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Space expansion holds a new age of wonder, technological advances, resources, and challenges. Humanity needs to ensure it is ready and prepared for the challenges that may lay ahead. As Robert Goodwin has said: “All civilizations become either space fairing or extinct” (Atkinsin, 2011).
The aim of this project was to design a training facility for astronauts from the national and private-sector Space agencies as a way of bringing South Africa into the next age of Space exploration. The proposed facility was designed to assist the astronauts in adapting to a future Mars “lifestyle”, along with preparing them for any unforeseen event that may happen.
The selected site, although isolated in its location, revealed in-depth layers of its surrounding landscape and all of the natural elements that have the potential to inspire the public to visit and experience such a unique setting in its rural context.
The project based its design on the concept of Space Architecture and used this concept to explore future Mars pods on Earth. This is where the design of the facility brings together architecture as we know and experience it. While also to design the future architecture that can be used in a future mission to Mars. Buildings are hidden from view by anchoring themselves into the landscape along a recessed access route.
Earth and Mars’ buildings are located on an axis that is both visual and physical. Visually, this axis represents the primary access point to the complex. Perpendicular to this axis, Mars’ buildings enjoy a prominent position in the visual field. A user only becomes aware of the Earth buildings as they approach the complex. The design puts hierarchy and focus on the Mars’ aspect of the programme and hides away the Earth presence of the facility. SAAO OBSERVATION PLATEUA, SUTHERLAND
(photo by author,2021)