2 minute read
Orthodoxy on Tap: NYC
by Spyridoula Fotinis
Orthodoxy in the midst of day to day nightlife. Orthodoxy on Tap. What does this mean?
“O Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, who art everywhere present and fillest all things.” In New York City, our daily reality challenges us to live the Gospel. We encounter hundreds of different people each day. We see homelessness in the seat next to us on the subway. We wrestle with the existence of God in a culture which rejects Him. We are called to meet Christ in the face of every person, in the sorrows and joys spinning around us. Are we as young adults prepared to respond to this call in a world of “nones,” of blind trust in worldly affairs and secular matters?
Life as a young adult is difficult. Many of us enter college far from our home parishes and graduate from strong and supportive OCF chapters with little to look forward to. Orthodoxy on Tap is a response to filling the void of an Orthodox young adult community. It allows us to come together in an exciting new venue and relaxed environment to grow new friendships and strengthen our Orthodox Faith. At each event, a speaker presents on a topic pertinent to the life of young adults such as friendships and relationships, understanding how in difficult life situations we can draw closer to Christ, and the importance of Pan- Orthodoxy. After questions and answers, the rest of the evening is filled with fellowship, often lasting into the late hours of the night. The beauty of these relationships allows for the strengthening of the Church through new friendships that are continued outside of Orthodoxy on Tap and the joy of seeing a familiar face at a new parish.
We need to meet our young adults in the areas they know best. Orthodoxy on Tap is 60 young adults at the Olive Garden in Times Square singing in harmony “Happy Birthday” to another customer. Orthodoxy on Tap is crowding into a tight space at Maison Pickle to not miss a word from Dr. Rossi. It is listening with unfaltering attention to understand joy through the Cross. It is pinching pierogies while encouraging each other to participate in parish life and be a welcoming face to new Church members. Orthodoxy on Tap is meeting Christ in the mundane. Christ ministered to those at all intersections of humanity, to all people, in all areas. He met them in the moment where their hearts were open and ready for Him. The Divine meets us as authentic, broken humanity.
Young adults in New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh. And within the short time since its creation, Orthodoxy on Tap has had a profound impact on my life and the lives of others. It has deepened my own Faith and has allowed me to meet amazing people who are now among my closest friends. We hope and pray that this ministry continues to grow in its current locations as well as expand to new locations throughout the diocese, and the country, and support our young adults in their continuous struggle for Christ. As Orthodoxy on Tap is still in its beginning stages in New York City, it is vital for parishes to support this new ministry by encouraging their young adults to attend events near them or establish their own.
Orthodoxy on Tap can be reached at: orthodoxyontapnyc@gmail.com and check out its soon to be published website (coming soon) : orthodoxyontapnyc.com