Juichieh Liu's Portfolio

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JUICHIEH LIU 2007-2011

contact info. p : + 886956261068 e : jacourrliu@gmail.com













public space design

DESIGN for INTEGRATION preservation & reuse


GREENING ABOVE photo & action art


population : 3,893,740 area : 2,052.5667 km2 density : 1,897/km2 29 districts reorganized as municipality in December, 2010 (once had administrated as Taipei County)


WEAVING A GREEN FUTURE sustainable development of new taipei city

88% mountains and hills, 12% plains coastline : 126 km urban area : 1209.5 km2

NTU BUILDING AND PLANNING FOUNDATION 2009.05-2010.05 PROFESSIONAL PROJECT as co-project manager project director: John K.C. Liu kcliu@ntu.edu.tw client: Urban and Rural Development Dep., Taipei County Government

taiwan strait

New Taipei City is a municipality located in the north of Taiwan. It is a donutshape city surrounding the economic center and capital city of Taiwan, Taipei City, and adjacent to Keelung City, a coastal city also an international container port, in the northeastern tip. These three cities together constitute a common living perimeter and the Taipei metropolitan area, which becomes the most prosperous and affluent area in Taiwan and gains regional importance in southeastern Asia.

pacific ocean taipei harbour taipei city

keelung city

city capital

The City of River The history and development of New Taipei City is highly correlated with a complex blue network of rivers, branches and irrigation ditch systems. With more than eighty percent of area occupied by mountains and hills, traditional settlement located on the basin area and plains along rivers and developed into densely populated urban area today. It is the most populous city in Taiwan, with total area of 2052.5667km2 and population of residents more than 3.8 million, accounts for 83% of area and 56% of population of Taipei metropolitan. taoyuan county

Green Future City For its reorganisation as a direct-controlled municipality in December, 2010, the city government sought for an overall strategy for future development of the city. In response to global climate change and transformation of the city under regional and globla competence, New Taipei City calls for sustainable developing stategy in every aspects, especially spatial governance. The city government proposed a slogan ‘New Taipei City, a Green Future City’ to declare their ambition and vision.

urban area blue network natural green area suburban green area

Abundant Green Resources of New Taipei City

The framework and following pioneer projects provide tools for New Taipei City government to strategically reach the goal of sustainably and develope a livable city of all citizen.

identifying Natural and Cultural resource reorganization of 29 districts

Process of Planning

Four Scenrios for a Livable City Master plan of the Green Future City is based on framework of senarios. We proposed an ecofriendly and human-oriented spatial transformation plans of four key aspects.

yilan county

Multi-core Living Perimeters

master plan of Green Future City 4 Scenarios of a Livable City Transportaion + Environment + Culture + Human Settlement

Low-carbon Trasportaion Readable City : Environmental and Cultural assets Green Belt around urban area Reparing Green Network Integration of Blue and Green proposed project

City of Multi-core Local Living Perimeters As a part of the Taipei Metropolitan, New Taipei City has served as a supportive supplier for the economic and political center, Taipei City. More than 50% of population in the city is migrators coming from southern and eastern part of Taiwan; they take their residence surrounding prosperous economic center and contribute to the archetype of urban area of New Taipei City, a city of migration.

North Coast Perimeter Tamsui Core ore Taipei Harbor arbor Tams

Juef Core ore Juefan

Xinzhung Perimeter

The density of population in New Taipei City shows center tendency in districts near the southwestern part of Taipei City and plunges in remote rural area in the north and the east. Transportation circulation has enhanced the tendency. The MRT system provides convenient public transportation in central urban area, strengthens its inner accessibility and contributes to transformation of surrounding area. However, with stronger attraction of central urban area, remote rural area suffers serious problem of local economic decrease and change of social structure. That is, it is a M-shape distribution of economic power, social impact and population among districts of New Taipei City.

Political Politi Pol itical cal & Economic Core Core Northeatern Coast Perimeter

Hsindien Core Cor Hsindien

San-yin Perimeter Wen-shan Perimeter

In order to achieve balanced development among districts, a Multi-core local living perimeter is proposed. Based on transportation circulation, several local cores are elected to play a leading role of local living perimeter, providing jobs, shopping, education, major facilities of social welfare.

more than 80% of population lives in an area less than one third of the total

Population Distribution of New Taipei City

highway system constructs speedy long-distan commuting network

Highway System of Taipei Metropolitan

MRT provides convenient public transportation and reconstructs the spatial context of the city.

MRT system of Taipei Metropolitan

Green Transportation - Multi-layer Approach Low carbon transportation program is proposed based on existing public transportation program, including city bus, railway and, the most important, MRT system. Low carbon transportation program based on existing public transportation network and highway system is proposed. In the program, local core of each living perimeter plays the role of critical transfer post. Currently, each local core is well connected with major transportation network, accessibility with surrounding area and local settlements need to be adjusted and enhanced. The transportation network is therefore divided into three layers. 1. long-distance commuting with highway system/ railway 2. trans-perimeter traveling with public transportation system 3. daily commuting with communal shuttle bus and green vehicle transshipment program The program especially focuses on ‘the last mile’ from terminal station to destination of users. Supplemental projects includes refurbishment of pavement and bikeway system, communal shuttle bus and carpool system, shuttle of green energy vehicle and parking service for local transshipment nodes. transportation network among local cores of New Taipei City the last mile trasportation program

bicycle e-car e-scooter

local transferring stop parking space e-bike direct shuttle bus

private car private car

communal shuttle bus

modified bus system

green energy vehicle MRT terminal parking space

MRT station 500m walking perimeter

to Downtown local transshipment nodes and commuting network

Green New Taipei City According to different archetypes and environmental condition of human settlements in New Taipei City, there should be different methods of greening in response.

Repairing Green Network finger-shape buffer zone : extanding along the edge of settlement with green branch and ecological corridor connecting with the green network green network : green belt amont urban green space connecting with green branch civil farm, garden farming and green roof restoration of river side wetland recovering and transformation of former irrigation channel into blue network

Distribution of Pocket Green starry greening : roof garden & pocket park green network : curbside planting weaven connecting green space of inner city communal ecological pond ecological friendly refurbishment of pavement and street funiture : retaining and cycling use of rainwater, stratification of steet plants

Protecting Natural Greens limited development ecologicla refurbishment of infrastructure buffer zone along the edge of settlement protection of natural environment

green space water built area

political and economic core great accessibilty with Taipei city mixed land use of commerce and residence limited open space and greens disconnected with river by enbankment built area developed from transfer points, combined with traditional community and extension of urban area residential districts with local commerce indutiral zone hilling landscape

suburban area

limited scale of residence and commerce decreasing population rich amount of natural resource

densely populated urban area remote rural area

Distribution of Pocket Green : Green Roof & Linear Green Corridor along Main Street

In densely popualted area, open space for greening is hardly valid no matter in residential or commercial area. The green roof project is designed for it.

Yonghe District

First target group is schools, public institutes, office buildings and mansions, those who provide large area of rooftop place for greening. open green space school & public institute green roof curbside planting

New Taipei City Government Departmet of Urban and Rural Development master plan of urban greening principles of design and construction evaluation criteria

General Manager of Green Roof Project

training and promoting

selecting design group & construction co. Group A

Group B

Group C

patter nc-4

pattern c-3

pattern c-2

pattern c-1

pattern b-3

patter nb-2

pattern b-1

pattern a-4

pattern a-3

pattern a-2

pattern a-1

detailed design communicating w/ users and residents constructuring

design explanation and communication

employee of local government local non-profit organization committee of community community planner owner of office and factory building

The member of first target group will become role models for their neighbors and generate positive effect for green roof project.

1. general manager of green roof project as the supervisor and consultant. working with city government to set up principles and eveluation criteria of design and construction. 2. via public competition, several executive teams are selected. the number of teams should not less than three, in order to make sure that there should be diversified sorts of design programs provided. 3. training and promoting program for target groups. help them to pick up a suitable design and construction program by analysis of environment, climate, cost structure and so forth.

selecting sites and preferred patterns

4. after construction of green roof, a follow-up should take place, for city government to generate ideas for modification of the executive diagram, principles and criteria.

inspeactation and acceptance evaluation and feedback Proposed Executive Diagram of Green Roof Project

Repairing Green Network

Sanxia District

natural green buffer zone farmland open green space school & public institute green roof curbside planting

green roof

clean energy

In suburban area and core city of distant rural area, the restoration of relationship between natural environment and human settlement is critical and urgent. As urban expansion is going to happen in these area, the green network provides sustainable base for future development.

vertical green buffer green belt

wetland restoration garden farming communal eco-pond

rainwater reservoir

permeable asphalt curbside planting + rainwater recycling

dike grass swale

section perspective of green network

Readable City of Cultural and Environmental Resource To Under the context of globalization and modernization, more and more foreign people move into New Taipei City. In order to provide a friendly living environment and further publicize unique characteristics of local culture and natural beauty of New Taipei City, the project of ツ然eadable City ツ段s proposed to enhance more opportunity for new migrants and foreign travellers. general information center operation mechanism of integration of local resource empowerment of local community

local information center index system

enrichment of socail capital


attraction local resource integration network of New Taipei City

identity of local characteristics accomodation

transportation local information center (core of living perimeter) information service

education and training


tourist spot

on-site information service preservation

transportation network of New Taipei City

special event and festival

Readable City is composed of three parts. 1. Identification of cultural and environmental resources of New Taipei City, of which composed the text of the city. 2. Modification of existing index system, including signpost and information service system, to provide an easy-understood roadmap of diverse resource and information for multiple users in the city. 3. Via empowering of local community, where the root of culture and vitality of the city, to build up local identy and a sustainable development of culture.

nature museum other cultural facility cultural heritage local cultural industry tourist area hiking trail harbor and fishing port natural resource for recreation and education

cultural and natural attrations of New Taipei City

public space design

DESIGN for INTEGRATION square in front of the pagoda, the treasure hill area : 14,000 m2 59 household units+cental platform location : sanchong district , new taupei city former veterans' village of nationalist army japanese anti-aircraft battery and bombshelter designated as historic building in Aug. 2006

Basic Environmental Planning and Design 2008.02-2008.05 ACDEMIC PROJECT DIRECTOR : JOHN K.C LIU kcliu@ntu.edu.tw YU-CHEN CHEN yuhjean@gmail.com TEAM MEMBER : H.Y. CHANG, S.W. DOU, Y.L. HSU, Y.Y. KU, C. LEE, Y.T. LIN, M.C. LIU, C.W. PENG, C.Y. TSAI, C.C. YANG, C.C. YO

Treasure Hill is a former informal settlement in southern Taipei City, next to prosperous Gongguang district and campus of National Taiwan University. The settlement was founded by KMT veterans and their family, and later squatted and extended by the ruralurban migrants.

THAV (Treasure Hill Art Village) 14 studios for resident artists 12 offices for NGO and cultural industry groups Run by AIR TAIPEI since 2010

In 1980, the settlement and nearby area was delimited into park zone no.297 by Taipei City Government. Few years later, Taipei City Government reclaimed park zone by demolition and relocation, which aroused moral outrage among people and brought about furious protest and social activities. After more than 10 years of fighting and negotiating, the settlement was assigned as a Historical Settlement and preserved it in a form of “Symbiotic Settlement” with perspectives to provide on-site resettlement and revitalization opportunities. According to the reuse plan carried out by authorized professionals, the buildings and of the Treasure Hill are transformed into a multi-purpose public space, combined with the artist village, international youth hostel, open green field and community of original residents.

da go Pa

Treasu re

Hill Te


Relocated Original Residents and Historical Buildings The Treasure Hill Temple and the Pagoda 90 people/ 22 households moved back in 2010

International Youth Hostel expecting acommondation: not open yet

N Gongguan commercial area

NTU campus


Treasure Hill Settlement leme Xindian River


DESIGN for INTEGRATION The square is located in the center area of the Treasure Hill, which interwoven by three different kinds of user, including the artist and their visitors, the tourists staying in the youth hostel and the original residents.

Artist Residents - Outdoor Exhibition/Performance - Social Networking - Garden Farming

Our design concept is to integrate unique behavior modes of users and create spatial connection of three separate parts, original residents, the artist and the hostelers. Mult-actor Scenarios The design process was activity-oriented. By analyzing usersÂ’ behavior, we adopted several activities as design objective. The formulation of the square was the result of a repeating process of projecting, evaluating, stimulating and modifying, and the principle criterion of it was body adaptability.

Hosteler - Meeting Poing - Social Networking - Leisure Center

Tourists - Relay Station - Landmark - Meeting Point

Original Residents - Outdoor Dinning - Playground - Garden Farming - Gathering Space

Scenarios Adoptted Square with a big tree: Directed from a common Taiwanese spatial pattern, a temple square with a big tree, often to be a Bayan or a Camphor tree. It is an important public gathering place in traditional Taiwanese communities. Meeting Point: For travelers staying in the hostel and guests of the artists and the residents, an open and safe place with easy-to-identify landmark and convenient connections, they can stay for a while, waiting and relaxing, and then meet their friends. It might be a relay station for one-day tourists. Garden Farm: Undeveloped open field left for residents around the square, they can grow vegetables, spice crops and herbs for their daily dinning. Outdoor Salon: A place for people to gather, sharing experience, knowledge and enjoyment. Resident artists could have outdoor exhibitions and performance, workshops and parties here. Original residents might take is as an outdoor extension of the public kitchen.

existing route of artists

expecting route of hostelers

existing route of tourists

existing route of residents


Located on a hillside, the square was a slope gently inclining. The average gradient of it was about 15%, which did not serve good quality of human activities. In order to create gathering place for users, we cut the slope into three parts, including two squares and a steep retaining wall.

entrance 1 entrance 2


original lanscape : steep hill

By analyzing daily routes of users, we proposed a solution to enhance better connection between the square and other parts of the Treasure Hill. The site was clearly cut into two parts, the upper and the bottom, which attracted two different kinds of users.

transformed lanscape

By setting an entrance deck on the main line and a side entrance of the Public Kitchen, we proposed to introduce both original residents and later-coming users, including artists, hostellers and tourists.

retaining 1

proposed route to the square


retaining 2

gently sloping hill


Introducing different groups of user into the square and providing a multiuse gathering place for various activities. Composed by three major parts (front stage and stairs, laddering brick platform and green slope) and two accessory elements (porch of the Hostel Service Center and wooden platform).




Plants including a medium-sized tree of the brick terrace platform, bushed on the edge of the wooden platform and short grass covering the green slope.



Down below the square is the settlement of relocated original residents. To make them a quiet and comfortable living condition, an open green field and a semiprivate wooden platform is built to buffer against the public open space.


Modeling as a Process of Design and Communication The rough texture of the carboard made model responsed to the spatial texture of the informal urban village. Modeling was a critical process for us to recognize specific scale and form of our design. It also helped the users to realize how would the square become and provide specific opinions to the design.


1. front platform 2. porch of side entrance of Public Kitchen 3. terrace platform 4. green field

5. balcony of Hostel Service Center 6. corridor of Hostel Service Center 7. wooden platform upon the cesspool

view from front platform

the terrace platform

wooden platform

viewed from above

Hostel Service Center corridor balcony

front platform

terrace platform

Public Kitchen

COOPERATIVE DESIGN PROCESS The process of design was a collective action of 12 members of the studio. Every person had equal right to speak and share workload together. According to our targets, the original residents, the artist and the hostlers, scripts describing their daily life and behavior were implemented to form spatial scenarios of the square. The multi-purpose program of the square is the combination of these scenarios. The final presentation took place in the settlement of the Treasure Hill. The cardboard made model used as a method to communicate w/ the residents. Face-to-face communication w/ the residents helped us to realize and get close to daily life of them and then further modified our design.

COMPLETION of the SQUARE .The final program was implemented b y t h e p l a n n i n g g ro u p a n d t h e construction completed in Oct. 2010.


area : 14,000 m2 59 household units+cental platform location : sanchong district , new taupei city former veterans' village of nationalist army japanese anti-aircraft battery and bombshelter designated as historic building in Aug. 2006

preservation and reuse

RESUSCITATION of LOST MEMORY revitalization of sanchong air force village

NTU BUILDING AND PLANNING FOUNDATION 2008.07-2009.03 PROFESSIONAL PROJECT as planner + designer project director: F.G Mi 072654@mail.tku.edu.tw client: Cultural Affaris Dep., Taipei County Government

THE LOST ISLAND of MAINLAND CHINA Sanchong Air Force Village is a former veterans village located on the east part of Sanchong District, New Taipei City, near the left bank of Tamsui River. It is a Historic Building designated by local authority, Department of Cultural Affairs of New Taipei City Government in August, 2006. The spatial structure and the fabric have formed a special culture of veterans village, which of great importance in contemporary Taiwan History. Built for nearly six million of troops and dependents withdrew from mainland China with the Nationalist Government in late 1940 to 1950s, veteran s villages emerged around military bases, often located in urban area, soon became one of critical components of urban landscape in Taiwan. However, urban transformation driven by fast growth of economy and change of social structure, veteran s village turned into eyesores for many local governments, investors and planners. According to reports, there were more than 800 veteran s villages dotted around cities and towns in Taiwan, now less than 140 are standing. These villages were torn down and the residents were relocated for urban redevelopment. Relocation, Ripped the Culture from Its Land The culture of veteran s village has lots to do with its isolated archetype. For their safety and distinguishability, the cluster of veterans often encircled by bamboo fences; the isolation and cultural gap between mainlanders and the Taiwanese sparked off the subculture of veteran s village. Therefore, the demolition of physical structure endangers the subculture; while houses are gone and people are separated, provincial dialects and cuisine, unique phenomena and spatial texture of the village are diminished.

existing site plan

Reposition in Modern Ccontext By maintaining local affection and redefining the function of buildings, the preservation of Sanchong Air Force Village will become a bond between local community and a unique culture and the history. The revitalization of the village has lots to do with local identity. Therefore, the opinions of local residents and administrative office should be taken into consideration.

COLLABORATIVE NETWORK Complicated relation of stackholders and negotiation among them played decisive role of the revitalization plan. Ministry of National Defense owns the property of buildings. However, the site is delimited as park land by Sanchong District Office. In 2006, the village was designated as historical building by New Taipei City Government.

preferred spatial pattern of stackholders former verterans' village

historic building of New Taipei City museum and cultural park local recreation and cultural center communal park token of memory gallery and art village

A large collaborative of stakeholders took part in the process of preservation and revitalization plans, including the association of original residents and local groups. Rich social capital accumulated becomes the best resource of future reuse plans.

cre Soci atio al i n f Openness and nte i a t e f u n c S af ro p r ti o pp

Better re



e in U r b a n P la n spac acility for k r loca a nF l co d P reatio mm e of the district e ec r e t R n E n h a n c e lo c ce al a l ty e t h s u r ro u n d i i wi n n

io n

n s at

M u lti p l e e use spac cu s lt u ank bike circu b e r e e v r i l r a r g t i d m s i o n an e c h a n m n

g n in

Pre se Focus on deve P l o p s e o f E xi s Reuspace for ting e ar or

local administrative body


iss u e s n ta l m e id e ntit y o n lo cal c t i v i t ies e nd a a

Local NGO

ty nt i d e a re a g

Local Community


Reuse of Historic and of Veteran s al Bu ion vation C u il d t a er v u c ltural and e ltur in r es e r t of gs n n E vi n n e m uildi ural a hanc r ffai B c ult rs t/

it y

Sanchong District Office

nomic prosper Eco mmigrants ity y fi ilit n o ac ratio Good design qu a g y e q u i p m e nt o l i t y et a n d fp n




authority of cultural heritage



e of Historical B Reus u il di and ng re in Northe r n s T u lt u io n ai w at n s C an rv b ui l di n g s a r an d te re ith appropr tu i a t ex ent w ec s o und


is Original Residents

New Taipei City Government




uild in gs ical B tor ation of Vetera v n His r s Cu of Prese lt u se n d b ui l di n g s re re a y ion is bette x tu te molit r e te r b et

Preserv atio n at i o n o f t h e G o o a n d v r e d O Re s e r u ld P Preservation o f s p Da t n o e p r a ti o n in c rga L e B a N o d e m o li t i e s on


G Pprov u i d i n g b aran et t C u ter n n e ss a n d ltur O pe c o n n e c s af tter ti o

owner of property




Ministry of National Defense


d Reuse of Histori n an cal Bu atio f recreation res o o u r erv n c e ild i n es ti o an w it h n e a r Pr gra d g b at i o n te eg r a n d a d m i n y p ar istr Int n at ks tio ra xisting Buildin io E gs


s al



s p a c e in U r b a n P a rk la n dP o l iti o n i s s dem tee b et Le s an t I n d e p e n d e n er t Re u o p e se

eteran s Cult n of V ure atio ative cultural pa erv sent es rk Pre s Pr pre of s e rvation o Re f sp Prese Ve t h e c i t y g ace o ve t y to e rt i n d i g v s t art rn Pro -u

Transference o

preference of stackholder priority over revitalization plan


school of military police

The village was founded by the Air Defense Artillery Command in 1953. There were 59 households accommodating more than 300 residents. Relocation of the residents took place in 2009, most of them moved into an elevator apartment far away from the village.

dormitory A

dormitory D

With a Japanese anti-aircraft battery and bombshelter in the center, the village was developed into an enclosed-court type of settlement, which enhanced stronger isolation from outside local civil life and culture. Once was a drawback now becomes an advantage while preserving culture and spatial contexture of veteransÂ’ village. The size and patterns of each house represent the bureaucratic ethnic of the Nationalist army. Buildings Revealing Track of Life Existing buildings are the result of reconstruction and expansion of original allocated unit in response to different status of life cycle of residents.The site of Japanese anti-aircraft battery and bombshelter has been covered by concrete structured platform and served as a gathering place of the village.

the hill (anti-aircraft battery + bombshelter)

existing entrance of bombshelter

dormitory C dormitory B

dormitory D

ammunition depot

existing track of the battery

temorary bridge

entrance of bombshelter

irrigation channel

Original Layout of Airforce First Village

The reconstruction process represented the intrinsic spirit of veteranÂ’s culture, which is 'building up on scratch' and 'making best use of resources at hand.' Those buildings and organically growing gardens create unique landscape and special texture of the village, which becomes the key element of the revitalization plan.

6 room 2 living room 3 toilet 1 kitchen 1 Buddist chamber flat rooftop reversed main entrance (brick structured, re-partion of rooms)

existing refuge

current building, since 1990

photo of current building

main building kitchen

original building, 1956

+ 1 room (bamboo structure)

+ 2 room + 1 toilet (brick structure)

+ 3 room + 1 toilet + refuge garret (brick structure)

+ 5 room (2 on 2F) + 2 toilet (1 on 2F) + 1 balcony (brick structured, refuge merged in 2F)

5 room 2 living room 2 toilet 1 kitchen flat rooftop reversed main entrance (brick structured, re-partion of rooms)

first extension, 1960

second extension, 1960

attached refuge , 1965

extension of 2F, 1976

reconstruction , 1976

Evolution of Buildings (sketch by Yuhwa Wu)



distric administration center

Existing transportation is a vehicle-oriented program, of which people move from one spot to another with longer distance, lack of incentives to stop-by and ignoring everything along the route. Unfriendly walking environment makes people avoid travel by foot, which becomes an obstacle of local economy. The village is located on the corner of a minor road and external circumferential road, where people passing by and missing everything interesting inside. As traffic congestion and lack of parking space become serious problems in this area, a better transportation program is necessary.

existing comercial

comercial center

elemetary school

existing comercial

Air Force First Village

Existing Vehicular Circulation

Proposed Pedestrian-Oriented Circulation

Pedestrian Oriented Transportation With MRT system running on 2012, current situation of traffic will be changed. Based on existing road map, a pedestrian-oriented transportation program is combined with better accessibility with major transfer points (MRT station and bus stop) and nearby attrations and a friendly walking and biking environment is required. existing pavement

bike circulation MRT bus

pedestrian-friendly pavement

MRT ENTRY 2 ENTRY 1 skybridge

proposed extension and refurbishment of single-side pavements along routes connecting the village and major attractions. sigle way street and speed limit is applied to enhance safety of walking and biking.

DIVERSIFICATION and INTEGRATION preservation of original plants

The preservation and reuse plan of Sanchong Air Force Village took lots of work to identifying complicated spatial context, the disordered structure of buildings and delicate fabric of the village made up the basic form and should not be disregarded.

tree (dbh 35-45 cm) banyan tree, b. javanica, plumeria alba tree (dbh 25-35 cm) dragon juniper, banyan tree bush rhododendron, ficus microcarpa

central green slope

green space and plants roof garden & skywalk

restoration of anti-aircraft battery landscape architecture

roof garden greenbelt

Multi-purpose Local Culture and Recreation Area The principle concept of planning is to reposition t he vete ra nÂ’s v illa ge in t he loca l contex t . Via implementing new functions and better accessibility, the village would transformed into a culture and recreation area with local identity and feature of vaterans' culture.

main route secondary route

proposed route plan

Old Buildings w/ New Functions Most of the existing buildings will be preserved and new function will be given. In order to enhance better openness and connection with surrounding area, entrances and routes in site are redesigned. However, jerry-rigged construction and lack of care after relocation of residents, the buildings are worn down and suffering damage on structure. Some of them can be repaired by additional strengthening and serve as gallery, communal center, halfway house and so forth. Others might be demolished because of weak structure, creating open space and better connection of surrounding area.

central green slope

branch of main route underground passage of the battery overpass on the roof garden and staircase

open space 3.



5. 10. 8.

1. main entrance 2. communal park 3. linear green field 4. restoration of anti-aircraft battery

veteran's culture


5. veteran's museum 6. office of the original residents' committee

4. 7.

cultural use 9.



concept of function


7. local NGO/ cultural group office 8. artist resident village

public service


9. information center 10. community center

multiple use 11.halfway house/ hostel/ shop... 12. shop

proposed site sit plan

Combinition of Two Past Memories - Central Green Slope With the premise set by stackholders and to merge the remain of anti-air battery and existing gathering platform constructed by the veterans, the excavation and restoration of the battery is adjusted to harmonize with existing platform. A hill like light structure dorm covering across above the battery for protection. It creates a semi-indoor area for recreation activities, exhibition and a stage for performance. N

Green Gree n Slope Slope

Green Gree n roof roof and and skywa sskywalk kywalk kywa lk

perspective view of central green slope

Alternative of Traditional Park - Green Roof Garden & Skywalk Various material, size, types of roof and rooftop space contribute interesting spatial form to the site. Despite of planting on the ground, roof is another place that needs to be greened. Roof garden is a solution to achieve preservation of buildings and the lower limit of greening space of a park.

route on the roof garden

To enhance more openness and break through limit of long and narrow indoor space of each building, skywalks and indoor passages are interpenetrating buildings and create a winding route connecting rooftop space and lower stories.

outdoor route indoor route

landscape architecture

GREENING ABOVE roof garden design for bp office building area : 252.76 m2 location : ntu campus, taipei city average temperature: 23.4Ęš average annual rainfall : 1669.2mm relative humidity : 74% insolation : 1631.8 hr


It Is a Beginning of Greening the City NTU campus located in southern Taipei City, near prosperous Gongguan commercial area and Yonghe District of New Taipei City, the most desely populated district in the world. Green roof project is an effienct greening way in these area. The practice of green roof project here can be a strating point of forming the green network of the city. NTU campus Gongguan area


Yonghe District

IT Is a Eco-refurbishment of an Old Building as green roof project becomes critical policy of urban transformation in Taiwan and around the world. it is a rether cost-saving and energy-saving way of spatial transformation. the bp building is a representative of the most common archetype of building in Taiwan, which accounts for more then 50% of built environment. the experience of the project will be a model for eco-refurbishment of old buildings in Taiwan. The building of NTU Graduate Institute of Building and Planning located on the southeastern corner of NTU campus. The office of NTUBP foundation is on the forth floor, the top floor of the building, which suffered hot and windless environment in summer. Leakage problem of the ceiling also need to be solved. Green roof is proposed to provide insulation of extreme exposure of sun and rainwater by layers of plants, soil and waterproofing material. Recostruction of original concrete rooftop will become an out door recreation space for sutdents and colleagues in the building.

? Design for Designers the green roof project is a programme for a group of professionals to realize a spatial transformation project for their own interests. The experience of being a user insteads of a decision maker is interesting and inspring. Through participative process of design, those professionals could make selfself examination and feedback on the work they carried out.

farming is so fun. i want to grow some vagetable b in an organic way. kinds of vegetable changes by season.

a place where i can take a break after exhausting work. trees and bench, lovely flowers and gentle breezing.

is that would be lots of work to do? i don't want to check in the office in weekend only for watering those plants!

will birds and butterflies come here? i wnat to grow plants that induce more birds.

site plan: multi-purpose roof garden

The roof garden is divided into three major parts, including the farm, the platform and the greening recreation area.


Composed of trees, bushes, lawn and herbaceous plants, the garden provides not only pleasent visual ornament, but an extended habitat for birds and insects. Detention and recycling system of rain water is proposed to combined with irrigation system of the garden, which can reach mutual benefits lower water bill and flood prevention for poor-drainage ground floor. The rain water recycling system could be further extended and connected with flushing water system of the building in order to reach better efficiency of water saving and flood controling.

drinking water tank

Taipei 101 FE twin tower 2.



8. 5.


great view of Taipei urban landscape

strong wind of cold winter monsoon

bee plants herbs

great view of NTU campus

plants for birds bee plants



herbs talll building tal buildin buil uildin dingg


shading tree lawn


bee plants plants for birds

dense plants

shading tree lawn herbs

vertical green

noise from highway

sunshine birds


section of the major axis

dense plants


1. entrance 2. recreation area, 'the round talk' 3. recreation area, 'the corner' 4. recreation area, 'the smoker' 5. platform w/ auto-irigation system and pipes below 6. farmland 7. pergola 8. toolroom



noise from highway

round talk










B section A: looking toward entrance


section C: the platform and toolroom

perspective view of entrance

the corner




round talk

section B: looking from the entrance

perspective view toward platform

OTHER WORKs all by film

soaring, jun. 2010, hsinchu county

city, underconstruction, oct. 2009, taipei city

wetland, aug. 2010, taichung city

release, jul. 2009, yilan county

park barclay, jun. 2009, tainan city

staring, sep. 2009, new taipei city

perspective, jul. 2009, new taipei city

tamsui sunset, sep. 2009, new taipei city

body-shaped landscape : bending bridge, since 2007 i am a part of the scene. it's the way i measure the world.

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