2 minute read
Found on Site
by jacques_23
As previously mentioned, the proposed site is located in Sutherland on the Southern edge of the central astronomy advantage area, along with the cluster of SAAO telescopes, SALT along with some private and international telescopes located on the top of the hill plateau. Most of the residents and other site buildings are located lower down the hill.
It is important to note they there is a light restriction zone on site, and that the staff members on site use the security boom as a waypoint of where the zone starts. The light restriction zone starts approximately 50 metres after the security boom.
This light restriction zone was set in place to assure that the instruments and equipment that the telescopes use have minimal light pollution to filter out. Along with the light restriction zone, the SAAP has very strict regulations regarding light on site and in Sutherland.
These restrictions on site include:
• No vehicle lights on the plateau after 17h00
• After 17h00 dim red lights can be used for small periods of time.
• Any lights inside a building or telescope observation room must be confined to that room.
• Any outside lights below the light restriction zone must be a yellow light.
• Any outside lights below the light restriction zone must be pointed at the ground.
In Sutherland some restrictions include:
• Any outside lights below the light restriction zone must be a yellow light.
• Any outside lights below the light restriction zone must be pointed at the ground.
• Any light that comes from inside a building must be contained as much as possibly.
• Any outside signage must be dimmed after 21h00
The image on the left was taken by the author and shows the order of telescopes that can be found on the observation plateau. With SALT on the Northern side of the plate (far left side of image) the mechanical workshop and cluster of SAAO telescopes more to the centre. Smaller international and private telescopes and projects can be found towards the southern side of the plateau (far right side of the image).
(photo by author,2021)
With the proposed site being in a baron location with extreme temperatures that occur, the site does not have a big population of wildlife or large amounts of vegetation.
• Doekvoetjies - Bunolagus Monticularis
• Girdled Lizard - Cordylus Catapharctus
• Springbok - Antidorcas Marsupialis
• Barlow’s Lark - Certhilauda Barlwi
• De Winton’s Golden Mole – Cryptochoris Wintoni Vegetation:
• Botterboom – Tylecodon Paniculatus
• Olifantspoot – Dioscorea Elephantipes
• Vygies – Mesembryanthemaheae
• Halfmense – Pachyoidium Namaquanum