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The JAD story continues...
IT’S DIFFICULT to believe we’re gearing up for our fifth JAD Speckle Park Bull + Female Sale! Time certainly flies when you’re having fun! As promised, we have made huge gains over the past 12 months to both expand our herd and invest in research and development for the breed.
We will produce more than 600 stud calves in 2023, with every one to be raised under commercial conditions in large contemporary groups, performance-recorded from birth, independently assessed and scrutinised before we determine whether it is “good enough” to be catalogued in a JAD Sale. Through numbers, we look forward to much greater opportunity to assess what is and isn’t working, and the cream will have to fight its way to the top.
Our fifth JAD Speckle Park Bull + Female Sale is just around the corner, set down for Friday, March 31. We invite anyone interested in our program to come along, enjoy some “Dickens family” catering, see our cattle in the flesh, and chat with us about how our cattle might complement your breeding objectives.
Our stud program is focussed on longevity, which encompasses fertility. We love hearing from clients who are pleased with how well their JAD bulls have held up. We do the hard work well before sale day, cull what needs to be culled, and only sell our best. A win-win relationship is a win for all.
On top of this, we made a huge decision in April last year to invest around $150,000 into automated feed efficiency testing. Ours is the sixth Australian cattle stud - and only Speckle Park stud - to make this investment and we believe the trial work we intend to carry out will help to shape the ideal Speckle Park of the future - one with optimised feed efficiency to benefit all throughout the supply chain, while delivering a great eating experience to the customer. We cannot lose focus of why we exist as beef producers. More on this later.
We would like to acknowledge and thank our team members, Stewart McKenzie and Sam Kerr. Over the past six months, we have calved down and tagged more than 300 stud calves (T-drops), transferred 646 embryos, AI’d 800+ stud and commercial females, as well as the usual day-today duties about the property. It’s been tiring at times but Stewart and Sam have “aimed up” and we thank them for their efforts. Thanks guys!