7 minute read
from TLOU, K - 219436025
by jacques_23
Figure 43 Connections of various programmes Environmental consciousness. Considering the existing animals and water bodies. They are environmental responsibility put in place limiting the gas emission, noise pollution, and minimised interferences.
Three circulation routes proposed are catering for Cable cars, boats, and foot with pushcarts. Vehicle parking is provided before the Marketplace building.
Site contextual response

Figure 44 By Author

Figure 45 By Author
The research investigates a possible solution to accommodate the small entrepreneurs.
The customised programme with the understating of the drifter must blend with the site context

Figure 46 By Author
The understanding of how the small cross-boarder entrepreneurs circulate as drifters in a rhizome pattern.
This intervention developed a simplified solution by proposing a large market structure where products can be stored and sold in bulk.
The open market space is for the small traders to occupy. The eco-friendly open market stands are scattered amongst the less dense forest to give shade and enhance the noise buffer.

Figure 47 By Author
The intervention layout will be divided into three zones. These zones make the effective link between human beings and wildlife to co-exist. The Marketplace building is the outer zone further away from the river. Zone one less dense forest area with an open marketplace for the vendors. Zone 2 is a dense forest near the river to enhance the wildlife habitation
Linking the split Ethnicity
through a simplified programme that is inclusive to the ordinary local people from the construction, maintenance duties, and the operational duties of the marketplace.
Figure 48 By Author

Figure 49 By Author
Responsible, Safe, Functional
The presence of wildlife around human beings is sensitive. It requires the local community to do the Afforestation to create a conducive environment for them and control noise pollution.

Figure 50 By Author
The viewing, Integrated, attractive, and active.
The research explores opportunities that link the Limpopo river with people by providing viewing decks from the top floors of all the buildings.

Figure 51 By Author
The established commercial businesses are the ones who are affording to do cross-border trading.

Figure 52 By Author
The intervention along the Limpopo river will help to improve the intra-market, particularly for the small entrepreneurs. The solutions help to remove the divisional gap between the rich and the poor that is noticeable through affordability. The proposed Marketplace will minimise the smuggling of goods across the Limpopo river.
Figure 53 By Author
The afforestation will gradually intensify towards the river banks for the Buildings to the conducive environment to the existing wildlife and invite more soothing wildlife habitation like birds in the area.

Figure 54 By Author
The forestry, water, and Wildlife control Zone have a thick forest with less human interference. Only experts and tourists under guard are allowed to access this zone.
The open market zone is less densely forested to allow human circulation by foot and pushcarts. The open market stands are scattered around separated by trees give fresh air to humans and buffering the noise to the nearby wildlife inhabitants.
Sheltered Marketplace includes the built structures like the Market places, Hotels, and Cable car stations. The two points in the site are linked through the cable cars which has less impact on the environment. The cable cars are used for transportation, Ariel viewing

Figure 55 By Author The proposed site has a direct North and south orientation that will be utilised to give enough lighting and comfortability in the proposed buildings. The river will be the significant scenery view from the building on both sides. Footbridge, cable cars, and boats are used to access the other markets across the river.

Figure 56 by Author The proposed site is located in a region with low rainfall, high temperature, and it also falls in a place with no infrastructure services. It has to be self-contained. The site is semidesert, has fewer trees, and is prone to winds. The proposed building will have butterfly roofs to respond to some of the above issues.The butterfly roof effectively collect water in the huge gutter and stored in the tanks • Increased natural light from larger windows shop front • Increased solar surface on the roof for easy fixing of solar panels utilise the presence of the sun on the more significant period of the year. • wind resistant due to the aerodynamic roof structure.
Figure 57 by Author
The section through site indicate the programmes • The red part is the proposed Marketplace building. • The green part is the open market space for vendors with new trees planted. • The Blue part is the river. With the presence of wildlife, new trees are planted on the river bank to make a thick forest to enhance a habitable environment for wildlife. The is place conducive for tourist attraction.
Figure 58 by Author
The proposed buildings a separated into three structures from both sides. • To allow the wind flow to pass through. • The three-building house different programmes. Hence the buildings are separated to minimise the interference from each programme.
Figure 59 by Author

The two sites are proposed ten meters away from the 50-year flood line. Both sites have similar programmes.

Figure 60 by Author
The typical site plan layout above indicates the dense forest towards the river and less dense forest towards the building allows people circulation. The Buildings are separated because they have different functions and openings to allow wind to flow freely.

Figure 61 by Author
The typical section above indicates the solution to control the wind movement achieved by the butterfly roof. This prevents the roof from being blown away by a storm. The louver's position on the top near the roof allows air to escape effectively.
Figure 62 by Author
Cross ventilation of the building with more open space allowing air to move through the door, big window and the louvers openings, The louvers' position on the top near the roof allows air to escape effectively.

Figure 63 by Author
The region has low rainfall, and However water rain collection is very impotent to sustain functions. Drilling boreholes can also supplement this.
The hotel building has three floors, structurally supported by columns in a grid format. • The ground floor has public space which comprises a reception and meeting rooms • The first floor has rooms for booking • The top floor is dedicated to a restaurant and a balcony with a river view.
Figure 64 by Author
The huge opening facade and double volume effectively allow air to move freely and allow also allowing more natural lighting. more natural lighting.
Figure 65 by Author

Figure 66 By Author • The ground floor has public space that comprises offices and a market places for a variety of products. • The top floor is dedicated to the market space of crafts, a restaurant, and a balcony • with a river view.
Roof overhangs and Canopies
Different types of canopies were explored with respect to sun and wall protection protection for the ground and first floor shops. is a section through a typical shop that depicts the connection to the
Figure 67 by Author Cross ventilation of the building with more open space allowing air to move through the door, big window and the louvers openings, The louvers' position on the top near the roof allows air to escape effectively.
Figure 68 by Author