1 minute read
Figure 3.32: Rainbow patterned floor
Three proposals are presented to re-imagine the floor and to change the narrative associated with it.
Consideration A
Figure 3.32: Rainbow patterned floor
Source: Author (2021)
The ever-widening floor pattern circles (Figure 3.32) and their significance would have been relevant had it not been for democracy. Therefore, the floor layout should be recontextualised and recalibrated to be coordinated with the narrative of reconciliation and democracy. Consideration A proposes that the floor be laid out to resemble the rainbow and reflect the term ‘rainbow nation’ .
The symbolic flooring encapsulates the unity of multi-culturalism and diversity that defines post-apartheid and democratic South Africa. The proposal distorts the original exclusionary and dominating imagery to a more inclusive narrative, recognising everybody in the country and encouraging the coming together of the