1 minute read
1.4 Delimitations
The study’s objective is to develop the theory on the interrelationship between clothing and buildings and fashion (design) architecture and document the process thereof. This objective was achieved by developing a collection of ‘clothing-buildings’ in the urban context of South Africa and claiming for that category the title of ‘architecture’ (Figure 3).
This study attempts to change the perception of clothing and building as separate entities while stretching boundaries to explore fashioning (making) architecture opportunities.
This fashioning of architecture is achieved by: • Designing clothing-building prototypes to determine the interspace between clothing and building design • Analysing theories developed from the prototypes and literature to identify the interchanges between the two disciplines • Expanding meanings of the theory on fashion and architecture.
This study focuses on interdisciplinarity in making clothing and buildings that represent the culture and identity of urban nomads of South Africa.
The designs consider urban nomads living in South Africa. This study suggests that emerging South African identity is not universal, as the South African culture is specific to the southern African region. This study demonstrates the future of South African identity and does not consider it an ‘ideal type’ of living or dwelling. This study does not engage with homelessness as analogous to nomadic lifestyles since the author argues that the lifestyle represented should be voluntary and homeless.