ISOframe Wave
Tradeshow Doormodule,TypeA
LED spotlight
11-section Wave wall.
Wire system with literature holders
Media screen
Oval shelving module
Merchandising table module
Wave Flexi-Link module
General Information Semi-circular table module
- Standard width for all modules are 80 cm (except Graphic wings). - Standard heights for all modules are 229 cm (Midi) and 249 cm (Maxi). Towers 279 and 299 cm. - All modules are for single sided use if not otherwise indicated. - All modules apart from the Wave Flexi-Link modules contain fixed horizontal beams. - All modules include ”Kickers & Hangers”. Magnetic tape not included. - A ”Starter module ” has 2 vertical posts/feet, an ”Extension module ” has 1 vertical post/foot. - Each ISOframe wall should include 1 ”Starter module” only and the desired number of ”Extension modules”.
Wave Flexi-Link Modules
The “Wave Flexi-Link” module can flex 180 degrees each way in the horizontal position. Weight
1 kit
IS-W-82-S Wave Flexi-Link - Midi
Type Size
80 (w) x 229 (h) cm
6,2 kg
R 6 173-
IS-W-82-E Wave Flexi-Link - Midi
80 (w) x 229 (h) cm
2,7 kg
R3 747-
S-W-83-S Wave Flexi-Link - Maxi
80 (w) x 249 (h) cm
6,7 kg
R 6 391-
IS-W-83-E Wave Flexi-Link - Maxi
80 (w) x 249 (h) cm
2,9 kg
R 3 831-
Volume price Starter: 10 kits -5% / 50 kits -10% Volume price Extension: 20 kits -5% / 100 kits -10%
Wave Flexi-Link Modules - with Oval Post end (left or right) Weight
1 kit
IS-9488-1 Flexi-Link w.*Oval Post end - Left - Midi
Type Size
80(w) x 229(h) cm
14 kg
R 6 391-
IS-9489-1 Flexi-Link w.*Oval Post end - Right - Midi
80(w) x 229(h) cm
14 kg
R6 391-
IS-9488-2 Flexi-Link w.*Oval Post end - Left - Maxi
80(w) x 249(h) cm
15,4 kg
R6 675-
IS-9489-2 Flexi-Link w.*Oval Post end - Right - Maxi
80(w) x 249(h) cm
15,4 kg
R6 675-
Volume price: 10 kits -5% / 50 kits -10%
Starter module
Straight module
Extension module
Curved module
Extension module
Incl. fixed horizontal beams, instead of the Wave Flexi-Links. Description
Graphic Wing 20 cm straight
Extension module with Oval post ends, left or right
Graphic Wing 40 cm straight
Graphic Wing 40 cm curved
Graphic Wing modules
Compact Modules Item
Extension module
Starter module
*Oval post ends with extra stable feet (IS-9027)
Type Size
1 kit
Incl. fixed horizontal beams, instead of the Wave Flexi-Links. Excluding feet. The “Graphic Wing” is a narrow module ideally placed at either end of a display for further increased stability. Perfect to be used with the wire literature holder system as well.
IS-9402-1 Compact, straight - Midi
80(w) x 229(h) cm
7,2 kg
R6 324-
1 kit
IS-9404-1 Compact, straight - Midi
80(w) x 229(h) cm
3,9 kg
R3 864-
IS-9408-1 GW, straight - width 20 cm - Midi
20(w) x 229(h) cm
3,2 kg
R3 028-
IS-9403-1 Compact, curved 22,5° - Midi
80(w) x 229(h) cm
6,8 kg
R6 324-
IS-9407-1 GW, straight - width 40 cm - Midi
40(w) x 229(h) cm
3,6 kg
R3 279-
IS-9405-1 Compact, curved 22,5° - Midi
80(w) x 229(h) cm
3,5 kg
R3 864-
IS-9406-1 GW, curved 45° - width 40 cm - Midi
40(w) x 229(h) cm
3,5 kg
R3 279-
IS-9402-2 Compact, straight - Maxi
80(w) x 249(h) cm
7,6 kg
R6 558-
IS-9408-2 GW, straight - width 20 cm - Maxi
20(w) x 249(h) cm
3,4 kg
R3 128-
IS-9404-2 Compact, straight - Maxi
80(w) x 249(h) cm
4,1 kg
R3 984-
IS-9407-2 GW, straight - width 40 cm - Maxi
40(w) x 249(h) cm
3,8 kg
R3 379-
IS-9403-2 Compact, curved 22,5° - Maxi
80(w) x 249(h) cm
7,2 kg
R6 523-
IS-9406-2 GW, curved 45° - width 40 cm- Maxi
40(w) x 249(h) cm
3,6 kg
R3 379-
IS-9405-2 Compact, curved 22,5°- Maxi
80(w) x 249(h) cm
3,7 kg
R3 948-
Volume price: 20 kits -5% / 100 kits -10%
Volume price Starter: 10 kits -5% / 50 kits -10% Volume price Extension: 20 kits -5% / 100 kits -10%
Type Size
Please note: Shelving (IS-9454) and slatwall panels are not included in price. See ”Accessories”. Storage room, 80 x 80 cm
Keyboard table module
Extension module
Storage room, 160 x 80 cm
Semi-circular table module
Merchandising table modules - height 34 cm
Ideal for corner placement in the exhibition stand.
Incl. fixed horizontal beams, instead of the Wave Links. Ideal to combine with shelving and slatwalls. Item
Type Size
IS-9413-3 Keyboard table - Midi
IS-9415-3 Semi-circular table - Midi
S-9413-4 Keyboard table - Maxi
IS-9415-4 Semi-circular table - Maxi
1 kit
*80(w) x 229(h)x 20(d) cm 11,7 kg *80(w) x 229(h)x 40(d) cm 15,9 kg *80(w) x 249(h)x 20(d) cm 11,9 kg *80(w) x 249(h)x 40(d) cm 16,1 kg
R6 341R6 675R6 759R6 424-
Volume price: 10 kits -5% / 50 kits -10%
* Table height: 34 cm
Storage room, 160 x 160 cm
Standard storage rooms with door
Incl. fixed horizontal beams, instead of the Wave Flexi-Links. All doors including lock and bag. Connected in 90 degree inner angle to the walls at both ends of the room. Item
Type Size
IS-9419-1 80 x 80 square (2 modules) - Midi
1 kit
80(w) x 229(h)x 80(d) cm 27,2 kg R19 073-
IS-9420-1 160 x 160 square (4 modules) - Midi
160(w) x 229(h)x 160(d) cm 35 kg
IS-9419-2 80 x 80 square (2 modules) - Maxi
80(w) x 249(h)x 80(d) cm 28,4 kg R19 876-
IS-9421-1 80 x 160 rectangular (3 modules) - Midi
160(w) x 229(h)x 80(d) cm31,1 kg R22 519-
IS-9421-2 80 x 160 rectangular (3 modules) - Maxi IS-9420-2 160 x 160 square (4 modules)- Maxi
R25 916-
160(w) x 249(h)x 80(d) cm32,5 kg R23 389160(w) x 249(h)x 160(d) cm 36,6 kg R20 177-
Volume price: 5 kits -5% / 10 kits -10% Keyboard table module
Extension module
Square table module
Semi-circular table module
90° corner table module
Important note: The storage rooms are built up with two front walls only. In case you want a fully closed room with back walls (= four walls) contact us for more info and price.
Table modules - height 89 cm Incl. fixed horizontal beams, instead of the Wave Flexi-Links. Item
Type Size
IS-9413-1 Keyboard table - Midi
IS-9414-1 Square table - Midi
IS-9415-1 Semi-circular table - Midi
IS-9453-1 90° corner table - Midi
S-9413-2 Keyboard table - Maxi
IS-9414-2 Square table - Maxi
IS-9415-2 Semi-circular table - Maxi
IS-9453-2 90° corner table - Maxi
*80(w) x 229(h)x 20(d) cm 12,5 kg *80(w) x 229(h)x 50(d) cm 18,7 kg *80(w) x 229(h)x 40(d) cm 16,6 kg *72(w) x 229(h)x 31(d) cm 11,6 kg *80(w) x 249(h)x 20(d) cm 12,7 kg *80(w) x 249(h)x 50(d) cm 18,9 kg *80(w) x 249(h)x 40(d) cm 16,8 kg *72(w) x 249(h)x 31(d) cm 11,8 kg
1 kit
R6 809R7 361R7 160R6 106R6 893R7 445R7 244R6 190-
Volume price: 10 kits -5% / 50 kits -10%
* Table height: 89 cm
Table only (for adding/attaching to an existing Wave Flexi-Link or Compact module):
Starter module
Straight door module
Type A
*Straight, Type A - Midi *Straight, Type B - Midi *Curved 30°, Type A - Midi *Straight, Type A - Maxi *Straight, Type B - Maxi *Curved 30°, Type A - Maxi ***Door stabilising kit
IS-9417-2 Oval shelving module
IS-9456-2 IS-9418-2
Oval shelving module
Incl. fixed horizontal beams, instead of the Wave Flexi-Links. The “Oval shelving module” is an attractive an economical alternative to the showcase module on page 4. Description
*With header and table - Midi *With header and table - Maxi
Volume price: 10 kits -5% / 50 kits -10%
Type Size
Type B
IS-9417-1 IS-9418-1
Choose between doors of Type A and Type B depending on the angle in which the door is connected to the wall. Type B is connected on one side in 90 degree inner angle to the wall.
Incl. fixed horizontal beams, instead of the Wave Flexi-Links. All doors including lock and bag. Add “Door modules” to give easy access to a storage area of desired shape and size behind the wall.
Stabilising kit
Door modules for customized storage areas
Please note: The two middle shelves (IS-9455) are not included in price. See ”Accessories”.
Extension module
Curved door module
Type Size
**80(w) x 229(h) cm **80(w) x 229(h) cm **80(w) x 229(h) cm **80(w) x 249(h) cm **80(w) x 249(h) cm **80(w) x 249(h) cm
20 kg
75(h) x 40(d) cm
1,8 kg
1 kit
R13 351-
22,4 kg R15 05719,3 kg R13 35120,4 kg R13 55222,9 kg R15 64319,7 kg R15 643R 1 990-
Volume price: 5 kits -5% / 10 kits -10% 1 kit
80(w) x 229(h)x 35(d) cm 14,6 kg
R8 014-
80(w) x 249(h)x 35(d) cm 14,8 kg
R8 097-
*Standard opening is right side (seen from front/panel side). Left opening on request. **Door size: 75(w) x 199(h) cm. ***Important note: Doors require an extra stable display configuration for proper functionality. We recommend adding a “Door stabilizing kit” for Type A doors.
*Add shelving (see Accessories).
Showcase single module
Extension module
Showcase double module
Extension module
Straight module
Extension module
Starter module
Curved module
Showcase modules with slatwall panels Incl. fixed horizontal beams, instead of the Wave Flexi-Links. Item
*SC, single height - grey - Midi *SC, single height - black - Midi ***SC, double height - grey - Midi ***SC, double height - black - Midi *SC, single height - grey - Maxi *SC, single height - black - Maxi ***SC, double height - grey - Maxi ***SC, double height - black - Maxi
IS-9410-1 IS-9411-1 IS-9412-1 IS-9409-2 IS-9410-2 IS-9411-2 IS-9412-2
Type Size
**80(w) x 229(h) x 40(d) cm 35,1 kg **80(w) x 229(h) x 40(d) cm 35,1kg ****80(w) x 229(h) x 40(d) cm 53 kg ****80(w) x 229(h) x 40(d) cm 53 kg **80(w) x 249(h) x 40(d) cm 35,7 kg **80(w) x 249(h) x 40(d) cm 35,7 kg ****80(w) x 249(h) x 40(d) cm 53,6 kg ****80(w) x 249(h) x 40(d) cm 53,6 kg
1 kit
R15 944R15 944R19 926R19 926R19 926R16 212R16 212R19 890,-
Volume price: 5 kits -5% / 10 kits -10%
*Incl. 1 rear and 2 side slatwall panels - add shelving (see Accessories). **Showcase size: 75,5(w) x 76(h) x 40(d) cm *** Incl. 2 rear and 4 side slatwall panels - add shelving (see Accessories). ****Showcase size: 75,5(w) x 164,5(h) x 40(d) cm
Keyboard table module
Starter module
Semi-circular table module
Square table module
Double sided modules Incl. fixed horizontal beams, instead of the Wave Flexi-Links. Modules are available in following shapes: 5°, 10°, 22,5°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 90° or straight (ST). Add desired shape after the item no. Weight
1 kit
IS-9450-1 Fixed module - Midi
80(w) x 229(h) cm
7,3 kg
R 7 428-
IS-9451-1 Fixed module - Midi
80(w) x 229(h) cm
4,0 kg
R4 299-
IS-9452-1 Fixed module, Oval post - Midi
80(w) x 229(h) cm
20,6 kg R11 343-
80(w) x 229(h) cm
16,6 kg R10 406-
80(w) x 229(h) cm
20,5 kg R10 758-
80(w) x 229(h) cm
22,6 kg R10 958-
IS-9450-2 Fixed module - Maxi
80(w) x 249(h) cm
7,8 kg
R7 662-
IS-9451-2 Fixed module - Maxi
80(w) x 249(h) cm
4,5 kg
R7 662-
IS-9452-2 Fixed module, Oval post - Maxi
80(w) x 249(h) cm
22,6 kg R11 912-
80(w) x 249(h) cm
17,1 kg R10 674-
80(w) x 249(h) cm
24,4 kg R11 025-
80(w) x 249(h) cm
26,5 kg R11 226-
IS-9413-5 IS-9415-5 IS-9414-5
Extension module
Tower end module
Tower end modules - height 279 alt. 299 cm
Incl. fixed horizontal beams, instead of the Wave Flexi-Links. The “Tower module” is placed at either end of a display for further increased stability and as an ideal eye-catcher. Item
Type Size
IS-9414-6 1 kit
IS-9457-1 Triangle tower - Midi Plus
80(w) x 279(h)x 60(d) cm 13,4 kg R13 117-
IS-9457-2 Triangle tower - Maxi Plus
80(w) x 299(h)x 60(d) cm 14 kg
R13 117-
Volume price: 10 kits -5% / 50 kits -10%
Type Size
*Keyboard table - Midi *Semi-circular table - Midi *Square table - Midi
*Keyboard table - Maxi *Semi-circular table - Maxi *Square table - Maxi
Volume price: 10 kits -5% / 50 kits -10%
*Table on one side and straight only. Please note: – For double sided straight walls semi-rigid panels are recommended – Be sure to level the system (the posts vertically) before applying the graphic panels.
Post levelling tool IS-9012
These accessories to be added to an existing ISOframe module
Media screen holders
IS-9455 IS-80-TM05 IS-9430
1 pc.
Media screen holder, VESA 75/100, for vertical oval post
1 pc.
R 568-
*Media screen holder, VESA 75/100, for curved beams
1 pc.
R 819-
**Media screen holder, VESA 75/100, incl. 1 straight beam
1 pc.
R1 388-
**Media screen holder, VESA 400/200, incl. 2 straight beams
1 pc.
R2 743-
iPad holder (incl. IS-80-TM04), for vertical oval post and straight beams1 pc. R1 120-
iPad holder (incl. IS-9004), for curved beams
1 pc.
R1 355-
IS-9321 **iPad holder (incl. IS-80-TM04), VESA 75/100, incl. 1 straight beam 1 pc.
R1 940-
Volume price: 10 pcs. -5% / 50 pcs. -10% * For stability reasons use on “Tower modules” only, or on double side fixed modules with sufficient stability. ** For mounting on straight table modules. Please note: For stability reasons media screens must never be mounted on a Wave Flexi-Link module.
Keyboard plinth for oval post
1 kit
R5 002-
Table attachment for oval post
1 kit
R3 095-
Volume price: 10 pcs. -5% / 50 pcs. -10% * Incl. foot (IS-03-OF)
Literature holders
Please note: Price is for ceiling section only.
Add a double-sided starter module for the vertical front section.
** iPad holder (incl. IS-9004), for curved beams
1 pc.
R 1 232-
Volume price: 10 pcs. -5% / 50 pcs. -10% IS-9430
Coat hook with straight beam
80 cm
0,7 kg1 pc.
R1 254-
Volume price: 10 pcs. -5% / 50 pcs. -10%
Oval posts & tables
*For stability reasons use together with ”Table modules” or within a ”Storage room” only. **To be used with the ”Oval shelving module”.
Slatwall accessories Item No.
* For mounting on a vertical oval post or on straight horizontal beam modules. ** For mounting on curved horizontal beam modules. Please note: For stability reasons media screens should be mounted on table modules with fixed beams only.
Packing 1 pc.
*Flying Oval with distance beams
Midi 1 kit
R3 981-
1 kit
Spares & Accessories IS-9427 *Flying Oval with distance beams
Maxi 1 kit
R4 199-
Table attachment Kg
Tool-less assembly side table attchment for laptop or mouse 300mm x 150mm x 850mm Includes Oval post and links
IS-CO-KP Black slatwall panel
Accessories Keyboard Plinth
These accessories to be added to an existing ISOframe module Kg
Shelves and brackets
Grey slatwall panel Item
*Wire system kit (excl. literature holders) - Midi *Wire system kit (excl. literature holders) - Maxi **Acrylic literature holders for wire system A4
IS-9311 IS-9318
I S-80-LH01 Literature holder for oval post, grey colour
Tool-less assembly keyboard plinth attachment for keyboard and mouse 800mm x 300mm x 800mm Includes Oval post and links
Brochure pocket
Media screen holders Item
* Media screen holder, VESA 75/100, for oval post / straight beams 1 pc.
1 kit
1 pc.
R 568-
1 kit
R1 087-
**Media screen holder, VESA 75/100, for curved beams
1 pc.
R 819-
1 kit
R1 120-
Media screen holder, VESA 400/200, incl. 2 straight beams
1 pc.
R2 743-
1 pc.
R 535-
* iPad holder (incl. IS-80-TM04), for oval post / straight beams
1 pc.
R1 120-
1 pc.
R 987-
Volume price: 1 box (10 pcs.) -10% / 3 boxes -15%
*To be used with fixed straight modules, 40 or 80 cm wide, only. **Incl. connectors for wire mounting.
Shelving / Storage room accessories Description
*Floating shelf with straight beam 80 (w) x 20 (d ) cm 2,8 kg **Floating shelf with 90° curved beam 75 (w) x 35 (d) cm
1 pc. 2,7 kg
1 pc.
R1 9901 pc. 14-9,
*IS-SW-01 Slatwall panel *IS-SW-02 Slatwall panel
80(w) x 85(h) cm 8,5 kg
1 pc.
R 920-
80(w) x 85(h) cm 8,5 kg
1 pc.
R 936-
IS-SW-05 Wooden shelf
70(w) x 35(d) cm 3,8 kg
1 pc.
R 294-
IS-SW-06 Wooden shelf
70(w) x 35(d) cm 3,8 kg
1 pc.
R 294-
IS-SW-10 Shelf bracket for slatwall
32 cm
1 pc.
Volume price: 10 pcs. -5% / 50 pcs. -10% Isoframe® Compact is manufactured in the UK by Display Makers UK Limited. Due to our policy of continued development we reserve the right to change specifications without prior notice. All weights are approximate and may vary.
R 2944.013
Display Makers UK Limited, 10 Lancaster Park, Needwood Burton upon Trent, Staffordshire, DE13 9PD, United Kingdom Telephone: 01283 575097 Fax: 01283 575734 Email: Website:
Brochure pocket
Dual position base - patent pending. FASTclamp connector - patent pending. iLine system - patent pending. ISOframe is a Registered Trademark of Display Makers UK Limited
1 pc.
R 167-
Volume price: 1 box (10 pcs.) -10% / 5 boxes -15% IS-TC-01-MB
*For stability reasons use together with ”Table modules” or within a ”Storage room” only. The slatwall panels
IS-800-KHN IS-5053
are included in the ”Showcase modules”.
*80x150 cm ceiling *80x250 cm ceiling
5,0 kg
1 kit
R4 132-
7,0 kg
1 kit
R5 236-
1 kit
Volume price: 5 kits -5% / 10 kits -10%
*Including connector kits for straight fixed beam modules.
Lights Item
1 bag
*LED Spotlight with bag
2 pcs.
R3 045-
Volume price: 12 bags -4% / 24 bags -6%
*12V / 18 W, incl. transformer. 750 lumen. The spotlights are delivered as a pair in our padded spotlight bag. IS-9308
1 pc.
R 435-
**To be used with showcase modules, ISObar, shelves etc. Maximum 8 deco light tapes on each transformer.
150(l) x 60 (w) x 40 (h) mm
Volume price: 10 pcs. -5% / 50 pcs. -10%
Ceiling sections - for fabric print IS-9434
**Transformer, 12 V/DC, 60 W
**Deco light tape, excl. transformer 10 (w) x 700 (l) mm
1 pc.
1 pc.
R 234-
Bags & Cases Item
*Padded case on wheels
97(l) x 32(h) x 16(d) cm
1 pc.
1 pc.
R2 643-
IS-0850-RTS-S-MB **Small graphic tube Max. 6 panels
1 pc.
R1 221-
IS-0850-RTB-S-MB Large graphic tube
1 pc.
R1 622,-
Max. 9 panels
Bag for keyboard and 90° corner table attachement
1 pc.
R1 037-
Bag for square and semi-circular table attachement
1 pc.
R 250-
Volume price: 1 box (10 pcs.) -10% / 3 boxes -15%
All information (material, size etc.) for printing the graphic panels can be found on the reverse side of the assembly instructions which are included with all deliveries. You can also download this information from the ISOframe website