2 minute read





Local entrepreneurs:

Many local entrepreneurs were noted, these included, local brick makers, steel manufacturers, tyre shops and convenience/spaza shop.

Rays of hope Alexandra:

A non-profit organisation that deals with gender based violence, orphan children and relief aid after a flood. Site visits conducted with the organization by means of a guided tour through Alexandra.

Figure 29 (top): local brick makers Figure 30 (bottom): Author and Rays of Hope member Bafana 54

Figure 33 (left map): site and surrounding context of Setswetla, adapted from Google Maps, 2021. Figure 31 (top): Transitional housing project Figure 32 (bottom): Lion Cres Jukskei park

Transitional housing project, 2016:

The transitional housing project was completed in 2016 and is still operational today. It is used as emergency housing for residents affected by a flash flood. Affected residents receive aid relief for as long as required until they are relocated a new permanent safe environments.

Lion Cres Jukskei Park:

The public park is implemented as a strategy to stop residents from building withing the floodplain along the Jukskei River bed.

Figure 31 (top): Transitional housing project Figure 32 (bottom): Lion Cres Jukskei park

Figure 34: Maps shows Site, surrounding context and congested nature of dwellings adapted from Google Maps, 2021.

Figure 35: Shows site and vehicle routes, map adapted from Google Maps, 2021.



Because Setswetla is an unplanned informal settlement, no standard services like roads and public amenities exist. This contributes to the settlements vulnerability, which is already complex due to its physical conditions. These added complexities need to be carefully acknowledged when designing the proposed interventions. Without motor access to the site, it restricts the project in many ways. Firstly, the entire project would have to be built manually using lightweight materials and smaller equipment that can fit through the narrow pedestrian walkways. Secondly, the construction of the interventions will take much longer without the use of industrial machinery like cranes and excavators.

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