dos Reis, Moschner, Jacob Schluessel,

Development Year: Fall 2018 / 2019 Jury: Prof. Agnes

Design University: RWTH Aachen University Department: Chair of Planning

17Green Idea Lab – Campus for a New Generation WohnenI WohnenI WohnenI WohnenI Wohnen I WohnenI WohnenI Kita Seminar-undLernräume Wirtschaftswi. Auditorium Kulturzentrum Verwaltung Elektrotechnik Informationswi. Mensa Bibliothek Co-opGebäude Co-WorkingWohnenWohnenII IIWohnenWohnenIIII WohnenWohnenIIIIII Sport Gastro WohnenIII Wohnen III Wohnen III Park 16. Situation plan of Green Idea Lab campus

18 Green Idea Lab – Campus for a New Generation QuartierGrundrissM1:500Grundriss Campus M 1:500 17. Detailed situation plan and floor plans

19Green Idea Lab – Campus for a New Generation Bewohner Kleingartenverein Fachhochschule RWTH LandmarkenAG Gesundheit Bildung InvestorenASEAG/DB Stadt Aachen InteressenAkteuere Übergeordnete Interessen Campuserweiterung derTaktgeberRegion Identifikation der Region Fortschritt & Profit Grundstücksentwicklung Optimale Erschließung &O Wirtschaftlichkeit Bürgerbeteiligung & Öffnung des Areals Neue FlächenErhalt und Stärkung der DGAnlage Stadt als Schnittstelle & Mediator NachhaltigesWachstum Verbesserung der Lebensqualität Urbanität Identifikation Stärkung des TTWirtschaftsstandortechnologischerFortschrittSicherung des kulturellen Erbe Nachhaltigkeit VernetzungStudentenwohn-einflussreichs-zueinan-jegli-Ak-dieFHExpansions-anEinHörsaalge-DanebenAkteur,DiePächterzuBauvorhabenzuAn-WeitereInvestoren,MitspracherechtAkteurenMediatorzunden. Bildungseinrich-ForschungGegen-Arbeit-weite-DiedurchvieleAuswir-SchulenASEAGgeholtAnbin-Anbin-sie Akteursübersicht und Interessen Meinungen können.-vornochnachgeschaffenmehr-Ichneschlecht.bindungAußerdemnochrenkeitenessehrdenfreundlichnichtsehrmeineist-Für Julius, 19 Student InformatikJulius,Student Kulturzentrum und Auditorium Hochschule, Sport und Mobilität Kulturzentrum und Auditorium 18. Stakeholder diagramme, perspective view of campus

20 Green Idea Lab – Campus for a New Generation

des Camauch Schwerpunktehervorkamen,Gebietes,imaufge-Bildungundstehenwirdvorgestärkt.Die da dieder Vorderseitekleinen,Stadtex-könnennichtnut-fürdienurfürei-GrundZukunftErsatzwirdvorhan-entlangderderEu-südlicheinwofüreinweicht.leitetMen-indiedemGe-Gemein-desbefahrbarePlatzes.Durchwerden

Julius,STUDENTISCHESWOHNEN19Jahre alt Student Informationstechnik8:0022:00 Schnitt Atmosphäre - Tagesablauf KULTURFORUM Co-Workingspaces COOP BIBLIOTHEK STUDENTISCHESWOHNEN HÖRSAAL8:15Vorlesung Mittagspause13:30 Vorlesung9:00 Mittagspause12:00 Kinoabend20:00 13:00LernenSeminar12:00 22:008:00 Theaterclub18:00 Seminar16:00 19:00Konzert 9:00Arbeit Projektarbeit16:00 9:20 Seminar10:00 Projektarbeit11:45 16:00LernenSocial Housing Sandtlaan Katwijk, NL FIMS and Nursing Building Ontario, CAN Physics Research Center University of Chicago, USA National University Music of School Seoul, KOR Ballet Memphis,MemphisUSA TilburgTilburg,UniversityNL TilburgTilburg,UniversityNL FIMS and Nursing Building Ontario, CAN Barnard College The Milstein Center New York, USA Campus Dining Facility Clemson,CoorsTekUSAColoradoCenterUSA Barnard College The Milstein Center New York, USA

Fahrzeuge der Anlieger rechts hinter das Gebäude zu einem Wendehammer geleitet. Parallel zur Fahrbahn befinden sich Parkplätze. Neben dem „U“ befindet sich ein weiteres „U“ mit einer kürzeren Seite zur Mitte des Gebietes. Diese definiert mit der langen Seite am Bahndamm den Platz im nördlichen SüdlichWohngebiet.des Platzes liegt der recht große Höhenunterschied. Dieser soll in Form eines kleinen Aussichtspunktes genutzt werden. Von diesem kann man über den folgenden Park, auf die nördlich im Park liegende Gastronomie und auf die im Osten verlaufende Zeilenbebauung schauen. Der Park ist für Studenten als Campus zum Lernen und Entspannen, aber auch für alle anderen frei nutzbar. Im südlichen Teil befindet sich ein Urban Gardening Bereich, den auch ehemalige Angehörige des Kleingartenvereins nutzen können. Neben dem Park liegende Wohnbebauung soll vor allem studentisch, teilweise aber auch normal nutzbar sein. Nach der Wohnbebauung folgt ein Gebäude zum Coworking. Hier können Studenten und kleine- und mittelständige Unternehmen gemeinsam Arbeiten und Ideen entwickeln. Von Norden aus ist das Coworkingzentrum gemeinsam mit dem Sportzentrum, welches auf gleicher Höhe am linken Parkrand steht, das erste Gebäude der FH Aachen. Es folgt eine für Anlieger befahrbare und für jeden begehbare Straße, die u.a. die Wohnhäuser anschließt und einmal quer durchs Plangebiet führt, um die West-Ost Barriere aufzubrechen. Der Süden des Geländes ist fast komplett der FH Aachen vorbehalten. Der Haupteingang des Campus liegt im Südosten an der Kreuzung Eupener Straße/Salierallee. Hier begrüßt ein großer, offener Eingangsplatz mit der FH Verwaltung die Besucher. Die alte Baumallee und das denkmalgeschützte Tor des alten Gut Bodenhofs bleiben erhalten und führen direkt auf den Campushauptplatz. Hier findet das generelle Hochschulleben statt. Doch auch Universitätsfremde sollen den Platz nutzen können. Um den Platz herum stehen die wichtigsten Gebäude der FH, wie Bibliothek, Seminargebäude, großes Audimax und die Mensa. Die Mensa wendet sich auch zum Park hin, um eine gute Aussicht zu garantieren und zu zeigen, dass sie für jeden öffentlich zugänglich ist. Die Fakultätsgebäude befinden sich im Westen entlang des Bahndamms. Sie sind weniger lärmempfindlich als z.B. ein Hörsaalgebäude. Das Kulturforum liegt zwischen den Coworkingplätzen und den Werkstätten der FH. Das Kulturforum und die Mensa haben die Funktion, den Norden und Süden des Gebietes miteinander zu verbinden. So soll die Trennung, die bis dato bestand aufgelöst werden und dort sowohl am Tag als auch am Abend von allen Bereichen Menschen sein. Dazu wird der Süden des Gebietes belebt, auch abseits der Vorlesungszeiten. Verstärkt wird dies durch weitere studentische Wohnbebauung mit Gemeinschaftsräumen im Süd-Westen, die aber deutlich kleiner ausfällt als die Wohnbebauung neben dem Park. So passen sich die Wohnheime der flacheren Baustruktur der Einfamilienhäuser im Süden an. Die Gebäudehöhen steigen von Süden zur FH deutlich an, werden zum Park hin aber wieder niedriger und passen sich im Norden dann erneut der vorhandenen Wohnbebauung Haupterschließungsachsenan. im Gebiet sind von Norden nach Süden die Straße entlang des Parks und der Zeilenbauten und von Westen nach Osten Weg am Kulturforum und der Mensa vorbei. Außerdem gelangt man durch den Haupteingang an der großen Kreuzung und durch Fußwege an den südlichen Wohnheimen auf das Gelände.


21Green Idea Lab – Campus for a New Generation BIBLIOTHEK HÖRSAAL Marzela, 23 Jahre alt Studentin Wirtschaftswissenschaften Felix, 31 Jahre alt GründerSandra, 43 Jahre alt Hausfrau Seminar12:00 Vorlesung9:0013:00Lernen Seminar16:00 WOHNEN WOHNEN GEWERBEWOHNENSTUDENTISCHESWOHNEN STUDENTISCHESWOHNEN STUDENTISCHESWOHNEN Julius, 19 Jahre alt Student Informatik Marzela, 23 Jahre alt Studentin Wirtschaftswissenschaften Felix, 31 Jahre alt Gründer Sandra, 67 Jahre alt Seniorin Sebastian, 27 Jahre alt Student Elektrotechnik 9:00Joga 20:008:00 21:007:00 Abendessen20:00 Einkaufen9:00 12:00Garten 16:00Garten Spaziergang16:00 21:008:00 Mittagspause13:00 19:00Joggen Mittagspause15:30 Einkaufen18:00 Feierabend19:00 Parc Andre Citroen Paris, FR Parc Andre Citroen Paris, FR DT Belgrade,PlateauSER River View Service Stations Shanghai, CHN Hussein Bin Talal Park Chechenia, RUS Breisgau,UnicarréFreiburgDE 19. time-space diagramme of dialy schedules, sections

22 Climate Responsive Highrise Design For the design of an inner-city office build ing, we conducted shading and heat studies, to find an optimal shape and screen for visible weak spots. Our concept aims to reduce the risk over-heating in the hot summer months and minimising energy consumpting in the cold winter months. Due to its fully exposed facade, the building's facade consists of elements with two layer of glass that are con nected horizontally to form a pressure ring for each story. Fresh air enters through opening at the facade's sharp edges and flows due to buildings positioning in the prevalent wind di rection. Openings are operated automatically to create an ideal comfort temperature in the office spaces. Energy Concept for an Inner-City Highrise Building Course: GBT2 - Revit Basics and ENERCALC University: RWTH Aachen University Department: Chair for Building Technology Year: Fall 2019 / 2020 Jury: Prof. Dirk-Henning Braun, Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Schell Team members: Daria Dovzhenko, Jacob Schluessel 20. Rendered perspective

Konzept_MixedTower Eine geringe Geschossfläche dient zu einer ide alen Tageslichtversorgung. Die Geschossflächen sind individuell nutzbar und stehen optimal den vorgesehenen Nutzungen zur Verfügung. erschlossen. Durch Verwendung einer Doppel fassade wird die Frischluftversorgung und Tem perierung des Gebäudes jahreszeitenabhängig optimiert. In den unteren Geschossen befinden gehobenes Wohnen entstehen.

Körpergeschossliste Nutzungsaufteilung_ Filter


23Climate Responsive Highrise Design

Nutzungsaufteilung_ FilterKonzept_SlidingPlanes sich repräsentative Büroflächen. Räumlich ver setzt bildet der aufgesetzte Solitär Raum für die detHotelerie.einehervorragende Alternative zu den bisher igen Hotelbauten in der Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Durch die Versetzung des oberen Volumens zum Sockelkörper nimmt das Gebäude Bezug auf Un neue Perspektiven im Bezug auf die umgebende Bebauung.

Lehrstuhl für Gebäudetechnologie Univ. -Prof. Dr. -Ing. Dirk Henning Braun WS 2018/19 Gebäudetechnologie Matrikel Nr.:369529 21. Floor plan, ENERCALC calculations, floor plan upper levels

RWTH Aachen University

Körpergeschossliste Nutzungsaufteilung_ Filter Konzept_Blades Das Gebäude hat eine sich ständig alterier ende Erscheinung je nachdem, von welchem Blickwinkel man es betrachtet. Während man das Gebäude betrachtet und es sehr solide und dimensiolen Raum öffnet, um die im Innern von statten gehenden Aktivitäten nach außen sichtbar zu machen.



Course: Ca'

22. Canal facing elevation

University: RWTH Aachen University Department: Chair Year: Fall 2019 / 2020 Jury: Prof.

The design is informed by preceding research of architectural elements of the area, its public spaces and the functional layout of residen tial buildings. Designed on a garden plot that stands out for being the only unbuilt plot along Fondamenta Borgo, the infill tries to resonate this unusual openess with its loggias. The house offers direct ground floor access to its garden, two master bedrooms, a library and a roof terrace. Veneziana A House for the Sestiere Dorsoduro Veneziana, Fondamenta Borgo, Sestiere Dorsoduro, Venedig Uwe Schröder, Susanne Rupprecht-Reinke, Oliver Wenz, Berber


Along the Rio de la Romite, my design for a residential building refers to the local characteristics by means of graduated spheres from public to private. Along a central axis, simple room geometries are created that extend sym metrically to loggias in front.


24 Ca' Veneziana – A House for Sestiere Dorsoduro

25Ca' Veneziana – A House for Sestiere Dorsoduro 23. Perspective view, floor plan (bedrooms)

26 Ca' Veneziana – A House for Sestiere Dorsoduro Fondamenta Borgo – Sestiere Dorsoduro, Venedig 24. Details of facade: Palazzo Grassi (drawings: members of course)

27Ca' Veneziana – A House for Sestiere Dorsoduro Ca‘ Veneziana Fondamenta Borgo – Sestiere Dorsoduro, Venedig Details „Eingänge“ M1:33 25. Details of entrances in elevation section and floor plan

Location: remote Time: October 2018 – December 2018

28 Selection of Freelance Projects ERZEUGT DURCH EINE AUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSION AUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSIONEINEDURCHERZEUGT AUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSIONEINEDURCHERZEUGT ERZEUGTDURCHEINEAUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSION AUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSIONEINEDURCHERZEUGT AUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSIONEINEDURCHERZEUGT SCHEMATIC VIEW maritime SCHEMATIC VIEW maritime CUT-OUT maritime pine Rendering Rendering/Isometric Drawing AUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSIONEINEDURCHERZEUGT AUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSION Space occupied by the cm992length Space occupied by Thethe AUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSIONEINEDURCHERZEUGT ERZEUGTDURCHEINEAUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSION ERZEUGTDURCHEINEAUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSION ERZEUGTDURCHEINEAUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSION ERZEUGT DURCH EINE AUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSION AUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSIONEINEDURCHERZEUGT ERZEUGTDURCHEINEAUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSION SECTION 1:20 SCHEMATIC VIEW maritime pine cut-outs 1:50 CUT-OUT maritime pine 1:50 DETAIL steel tube M1:5 Rendering/Isometric Drawing ERZEUGT DURCH EINE AUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSION AUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSIONEINEDURCHERZEUGT ERZEUGTDURCHEINEAUTODESK-STUDENTENVERSION Space occupied by the artworkwidth 4732 cm = 47.32 m cm992length m9.92= 469.42 sqm Space occupied by the artwork The maritime pine cut-outs are hatched in this drawing. 1 steel pipe, diameter 48mm, thickness 3mm, welded to flat steel & screwed on to wooden beam. 2 scantling beam 8 x 10cm 3 birch multiplex veneered plywood BFU 100, 9mm 4 tongue and groove boards 28.5mm 5 maritime pine, thickness 35mm NOTICE: steel pipe for miniramp coping must project approx. 10mm beyond flooring on both sides. About Michel iftionReconstructionduringweare erein (28.10.-02.12.2000). About Michel if we are 310multiplexacrylic,x992 Exhibition if we are Köln / Cologne, Udo OutdoorDE,Thetor:rainMicheldoor16.03.-20.05.2012Michel[curatortemporáneoBIACSKittelmannInstallation]deCharlottePlayground31.05.-28.10.2018 Contact stvereindrawings(2018)BonnDocumentationcommissioned (2018): Jacob [contactschluessel.jacob@gmail.com+49Deutschland52064LochnerstraßeSchlüssel1575

Reconstruction Drawings of if we are dead, so it is by Michel Majerus

Type of work: documentation of the setup and recreation of an artwork Location: Ar t and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany, Bonn, Germany

Commissioned by Michel Majerus Estate, I produced reconstruction drawings for the artwork’s structural basis. Its consists of a mini ramp (half pipe) of 42 meters in length and 10 meters in width (approx. 137 feet by 33 feet) and and ladders for easy access. The drawings are now binding for authorized reconstructions the late artist’s work. 26. View of artwork, film crew documenting the progress (top) 27. Structural layers of artwork, detailed construction drawings (bottom)

Documentation for the Exhibition playground

Time: April 2018 In close collaboration with the Michel Majerus Estate, I was commissioned by the Bundeskunsthalle to document each step of the reconstruction of the artwork if we are dead, so it is by Michel Majerus. I followed the steps of Bastian Krondorfer, the late artist’s former assistant, to preserve and catalogue his knowledge.

Type of work: reconstruction drawings of an artwork

29Selection of Freelance Projects 12 3 4 5 6 7 A B C D E F G H Ellipsoide curve No. Ellipsoide2 RadiusEllipsisCircumferenceEllipsoideNo.CircumferenceEllipsoideNo.Circumferencecurve3curve4curve(vertical): 125,00 cm Radius (horizontol): 345,10 cm No. Radius6 152,80 cm Circumference 960,10 cm No. Radius7 261,89 cm A. written and produced, 2000 Computerausdruck auf Polyurethan Motivgrösse 295 607 cm B. Power Range, Computerausdruck2000auf Polyurethan Motivgrösse 295 481 cm C. Brause, Computerausdruck2000 auf Polyurethan Motivgrösse 295 676 cm D. RAF, Computerausdruck2000 auf Polyurethan Motivgrösse 295 493 cm E. Ring, Computerausdruck2000 auf Polyurethan Motivgrösse 295 481 cm F. Wischfinger, Computerausdruck2000auf Polyurethan Motivgrösse 295 481 cm G. Kaviar, Computerausdruck2000 auf Polyurethan Motivgrösse 295 481 cm H. Late, Computerausdruck2000 auf Polyurethan Folie 318 691,5 cm Motiv 295 x 656 cmSchemeScheme 8 3 6 2 7 Placement of photographs within the space The yellow area indicates the area from which all walls within the installation appear white when facing the entrance. The numbered arrows represent the position of each photograph as seen below. Section D 1:50 Section C 1:50 Section B 1:50 Section A 1:50 Photographs of first installation Perspective Section SectionAB Section C Section D 1620 426462 376301 199 813 261 463 202 199 188 388 156 702 187 807 783 1590 1620 Section B Section A Section C Section D Floor Plan 1:50 Space occupied by the artwork m16.20=cm1620length Section SectionSectionBCDSectionA 320320320320Section SectionSectionBCDSectionA 320320320Section SectionSectionBCDSectionA 320320320320Section SectionSectionBCDSectionA 320320 Perspective space_02.jpg space_08.jpgspace_06.jpg space_07.jpg space_03.jpg 257.58m2 About the drawings: Michel Majerus: Thespaceiswhereyouwill reconstruction planc of the installation in its exhibited version during Michel Majerus’s About the artwork: Michel Majerus ThespaceiswhereyouwillfinditDelfinaStudioInstallationSpace3,20m15,90mx16,20 m (HxLxW) Exhibition history: xxx Contact Details: Jacob Schlüssel 50859 Köln +49 1575 28 38 [contactschluessel.jacob@gmail.com963detailsin2021] About the drawings: Michel Majerus: bringthenextlineup (2000) reconstruction plans of the dry wall plaster board structure in its first and only exhibited version of bring the next line up during Michel Majerus’s lifetime at Taipei Biennal (09.09.2000- 07.01.2001). About the artwork: Michel Majerus bringthenextlineup 2000 Emulsion Paint on Wall, offset print on vinyl and Forex, plaster board 410 x 900 x 764 cm (HxWxL) Exhibition history: TheSkyisthelimit Taipei Biennial, Taipei, TW, 09.09.2000 - 07.01.2001 [curators: Jerome Sans, Manray Hsu] Contact details: Reconstruction of dry wall / plaster board installation at Taipei Biennal commissioned by Michel Majerus Estate (2021): Jacob Leckie [contactschluessel.jacob@gmail.com+4950859BrauweilerstraßeSchluessel177KölnDeutschland15752838963detailsin2021] 764 12060044 120 164 22 290 7646001202222 4102222366 2000 764 12022 120 380 400 12017 346 1722 356 22 7642260012022 44120164 764 12060044 764 12044600164 600 410 7646001202222 4102222366 6005755505004003002000 7642260012022 900 120 380 400 12017 346 1722 356 22 7642260012022 764 44120600164 600 764 12060044 900 120 380 400 12017 346 1722 356 22 12044164 22 7646001202222 410 4434422 4102222366 0 764 2212022 7642260012022 44120164 400 764 4434422 2222366 600550500400300200 400 axonometric view floor plan 1:50 top view 1:50tableperspectiveperspectiveofvalues for curve 90040038012022356172234612017410 4434422 120290 1202222600 4103444422 764 90040038012022356172234612017 44120164600600 90040038012022356172234612017 60044120 900 400380120 35634612017172222 44120164 600600 410 44 344 22 764 1202222 600 410 2234444 200300400500550575600 120 12017 900 400 356172222 view/elevation side B 1:50 section B 1:50 12044 4102222366 900 120 380 400 12017 346 1722 356 22 2212022 section 1:50 764 410 2234444 view/elevation side D 1:50 wallmuseumwallmuseum wallmuseum 44120164 space occupied by the artwork ForNotice:sides B, C and D accessibility and visibility must be guaranteed at all times. Therfore a mandatory mininum distance of 1,50 m must be added to the outer dimensions of the artwork. space occupied by the artwork 68.76 qm width 900 cm = 9.00 m cm764lengthDSeitem7.64= Seite C original photograps by the artistDSCB0768.jpgDSCB0772.jpg 7.647.64 6 9 1.2 3.8 4 1.2.17 3.46 .17.22 3.56 7.64 1.26.4461.647.64 1.26.4461.64 7.64 1.26.4461.647.64 1.26.4461.64 6 9 1.2 3.8 4 1.2.17 3.46 .17.22 3.56 7.64 1.26.4461.647.64 1.26.4461.64 axonometric view view/elevation side A 1:50 floor plan 1:50perspectiveperspective 0 200 300 400 9 3.84 . 4.1 .22.22 3.66 museum wall

of bring the next line up by Michel Majerus

of an artwork / art installation Location:


Reconstruction of The space is where you’ll find it by Michel Majerus

Type of work: reconstruction drawings remote Time: September 2021

To commemorate the 20th anniversairy of the artist’s death, a wide range of museums and galleries participate in the exhibition series Michel Majerus 2022. Commissioned by Michel Majerus Estate and Galerie neugerriemschneider to produce binding reconstruction drawings to be displayed at Neuer Berliner Kunstverein.

Location: remote Time: December 2021 As part of the 20th anniversairy of the artist’s death, I was commissioned by Michel Majerus Estate and Galerie neugerriemschneider to produce binding reconstruction drawings of the artwork to be displayed at Kunstverein Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. The exhibition’s vernissage is scheduled for September 2022. 28. Isometric view of artwork, sections and placing advice (top) Isometric view of artwork, floorplan, scheme (bottom)

Type of work: reconstruction drawings of an artwork / art installation


Location: remote Time: June 2022

Visualizations for the Exhibition Series

In preparation of the exhibition series Michel Majerus 2022, I worked with Michel Majerus Estate to produce renderings, animated videos and sections of exhibition layouts. My work was presented to the curators and artists and served as a basis in their decision making process.

Type of work: reconstruction drawings of an artwork / art installation

Location: remote Time: March 2022

Reconstruction Drawings of gemälde by Michel Majerus

In my last commission by Michel Majerus Estate before moving to the United States, I produced reconstruction drawings for an artwork that was conceived in 1994. The art installation gemälde was the the first cooperation between neugerriemschneider and Michel Majerus. The exhibitions vernissage is scheduled for November 2022.

30. Perspective view of Hamburg exhibition layout/mockup, perspective view of Berlin installation (top) 31. Perspective view of reconstruction, isometric view of reconstruction (bottom)

Type of work: creation of renderings and animated videos of exhibition layout

Michel Majerus 2022

30 Selection of Freelance Projects

Type of work: preparation of construction permits, real-estate photography

During my architectural degree, I regularily assisted the designer Bernd Grimm with the setup of exhibitions and work concerning archiving of construction drawings. My responsibilities also included visitor reception during opening hours and photography at events organised by the UAA.

Between Mai and July 2022, I aided the office Gronau + Kunz with the production of drawings for construction permits and basic visualisations for clients. During my Bachelor's degree, I helped landlords list properties on realestate marketplaces with photographies and copywriting. 32. Photographies of Ungers Archive for Architectural Sciences in Cologne (top) 33. Visualisation for Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Kunz (bottom left), real estate photography (bottom right)

Assistant at Ungers Archive for Architectural Sciences

Location: remote / Cologne, Germany Time: December 2021

Construction Drawings & Building Photography

31Selection of Freelance Projects

Type of work: exhibition setup, event photography, archive work, visitor Location: Ungers Archive for Architectural Sciences, Cologne, Germany

Time: September 2017 – August 2019

Thank you. please feel free to reach out to me anytime via +49 157 52 83 89 jacob.schluessel@protonmail.com63

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