Dance Year 7 Program Template Unit: Using the elements of dance as tools employed by the dance composer to communicate ideas and feelings through dance Stage: 4
Duration: 10 weeks
Lesson Duration
Dance Syllabus Outcomes
Dance Syllabus Content
Teaching and Learning Activities
Assessment (including for and of learning)
Resources needed
4.2.1 Student identifies and explores aspects of the elements of dance in response to a range of stimuli.
Students learn to:
Teacher will first brainstorm with students what a ‘stimulus’ is?
As part of assessing a student’s readiness to use a stimulus as a starting point in generating movements, students must write a brief statement why they choose this stimulus.
Whiteboard- for teacher to record brainstorming responses
-Identify and explore a range of stimuli to create movement (visual, auditory, tactile, kinaesthetic, ideational) -Explore the elements of space, time and dynamics in relation to a stimulus.
Students learn about: -stimulus as a starting point in dance
The teacher will then introduce the students to the five forms of stimuli: visual, auditory, tactile, kinaesthetic, and ideational with an example of each. This will be done on an interactive whiteboard so that students can also contribute their answers. In pairs, students must then research and find three examples of each. For example: Visual- water, rocks, curved patterns. Auditory- thunder, drums, laughter Etc. They must then use the program Mentormob to organise these into different forms of stimuli. This online organiser will be accessed later in the term
Students must also brainstorm the type of movements this stimulus could generate.
Access to the program Mentormob The teacher will need to setup an online blog account on Edmodo for students to respond to.
They must write a brief statement why they choose this stimulus and how it could generate movement, (the teacher will provide access to an online class blog for students to do this). 3
4.2.1 Student identifies and explores aspects of the elements of dance in response to a range of stimuli.
Students learn to:
4.2.1 Student identifies and explores aspects of the elements of dance in response to a range of stimuli
Students learn to:
-Explore the elements of space, time and dynamics in relation to a stimulus.
Students learn about: the elements of dance as the tools employed by the dance composer to communicate ideas and feelings through dance
explore the elements of space, time and dynamics in relation to a stimulus. link movements to create a sequence
In groups of 5, students will be given an element. In their groups, they will need to create a word cloud on Tagul, brainstorming all the words they can think of as a group associated with that element. They will then publish their Tagul for their teacher to access with each group presenting to their class what words were most important to them and why they choose those words.
Students will be given a table highlighting the elements of dance and how they function in choreography (see appendix 1 below). 15-20 minute warm up consisting of improvisation activities
The first exercise is an activity designed to assess student knowledge of the elements of dance.
Access to Tagul Projector connected to computer to present word clouds
After this activity, the teacher can alter the lesson depending on whether students need supplementary teaching.
After all students have shown their partner their work, the class will come together to watch the pairs perform together. This will allow the teacher to formatively assess the students’ progress in using
30 elements worksheet Music
Students will form pairs and be instructed to choreograph a 20-second piece.
4.2.2 A student composes dance movement, using the elements of dance that communicates ideas.
Students learn about: improvisation as a means to explore ideas
the language of dance to describe movements in space, time and dynamics.
Each pair will select a specific element from the table given to them. Each student will then work together to manipulate their movements based on their chosen stimulus For example: Space: pathway- curved Students will need to create movement that reflects the information given above.
4.3.1 A student describes dance performances through the elements of dance 6-7
4.2.2 A Student composes dance movement, using the elements of dance that
The students will then come back together as a class and show their work to the rest of the class.
Students learn to: explore the elements of space, time and dynamics in relation to a stimulus.
Students learn to:
Students will form groups of five to watch a clip of Bangarra’s Ochres. Each group will be given a specific element of dance to focus on. Each group member will be divided according to the element the students are working with. For example:
one of the elements to manipulate their movement. This will open up discussion for students to provide feedback on what they thought worked well and what needed tweaking. After each pair has shown the students their work, the class must attempt to guess what element the students were working with. This simultaneously assesses the student's’ ability to recognise how elements are used in dance.
As a formative assessment, students will then create an online mind map using MindMeister to highlight the use of either space, time or dynamics in Ochres.
Access to Bangarra’s Ochres 6 x butcher’s paper Markers Access to program MindMeister
communicates ideas.
4.3.1 A student describes dance performances through the elements of dance
4.2.2 A student composes dance movement, using the elements of dance that communicates ideas.
manipulate movement using the elements of dance to create sequences and dances
Time: tempo- phrasing- accent- rhythmic patterns-stillness.
Space: level- direction- planes (sagittal/transverse/frontal- floor patterns
describe how the body is used in space, time and dynamics in dance performance and composition
This will give each student a specific component of the element to focus on
Students learn to:
Students will create their own pathways on a program such as Paint or an online program such as Twiddla to draw out their floor plans of how they could use space in their dances.
explore the elements of space, time and dynamics in relation to a stimulus. link movements to create a sequence
Students learn about: improvisation as a means to explore ideas
MindMeister will allow the students to share their map as the complete it so they are able to collaborate.
Using a large sheet of butcher’s paper, each group must brainstorm how the choreographer has manipulated that dynamic in this work. This activity allows the teacher to assess the students’ understanding of how space functions as a choreographic element
Access to Paint or an online drawing program. Computer connected to projector Studio
Once the students have created their drawings, the teacher will select diagrams to project onto a wall in the studio. In pairs, students take it in turns to move along the pathways projected on the wall. Guidelines are determined by the teacher. These could be as follows: o Students must follow the line using different body parts
o Students must not finish moving until they reach the end of a line
4.2.2 A student composes dance movement, using the elements of dance that communicates ideas.
Students learn about : how a variety of computer-based technologies can assist the compositional process.
Students learn to link movements to create a sequence
Students will work in pairs to record each other’s movement. This will be done using the student's’ mobile phone or filming devices, if available. Students will be instructed to compose a short 30 second sequence using one of the stimulus from the resources they collected in lesson one (this can be found on their Mentormob account). They will record each other’s movement. Each student must then upload their footage to iMovie and experiment with the following editing skills: Transitions Reversing movement Increasing/decreasing speed Cuts between movements
Source: Board of Studies NSW (2003). Dance 7-10 Syllabus. Sydney: Board of Studies
In order for students to know how to use this program, the teacher will need to create a flipped classroom video with basic functioning instructions of iMovie, such as trimming, clipping, transitions and changing duration of a clip. This will be delivered to students before the start of these lessons.
Access to iMovie Mobile phone or filming device