Jacques Lesec

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J a c q u e s G r a d u a t e

L e s e c

P o r t f o l i o

M . A r c h 1 S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a I n s t i t u t e o f A r c h i t e c t u r e

Selected Works // 2009-2012 // Professional Internship + Graduate Design Studio

J a c q u e s G r a d u a t e

L e s e c P o r t f o l i o

M . A r c h 1 S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a I n s t i t u t e o f A r c h i t e c t u r e 2009 - 2012

Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

M a k i n g + M e a n i n g

_ 0 1

D e s i g n

_ 0 3

S t u d i o

A p p l i e d

S o l a r

V i s u a l

S t u d i e s

D e c a t h l o n

S t u d i e s

V e r t i c a l

T h e s i s

S t u d i o

P r o j e c t

I n t e r n s h i p s

Selec t ed Works

2 0 0 9 - 2 0 12


_ 2 1

_ 3 9

_ 4 3

_ 51

_ 6 1


Making + Meaning

Making + Meaning // Summer 2009 // Introductory Course

_wood block model

This exercise sought to investigate formal expressions derived from manipulating rectilinear primitives and extrapolating their organizational configurations. My model derives its shape from a series of 2 dimensional incisions from each of the cubes’ three axis while held intact. When the bonding was r emoved, t he cube unlocked to produce forms of v a r iable c o mple x i t y. Oper a t ions like sliding, pivoting, and s t ack ing were used to generate moments of densi t y t owar ds t he f igur e’s center and more disparate elements towards its ex tremities. The resulting sculpture is an organic assemblage of sprawling appendages.

_02 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

The plaster mold assignment was an exercise in the basic principles of solid/void r elat ionships. The r esul t is a negat i ve plas t er model made f r om a positive shape composed of low density foam form work.

_plaster model

Making + Meaning

Summer 2009


Recreation Center

Recreation Center // Spring 2010 // Design Studio

L . A .

R e c r e a t i o n

C e n t e r

This project was a proposal for a recreation center for downtown Los Angeles. The desire was to produce a dynamic spatial aggregation of unique localized systems aimed at reflecting the exchange between restless city living and interactive spor ts. The building’s enclosur e play s a v i t al r ole in the arrangement of interior spatial conditions, where one activit y seems to bleed into it s adjacent program. The result is a complex overlap of various program beneath a flexible tensile s t ruc t ur e, a sharp cont ras t t o i t’s surrounding city context. The building houses a diverse program sponsoring a multitude of elevational perspectives. Its envelope provides shade in particular areas and opens to allow sunlight and passive ventilation to reach others. The organization of program is based on zones of differing intensity levels to generate a circulation path and overall trajectory as one n a v i g a t e s t h e c e n t e r. T h e p r o j e c t s e e k s t o c e l e b r a t e t h e i n t e r a c t i o n a n d /o r participation of different activities in hopes of exposing its occupants to new athletic interests.

_04 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

_south elevation M . A r c 1 - 1G B

S p r i n g 2 0 10

_05 Recreation Center // Spring 2010 // Design Studio The shape and material choices of the building work in conjunction with the line of sight and breadth of view of its occupants. The circulation and ex terior geometry therefore become a product of composing unobstructed views b e t w e e n o c c u p a n t /o b j e c t a n d o c c u p a n t / occupant. The lower por tion of the building, nes t ed wi t hin slope of t he si t e, will be walled in areas of function (a d m i n i s t r a t i o n, m a c h i n e r y, a n d l o c k e r r o o m s). T hi s b e c o m e s t h e a i r t i g h t enclosed space that anchors the center and provides structural support for the soccer field and other activities above. The upper half of the project will not be fully enclosed but will rather be a semiopen air space. The naturally occurring apertures allow air flow to the indoor multipurpose areas.

_exploded axonometric

1 mechanical room 2 lobby 3 multipurpose court 4 suspended catwalk 5 locker rooms 6 street access 7 pool area 8 cardio zone 9 scenic overlook 10 cafe 11 open-air pavilion 12 gym 13 rockwall

_06 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com




10 7

_transverse section 01






_transverse section 02

M . A r c 1 - 1G B

S p r i n g 2 0 10

_07 Recreation Center // Spring 2010 // Design Studio

1 mechanical room 2 lobby 3 multipurpose court 4 suspended catwalk 5 locker rooms 6 street access 7 pool area 8 cardio zone 9 scenic overlook 10 cafe 11 open-air pavilion 12 gym 13 rockwall

12 13

_08 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com


2 1

_transverse section 03 M . A r c 1 - 1G B

S p r i n g 2 0 10


Broad Ar t Museum

Broad Art Museum // Fall 2010 // Design Studio


_conceptual render

_10 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

M. A r c 1 - 2GA

F a l l 2 0 10

_11 Broad Art Museum // Fall 2010 // Design Studio This project is an alternative to Diller Scof idio + Renf r o’s design f or The Braod Art Foundation scheduled to undergo construction next year on Grand Avenue in downt own Los Angeles. The museum is intended to house a traveling collection of contemporary art pieces from around the world as well as feature the vast personal collection of entrepreneur Eli Broad. The aspiration is to revitalize a cultural identity within t he L o s A ng e le s a r t c o mmuni t y. Our design looks to investigate a v a r ian t t o t he “ v e il” enc l o s u r e s t r a t e g y. We feature a semi-t ransparent louver system that serves to regulate a v isi t or’s v iew no t onl y be t ween galler y s p ac e s, bu t al s o v ie w s o f t he c i t y. T he concept is reinforced by a rigorous circulation path that sometimes navigates between and around gallery spaces while other times putting the occupant back in touch with the c i t y. T he r e s ul t in v ok e s a v a r ie t y o f experiential atmospheres within each of t he museum’s numer ous galleries.

collaborative work jacques lesec / paul stoelting

_12 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

M. A r c 1 - 2GA

F a l l 2 0 10

_13 Broad Art Museum // Fall 2010 // Design Studio

The circulation originates from a quasi-spiral, bound wi thin a square. It emphasizes the potential for continuous movement and the repetition of a choice in direc tion. We then produce spatial definition by allowing the circulation path to become a plane that implies a p e r i m e t e r, d i v i s i o n , o r u n i t y, a n d i s used as a conceptual base from which to drive the project. The interest in this method of forming volume and solid/void relationships from a pathway lies with the potential to generate spaces in which difference and formal idiosyncracy are sought.


_longitudinal section

_14 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

1 parking 2 crating/unpacking 3 unloading 4 trash 5 auditorium 6 lobby 7 service corridor 8 loading dock 9 security 10 book store 11 galleries 12 circulation ramp 13 elevators 14 cafe 15 reception desk 16 restrooms 17 archive 18 mechanical room






5 12

18 17

M. A r c 1 - 2GA

F a l l 2 0 10

_15 Broad Art Museum // Fall 2010 // Design Studio

_circulation diagram

_16 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

1 parking 2 crating/unpacking 3 unloading 4 trash 5 auditorium 6 lobby 7 service corridor 8 loading dock 9 security 10 book store 11 galleries 12 circulation ramp 13 elevators 14 cafe 15 reception desk 16 restrooms 17 archive 18 mechanical room



13 11

_grand +4



13 11 _grand +3



13 11 _grand +2


13 11 _grand +1

M. A r c 1 - 2GA

F a l l 2 0 10

_17 Broad Art Museum // Fall 2010 // Design Studio



1 parking 2 crating/unpacking 3 unloading 4 trash 5 auditorium 6 lobby 7 service corridor 8 loading dock 9 security 10 book store 11 galleries 12 circulation ramp 13 elevators 14 cafe 15 reception desk 16 restrooms 17 archive 18 mechanical room

_18 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com








M. A r c 1 - 2GA

F a l l 2 0 10


Applied Studies

Modular Concrete Project // Fall 2009 // Applied Studies

M O D U L A R G r o u p


P r o j e c t

The objective of this assignment was to test the material limitations inherent in constructing something from concrete modules. The project will also seek to investigate new and innovative ways of fabricating these modules while aiming to strengthen its per formative capabilities.

collaborative work jacques lesec / erin besler / casey benito / tyler mcmartin / harry gouyoumjian / maya alam

_20 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com The digital model was used to generate a CNC tool path for the production of the two-part negative form-work molds. Each were milled from medium density foam and designed to separate along the center line of the module. Milled molds were then vacuum formed. ABS was used t o help protect the foam from heat and to maintain a smooth surface tex ture for the casts. This allowed for successive casts with little deterioration of the mold per set. This process was repeated many times as students learned to adjust to daily humidity levels and its adverse affect on the curing process. The result was a final model whose modules slot t ogether t o form a cur ved wall.


M . A r c 1 - 1G A

Fall 2009


Solar Decathlon

Solar Decathlon Competition // Spring 2011 & Summer 2011 // Design Studio


w w w. s o l a r d e c a t h l o n .g o v/ The concepts and drawings were produced as a group effort for the S C I - A r c / C a l t e c h 2 0 11 S o l a r D e c a t h l o n c o m p e t i t i o n e n t r y . F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n v i s i t w w w . C H I P 2 0 11. c o m




Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com


M. A r c 1 - 3GA

S p r i n g / S u m m e r 2 0 11


2 L A 011 R S DE OL CA AR 20 T H L D 11 O E C S O N AT LA R

Solar Decathlon Competition // Spring 2011 & Summer 2011 // Design Studio

2 0 11 U . S . D e p a r t m e n t S O L A R D E C AT H L O N S C I - A r c


o f

E n e r g y

C a l Te c h



CHIP is a real-life application of green design in the modern world created by the Southern California Institute of Architecture and California Institute o f Te c h n o l o g y . O u r t e a m w a s s e l e c t e d as one of the twenty international en t r an t s b y t he U. S. De p a r t men t o f E n e r g y t o p a r t i c i p a t e i n t h e 2 0 11 S o l a r Decathlon. The competition consis t s of ten subjective and objective contests juried by a group of exper ts. The cont es t s include: ar chi t ec t ur e, marke t appeal, engineering, communications, a f f o r d a b i l i t y, c o m f o r t z o n e , h o t w a t e r, appliances, home enter t ainment and energy balance. Contest rules require that each house generate enough energy from the sun to operate a household. Each t eam is responsible for the safe transport and assemblage of their homes on the National Mall in Wa s h i n g t o n D.C. i n a s o l a r v i l l a g e w h e r e it will remain on display to the public for t wo weeks.

as e d rg y e e ct n le th E t f se of ne to . en e, nt ar ve bl be m e s p rc ia t i t s da A r A r it I ha p a fo n. in C e af io S ch D ng e, .C. te t it e it i al al pe th D c xc C d by om l-s on is e t s C ul an t g f th in rc an lon t a i tr A on h sh t n a Iib h h C ca le W t ec e S n ex na D al li nd om t io C ar al fr d ol ld a l M na S ts i an a er n 11 en bu rc nt o i i 20 A ud y ill at Iw st nt N he C of twe in t a m t he h S te it n a m t he a t e te he e o e r w f p t i A eo t ic om r tn on h on par t it i y pa g e to to mp ner u co ro e yo s te ze


vi in

CHIP (Compact Hyper -Insulated P r o t o t y p e) i s d e s i g n e d t o c h a l l e n g e every architectural and engineering preconception regarding the net-zeroenergy home. This project is the result of a 2- year r esear ch, design, and construction collaboration between both schools and various consultants. CHIP announces a new generation of energyef ficient, af fordable housing.


Students were organized into task-based teams at the outset of the semester; t h i s o r g a n i z a t i o n w a s f l e x i b l e , h o w e v e r, and students often found themselves either working on several teams at once, or changing t eams over t he semester as the tasks are accomplished or the understanding of the building and it s cons truction requirement s evolved.

as y

Untitled-1 E a c h o f t h e t e aUntitled m sd-1w1a s r e s p o n s i b l e for producing the drawings and Revit elements used to construct their d e s i g n s . Te a m s t h e n p r o c e e d e d t o construction of their work once the instructors and the studio had approved the drawings. This process was repeated many times over the semester as necessary to produce a fully viable version of the building element for which they are responsible.

* Project media provided by others


w w w. C H I P 2 0 1 1 . c o m

6/9/10 5:10 PM 6 M




10 5:10 PM

_24 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

M y c o n t r i b u t i o n s : -Prototyping -Schematic Design Proposals -Drawings for CD submission -Cons t ruc t ion/S t eel Fabricat ion - D o o r/ W i n d o w S c h e d u l e - D i n i n g Ta b l e D e s i g n -Craning/Reassembly -Fundraising

M. A r c 1 - 3GA

S p r i n g / S u m m e r 2 0 11

_25 Solar Decathlon Competition // Spring 2011 & Summer 2011 // Design Studio SHAPE We s t ar t ed wi th a solid shape derived f rom four modules of maximum standard trucking dimensions arranged to exploit the limitations of the solar envelope guidelines of the competi tion. We began t o play wi th the shape of the house to fulfill certain performative criteria for both the interior and the ex terior of the house. The top is cut down t o maximize solar gain. The bot t om is cut, which cr eat es a s t epped int erior volume, sec t ionall y di v iding spaces while s till maint aining an open floor plan. The undercut also doubles as a car port. The north east and south west walls are strategically kinked to allow variat ion in plan wi t hin t he volume, ef fec t i vel y mak ing a s m a l l s p a c e f e e l l a r g e r. A d d i t i o n a l l y, a l l o f t h e s e m o v e s give us a small footprint and a minimized interior volume while s t ill allowing t he space t o be comfor t able, f lex ible, and highly functional while directly relating to the issues of energy production and consumption. S K I N a n d I N S U L AT I O N L i k e t h e i n t e r i o r, o u r g o a l i s t o d o m o r e w i t h less: maximize energy production while minimizing consumption. The main way we minimize consumption is t h r ough ou r ins ula t ion and e x t e r io r s k in s t r a t e g y. We t ook another look at s t andard wood f rame cons truction. Ty p i c a l l y, i n s u l a t i o n i s f i l l e d i n b e t w e e n t h e f r a m i n g studs. The gaps bet ween insulation bat ting and framing are problem areas allowing precious energy to escape. Based on data collected from case studies of the passive h o u s e s t r a t e g y, w e d e c i d e d t o d i v o r c e o u r i n s u l a t i o n f r om t he limi t at ions of s t andar d cons t ruc t ion, placing i t, ins t ead, t o t he ex t erior of t he pl y wood shee t ing. This allows us to increase our insulation and limit our consumpt ion. Af t er t he insulat ion is at t ached, we w rap our entire ex terior with a single fabric membrane. This envelope acts as a barrier from the elements while gi v ing t he hous e i t s unique s o f t pu f f y i den t i t y.

_ s k i n / i n s u l a t i o n*

_ p v r a i l s*

_26 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com PV RAILS The Iron-Ridge PV mount rails were selected for their ability to provide s e c u r e, a s w e l l a s s p e e d y, i n s t a l l a t i o n f o r t h e p h o t o v o l t a i c p a n e l s. T h e clamping system allows us to fasten the panels to the roof without puncturing the vinyl membrane. This promotes the weather -proof appeal of the vinyl sk in ex terior cladding.

_ s h a p e d i a g r a m*

M. A r c 1 - 3GA

S p r i n g / S u m m e r 2 0 11

_27 Solar Decathlon Competition // Spring 2011 & Summer 2011 // Design Studio

_ i n t e r i o r d i a g r a m*

_skin studies

_28 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

INTERIOR The terraced interior makes way to an organization of spaces delineated b y u s e . W h i l e t h e m o r e p u b l i c e x t e r i o r/ l i v i n g s p a c e i s l o w e s t o n t h e s o u t h end, t he spaces become mor e pr i v a t e as t he le vels mo ve up, ending w i t h t he bedroom at the nor th end. While each individual level commands relatively small squar e foot age, t he open nat ur e of t he int erior pr ov ides a much lar ger per cei ved space. The walls ser ve t he cent ral space, pr ov iding suppor t for the program accommodated by each level change. The east wall is composed of a system of cabinets which can be rearranged or re-sized to cater to the s p e c i f i c n e e d s o f t h e h o m e o w n e r.

_ p r o g r a m*

M. A r c 1 - 3GA

S p r i n g / S u m m e r 2 0 11

_29 Solar Decathlon Competition // Spring 2011 & Summer 2011 // Design Studio

_30 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com MODULARIT Y A difficult issue presented by the nature of the competition was solving the problems of logis tics: how does each t eam ship their houses t o Washingt on D.C. i n a w a y t h a t i s b o t h u n i n t r u s i v e o n t h e m e c h a n i c s a n d f u n c t i o n o f t h e b u i l d i n g , a n d e f f i c i e n t /s a f e f o r t r a n s p o r t a t i o n ? S C I - A r c a n d C a l t e c h t o o k a n innovative approach t o solving this ques tion. The CHIP house was designed to dismantle into four modules utilizing a sophisticated bracing system. This system allowed for highly calibrated maneuvering of the four modules as they were pulled apart and placed individually on the back of thirty-foot flat bed trucks. This unor thodox strategy provided our team the advantage of speedy a s s e m b l y i n Wa s h i n g t o n D.C. In a s l i t t l e a s s i x h o u r s, t h e h o u s e c o u l d b e r eassembled at i t s new locat ion, each module lock ing t he o t her in place.

_ m o d u l e c o n f i g u r a t i o n*

M. A r c 1 - 3GA

S p r i n g / S u m m e r 2 0 11

_31 Solar Decathlon Competition // Spring 2011 & Summer 2011 // Design Studio

_32 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

M. A r c 1 - 3GA

S p r i n g / S u m m e r 2 0 11

_33 Solar Decathlon Competition // Spring 2011 & Summer 2011 // Design Studio

D I N I N G TA B L E The dining table utilizes some very unique systems that allow it to r espond t o CHIP’s unique pr ogramma t ic demands. Using the Rockler equalizer table expansion sliders gave the table the capacity to expand from 30” of d i n i n g s p a c e t o 4 0 - 1/ 2 ” o f d i n i n g . T h i s expansion allows the future owners of CHIP to accommodate 8 dinner guests c o m f o r t abl y. When the t able expands, it exposes a recessed trough where one can get an inside look a t t he t able’s int erior mechanisms. The trough can also receive two stainless steel inserts that prot ect the wood from damage or spill.

_34 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

_exploded axonometric

M. A r c 1 - 3GA

S p r i n g / S u m m e r 2 0 11

_35 Solar Decathlon Competition // Spring 2011 & Summer 2011 // Design Studio

The other instrument implemented within the table is a retrofitted hydraulic lift kit system selected from McMas t er Car r’s ca t alogue. This sy s t em, hidden beneat h and w i t hin, allows t he t able t o be raised, w heeled ou t and away f r om i t s s t owed posi t ion, and lowered into its desired dining l o c a t i o n . To a c h i e v e t h i s , t h e m e c h a n i s m had to be modified in several ways and paired with some custom welded pieces. First, the feet were removed from the hydraulic pistons and provided an alternative connection - welded steel buckets hidden within the table leg cavities. These buckets were then welded to one another between 1� s q u a r e t u b e . T h i s e n s u r e d s t a b l e actuation. Close - quar t er cas t ers were ins t alled, small enough t o t urn w i t hin the legs without colliding with the i n t e r i o r. Then the inner surfaces of the leg cavities were lined with slick polyethylene s t rips t o reduce f riction. The smooth surface prevents binding when the buckets come in contact with the legs’ interior structure. F i n a l l y, t h e p i s t o n s w e r e p o s i t i o n e d to allow pneumatic hoses to exit the mechanism discretely while preventing ent anglement during daily use.


_36 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

_exploded axonometric M. A r c 1 - 3GA

S p r i n g / S u m m e r 2 0 11

_37 Solar Decathlon Competition // Spring 2011 & Summer 2011 // Design Studio

T h e

Te a m

Project Managers Elisabeth Neigert F e i Ya n g Reed Finlay Construction Managers Brian Zentmyer Scott Davis Faculty Advisors Ann Epstein Doug Caldwell Dwayne Oyler Melany Hunt Phil Lee Richard Murray Wes Jones Bim Andres Fuentes Valentin Florescu Wilson Chang Electrical / Computing Andrew Gong Ben Kurtz Cole Hershkowitz Ka Suen Sam Jones Exterior Adam Dunn Catherine Caldwell Chuy Le Geoffrey April Hyungbin Im Jacques Lesec Michael Piscitello Mike Nesbit Paul Cambon Robert Gilson Interior Giovanna Orozco Harris Silver Jane Suthigoseeya Joel Ochs Lanna Semel Nathan Meyers Rachel Perez Bitan Rinaldo Perez Robert Cardenas Mechanical Hima Gudipati Judy Mou Richard Wang Sara Ahmed Zeke Millikan

Structure for cross-country transpor t and craning of CHIP was custom designed to fit the h o u s e ’ s f o u r m o d u l e s . H o w e v e r, working under costly deadlines meant any misalignments required students to make calculated decisions and conduct alterations first hand in the field. The responsibilit y for the safe transport and successful completion of the project was entirely up to the students’ abili t y t o imp r o v i s e on t he f l y.

_38 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

M. A r c 1 - 3GA

S p r i n g / S u m m e r 2 0 11



Hybrid Fruit Project // Spring 2010 // Visual Studies


H y b r i d i z a t i o n : K i w a n o A f r i c a n

H o r n e d

M e l o n

In t his pr ojec t we dissec t, describe, and 2d + 3d diagram a piece of unusual fruit. The project also required analytical data to be collected through scans, photographs and drawings. The result was a compr ehensi ve under s t anding of t he f rui t’s charac t eris t ics including i t s shape, s t ruc t ur e, p a t t e r n i n g , t e x t u r e , c o l o r, s p a t i a l c o n f i g u r a t i o n , and volume. This project also acts as an exercise in advanced protot yping methods such as CNC milling and 3D printing.

collaborative work jacques lesec / sean markle

_40 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

_model photo

_renderings M . A r c 1 - 1G B

S p r i n g 2 0 10



Intervention // Fall 2010 // Visual Studies

I n t e r v e n t i o n : I b e r e C a m a r g o

F o u n d a t i o n

Por t o Alegr e, Brazil Architect: Alvaro Siza 2008 This project takes an existing architecture and provides an alternative context or int er vent ion. In our case, t he int er vent ion took the form of an alien parasite that has a t t ached i t sel f t o Al var o Siza’s museum circulation armatures. The foreign appendage resembles a fungal growth enveloping its host. The project also acts as an exercise in advanced digital modeling techniques. The sof tware utilized was Autodesk Maya and m e n t a l - r a y a s t h e p r i m a r y r e n d e r e r. T h e physical model is built from 3D printed p o w d e r.

_3D print collaborative work jacques lesec / maya alam


_exterior rendering

M. A r c 1 - 2GA

F a l l 2 0 10


Synthetic Ecologies

Synthetic Ecologies // Spring 2012 // Design Studio

U r b a n S p r a w l e r I n d u s t r i a l C r e e p e r & t h e T r a n s i e n t T h r e s h o l d This pr ojec t f ocuses on t he collec t ion, s t orage, and dis t ribu t ion of wat er in an arid clima t e and how ar chi t ec t ur e’s engagement with this fluctuating substance can produce a reconsideration of the conventional understanding of the architectural threshold between i n t e r i o r a n d e x t e r i o r. O u r d e s i g n l o o k s t o develop a system of bio-capsules derived from the nesting of compound orbicular geometries and the way in which their spatial configurations might begin to promote circulation for elements in flux. We’ve developed a composi t e assemblage, using f lex ible silicone sheet s infused with structural filament s, whose complex and regenerative spatial arrangements take shape as the unit adapts to its specific environments. The forms lend themselves to a multitude of formal variation responding to unique localized ecologies within the greater Los Angeles area.

collaborative work jacques lesec / chris martin

_44 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

M. A r c 1 - 3GB

S p r i n g 2 0 12

_45 Synthetic Ecologies // Spring 2012 // Design Studio

These assemblages utilize a permeable enclosure that oscillates between macro and micro porosity in the interest of maximizing water collection and circulation for the cultivation of a synthetic vivarium. A parallel function that these units perform is their active participation in the indexing of micro climates found within Los Angeles’ various ecologies. Sensors imbedded within these assemblages collect data about humidity and temperature that contributes to a vast digital network stretching ac r o s s t he c i t y. T hi s da t a i s s en t b ac k t o t he s i t e w he r e i t ’s di s s emina t e d.

_46 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

_model photo

M. A r c 1 - 3GB

S p r i n g 2 0 12

_47 Synthetic Ecologies // Spring 2012 // Design Studio The performance of these units pose interesting implications that call into question our conventional unders t anding of threshold. The circulation of water from the vessels, located along the exterior to the nested bio-cells and under gr ound dischar ge channel, ef fec ti vel y erodes the legibilit y of site. The ground plane becomes a permeable membrane penetrated by the proliferation of these assemblages near local ruptures. Wat er direct ed f rom the L A river is treated through a series of filtration silos and s t o r e d i n a s u b t e r r a n e a n s t o r a g e r e s e r v o i r. Annual rainfall collected by the vessels that occupy the site above further dilutes the river wat er t o be used for irrigation of the veget ation. The “si t e� t hen becomes a t ransient t hr eshold, maintaining a constant state of flux. These drawings privilege the importation of various contexts of the city while reflecting on the cultural and temporal characteristics of the site and situates the project within current politics of water conservation as well as the r ole o f land us e f o r hi s t o r i c p a r k s t o da y. T he drawings also attempt to embody the spirit of the inevitable transformation of a site that continually eludes definition.

_conceptual render

_48 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

M. A r c 1 - 3GB

S p r i n g 2 0 12

_49 Synthetic Ecologies // Spring 2012 // Design Studio

_50 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

_subterranean oblique

M. A r c 1 - 3GB

S p r i n g 2 0 12



(A)voiding Figuration // Spring 2012 // Design Studio

( A ) v o i d i n g

F i g u r a t i o n

Our thesis investigates the perception of figuration and void within a complex field condition. The s trat egies we’ve employed oscillate bet ween the 2D and 3D as a means of augmenting the legibility of volume and at other times subver ting this perceptual reading. We’ve t es t ed our s t rat egies on a three t ower scheme located near Columbus circle at the southwest corner of Central Park in Manhat t an. The sit e was select ed for its relationship to an existing field of buildings as well as its ability to provide several key vantage points by which our enclosure techniques may take full effect. We’ve developed a cat alogue of perceptual devices derived from a series of analytical models and drawings. The drawings began with an interest in developing a complex field and breaking it into its cons tituent par t s. Mask ing, ex panding, and highlighting the edge became techniques that proved useful at both subverting or confounding a range of perceptual r e a d i n g s: f r o m c l e a r v o l u m e t r i c l e g i b i l i t y, t o a feat her ed edge, t o t he comple t e erasur e of volume all t o g e t h e r.

SITE: Columbus Circle in Manhattan, NY

_52 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

_conceptual render

M. A r c Thesis

_physical model

S u m m e r 2 0 12

_53 (A)voiding Figuration // Spring 2012 // Design Studio

The drawings are meant to engender a magnitude of depth through a maniacal layering of information and representational techniques. At a dis t ance, t he richness of color and graphic f r ont ali t y of t he drawings ac t as initial avenues of ingression by which the viewer can perceive the drawing. L u r i n g t h e m c l o s e r, t h e i m m e d i a c y o f t h e i n i t i a l r e a d i n g i s u n s e t t l e d b y a m o r e q u a n t i f i a b l e l a y e r, e x p o s i n g h i g h l y d e t a i l e d t e c h n i c a l a s p e c t s a b o u t t h e draw ing’s assemblage. These drawings operat e on t he f ringe, pr ov iding a compr ehensi ve depic t ion of pr ocess, t echnique, and narrat i ve in an ef for t t o sponsor mul t iple int erpret ations. This is not t o be confused as a projec t of the nos t algic, but rather a reassessment of conventional output in favor of a more holistic r ep r e s en t a t ional s t r a t e g y. T he y a t t emp t t o enc ap s ula t e t he en t r o pi c na t u r e of t he design’s t opological varia t ion, t he ephemeral quali t ies inher ent w i t h t h e b l u r, t h e c o m p l e x c o n n e c t i v i t y b e t w e e n c o p l a n a r s u r f a c e s , t h e interrelation of element s across multiple layers, the logistical consideration of i t s f abricat ion, all t he w hile ex posing t he po t ent ial f or t he generat ion of three- dimensional space.

_54 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

M. A r c Thesis

S u m m e r 2 0 12

_55 (A)voiding Figuration // Spring 2012 // Design Studio M o r e o v e r, t h e p r o j e c t l o o k s to challenge our conventional understanding of mass and void within the urban cont ex t. We see the ci t y as a collection of individual instances of iconographic volumes which attempt to further differentiate themselves from each o t h e r. T h e p u r p o s e o f this thesis is intended to disrupt this self-idolatry by producing moments of visual synthesis, bringing perceptual integration back int o Manha t t an’s otherwise indiscriminate commercial sk yline. The analysis inevitably invites new per cep t ion o f mas s/ mas s as well as mas s/void relationships.


_56 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

_cross section

M. A r c Thesis

S u m m e r 2 0 12

_57 (A)voiding Figuration // Spring 2012 // Design Studio

_conceptual render

_58 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

_conceptual render

M. A r c Thesis

S u m m e r 2 0 12

_59 (A)voiding Figuration // Spring 2012 // Design Studio

M o d e l S c a l e : 1/ 3 0 0 The model was built from an assortment of materials utilizing a variety of custom fabrication techniques. The MDF box was CNC milled to accommodate the custom steel “foundation” to be fastened d i s c r e t e l y w i t h i n t h e b a s e . 1/4 ” c l e a r acrylic was then laser cut to highlight the site plan of Columbus Circle illustrating Central Park adjacent to the circle. The surrounding contex t buildings w e r e b u i l t f r o m 1/ 8 ” b l a c k a c r y l i c a n d clad with laser cut illustration board v e n e e r. T h e t h r e e t o w e r s t h a t c o m p r i s e our design concept were built from 1/ 8 ” b l a c k a c r y l i c s u p p o r t e d b y v a r i a b l e powder-coated aluminum tube reinforced within the model box. After numerous test print s, the featured cladding on the three buildings was laser cut from 4’ x 8’ .0 356 a l u m i n u m s h e e t m e t a l a n d ou t sour ced t o Warner Br o’s w her e i t received its graphic pattern on their l a r g e f o r m a t u l t r a - v i o l e t p l o t t e r.

_60 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

_physical model

M. A r c Thesis

S u m m e r 2 0 12


Oyler Wu Collaborative

reALIze // Summer 2010 // Professional Internship - Oyler Wu Collaborative

r e A L I z e Designed in collaboration with artist Michael Kalish, t his t raveling ins t allat ion is built as a tribute to the life and cultural significance of Muhammad Ali. The project is aimed at exposing a new generation to this larger than life character by building an appreciation for the nuanced emotional, aes thetic, and technical principles that collectively form experience - a concept that holds true as much for human persona as it does for architecture. Concei ved as an ex perient ial 2D image, the core of the project is a seemingly r a n d o m f i e l d o f 1, 3 0 0 b o x i n g s p e e d bags that, when viewed from a single vantage point, form a pixilated image of the face of Muhammad Ali. The structure is designed with the intention of simultaneously supporting the clarity and focus from that vantage point, while enriching the experience of the piece from all others. Having taken part in the construction of r eALIze at i t s r emo t e locat ion, I was again commissioned to help facilitate the transportation and assemblage of the piece to be showcased to the public. reALIze was on exhibition April 9-23rd at t h e L o s A n g e l e s C o n v e n t i o n C e n t e r.

O y l e r W u C o l l a b o r a t i v e P r o j e c t Te a m : D w a y n e O y l e r, J e n n y W u , P a u l C a m b o n , C h r i s E s k e w, M a t t E v a n s, E h a b G h a l i, J a k e H e n r y, Hu y L e, J a c q u e s L e s e c, Na t han Meyer s, Mike Pisci t ello, Sco t t S t a r r, S a n j a y S u c k i e , V i n c e n t Ye h , H a n Zhang.

_62 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com


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_63 reALIze // Summer 2010 // Professional Internship - Oyler Wu Collaborative

Fabrication was conducted in the back lot of M&K metal company located in Gar dena, CA by a selec t t eam of architectural interns and fabricators. The complete construction and assembly of the twenty-six foot tall wood jig and aluminum structure took several months and countless hours of hand building. Through this experience I became versed in the fundamentals of construction and gained valuable knowledge in troubleshooting obstacles that often arise in the field.

O y l e r W u C o l l a b o r a t i v e P r o j e c t Te a m : D w a y n e O y l e r, J e n n y W u , P a u l C a m b o n , C h r i s E s k e w, M a t t E v a n s, E h a b G h a l i, J a k e H e n r y, Hu y L e, J a c q u e s L e s e c, Na t han Meyer s, Mike Pisci t ello, Sco t t S t a r r, S a n j a y S u c k i e , V i n c e n t Ye h , H a n Zhang.

_64 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com


S u m m e r 2 0 10

_65 Composite Fence Project // Summer 2010 // Professional Internship - Oyler Wu Collaborative

C o m p o s i t e P r o j e c t

F e n c e



This project, built for the Oyler Wu o f f i c e , w a s a n a l u m i n u m a n d 10 0 % recycled composite board fence. This fence serves as a visual barrier between the busy t raf fic along Hyperion Avenue and t he li v e/w o r k building. C onc ei v e d o f a s a [n o t s o p r i v a t e] p r i v a c y f e n c e, the structure explores the spatial and geometrical implications of a constant fluctuation between horizontal louver and vertical slat.








P r o j e c t D e s i g n Te a m : D w a y n e O y l e r, Jenny Wu, Mike Pisci t ello, Jian Huang, Dan Hut chins, Jacques Lesec, Vincent Ye h, J a v i e r C a m b r o n, P a u l C a m b o n, H u y L e , N a t h a n M e y e r s , S c o t t S t a r, J a k e H e n r y, E h a b G h a l i, S a n j a y S u k i e, C h r i s E s k e w, M a t t E v a n s, a n d M i c h a e l C h u n g.

_66 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com


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_67 Graduation Pavilion // Summer 2010 // Professional Internship - Oyler Wu Collaborative

G r a d u a t i o n P a v i l i o n This seminar provided the schematic d e s i g n f o r S C I - A r c ’ s 2 0 11 t e m p o r a r y pavilion for the annual graduation c e r emon y. T he f inal c onc ep t s e le c t e d from this course entitled “Netscape” was built by students and faculty members Dwayne Oyler and Jenny Wu of Oyler Wu Collaborative. The pavilion creates a sail-like canopy of rope and fabric that float s above the audience. Later design development of the concept incorporated fabric louvers designed to provide shade f or t he venue’s speci f ic t ime and da t e.

_study model

_study model G r a d u a t i o n P a v i l i o n S c h e m a t i c Te a m : D w a y n e O y l e r, J e n n y W u , C a s e y B e n i t o , D u y g u n I n a l, Ty l e r M c M a r t i n, B r y a n t S u h, Ky le von Hasseln, Liz von Hasseln Paul Cambon, Jacques Lesec.

_68 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com

_final concept model Internship

S u m m e r 2 0 11

_69 Electronic Daisy // Summer 2012 // Fabricator - Poetic Kinetics

E l e c t r o n i c D a i s y I n s t a l l a t i o n The Electric Daisy was designed & built by LA based design group Poetic Kinetics for Insomniac Events and d e b u t e d a t t h e 2 0 12 E l e c t r i c D a i s y Carni val in Las Vegas. The sculpt ur e s t a n d s 14 0 ’ t a l l a t f u l l e x t e n s i o n a n d f e a t u r e s 45,0 0 0 p r o g r a m m a b l e L ED s. The flower is comprised of ten foot tall water-jet cut coroplast pedals and a steel interior framework. The pedals are reinforced with fiberglass tubing to help withstand the turbulent desert winds. The flower was then mounted to a man - lif t t o nav igat e t he event f ield, becoming an interactive visual art piece that embodies the vibrance and overall spirit of the carnival.

P r o j e c t D e s i g n Te a m : P a t r i c k S h e a r n , C y nt hia Washburn, Neal Ever e t t, Syd K linge, Juli Gudmundson, AJ F r e y s t e i n s o n , J u s t i n F o r t i e r, D e r e k We l s h, B r y a n F o l e y, C h r i s D a y, Mi c h a e l P. , D e V o n , V a n e s s a B o n e t , S e a n M a r k l e , Jacques Lesec, Nathan Meyers, Kris tin Samant ha Eat on, Avo Sol t es, James Pet erson.

_70 Jacques Lesec // 310.498.7422 // jacqueslesec@gmail.com


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