Product Technical Information ITA/ATEXP/537 Rév. 00 – 18/02/10
PERCODRAIN PRESENTATION PERCODRAIN is a geocomposite for drainage, composed by a geospacer with alveolar structure coated by a polyester geotextile. PERCODRAIN ensures the drainage over the waterproofing membrane for road bridges, drainage inside the bituminous concrete. PERCODRAIN is delivered in rolls (length : 54m).
CHARACTERISTICS Geospacer Composition : Colour : Thickness : Squashing resistance :
100 % HDPE Yellow 16 mm (± 1 mm) > 750 kPa (NFT 56-101)
Filter Composition : Weight :
100 % polyester 150 g/m²
PERCODRAIN Width : Transmissivity : Squashing resistance :
60 mm (- 1 / + 2 mm) 4,9.10-3 m²/s (200 kPa, i = 0,1) (NF G 38018) > 750 kN/m² (NFT 66-101)
PACKAGING PERCODRAIN is packaged in rolls of 54 m (- 0 / + 0,5 m). Dimensions of a roll :
- external diameter : 1,10 m - weigth : 4,7 kg
30 rolls per pallet
Icopal SAS 12, rue de la Renaissance F-92184 Antony Cedex France
Tél. : +33(0)1 40 96 35 00 Fax : +33(0)1 46662485
R.C.S. Paris B 552 100 984 Société par Actions Simplifiées au capital de 5 729 600 €