La Paz Land Use Campus: the EYES, the MIND, the LAND - University of Bath MArch Architecture Thesis

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La Paz Land Use Campus

Part 2: Design Report James A.D. Wright-Zhang

Part 2: Individual Design Report


EYES, the MIND, the LAND The La Paz Land Use Campus

MArch Design Studio 6.2 University of Bath 2019 - 2020

To be read in conjunction with Part 1: Brief, & “La Paz con Pachamamas” Masterplan


As we plunge further into a climate crisis, preserving the earth that gives us the air we breathe, water we drink and crops we eat is fundamental for our long term survival. Exploitation and disaster however are primed to strip these away from us, leaving a questionable future in their wake at best.

In the production of this report, I would like to thank my tutor Alan Keane, for his constructive and consistent support throughout this unusual semester. I would also like to thank Professor Alex Wright for his guidance, suggestions, and keeping the year running smoothly through an unprecedented time.

La Paz is a city that sits between the deteriorating Amazon Rainforest, retreating Andean glaciers, and increasingly hostile Altiplano. The La Paz Land Use Campus aims to bring together research, charitable and government action, university and public education to help bridge the gap between indigenous grass-roots schemes and high-level technological and strategic development, helping monitor and regulate natural resources in the region for future generations.

My thanks extends to the consultant tutors, Steve Fisher (Structure), Rupert Grierson (Landscape), Andy Jarvis (Environment), and John Martin (Tectonic) for helping broaden the scope of the project with their knowledge and insight. I would also like to thank visiting critics, Mike Keys, Toby Jefferies, and Fergus Feilden for their productive input.

Architecturally, this initiative integrates the program with local context and masterplan using a highly site-based response, exploring spaces to enhance cooperation and communication to improve social, economic and environmental synergy.

Finally, a special thanks to my wife, Helen WrightZhang, for her continuous and unwavering support, while working side-by-side through all 6 years of our architectural studies together.


“When the blood in your veins returns to the sea, and the earth in your bones returns to the ground, perhaps then you will remember that this land does not belong to you, it is you who belong to this land.�

- Native Indian American Proverb



I. Story


II. Locale & Site


III. Proposal


IV. Tectonic & Structure


V. Landscape


VI. Environment


VII. Regulatory Compliance


VIII. Exploration


IX. Appendix





La Paz


In addition to being the world’s highest capital, between 3200 and 4000m above sea level, La Paz is an instantly recognisable city, where the urban landscape has emerged through a continuous struggle with the topography to produce a unique identity.

slowly but surely creep up the hillsides. Any visitor to La Paz today will be greeted by a vibrant Governmental, Historical and Economic hub in the centre, with a fortress of brick houses coating its boundaries, as it steps upwards.

The city sits in a natural basin, where a multitude of valleys meet. A consequence of a plethora of glacial rivers, with over 350 aquatic arteries still pulsing through the ground today.

At its side sits El Alto at over 4,000m; formerly a district of La Paz, this new city is expanding rapidly across its vast expanse of topography on the Alteplano. It sits in sharp contrast to La Paz’s characteristic steep slopes, and its key vantages both from around the peripheries and inside the city centre.

La Paz was founded in the base of the basin, almost 500 years ago. Formerly divided both racially and physically by the Choqueyapu river flowing through the middle, it wasn’t until the mid 20th Century when the river was covered and the two halves of the city entered a period of increasing expansion. It began to

As a city which was heavily shaped by the topography, La Paz is a settlement whose very future depends heavily on how the land evolves. Can the city learn to evolve too?

La Paz

La Paz’s Global Position




With Indigenous Ancestry





13% Other

Bolivia’s population proportionally represented by ethnicity.

Bolivia has the highest proportion of indigenous populations in South America, with nearly 90% having some form of indigenous ancestry. Native cultures historically made up for the continuous beige of the Altiplano with their vibrant woollen textiles and artwork. When combined with the Hispanic cultural influences, this makes La Paz a city with a distinct atmosphere. A city so in-touch with its indigenous roots is tied to the land spiritually as well as physically. A primary example of this is the indigenous notion of “Pachamama”, which roughly translates to Mother Earth. According to these beliefs, Pachamama will reward those who treat the land, and punish those who abuse it. As a result, indigenous people hold great reverence for the land,


and manage it in a harmonious manner. Everything comes from and returns to the earth. This natural affinity to harmony kept a sustainable life going long before it was recorded. Understanding of how to balance resource consumption with the land saw the thriving of the Inca Empire, who were renowned as masters of irrigation and water management. It enabled Aymaras, the main ethnic group in the Bolivian Andes, to live on the Alteplano; barren conditions, with extreme temperature variations, and thin air were innately understood by those who listened to Pachamama. Frequent offerings and gestures are a part of everyday life, and connection to the land is always at the forefront of public life.

Changing Climate

A STORY OF STRUGGLING BIOMES Areas surrounding La Paz are even more breathtaking, with some of the world’s most beautiful natural landscapes, across a range of biomes, all spreading out from the splendour of the Andes. The three most stand-out of these are the Glaciers, the Altiplano and the Amazon Rainforest. With glacier melt flowing across and under the Altiplano, through La Paz and into a river that leads to the Amazon, all are strongly linked. The city relies on all three of these for the natural resources it requires. Unfortunately, the natural balance of all are threatened by a changing climate.

Furthermore, illegal mining and logging are exacerbating both natural and social issues in each case. While Bolivia was one of the first countries to recognise the rights of Mother Earth as an entity, insufficient resources and economic difficulties mean this exploitation often continues uninterrupted. Until proper monitoring and policing of these resources can be undertaken, there will continue to be issues with exploitation, further risking not just La Paz, but the region as a whole.

Wetlands Mountain & Alteplano Tropical Dry Forest Tropical Grassland Tropical Rainforest









In 2011, Bolivia passed a landmark bill called “Ley de Derechos de la Madre Tierra”, meaning the Law of Mother Earth. This law dictates that the country’s bountiful natural resources are regarded as ‘blessings’, and it places liability on companies to conduct environmentally responsible business practices. This law defines the rights of Mother Earth to: “Life, the Diversity of Life, Water, Clean Air, Equilibrium, Restoration and Pollution-Free Living.” The primary goal is to ensure “the components and life systems of mother earth can regenerate.” The framework strongly encourages integrating an indigenous mindset with decision making to approach problems in a sustainable manner.


There is a difference however to having a law, and effectively enforcing one. Bolivia still contributes significantly to deforestation, exploitive mining and the continued expansion of unsustainable cities. For individuals affected by this behaviour, there is often little to no opportunity for recourse. Bolivia’s natural abundance, and key position have made it a victim of abuse and warfare throughout history. While those causing harm changed over the millennium, the harm to the indigenous population has always been the same. Covering almost the complete history of the country since 1450, the opposite highlights all the periods of exploitation and instability for land and people in the country.

1450 1525

1525 1824

1824 1943

1964 1996

1997 2009


INCAN EMPIRE While the Incas were native to the continent, their approach to dealing with indigenous people outside of their native Cusco area was anything but kind. The Incas used staple religious and spiritual beliefs to keep order and maintain supremacy. As the land was seen as a living being, the Incas believed harvesting was the equivalent of disembowelling the earth, and in return, local children to the region of the harvest must be offered in sacrifice to the gods in exchange, or risk cursing the harvest of the following year.

SPANISH EMPIRE The Spanish arrived in South America with only one objective, to mine as much silver as possible. The vast majority of this silver was located in Potosi, Bolivia. Believing the indigenous people to be inferior, the colonial invaders enslaved the majority of the population and forced them to work as slaves in the mines, often working them to death. Society was completely segregated, creating social divides that still exist up to this day.

POST-COLONIAL TO CHACO WAR Becoming the first Latin-American country to declare independence came with some serious issues. During this period, the Silver in Potosi ran out. More importantly however, Bolivia lost over half of its territory over these 110 years, ceding land to Brazil in 1867 and 1903, loosing all of its coastal territory to Chile in 1904, and loosing more land to Paraguay in 1938. This was largely down to the country’s history of Coups, with over 190 coups or attempts in the 200 years between this period and today, with governments averaging just over 2 years each.

CONTINUED INSTABILITY After a brief period of prosperity following the mining of Tin, and a government lasting 12 years, the country began falling back into turmoil. During this period, coups became much more frequent and miners revolts became more common and more deadly. This period saw frequent deaths of leaders, and even the heights of the drug empires in Latin America. With the collapse of the global tin markets in 1986, much of the country became unemployed, and the privatization of much of the country’s mines in 1993 caused great distress nationally.

DEA AND MILITARY CRACKDOWNS Due to fear over drugs, the USA put great pressure on Bolivia through the DEA to eliminate all of its traditionally staple coca plants. These crackdowns resulted in frequent beatings, rapes and murders of indigenous people in the affected regions. It wasn’t until the regulated legalisation of Coca and banning of the DEA in 2009, that these atrocities halted.

A NEW CHAPTER Following the resignation of former president Evo Morales, the country has been again divided, with at least 23 confirmed dead in stand-offs, and over 1,000 arrested in protests. With a history of discrimination, indigenous people are nervous of what the future might hold.


Emerging Opportunities

THE NEW LOCAL SOLUTION With most of Bolivia’s poor being indigenous groups living in the countryside, they evolved to understand how to take care of the land. Unfortunately however, increasing global demand for resources often means harmful exploitation of their land, and even sometimes suppression and violence towards residents. While digital technologies may often be associated with wealth, they are increasingly being used to tackle inequality across the globe. This can be seen through the use of Digital Currency with blockchain making forced bribery impossible, or access to the internet making it easier to find global sources for assistance. Even though Bolivia is the second poorest country in Latin America, with Venezuela’s economic crisis recently pulling it from the bottom spot, 77.5% of the population are active users of internet services. Cheap smartphones have made the world’s biggest source of


information available to most of the world. These technologies are now being provided by many aid groups to help indigenous people facing exploitation, and was already in full swing over a decade ago, as seen on the Brazilian documentary “Indigenas Digitais”. While drones have been used for years to check for illegal deforestation, the provision of consumer versions to locals is enabling them to take information gathering into their own hands. Even smartphones act as ‘eyes and ears’ for illegal activities through local populations. With increasingly sophisticated strategies employed by illegal mining, deforestation and farming operations, especially around the Amazon, affordable consumer technologies and telecommunications are giving the caretakers of Pachamama the tools they need to keep their protection running into the future.

Aid Worker paid Minimum Wage

Consumer Drone with HD Camera

Budget up-to-date Smartphone

Bs. 25,585 /yr

Bs. 700

Bs. 450

Spread across multiple settlements

Can be given to each community

Can be given to multiple community members

Price excluding equipment, training & administration

Price excluding community training

Price excluding community training



HIGHER EDUCATION POTENTIAL Bolivia has been accelerating its education potential at a notable rate. Since 1976, illiteracy levels have reduced by about 90% through improved schooling and adult teaching around the country. Furthermore, recent attempts to increase indigenous representation in society have enabled many to harness opportunities previously unavailable. This has lead to a large increase in the uptake of higher education. La Paz is a national centre of excellence for higher education; it houses Bolivia’s highest ranking university, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, with over 80,000 students enrolled from across all parts of the country. Many faculties in the university would benefit from a campus for Land Use Action, as multiple departments are already involved in each aspect of the topic. The Faculty of Geological sciences has a department of Geography, and the Faculty of Technology has a specialised Geodesy department both are involved


in the recording of physical and social aspects of the land. In addition, the Faculty of Law and Political Science has a specialist Rights department. A campus focussing on researching, recording and tackling land use issues would benefit all faculties in the department. The site’s location in the Max Paredes district would also be highly beneficial to the university. Currently the district is the urban district in La Paz with the lowest proportional uptake of higher education. A satellite campus for study here would not only benefit potential students in the area, but would make access easier for potential students in El Alto, as it its directly between the sister city and UMSA’s primary campuses in Centro and Cotahuma. Placing a unique space of architectural merit here would help promote the values and growth embodied in modern education in Bolivia.

Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas

Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas

Facultad de Tecnología

Faculty of Geological Sciences

Faculty of Law & Political Science

Faculty of Technology


Periferica San Antonio

Max Paredes Sur




No Further Education Highlighting proportion of further education enrolment and completion by district.

36.79% 20.01% 1976


Further Education





Representation of National Illiteracy rate decrease from 1976 to 2015.


Shared Development

PROFESSIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL SYNERGY The Land Use Campus brings together specialist research, legal and aid, and university education to help address issues surrounding land-use. The processes in the building form a complete cycle, both during typical operation and during natural disasters. As a result, the requirement for cross-disciplinary communication shouldn’t be understated. The provision of shared facilities, and circulation where possible, encourages human interaction throughout the building. For both cycles, a critical element of the processes is communication with professionals and the public outside the building, which could affect the architectural language expressed. During typical usage, research teams process data which can be used by action teams and education. There is also information passed to the Local

Government and to global archiving projects like the Earth Archive. Information is then used by action teams for educating local communities, and for assisting in policy development. Finally, education for both enrolled students and members of the public happens using key information gathered. Shared spaces were developed based on the key interactions required. Finally, as the resources would be in place, the building can shift its total focus in the event of a natural disaster to relief efforts. In techniques already used today, the equipment in the building focusses its attention on searching for survivors, and creating real-time situation reports. Combined with a sound structure, catering facilities and flexible rooms, this can become a refuge for the public when in need.





Building’s Primary Functional Zones


Collation of External Mapping Data

Research Into New Mapping & Collection Techniques

Collation of Drone Data

Integration with The Earth Archive

Integration with Digital Models

Urban Regulation Applications

Analysis of Digital Model Changes

Land Use Action Investigation & Prevention Teams

Prediction of Future Digital Model Changes

Practical Action Groups / Government to Sites

Higher Education and Training

Community Outreach

Public Exhibitions & Consultations

Community Training & Equipment Deployment

Regulatory & Legal Analysis

Hearings, Conferences & Education - Local & Global

Building Typical Processes

Landslide or Earthquake Site

Collation of Public & Rescue Team Digital Reports

Collection of Drone Thermal, Acoustic and Image Information

Supercomputer totally focuses on Processing New Content

Key Information Communicated to Aid & Rescue Teams Immediately

Building Processes During Disasters


Building Function

TOTAL ACCOMMODATION Building Area Total Calculation Site Area:

2,950 m2


987 m2

Land Action:

456 m2


1,085 m2

Shared Area:

3,572 m2


6,100 m2

Water Storage:

1,055 m2

External Landscape:

2,950 m2


7,155 m2

Internal Plot Ratio:


Private spaces for Research and Land Action, along with student spaces for Education and the potential for public engagement out of academic hours are all catered for in the building program. As the building is designed for interaction and communication alongside the undertaking of multiple related functions, a significant proportion of the building is given over to shared facilities. Most notably, the Social Learning Commons, Staff Breakout, Educational Landscape and Circulation are largely inseparable as they are heavily integrated in the cooperative nature of the building. The introduction of these spaces provide the ideal spaces for learning and collaboration, arguably the most important function of a campus.


2.43 10,105 m2 3.43

The building’s interior is complemented by a 100% original site area utilisation with vegetation, regenerative and communal landscaping. The context is also served by underground water storage able to store over 3,000,000L, able to supply 0.27% of the Polycentre district’s water requirements annually contributing to the Masterplan’s water network. When combined and excluding Landscape, the building utilises 2.43x the original site area while maintaining setbacks on all sides, proving an efficient high-density response to the context.

456 m2

1,085 m2

Edu Res



190 m2

200 Seat Lecture Theatre

115 m2

Res Act

100 Seat Lecture Theatre

2 x 10 m2

AV Room*

4 x 55 m2

Seminar Room

6 x 14 m2

Group Study Room

155 m


Team Office Large

25 m2

Team Office Small

62 m


Meeting Room



Archive & Server Room

9 x 15 m


2 x 19 m2

Media Classroom

45 m


Staff Group Office

8 x 16 m


Staff Individual Office*

380 m2


Secure Server Space


Supercomputing Room

135 m2

Computing Lab

90 m2

Drone Workshop

14 m2


60 m2

Team Office Medium

25 m2

Team Office Small

7 x 14 m

Individual Office*




185 m2

45 m2


100 m



145 m



45 m2 105 m


35 m



58 m



4 x 30 m2

Staff Kitchen

65 m


Staff Common Room

2,815 m2

590 m2

Solar Roofscape

600 m


Staff Breakout Roofscape

1,760 m


Ground-Level Landscape


*Indicates an average size of multiple rooms

Social Learning Commons, Staff Circulation

40 m



Staff Showers

Breakout, Educational Landscape &

255 m2


Staff Meeting Room*

25 m

Landscape Water 2,950 m Act Res Edu


Bike Storage (68 Bikes)







14 m2



Landscape Water Water Share Share Landscape RESEARCH:


Inidividual Office*

3,572 m2

987 m2



Private Study Room




225 m2


Enclosed Plant (8.5% of Non-Breakout) WCs

1,055 m2



1,055 m2

(3,165 m ) 3





Client Body

CLIENTS & FUNDING Construction Cost Estimate High-Tech Construction Rate:


High-Tech Cost (987m2):


Typical Construction Rate: Typical Cost (5,113m2):


Groundworks & Basement (25% NET):


Landscape Rate:


Landscape Cost (2,950m2):


Total Construction Cost:


Consultant Fees (15%):


Contractor Preliminaries (12.5%):


Contingency Costs (5%):


For all parties, while there are obvious social, moral and charitable reasons for the funding, 75% of the funding has been allocated in accordance with ability to gain the financial return required should the investment be weighed solely in terms of economic sustainability. For the University, because the building serves as a campus, the spaces provided would benefit students from multiple departments. The building also provides study spaces for students living close to the building, encouraging student uptake from the region. In addition, research funding globally for continued development into both the technologies and techniques involved in land surveying and indigenous protection could be significant. Government departments serve to benefit significantly trough the scheme. In addition to their obligation to help their citizens, financial benefits are easily observable. The ability to prevent the illegal exploitation of Natural Capital has potentially huge





economic gains for the country. In addition, the ability to allocate government resources to ensuring the proper implementation of regulation has the ability to make it more effective, especially where planning is concerned, which would increase safety and wellbeing for citizens. Finally, charitable funding forms the final 25%. The majority of this comes from the National Lottery, while the remaining 10% could be raised through various organisations who could use the centre as their base in the region, essentially the equivalent of each investing in cheap office spaces in La Paz. As it proved difficult to source reliable information for construction costing in Bolivia, the estimate produced was based on economic averaging and adjustment from other comparable countries, and likely proves an over-estimate. Groundworks were given heavy weighting due to their complex nature.

UMSA - 55% = $5,889,100.80 Being the primary user, the UMSA would contribute the most to the Campus. Once complete, the building would not only provide spaces for students, but international funding for protecting Indigenous populations would likely be significant.

La Paz Government - 15% = $1,606,118.40 The La Paz Government has multiple incentives to invest aside from social benefits to its populace, including the ability to more efficiently enact urban regulation, and create more actionable urban plans in the future to respond to changes more costeffectively.

Bolivian Government - 5% = $535,372.80 In addition to the Government initiative to protect its people, greater financial returns would be seen in the projection of natural capital than the cost of supplementing the project.

LoterĂ­a Nacional - 15% = $1,606,118.40 The Bolivian National Lottery can provide funding for charitable projects that benefit citizens, particularly those vulnerable, or in financially difficult situations.

Other Partners - 10% = $1,070,745.60 Opportunities for action, and facilities gained justify the required fundraising.




Master Plan Strategy

SURVIVE, STABILIZE, THRIVE La Paz suffers from some serious issues, with one existential; the city is running out of water, both from rainfall and glacier melt. This is compound when combined with major land stability issues, and an urban fabric struggling to meet the capacity of a rich culture. As a result, three challenges emerge in defining the future of the city. When combined together, these issues are strongly reminiscent of Maslow’s famous hierarchy of needs. As a result, in order for the city to progress to attaining a higher function, it must first solve its most critical condition.

finally leads to culture. If the city can navigate through this process, it can enjoy a future where La Paz can Survive, Stabilise and Thrive. These can all be tied back to the land they exist on. Viewing these issues through an indigenous lens, each issue can be seen as a broken cycle between the element and the human relation to the land. The master-plan proposes a series of toolkits that aims to repair this relationship, and bring about a city that can exist in a natural equilibrium with the earth it occupies.

Water represents the city’s physiological needs, and has to be addressed before any further improvements can take place. This is followed by topography, and


Plan of the new Locale around La Portada following proposed interventions.










LOCAL FOCUS FOR A CITY SOLUTION A series of tool-kits were produced in the masterplan which, when combined, offer a holistic solution for La Paz and El Alto to thrive in the future. The first of these is the Water Network. Comprising of multiple systems to collect, store, purify, distribute, and re-cycle rainwater that falls on the site, the system aims to ultimately make the city 100% reliant on solely rain falling within the city’s boundary. The network includes specialised Water Beacons, which act as community monuments and gathering spaces, while all other aspects are integrated into the city’s fabric, and assist in stabilising the land and creating spaces for social interaction. The super-blocks were devised as a way of providing communities with a unified space for locally managed


services and functions. It also encourages better transport division, with higher speed transport able to move around blocks, and increased pedestrianisation able to occur within them. When combined, this also helps optimise waste, energy and water management systems at a local level, reducing strain on the citywide system. Finally, La Arteria is a large pedestrianised route that connects super-blocks together. A framework that runs along its length is also introduced, intended for adoption by locals to use in a way conducive to informal Bolivian culture. Using this infrastructure, most public spaces are tied together and activated, encouraging recreation and tourism. This completed route includes opportunities for cycling, as well as a track system for moderate speed transport.

Impression of La Arteria, implementing the developed tool-kits to enhance local city life.

Water Network


La Arteria 31

Surveying the Land

IDENTIFYING THE SITE A quiet gem waiting to be discovered, La Portada sits towards the edge of La Paz away from the beaten path of the city centre. Currently desolate during the day, the large residential population, schools and hospital provide the base for activity, and with access and enhancement proposals in the Masterplan, a hillside community overlooking the valley would spring to life. The site sits just below the proposed poly-centre, bounded by La Arteria to the NW, a new public plaza to the SE, and residential buildings on each of the remaining sides. This key location is easily accessed under new transport systems outlined in the city masterplan, and is accessible to the NW and SE by foot.

There is an opportunity to extend the green axis formed by La Arteria and connect it in a long perpendicular “green strip�, which runs from the football pitch, across the new artery, along the site and into the public square nearby. When completed, the building will act as a social and green link on the edge of the polycentre, and bring life further into the superblock. Students can enjoy the new thriving centre dotted with the aroma of markets throughout the day, while families can take advantage of the lit streets at night, playing on the hillside terraces, and the squares at either end of the project.

+ Very close to Transport Interchange + Creates new Landscape Axis + Sits opposite Main Centre Approx. 2,950m2 5m setback from houses: 1,950m2



Site Accessibility

MAKING THE INCONVENIENT, CONVENIENT While the existing condition makes accessibility to the whole locale difficult, the master-plan’s proposal makes the site particularly accessible through a wide range of transport methods. Immediate access can be achieved through La Arteria which runs along the entire length of the site. Users can travel to the building using bikes, the Artery Track System, or by walking along its pedestrianised route. Walking from all other directions is a possibility, since the master-planning scheme aimed to increase the convenience of poly-centres. A transport intersection with the spine is located within a minutes walk of the site, where bus routes allow easy access from other areas of the city.

Finally, the area can be easily accessed from other districts using the Inter-Polycentre High-Speed Tram system, which connects all poly-centres in the city together. This interacts with other transport systems, and offers the opportunity to switch to shorter-range transport systems. While reaching the site might be comfortable, the building had to contend with a 4 storey height difference between one end and the other, providing easier access perpendicular to the arterial route. Furthermore, integrated bike storage links to the cycling infrastructure, and encourages cycling to work or study.






Inter-Polycentre High-Speed Tram

Public Bus

Artery Track System



Approximate Speed of Movement in km/h around La Portada


Local Transport Interchange

Poly-centre Transport Interchange

Bus Line Inter-Polycentre HighSpeed Tram

La Arteria - Pedestrianised, Cycle Path & Track System

Road Priority Routes

Pedestrian Connection to Site


Site Sections



The sections across the site are of particular interest as they present a significant challenge. While the site is just under 90m long along its long section, the height difference is over 15m. The relationship of the building to the slope is evidently one of the most critical factors of its design. This condition is not in isolation however; the lowest part of the spine to the level of the Football court is even higher, with nearly 16m height difference, allowing the building to extend to the level its surrounding residential neighbours without obstructing views from the upper spine.


The long section terminates at the top of the proposed public square, giving it a significant frontage on both short elevations. The short section was taken through the narrowest section of the site, and shows how it sits closely between residential buildings. While these are currently predominantly adobe courtyard walls or budget brick structures with little frontage, consideration should be made for the future of surrounding residential sites to expand when an increase in density is required.


RESIDENTIAL Site Short Section

31.2 m






SITE Site Long Section



Further Potential



In addition to its great accessibility, the site can harness the stunning views from the hillside, without any detriment to users of La Portada’s polycentre.

exemplify the nature of the city, where the population learns to work with the land, through thick and thin, to attain an enduring identity.

Looking straight down the centre, the sacred Mt. Illimani is framed by the city, dissolving into the distance. Often rising above the clouds, sparkling in the sunlight as its permanent snow-capped peak watches over daily life. On the left and right, views of La Paz’s famous sprawling red-brick hillside draw the eye up toward the sky. When brought together, these

Managing to effectively frame and control these views enhances the building’s success, as a campus motivated to preserve the land, should have a special connection back to it.

The La Paz Hillside

Mt. Illimani




Contextual Response


With a site as distinctive and intricate as that chosen, the biggest challenge is an architecturally exciting approach while addressing the residential buildings and unstable ground in a responsible manner. By following the slope, the building can be accessed without compromising the plethora of existing residential site entrances along the boundary. The site is then capped vertically by the height of the adjacent football court to prevent obstructing the unique views to the city from La Portada, and even adding to the cityscape with the building’s roof-scape in the foreground. The building’s accessible flat roof mirrors the rooftop courtyards typical of the local vernacular, and helps to further anchor it into the context. A 5m offset was implemented on either side of the site, creating two streets along the residential frontages at a width to match typical streets in the


area, maintaining rights to light and access. Where existing vehicle access was present, this is preserved as limited access shared space in the scheme, with the expectation that improved masterplan transportation will further reduce dependence on private transport in the future. Relief spaces located near major junctions around the building create pockets of public space, usable by residents or students alike. These become shaded squares during the day, and previously unavailable illuminated public gathering spaces during the night. Finally, in addition to improving the access across the existing site, the building internally provides optimal fully accessible links to the surrounding landscape in all 3 axes.

1. Follow the Slope: Work with the level differences to benefit the context

2. Maximise the Site: Fill the site to its boundaries, vertically capped by the nearby football pitch to preserve views from La Portada

3. Offset: Provide the typical 5m width of nearby streets on either side of the building, and public space enhancing the entrances at each end

4. Relief: Use key locations to provide relief spaces around the building for public use

5. Circulation: Provide simplified circulation routes through the building to make the site accessible


Biome Inspiration


Linking together the Land Use Campus’s function as an environmental protection device with the characteristic La Paz hillside, further moves were derived from the building’s relationship to the land it is helping protect.

with protection, this watchtower is watching the context digitally, so the typology is rotated, creating a more accessible platform for observation. Each end of the watchtower is then articulated to frame the panoramic views offered at each end of the site.

The flowing landscape beneath the building, bounded on each edge by solid faces of rock and adobe is reminiscent of a glacial valley; the flow of ice slowly and inevitably works its way down through the mountains. This powerful image represents the strong support of education, and the carving of a new Educational Landscape into the hillside. Re-creating this feeling of downhill flow in the building, further reinforces this concept in an architectural manner.

After establishing the Watchtower and Educational Landscape, the space between begins to feel compressed, akin to descending into a cave. In order to manifest this feeling of excitement without creating feelings of oppression, moments of relief are offered through fissures of light that cut through the building, giving reference back to the context and level in the landscape. As the user progresses through the building, this play between compression and expansion comes to a climax as the user reaches the atrium, or each end of the campus.

With Research and Action functions aimed at observing patterns in the Land, a vision of an ancient outpost in the mountains begins to emerge. While also charged


Combined Massing

Carving the Educational Landscape

Elevating the Reclining Watchtower

Constructing Fissures of Light


Additional Key Moves


In order to cement the building’s identity in the site, and further distinguish itself from its residential neighbours without alienation, a series of additional key moves are applied, functionally and tectonically. The four blocks comprising the Watchtower are composed using a set of consistent rules, giving them a common language. Expressed as a series of blocks joined together, larger joints are linked across the voids between, reminiscent of a solid volume cut into a four objects. This language continues around the building. Looking closer at the material nature of the context, much is expressed in the iconic red-brick that makes the La Paz hillside so recognisable. The Land Use Campus uses this as a reference and incorporates these colours into the building, while looking for ways to use more sustainable materials, and create new patterns to distinguish itself from the surrounding residences.


Circulation along the site is clearly seen in section, and was designed to reduce the number of transfers required to accessibly traverse the 4 storey height difference across the 90m site down to just one. This provides a clarity for users, in addition to enforcing a strong organisational logic in the building while allowing it to work with the flows of the ground beneath. Finally, the volume between the Watchtower and the Educational Landscape becomes the key learning commons, and the publicly accessible zone during designated hours. This glass-sided area has the strongest connections to its adjacent street-scape, and creates a clear zoning that distinguishes the secure student spaces in the hillside, and the private research and offices in the Watchtower.

Connected Facade

Material Inspiration from Concept

Simplified Circulation & Access

Negative Volume as Public Space


Site Plan


Once the principles are applied to the site, the building naturally settles into the slope. Here, some of the major massing moves can be further highlighted. It can be seen clearly how the two alignment grids for external walls were drawn from the site’s boundaries. Furthermore, the articulation of each block can been read in relation to their alignment with the context. These responses are complemented by the strong linear alignment through the building, and read as one entity even when factoring in the slanted edges of the surrounding residential buildings.


The relief plaza to the SW of the central atrium becomes very clear, and is an important move in providing a clear relief space at the intersection between the newly created street and the existing side road. It also inverts any potential feelings of claustrophobia from the high-sided change of direction and turns it into one of relief. The other spaces can be seen to a lesser extent to the NW and SE ends of the building. These act to complement existing public spaces at either end of the site, while adding to the available level areas available.

The Site Plan shows how key massing responses to the site allow the building to sit comfortably on the narrow and angled site.





Where a previously barren plot of land was left between the surrounding buildings, a building with an extended landscape now provides stable and greenery rich circulation routes for people from their doors to the streets above and below. The language of the building works in harmony with the extended streetscape, and thereby helps reinforce its presence in the site. As with the plan, each block appears to belong to its surrounding context, both formally and tonally, however subtle variations in each aspect differentiate this mixed-use building from its residential context.

Firstly, while the building shares a similar language of overhanging upper-levels, these read connected between different blocks, tying them together unlike the more random variation between houses in the context. The elevation is further differentiated through its “monolithic blocks� appearance. The large volumes give the impression of large stone elements lifted into place, This is reinforced by the shadow gaps which connect each elevation to the next, whether wrapping around the same block, or moving onto to the adjacent volume.

While the building is broken down responding to the context, the elevation ties each element together and helps differentiate the campus from its residential context.



Functional Zoning


Building clearly zones between Action, Research and Education, while providing shared space for interaction & communication

The building is clearly divided through its form, into private professional spaces in the Watchtower, and rooms built into the Education Landscape. These are further zoned, where different levels and blocks are allocated to different professional functions. The key success comes from the spaces between the two of these, and how the two interweave as they work their way across the site. A wide range


of multiple-height spaces, atria, relief spaces and multiple routes, help bring all the functions together into one highly interactive space, something critical in successful modern education. This zoning also enables the shared space to become usable by the public for talks, exhibitions or social events outside of academic hours without compromising the security of student or private only rooms adjacent to the zone.

Land Action Coordination

Shared and Service

Land Recording and Prediction

University & Public Education



This staggered section shows the key route through the building, and how it is surrounded above and below by the programme. Research is housed in the upper Watchtower, while the Educational Landscape is surrounded by lecture theatres, seminar rooms, and spaces for interactive learning. The distinct but connected massing moves can clearly be seen in the building’s interior.



1:200 @ A3 0m






The new frontage is seen from the adjacent road, La Arteria or the poly-centre, and provides a strong presence for the building. Without breaking significantly from the language of the context, the building differentiates itself firstly by stepping back from the road and creating an entrance plaza. The material treatment is reminiscent of the area, but its tonal differences help with this differentiation from the surrounding residential buildings, and the size of


its apertures and extent of glazing beneath further emphasize the building’s strategic importance. The opening to this end is reminiscent of a portal, and is symbolic of the watchtower function performed by the building. Changes in floor finish can be seen on the building line, using red accent tiles to distinguish spaces for movement and gathering, from those for resting.


FOURTH FLOOR PLAN This is the main entrance level, and introduces users to the building’s Watchtower and Education Landscape immediately. From reception, educational spaces are visible around the breakouts as the building descends down the hill, while rooflights allow views towards the offices above. Further into the building, but most significantly for the user is the perspective view into the server room, where the building is performing its daily prediction, mapping and modelling tasks. 6 4




3 7

1. Entrance Plaza 2. Main Entrance 3. Reception 4. Escape Stair 5. Feature Stair with Seating 6. Bike Storage 7. Lift & Stair Core 8. Coffee Stall 9. Breakout Space 10. WCs 11. Server Room 12. Supercomputing Room 13. Storage

N 1:250 @ A3 0m





4 9






13 7



STEPPING INSIDE From the reception, education spaces, office spaces, and the server spaces are all immediately visible. Users enter close to the hole-deck at this level, and are visually lead using the floor tile accents through the key spaces, before descending into the building, generating an experience akin to moving into the earth.



THIRD FLOOR PLAN The third floor plan brings together a range of the educational functions around social learning spaces. A 100 seat lecture theatre sits behind the stairs, while exhibition and seminar flank the learning commons. Via the core further into the building, there is access to the private study space with a great view into the building and towards La Paz. This is one of the floors with external access, coming in from the North East.



3 10



14 13

1. Public Plaza 2. Third Floor Entrance 3. Breakout Space 4. Escape Stair 5. Flexible Learning Commons 6. Seminar Room 7. Exhibition Space 8. Feature Stair with Seating 9. Storage 10. Showers 11. AV Room 12. 100 Seat Lecture Theatre 13. Secondary Plant Room 14. WCs 15. Lift & Stair Core 16. Quiet Study Room 17. Library 18. Internal Planters

N 1:250 @ A3 0m









4 7 3

2 18

5 3 6




16 18

3 15 17


Upper Central Atrium

EYES TO THE MIND OF THE LAND Moving closer to the central atrium, a clearer image emerges of the machines, while revealing views below deeper into the building. The landscape level here brings a range of greenery and breakout into the space, providing a flexible learning atmosphere. Views from each side of the atrium provide relief from the slab, and connect views back towards the residential context on each side, and the terraced landscape that sits between them and the campus. Moving in the opposite direction is the 100 seat lecture theatre located under reception. Buried into the ground, it benefits from natural thermal mass which

works with the hole-deck slab to manage varied occupancy gains. These both also provide significant acoustic benefits, absorbing sound from adjacent spaces, while internally baffling noises to prevent unwanted reverberation. This space highlights how softer tones are brought into the building using local sustainably sourced lighter shades of Massaranduba timber for smaller components, from doors to desks and the acoustic panels at the rear of the theatre. The use of natural timber for common furniture improves the safety of the building due to its inherent antibacterial properties.

Sectional view into the 100 seat lecture theatre, burrowing into the ground for acoustic and thermal stability with consistent light levels throughout the day.



SECOND FLOOR PLAN The second floor plan could be considered the educational heart of the building. Either side of a 200 seat lecture theatre are a range of rooms for group learning, seminars, classrooms and relief spaces. The central atrium can also be accessed from the main public relief space to the South West of the building, where shading from QueĂąua trees provide additional external breakout. This level is the circulation transfer level between the cores for stair-free access for travel from one end of the site to the other.




1. Public Plaza 2. Second Floor Entrance 3. Central Atrium 4. Seminar Room 5. Feature Stair with Seating 6. Group Study Room 7. Breakout Space 8. Flexible Learning Commons 9. Storage 10. Secondary Plant Room 11. Escape Stair 12. AV Room 13. 200 Seat Lecture Theatre 14. Lift & Stair Lobby 15. WCs 16. Media Classroom

N 1:250 @ A3 0m




















3 7







HEART OF THE LANDSCAPE The central atrium retains the relationship with the above server spaces, but this begins to give way to a more generous social space. Looking down the stairs, panoramic views of La Paz emerge, along with views up to the private study area above. The Educational Landscape acts as the primary student and public nexus of the building.



FIRST FLOOR PLAN The first floor plan properly reveals the panoramic views to La Paz, along with providing flexible seminar spaces and a cafe for all users of the building. The steps running down the building, particularly prominent here, could easily be used securely for public education events due to their built-in seating and focussed aspect.

1. Cafe 2. Breakout Space 3. Escape Stairs 4. Seminar Room 5. Feature Stair with Seating 6. Storage 7. Lift & Stair Lobby 8. WCs

N 1:250 @ A3 0m






4 3 2







The Lower Levels


As users descend into the building, any previous compression events are lifted as the slab raises up to three storeys above the ground level, revealing the city as if emerging from a journey within the landscape below.

above, and the context which becomes visible on both sides of the glazing. The eye is lead along the red stairs, to the red accented tiles, and then rising to see the hillside buildings of La Paz below, and Mt. Illimani rising in the distance.

As with other landscape levels, matt white painted lime-render internal partition walls are used, which acts as a neutral point between the elaborate ceiling and floor treatment, while comfortably diffusing natural light around the space.

This is the start of the more flexible space that could be opened onto the public plaza below for more public education or recreation events. During academic hours, the spaces serve as cafe, learning spaces and a canteen which can also spill out onto the plaza opposite.

The panoramic views to the city are framed by the staircase walls below, the hole-deck slab rising further



GROUND FLOOR PLAN The main canteen for the building, a highly flexible space, opens up onto the square below if desired. This level serves multiple support functions, from the heat storage systems for the district heating systems, to the kitchen and majority of plant functions. As with the fourth floor, the end is framed by a glazed wall with expressed entrance portal, only taller now in a civic gesture as it opens up into a larger space.

1. Public Plaza 2. Ground Floor Entrance 3. Canteen 4. Feature Stair with Seating 5. Kitchen 6. Escape Stairs 7. Storage 8. Primary Plant Room 9. Heat Store 10. Lift and Stair Lobby 11. WCs

N 1:250 @ A3 0m





6 5






3 9




TWINKLING LIGHTS At night, the server lights could be visible through the aperture in the largest end of the Watchtower, twinkling along with the stars. Low-level lights inside the building illuminate the landscape either side of its perimeter, making it safe to use during the late hours.



BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN The basement floor provides the extensive water storage functionality the Master Plan desires. The total capacity of the tanks is in excess of 3 million litres, able to provide the storage function for many of the surrounding local residents.

1. Stair Core 2. Maintenance Corridor 3. Water Storage Tank

N 1:250 @ A3 0m















FIFTH FLOOR PLAN This is the most active private level, with educational offices, research offices and shared amenities including showers, meeting rooms and a common room occupying its footprint. Light-wells in common spaces provide lighting into the centre of the floorspace, Corridors pass these, and look ultimately out in both directions in unobstructed apertures that run from one side of the site to the other. The atrium spaces between each block provide good spaces to rest with views of the context. The droneport is located on this level along with the drone workshop and computing spaces. 7 2



N 1:250 @ A3 0m









1. Meeting Room 2. Education Individual Office 3. Education Shared Office 4. Breakout Space 5. WCs 6. Lift & Stair Lobby 7. Escape Stairs 8. Staff Common Room 9. Staff Kitchen 10. Research Shared Office 11. Research Individual Office 12. Research Computing Lab 13. Drone Workshop 14. Droneport 15. Staff Showers





9 7






11 11



7 2








11 11








Professional Zones


In order to make the solid watchtower pleasant to inhabit, light and visual connections between levels was introduced, enabling different teams to interact, and providing a wide range of interesting spaces throughout. The office spaces allow light to come in from both sides of most rooms, and the atria bring light in to each side while providing pleasant breakout spaces.


On each level, clear views down the length of the building reveal La Arteria to the NW, and La Paz centre and Mt. Illimani to the SE. The exposed hole-deck slab carries the required services throughout the level, allowing more flexible lighting, and fully exposed ceilings for all the office spaces.

Left: Breakout spaces in the upper-levels of the atrium for staff use; Above: The individual 6F offices overlooking a light-well; Below: The individual 5F offices sitting below.




Looking up to the Droneport’s glass floor from the cafe below.


The droneport, while appearing small, is an integral part of the scheme, as it is where many of the drones that survey the city and surrounding biomes are released and return.

The experience for people in the Education Landscape below is the most impressive, as the solid roof doors open to reveal light through the glass floor, and the silhouette of a drone either leaving or returning.

This room is thermally insulated in the doors on the roof, and the door to the workshop, ensuring the building doesn’t loose too much heat during departures. These departures can be seen from below, either side, or even the roof.

Integration of the droneport into the language of the atrium prevents the space becoming cumbersome should the technology evolve beyond the need for drones.


SIXTH FLOOR PLAN The uppermost building plan includes the spaces for the NGO action groups, who require the most private spaces. In addition to a team office and dedicated meeting space, the NGO workers enjoy a view of the La Paz skyline from their aperture. This is viewed over the rooftop garden, accessible to all staff as a relief space. As with the fifth floor, the internal walls are lightweight, and column grid simple, making the building easier to renovate in the future when needs begin to change.

7 2









1. Meeting Room 2. NGO Individual Office 3. NGO Shared Office 4. Breakout Space 5. WCs 6. Lift & Stair Lobby 7. Escape Stairs 8. Endangered Species Planter 9. Seating Alcoves 10. MVHR Intake and Exhaust 11. Shaded Pavilion

N 1:250 @ A3 0m








7 2





9 3

8 11




ABOVE The roof provides the opportunity to rest in a quiet setting, away from the surge of students during a campus day. Some shaded spaces are provided among the greenery, and a view of Mt. Illimani and the sky is completely unobstructed by surrounding buildings.



SECTIONAL PERSPECTIVE A straight cut through the building reveals further the complex spatial relationships that emerge from the site’s constraints. Most of the building’s spaces, from lecture theatres to servers, seminar to offices can be seen in this view. The effect of atria and lightwells on the building are more clearly highlighted.



SECTION B-B Cutting through the skylights running through the server space and lower zones of the building, an example of the multiple connections between the Educational Landscape and the Watchtower can be seen. The level difference between one side and the other is significant, and highlights the importance of the circulation strategy.





The atria appears almost invisible in comparison to the thick stone walls of the Watchtower, and provide a complex array of interaction spaces at different levels. Buried into the earth, the 200 seat lecture theatre enjoys stable environmental conditions at all times.

C B 1:200 @ A3 0m




SW ELEVATION The elevation distinguishes between the materiality above, and that below to match their functional and formal variations. This is joined by a glass facade that runs between the atria and the ground. While the glass may appear initially as a thermal concern, the building is primarily shaded directly by the immediate context, and then further by the overhangs provided by the stone masses floating above the site.


1:200 @ A3 0m





NE ELEVATION The slope of the site on the NE side starts much more gently, before transitioning quickly down the remaining storeys at the end. The elevational language is continued on this facade, with the addition of an aluminium screen near to reception that houses the bike storage. 1:200 @ A3 0m




NW & SE ELEVATIONS Both short elevations take their character from the end of the Watchtower, and communicate the same language regardless of their difference in height. One single large aperture cut in the stone blocks sits above unobstructed glazing with a large aluminium portal forming the entrance to the building. Block behind begin to shift as they move further into the context, indicating the sloping of the land.


1:200 @ A3 0m




Relief Spaces


The courtyards outside the second and third floor entrances are important to ensure a good pedestrian relationship between the building and its residential context. Both are formed by pulling the building massing away from the context, and creating vegetation planters with trees to provide additional shading for campus users and local residents in the hot La Paz sunlight. Both entrances enter the building close to the central atrium, and act as the easiest route across the site’s level change, or for wheelchair users to access intermediary external spaces in the building, otherwise inaccessible due to the average 1:6 hillside slope.


Most significant of the two, the second floor entrance is accessed from a side street in the nearby context, and acts as a key circulation route to La Artieria or the public square below. Later on, these are lit from lighting under the benches, and the focussed downlights on the hole-deck soffit inside the building, creating a safe illuminated street for families to use for recreation. Its relative ease of access would enable market stall owners, or food vendors to use the space in the casual manner of La Paz’s streets.

Above: 3F Entrance Courtyard Below: 2F Entrance Courtyard






Large-format locally sourced Red Sandstone tiles clad the Watchtower, and represent the sky

Long-format locally sourced light-grey andesite tiles cover the Education Landscape floor, signifying the axis-mundi, with some red sandstone highlights at key moments Random naturally cut locally sourced Red Sandstone masonry covers the lower walls, and symbolises the earth Inspiration for the tectonic treatment from the nearby Tiwanaku Temple

Tiwanaku temple is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the area, and is an important reminder of the devotion to land playing a role in the development of the region. Larger stone masses represent the heavens, while the smaller and rougher stone masonry below represents the earth. People walk between these levels representing their place in the world. This connection between the sky and the land is a good metaphor for surveying and analysing the land, and the massing moves developed through the design process, and help promote the idea of connection through common material. The stone from the temple is a locally sourced red


sandstone, which provides a similar but warmer tone to the locally procured bricks. Compared to brick however, the stone is significantly more sustainable. Stone has an embodied carbon of roughly 0.056 kgCO2/kg; so when compared to traditional brick’s 0.22 kgCO2/kg, it only has 1/4 of the embodied energy. In order to efficiently use the stone, the upper portion of the building is clad in thin tiles, while the lower section is naturally cut stone stacked as masonry. For the light contrast in ground finish, a locally sourced Andesite stone is used. Its grey variation allows for a light pattern in the tiles, transitioning to red sandstone accents when highlighting the route through the building.



Form-Finished Concrete with 50% GGBS cement replacement and a red pigment to match Red Sandstone

Synthetic Anhydrite screed floor with recycled finely ground local bricks with polished finish

Efficient application of concrete and screed for the building through the hole-deck slab

While the building is located near timber sources, the timber required for the project would be an engineered product due to the seismic conditions, and can prove harder to source in La Paz. While the building’s activities would ultimately help towards this goal, it wouldn’t be able to make an impact before construction completion. In order to reduce the carbon footprint of the building as much as possible, a concrete with 50% GGBS replacement would help reduce the embodied carbon through cement. This would also have a positive aesthetic impact, and pigment in the concrete would appear more vibrant due to the lighter hue achieved with GGBS. The hole deck slab also helps reduce concrete usage significantly, and can reduce total material use by as much as 50%. This would result in

a nearly 75% reduction in the slab’s overall embodied carbon. The screed used for the flooring finish of upper floors would be a Synthetic Anhydrite screed which is manufacturing waste material and significantly lowers the embodied carbon. While the locally abundant recycled crushed brick aggregate can’t be used in the concrete due to its seismic performance requirements, it can be placed plentifully in the screed to further reduce the embodied energy. While some lower levels need to be cast in situ due to their size or seismic requirements, upper levels columns and walls, and some of the basement retaining walls could be pre-cast off site to reduce waste in the process.



ENCLOSING AN OPEN LANDSCAPE The choice of high-performance glass is critical in achieving the transparency required of the building, while maintaining the environmental credentials required. The curtain wall consists of triple glazing in all instances for a high degree of thermal and acoustic insulation. This thickness also helps keep glazing more secure and increase resistance to smashing. For the atrium and entrance curtain walls, glass laminated fins act as structural supports, and provide distinct articulation as they run over the ceiling and

Elegant Glass Fins with edge-supported laminated triple glazing run around the atrium and entrances to provide as open an experience as possible.

For other areas, a slim triple-glazed curtain wall system helps achieve a similar effect while self-bracing where the Watchtower walls can’t be used and a slimmer profile.


return when reaching the other side. This gives way to slim aluminium frames for intermediary curtain walls, which help reduce the depth of the build-up, while providing stronger bracing when side walls aren’t available. The glass in the Watchtower windows is also triple glazed, and are further shielded by deep reveals. The stone cladding wraps inside the reveal flush with the inner edge of the frame, creating the impression of frameless planes of glass emerging from the red reveals.

Lowering Embodied Carbon

SOURCING LOCALLY With the wealth of natural materials available in the area, it is a shame so many of La Paz’s buildings use construction bricks with high carbon content in their production. In addition to the old Adobe construction, a wide variety of stone deposits can be found throughout the region, in addition to some natural timbers.

Deciding which source would be appropriate would require further input from a sustainability consultant to identify the best result.

While initially investigating to the North of La Paz where Red Sandstone and Andesite can be sourced seemed promising, the altitude differences and old trucks in the area mean CO2 emissions from transport could potentially be an issue. There are alternative sources less than 40km away SW and W respectively.

For timber used in the building, lighter shades of sustainably sourced Massaranduba timber from FSC plantations to the East of La Paz were selected. However, due to the recent wildfires, would require further input from a local sustainability consultant to decide if this timber is still sustainable locally.

For recycled brick and GGBS cement replacement, there are multiple sources around the city; these would be utilised for all aggregate and cement replacements.

Both Red Sandstone and Andesite can be mined north of the centre, but the altitude difference may increase the carbon emitted during transport

Andesite can be excavated 40km West of La Paz

10km 20km 30km Large Red Sandstone deposits can be found less than 40km SW of La Paz


When approached from the west, access to the site is much safer, with a significantly lower altitude difference


Key Structural Challenges


Part of the reason the site remained untouched in the middle of a densely populated district are its inherent structural challenges. In addition to increased landslide and earthquake damage risks due to the loose ground sediment, an underground river below the site threatens to undermine any remaining stability in the slope. These three issues are common issues for consideration in the city, and require extensive planning and management of infrastructure systems. The building would follow suggested Masterplan guidelines for hillside stabilisation through deep pile foundations to bedrock, terraced hillside landscaping, and concrete basements.


As the site sits downhill and downstream of areas where waste leaks into the underground river, it would require extensive safety checks, and would likely require decontamination during the groundwork stage. While a number of steps need to be taken to manage the natural risks, the building would benefit the local functional diversity, daily activity and strategic importance of the area. It would simultaneously activate a large strip of land that would otherwise lie desolate and potentially harmful for locals in the community.

Earthquake Risk

Frequent Landslides

Over 200 Underground Rivers



ANCHORING INTO THE HILLSIDE In order to deal with the aforementioned structural challenges, the building has to be securely built into the slope.

becomes more secure, but becomes a potential place of refuge for locals in the event they are severely affected by one of these natural disasters.

During excavation, secant pile walls would help prevent water ingress into the foundations, while bored pile foundations could be drilled to reach the bearing ground beneath. The structure would then be built above this.

To account for the carbon impact required to create a stable structure, it was designed as a highly resilient structure, with a simple grid, allowing it to be easily adapted and re-used long beyond the building’s original guaranteed lifespan. All floors could be reused in their current state, or upper slabs and modular columns could be removed to reveal an earthquakeproof transfer level able to cater for a number of building typologies.

This process would prevent the building collapsing in the event earth slid from underneath the structure and down the hill. As a result, the building not only


Upper Hole-Deck slabs consist of 450mm for typical levels, with the transfer level at 650mm with 0.5 x 1m primary beams cast-in

Pre-cast concrete cores provide bracing for the upper levels

300mm x 300mm chamfered square pre-cast columns span between floor slabs

820mm Dia. in-situ Columns span between the ground and transfer slab; sized to flex with seismic movement with failure

In-Situ 450mm hole-deck slabs are used on lower levels to maintain carbon savings, along with acoustic and service benefits Lower level structural walls are made of pre-cast concrete panels

Water storage basement consists of two in-situ tanks with a waterproof lining Secant pile retaining walls are used during excavation to maintain waterproofing, without blocking underground rivers

Pile foundations reach bed-rock to ensure building can withstand landslides




The structure is split seismically either side of the transfer slab. The columns below will be able to flex to absorb any seismic shocks, leaving the rigid structure above unharmed.

Due to the seismic risks, the structure had to be specially devised to be able to deal with the potential issues arising. If the structure were a simple concrete volume, sheer failures in the material would cause it to crack and loose its integrity. In order to avoid this failure, the columns have to be slim enough to flex during a seismic event, but thick enough that they can withstand the forces. This load is then stabilised by a transfer slab above, converting the moment forces into lateral forces, meaning a lighter-


weight rigid construction can sit above the transfer without any risk of seismic damage. To achieve this effect, the alignment of the columns was critical to ensure forces are effectively transferred through the slab and down, thus the building was designed based on the grid opposite. Structural rigidity is provided by the cores and slabs on the upper levels, but lower levels use a lightweight selfsupporting steel stair and wall construction to allow the flexibility required.

Structural Grid Above Transfer Slab: 6m x 6m Max. span, with 300mm x 300mm chamfered pre-cast RC Columns

Structural Grids Intersecting at Slab: Soffit of 650mm in-situ Hole-Deck Transfer slab exposed, with integrated 0.5m x 1m Primary Beams

Structural Grid Below Transfer Slab: 12m x 6m Max. spans, with 820mm Dia. circular in-situ RC Columns


Structural Tectonics


Selection of a hole-deck slab extends far beyond its structural stability and reduced embodied carbon, as it performs very well in a number of other aspects. Firstly, the increased surface area of the hole-deck makes it an excellent thermal mass, as it can absorb a larger volume of heat if required to increase thermal stability internally. It will then release this heat during cooler periods. The slab’s open holes are designed to cater for integrated services within its shallow depth. This allows for MVHR supply ducts, lighting, sprinklers, and other services to be routed around the building neatly. This not only increases ease of access for services, but frees up floors to expose their thermal mass, further stabilising the thermal performance of spaces.


In addition, the slab’s smooth internal profile, with complex cavities makes it great for acoustic baffling. This helps reduce uncomfortable reverberation in all spaces, which is of particular importance for academic buildings with a mix of noisy crowds and acoustically sensitive classrooms and lecture theatres. Finally, the visual amenity provided by the slab is of importance for the users. Its complexity provides a counterpoint to the solid Educational Landscape below. Light and shadows in the slab are enhanced, while visible services running through the building give users a glimpse of its operation.

Thermal Mass

Integrated Services

Acoustic Baffling

Visual Amenity




The construction process comprises of both prefabricated and cast in-situ elements. Where prefabrication was possible these were selected, but for larger elements, the steep narrow roads descending to the site would pose a danger to delivery drivers and residents, so casting in-situ would be a much safer option. As previously mentioned, the time spent on foundation construction is significant to manage the natural risks of Earthquakes, Landslides, and the Underground River.

With the foundations in place, the pre-cast basement walls could be craned in, before casting the lowerlevel hole-deck slabs.

Firstly, the Secant Pile foundation retaining walls would be drilled and then poured. The secant would only be filled to the lowest depth of the wall, while the piles would penetrate further. These gaps would prevent the underground river from being obstructed.

When the primary structure is finished, simultaneous Glazing, Insulation, Airtightness and Cladding would be undertaken staggered around the building’s perimeter. At the end of this stage, the construction is weatherproof, and all internal walls and fittings, building services and landscape components could be installed safely.

Following these initial foundations, excavation could begin. Once complete, Rotary Bored Pile Foundations would be drilled to bedrock, providing a safe platform for the building. Above this, the ground slab is cast.


With the lower levels complete, the Earthquake Resistant Columns & Transfer Hole-Deck could be cast in-situ. Once complete, constructing upper levels becomes faster due to decreased complexity. Pre-cast columns & walls are craned onto the slab and bolted in, before slabs above are cast.

1. Secant Pile Foundation Retaining Walls

2. Rotary Bored Pile Foundations

3. Pre-Cast Basement Wall & In-Situ Slab Casting

4. Earthquake Resistant Columns & Transfer Hole-Deck In-Situ Casting

5. Pre-Cast Columns & Wall Assembly, followed by InSitu Slab Casting

6. Glazing, Insulation, Airtightness & Cladding to Weatherproof


Detailed Section


In order to achieve the impression that a heavy mass is suspended above a lighter-weight construction for the Watchtower, the mass has to be properly thermally managed. This is done through externally insulating the concrete, then bringing this insulation to the edges of an insulated curtain wall. The upper portion of the building would move in a seismic event, however this would be a problem for a typical curtain wall as it can’t take loads across the glass. Therefore, the glass is connected through a movement joint to the underside of the slab. The impression of the solid mass was maintained further through the use of soffit cladding to avoid uncomfortable visual breaks, and with the hole-deck slab, to avoid bulky suspended floors or ceilings through the building.


Descending below the external envelope, a lecture theatre sits below the external square and reception. A raised internal floor with acoustic insulation helps maintain level access while the external floor buildup is made thermally and acoustically sound with sufficient insulation to prevent disturbances to events in the lecture theatre. At the top of the building, shielded from glare to nearby buildings by the parapet, sits above planting beds for endangered planting species. In addition to their preservation, this helps maintain a high degree of thermal insulation above to protect against the strong radiation of the midday La Paz sunshine.

PVs & Endangered Plants

20mm Aluminium C-Channels powdercoated with RAL 7015 finish mounted to cladding support battens Meeting 20mm Red Sandstone Tiles with honed finish

Triple Glazed fixed windows, with thermally broken powder-coated aluminium RAL 7015 frame, inner edge flush to outer face of reveal cladding Meeting

Triple Glazed Curtain Wall with Glass Fin Structural Backing along Silicon Jointing, connected using thermallybroken head frame to concrete soffit mounted steel structure with movement joints for earthquake resistance

Entrance Slim Triple Glazed Entrance door system with level threshold; powdercoated Aluminium Box Frame door surround with integrated sensors, motors and LED spot-lighting in soffit

100 Seat Lecture Theatre

1:75 @ A3 0m













1. Clean washed recycled brick aggregate in Steel Drainage Channel with perforated drainage pipe. 2. Green Roof Build-Up: 200mm Green roof substrate for endangered plant species; Drainage Layer; 200mm Rigid PIR Insulation Board; Air Tight Membrane; 450mm Hole-Deck Slab with 50% GGBS Cement replacement & red colouring pigment, 3D printed formwork finish 3. Thermalight Aircrete Insulating Block 4. Typical Cladding Build-Up: 20mm Red Sandstone Tiles with Honed Finish fixed with steel stone-cladding restraints; 20mm Ventilation Cavity; 30mm Equal Sided Slotted Galvinised Steel Angle Cladding Rail fixed to concrete through insualtion by thermally broken fibre-cement cladding fasteners; 200mm Rigid PIR Insulation Board glued to face; Air Tight Membrane; Concrete Slab Edge 5. 60mm Synthetic Anhydrite Screed with finely-ground locally-sourced recycled brick aggregate, polished finish over 20mm Impact Acoustic Insulation 6. Silicon Jointed Triple Glazed Thermally Broken Window Joint connecting to RAL 7015 Powder Coated Aluminium Mullion bolted to Steel Equal Angle Bracket with Sound Insulation between 7. Spandrel Glazing Fixing: Triple Glazed Enamled Window; Fire Blankets to fill cavity; Steel Equal Angle Bracket bolted into concrete slab

1:20 @ A3 0m







10. 11.


8. Transfer Level External Cantilevered Floor Detail: 60mm Synthetic Anhydrite Screed with finely-ground locally-sourced recycled brick aggregate, polished finish over 20mm Impact Acoustic Insulation; 650mm Hole-Deck Slab with 50% GGBS Cement replacement & red colouring pigment, 3D printed formwork finish; Cable tray routed through hole-deck slab; 200mm Rigid PIR Insulation; Suspended 50mm Equal Sided Slotted Galvinised Steel Angle Rail from Slab using Thermally Broken Fibre-Cement cladding fasteners; 20mm locally-sourced Red Sandstone tile, honed finish 9. Thermally Broken Powder-Coated Aluminium Curtain Wall head frame bolted onto to Equal Sided Slotted Galvinised Steel Angle Rail to allow seismic movement; internally faced with perforated aluminium mesh sheet 10. Powder Coated Aluminium door surround thermally broken by 50mm Aerogel Insulation 11. Automatic Door Sensor & High-Efficiency LED spotlight incorporated into door surround

1:20 @ A3 0m
















12. Water-jet perforated Andesite stone flooring tile over clean washed recycled brick aggregate in Steel Drainage Channel with perforated drainage pipe. 13. Lecture Theatre External Ceiling Build-Up: 40mm locally-sourced grouted Andesite tiles with R11 natural finish; 100mm Synthetic Anhydrite Screed with finely-ground locally-sourced recycled brick aggregate, with fall away from building; 100mm PIR rigid insulation board; Air Tight Membrane; 450mm Hole-Deck Slab with 50% GGBS Cement replacement & red colouring pigment, 3D printed formwork finish; Cable tray routed through hole-deck slab 14. Door threshold supported by Thermalight Aircrete Insulating Block fixed to Damp Proof Membrane with Airtight Tape 15. Lecture Theatre Internal Ceiling Build-Up: 40mm locally-sourced grouted Andesite tiles with R11 natural finish supported by 120mm Self-levelling tile pedestals; 60mm Syntehtic Anhydrite Screed with finely-ground locally-sourced recycled brick aggregate cast on 20mm Acoustic Impact Insulation 16. Basement Wall Build-Up: Secant-Pile Retaining Wall with waterproof drainage layer screwed to inner face; 50mm Drainage Cavity; 200mm Rigid PIR Insulation Board Glued to face; Air Tight Membrane; 200mm Concrete retaining wall with 50% GGBS Cement replacement & red colouring pigment with 3D printed formwork finish; 30mm Laser-Cut Perforated FSC Certified Massaranduba Timber Acoustic Panels 17. Perforated Substrate Drain 18. Lecture theatre seating bolted to concrete floor using steel plates 19. Basement Floor Build-Up: 60mm Syntehtic Anhydrite Screed with finely-ground locally-sourced recycled brick aggregate; 200mm Concrete slab with 50% GGBS Cement replacement; 100mm Rigid PIR Insulation Board; Damp Proof Membrane; 100mm Concrete levelling slab with 60% GGBS Cement replacement cast over compacted hardcore 20. Low-Velocity Circular MVHR Steel Air Supply Pipe 21. Perforated Steel Plate under Lecture Theatre Seating for MVHR supply

1:20 @ A3 0m





Efficient Stone Use

CLADDING TECTONICS Two distinctive stone elevation finishes are found on the building, drawing their inspiration from the temple at Tiwanaku. The lower volume appears more human in scale as it coats the Education Landscape with natural finish masonry stones. This provides a counterpoint to the Watchtower, manifesting as a large carved volume, levitating above the ground. The upper stone cladding concept was derived by extrapolating the larger building move of carving the Watchtower into four smaller volumes. Windows were located where needed internally using a consistent rectilinear profile, before highlighting common points of alignment across façades, while simultaneously highlighting common points of alignment on adjacent faces of the same volume. The impression created is a series of blocks carved from one large stone, with some removed, before being further carved into four distinct volumes. This effect is achieved at a detail level using 20mm powder-coated aluminium C-Channels that connect back to the cladding support rails and has a 5mm gap between tiles on either side. These produce a significant shadow joint. Tiles of typically 1m x 1m are then attached as a rainscreen cladding, with

Elevations unfolded by Block


joints not exceeding 5mm to give the impression of a more homogeneous surface in contrast to the metal channels. The inner face of external walls between the screed layer and slab only need to provide some support to the insulation layer, house acoustic insulation, and act as a base for lime-render. Lightweight timber partitions using locally sourced Massaranduba studs and OSB panels from recycled woods provide a lightweight and sustainable solution for this. In order to achieve the frameless effect required of the perimeter facade, the interaction between the glazing edge and stone cladding is paramount. Similar to the windows in the Watchtower’s reveals, a thermally broken insulated edge frame sits concealed and flush with the edges of the stone cladding. This provides suitable thermal control while maintaining the aesthetic. To manage seismic movement, the insulated frame is connected to the concrete wall using via an interstitial frame with horizontal movement joints. These could be kept sufficiently stiff during wind loading, but would allow movement under seismic conditions preventing the glass from shattering through sheer forces.

Elevations on Building

20mm Aluminium C-Channels powdercoated with RAL 7015 finish mounted to cladding support battens

20mm Red Sandstone Tiles with honed finish

Watchtower Sandstone Cladding Total Wall Construction rated at 0.11 W/mwK

Red Sandstone Masonry wall with intermediary thermally broken wall ties

Educational Landscape Sandstone Masonry Wall




Landscape Strategies


Working with Context Levels

Zoning by Surface

Landscaping for Comfort

Context levels and access around the perimeter were preserved, acting as the guidelines for the development of the landscape

Andesite tiles cover the ground, while Red Sandstone highlights emphasize places for movement and gathering

In addition to shading from surrounding buildings, native QueĂąua trees provide natural shading from the high-altitude sun

In order to make the lower part of the building feel more like a landscape, it was important to connect the inside levels to those surrounding its envelope. Before any decisions were made, access levels for the surrounding buildings were preserved, acting as a driver for the building entrance levels. These steep hillsides were then accentuated with landscaped terracing. Navigation around the landscape is assisted through the use of stone on the surface. Andesite tiles with Red Sandstone highlights highlight the primary circulation path along the internal and external routes of the building along with squares for gathering.


Vegetation is used both inside and out. This not only improves air quality, biodiversity and mental health, but provides opportunity for thermal control from the high-altitude sunlight. In addition, where rooms were partially built into the landscape, it was important to ensure these read a part of the whole. This was achieved through a mix of vegetation, materiality, and using the walls and floors to help the site fall from one side to the other. Once the impression is complete, it acts like a green strip on the outside which connects the plaza below to the football court at the top as it crosses over La Arteria.




With the already inhospitable Altiplano receiving more severe effects from the changing climate, many of its rare and beautiful planting species require preservation. All of the plant species are adapted to be very slow growing to counteract the severe water scarcity. While the Altiplano may struggle to meet these requirements, the building’s water storage and irrigation would easily be able to maintain these levels. One special example is the Yareta, which can be one of the oldest living organisms on earth, with some of the older observable examples dating back nearly 3,000 years. This was used as fuel in the past, but its extremely slow growing nature made that practice unsustainable.


Tree species like the QueĂąua (Polylepis Rugulosa) are able to provide shading around the site with very little water available, and are common nesting points for small local birds and insects, who enjoy the subtle flowers hidden by the rugged leaves. Finally, the region is home to a vibrant array of colourful flowers and grasses hidden amongst the expansive yellow planes, many of which seek out the shade, and bide their time through slow growth.

Polylepis Besseri

Lepechinia Bella

Puya Weddelliana


Polylepis Rugulosa

Mastigostyla Cardenasii

Oxypetalum Fuscum

Parastrephia Lepidophylla

Buddleja Coriacea

Ipomoea Exerta

Nototriche Digitulifolia

Festuca Orthohylla


Hillside Landscaping


Spanning both the internal and external spaces on the site, the Educational Landscape provides the backdrop for a wide range of social learning, breakout, communication and gathering opportunities. This variety helps ensure the campus is suitable as a modern learning environment. These spaces are differentiated through the floor finished that run around the space. The landscape provides the ideal indoor learning environment for nearby students. The wide spaces create great social learning commons, and the natural terraces of the site mean a wide range of social spaces emerge throughout the plan. Internally, greenery runs close to the central atrium, helping purify the air internally. This greenery spills


into the surrounding landscape, with a plethora of terraces, providing a mix of planting, seating and steps. The larger planters externally allow for trees to be planted helping to shade the plaza spaces outside the building, further enhancing spaces available for student use. These were chosen to increase water retention to improve plant survival, while providing ideal habitats for birds and insects. To work with the complex levels of the site, landscape stairs are carved into rocky landscape terraces that run from the top to the bottom of the site.

Spaces primarily for movement and gathering are highlighted through the use of Red Sandstone, differenting them from more serene rest spaces.

Internal planting zones around the central atrium integrate natural flowers and green planting with spaces for rest and socialising.

External landscape stairs appear carved into their rougher rocky terrace surrounds using the same stone, appearing carved into the slope.

Similar to the master plan, many terraces are planted to create a more comfortable street-level experience.

Planters are formed in larger clusters for optimal water retention, and are planted with local flowers and grasses to encourage insect habitats.




The roof can be divided into two sections, Regeneration on the upper level, and Recreation on the lower level. Using solar panels and the quiet space provided by the upper roof, a suitable environment is generated for growing endangered wild-flowers from the altiplano. These in turn would help attract birds and insects improving the biodiversity in the area. The PV panels provide additional shading for the roof terrace and help reduce internal gains, while generating power for use in the building or by nearby houses.


The lower roof provides relief for staff, who can use it to walk among greenery in a quieter environment than the lower landscape, and enjoy panoramic views of the city. Large planters help with water conservation, and a shading canopy provides the opportunity for group activities on the terrace. The shading provides the opportunity for staff to eat outdoors during lunch hours, or could be hired out to external parties who would enjoy extensive views of La Paz while generating revenue for the campus.

Solar panels offer shelter to plants, and reduce the rate of surface water evaporation from flower-beds.

Endangered wild-flowers from the Altiplano are planted on the upper roof where they are least disturbed.

Stone paving runs between local grasses and flowers achieving a similar effect to a natural trail.

Planters are formed in larger clusters for optimal water retention, and are planted with local flowers and grasses to encourage insect habitats.

A large shaded pavilion is provided for relief from the sun, and can be used for group gatherings or events.






Movement & Gathering

Rest & Work

The flooring language was developed to marry the circulation concepts present in the building’s massing, with the stone tectonic around the building.

Dynamic areas are highlighted by replacing lighter shades of Andesite with Red Sandstone, producing a higher contrast, and introducing shades that link back to the solid forms around the space. This new tone can be easily picked up visually to help guide users around the building’s primary circulation; this is of particular benefit to those with visual impairments, who may otherwise struggle with movement down a less linear building.

All tiles in the building are a long format R11 slipresistant stone and are placed perpendicular to the primary direction of travel, acting in juxtaposition to the strong perspectives prompting investigation, to slow users of the building to a more comfortable pace. Static areas are defined by contrasting shades of Andesite, providing a contrast to the dominant red shades around the building, and highlighting spaces of calm, suitable for resting and working.




Small Groups



Larger Groups






Strategic Sustainable Response


The La Paz Land Use Centre aims to be an exemplar in good environmental practice for Bolivia, which currently has very few buildings of high environmental merit designed to modern standards. The first recognised environmental certification nationally was a LEED Gold, going to Edificio CAF Bolivia in La Paz in 2016. In aiming for BREEAM Outstanding, the building must be sustainable socially, economically and environmentally. As discussed in the brief, the economic benefits of properly regulated natural capital are orders of magnitude greater than any costs associated in setting up the building and its systems. With the building’s focus on contextual response, bringing higher education functions into the district with the most need, and providing opportunities for the public to enjoy the landscape and education events, the social criteria is also evident. In achieving the environmental credentials, a fabric first approach seemed prudent, and the diurnal temperature differences and limited opportunities

Author is a certified PHI Designer


for natural ventilation made using Passive House principles a good fit for the circumstances. From an early stage, the building looked at using a heavily insulated construction, with exposed thermal mass, careful solar control, an air-tight envelope, and an MVHR ventilation system. Environmental criteria are also highlighted in relation to BREEAM’s sustainability principles throughout this section, appearing as coded headings e.g.(MAT 01). It should be noted that the extreme energy demand of large-scale computing may be an anomaly for both Passive House and BREEAM, but these have been optimised where possible and only use renewable energy; the building ensures compliance with all other criteria for the server spaces, and meets all demands for all other areas. Also, the building adds to the masterplan’s excellent sustainable transport solution through the bike store in the building as mentioned during the brief section (TRA 01 & TRA 02).

BREEAM provides an excellent framework, going beyond the building and into the wider context of sustainability

Heat & Air

Solar & Light


MVHR paired with Thermal Mass and Local Climactic Control

Form & Orientation for Maximum Daylight with Optimal Solar Control

Power Generation from Solar & Reclaimed Heat to reduce Energy Draw


Natural Resources


Acoustic Inner & Outer Envelopes

Water Collection and City Water Network Integration

Water Cooled Servers with Energy Reclamation & District Heating Scheme


SIEGE BY SUNLIGHT As La Paz is in the southern hemisphere, the sun will be primarily circling to the north. The building must provide ample shading for pedestrians, as the UV radiation is extremely high, with values off the scale for the majority of the year due to the high altitude. This UV radiation brings with it huge potential solar heat gains which might become excessive during the day if not properly managed. Fortunately, views are to the south of the site, and the slope with residential buildings provides some solar relief to the north. La Paz experiences a high diurnal temperature difference, and should be properly addressed. When combined with the high UV radiation, solar mass

becomes a viable strategy for the building, as is evident in the heavy masonry buildings typical of the area. High winds are often encountered in the city. As the building is sheltered by buildings on both sides of the primary wind directions, these wouldn’t be a major issues when night purge cooling is required. The rainfall through most of the year becomes significant because of the master-plan’s rainwater collection strategy. The building stores as much rainwater as possible between September and April.

Future Water Supply in La Paz


Average Temperature in La Paz


UV Index in La Paz



Protecting against the Sun

SHADING HIERARCHY The building completely removes any mechanical cooling requirements through the careful selection of context (LE 01), and through careful form design and material selection. This dramatically lowers the energy demand of the building using Passive House principles, contributing towards energy reduction ENE 01. Firstly, the context to the North East and South West of the site provide immediate shading for much of the building. The narrow perimeter prevents any sunlight excluding steep midday sun from penetrating horizontally deep into the building. This is enhanced by trees, and La Arteria which rises to the height of the building, providing early shade in the evening sunlight.

vertical shading for the lower levels from much of the remaining midday sun. The vertical overhangs help shade to the South East and North West where the context is unable to assist. From there, the reveals in the building’s facade were pushed deep into the envelope, providing significantly more shading, especially for office windows. Finally, the glazing chosen is Triple Glazed, providing excellent thermal insulation, and high reflection of external UV energy at steep angles. The green roof also helps significantly reduce any thermal gains conducted through the structure.

Secondly, the building’s four massing blocks are offset from the atria in all dimensions, providing additional

1st - Context


2nd - Form

3rd - Reveals

4th - Materials

Working with the Sun

HARNESSING USEFUL GAINS While the building goes to great extents to reduce excessive solar gains, it harnesses a small proportion of useful gains to largely eliminate any additional heating demands, complying with ENE 01 for energy reduction. Limited solar radiation enters the building for up to 4 hours a day through the atria. This is absorbed by the thermal mass in the stone floors. To ensure this doesn’t result in overheating, the hole-deck with a larger exposed surface area acts to thermally regulate any excess UV energy absorbed by the tiles. When combined with energy from the occupancy and office equipment, this would typically provide a suitable

PV Panels convert sunlight into electrical energy, while acting as a shading device for the roof

Office spaces receive regulated sunlight due to building overhangs and deep reveals, daylight is scattered internally using white walls to create a healthier working environment.

Stone tiled floors absorb excess heat energy into thermal mass. This slowly equalises with the permanently shaded parallel hole deck’s higher exposed thermal mass using radiation to maintain comfortable termperatures diurnally.

energy input to compensate for the MVHR’s drop in thermal transfer when operating at 90% efficiency. Sunlight is also utilised where possible to reduce additional lighting requirements, while diffusing light around rooms using the matt white walls to avoid glare. This meets the visual comfort requirements outlined in HEA 01. When this drops below levels of 60 lux in corridors, or 350 lux in working and study spaces, automatic building control sensors increase the brightness of energy efficient LEDs to compensate.

Recessed atrium is shaded from intense direct sunlight throughout most of the day by the walls of the upper levels

Green Roof planters add to the roof’s insulation to insulate against unwanted gains

Deep areas in the building receive some bounced & diffuse sunlight using white walls


Daytime Lighting Strategy

DAYLIGHT, SUNLIGHT & SUBTERRANEAN One of the largest challenges of the long, narrow site was enabling suitable levels of natural light penetration for an appropriate level of visual comfort (HEA 01), particularly for deeper parts of the Educational Landscape floor-plan. From the strong light above, regulated quantities are brought in through the atria as previously discussed, allowing strong visual connections back to the sky throughout the day, providing good daylighting, Moving around the envelope, the external glazing surrounds the perimeter of lower levels, ensuring an even light penetration while using overhangs and context to significantly reduce glare.

To further benefit from the atria, adjacent rooms have windows in deep reveals, allowing more natural light to enter the spaces. Where spaces are buried into the hillside and have no direct external windows, glazed frontages provide natural light, while high efficiency LEDs regulated by light sensors keep lux levels above 350 lux for comfortable working conditions. Light is bounced around the lower levels using matte white lime-render walls, helping to evenly diffuse the light without glare. The lime render also helps regulate humidity internally, while being a sustainable natural alternative to plaster, complying with low material impact requirements of MAT 01.

Rooflights are included in some situations where a larger slab sits above providing some level of light penetration, towards the slightly darker central line of the internal landscape.

Roof-lights in floor plates for daylight penetration to central plan areas along with visual connection

Internal lime-render walls painted white to reflect and diffuse daylight evenly throughout each level

Atrium splits between volumes allow daylight and sunlight to penetrate to deep spaces in the building

Deep reveal windows allow limited sunlight and ample daylight to enter upper rooms directly or through atria Internal rooms with windows to atriums, combined with high efficiency LEDs and light sensors to maintain comfortable working lux levels External triple glazing allows even daylight penetration on lower levels


Night-time Lighting Strategy

LIGHTING THE PATH The building makes a number of considerations in order to avoid excess night-time light pollution (POL 04), while providing a safe external and internal environment for both building users and nearby members of the public. Blackout blinds are integrated behind the windows of all spaces in the Watchtower, allowing comfortable working outside of daylight hours without disrupting adjacent residential buildings. As the campus may be required as a study space out of hours, especially by disadvantaged students nearby, it educational zones remain secure with restricted access using card readers outside a manned reception (complying with security in HEA 06). Lighting levels are kept at 300 lux for the private and group study rooms, using blakcout blinds for the former, and automatic lighting sensors for both to ceonserve power (ENE 01).

Integrated blackout blinds in offices prevent residential light pollution for working out of hours

Efficient focussed LED downlighting, adjusted to no greater than 50 lux, shines from the hole-deck slab into the public zone of the building’s interior. This bleeds to a reduced extent intentionally through the glass curtain wall at lower levels, providing illumination to the external landscape areas. This permits safe passage or gathering for locals in the evening and at night, helping alleviate the current dangers during dark hours in La Portada and improving safety in the wider context. This downlighting is concealed from above by the overhang of the Watchtower, and eliminated potential light polution to bedrooms in the surrounding context. These overhangs also prevent excess light to bleed from the atria above.

Focussed downward lighting in the Educational Lanscape reduces unnecessary light polution from the atria While the servers can produce a nice effect during the evening, integrated blinds reduce excess light pollution during 24/7 operation.

Internal downlights illuminate exterior gathering spaces for safety, without shining light into residential bedrooms nearby Lecture theatres are artifically lit with efficient LEDs for consistent light at any time

Focussed downward LED lighting follows areas of the building that can open to the public during designated hours


Ventilation & Thermal Control


The thermal mass of the exposed concrete and stone combine with the MVHR to regulate the internal environment to a high degree of efficiency. This efficient use of material (MAT 06) is an important factor in the overall performance of the building. The high solar radiation is captured largely through the atrium spaces and the ground before being evenly radiated throughout the space. This is buffered by the thermal swing from cooler slabs from the previous night, with an external temperature of approximately 5oC. This cooling can be achieved by night purge through Watchtower windows, or the MVHR unit can be bypassed to bring in cooler night air temporarily with no additional energy usage. The MVHR takes in most of the fresh air from the roof, and supplies it directly the office spaces. For the education spaces, these have other MVHR intakes, which bring air from the first level at low velocity in larger ducts, then releases it underneath the seats. The fresh air is important in providing a suitable air quality to maintain good health for the building users (HEA 02). While the humidity levels would typically be suitable, should the need arise, humidifiers could be used to bring the relative humidity internally up to more comfortable levels; this is already partially managed by the internal walls with lime render which naturally regulates moisture content in the air.


Air passes from these spaces through acoustically baffled door headers and into the common spaces. From here, the now reduced quality air can rise through the atrium using thermal buoyancy and be carried to the exhaust of the MVHR system where it can be re-circulated again. The MVHR system operates at approximately 85% efficiency if properly specified. When balanced with correct natural and operational gains control, this eliminates most of the building’s traditional energy requirements, having a huge impact on its operational energy use (ENE 01). In order to operate as efficiently as possible, the building has a continuous thermal envelope with thermal bridges eliminated. In addition, a continuous air tight envelope prevents unnecessary heat loss through convection, while inward opening windows are kept sealed from the positive pressure produced by the ventilation system. As the MVHR system can comfortably cope with the heat differences, a potential rise in local temperatures from climate change wouldn’t compromise the building’s operation (WST 05). It is already currently likely that, given the local tendency to build without heating or cooling, the building already caters for the perceived thermal comfort of the locals more easily than all other nearby buildings.

MVHR is supplied to the main education and office spaces directly (under floor to the lecture theatres), which then flows into the shared atrium and corridors. It reaches the top of the atriums through thermal buoyancy, where the stale air exhausted.

The thermal mass is exposed through the floor and ceiling with the concrete and natural stone tiles. The extra surface are to volume ratio of the holedeck slab increases the thermal mass effect.


Thermal Isolation

A HELPFUL NEIGHBOUR As the servers and supercomputers run on a separate system that can easily consume over 1.5MW on full capacity, the energy strategy is treated separately from the rest of the building. In order to make the strategy sustainable, the strategy here looks at the wider context, and how energy savings, reclamation, and efficient use of heat would reduce the impact of the system while it carrys out the critical biome protection research of the campus.

grid is roughly equitable to one entire super-block’s energy requirements in the masterplan.

The machine halls are heavily insulated and create a self-contained thermal envelope, with suspended floor and ceilings carrying long runs of coolant through to the machines. This coolant comes away from the machine between 70-80oC and heads straight to the plant room. Here it passes through Stirling Engines which can return up to 30% of the heat energy as electricity using the ground’s constant coolth to be pumped back into the machines, reducing energy draw from the local grid by 0.69MW. This recycling is critical, and the energy draw reduced from the power

While the server energy consumption is high, it would be powered using the new solar farms established on the Altiplano under the new masterplan to ensure zero-carbon operation. This strategy factors in the long term predicted climate changes in the region, but using the abundant sunlight as a power source (WST 05).

This waste heat can be fed via a heat exchanger into a large district heating loop which can heat nearby homes, as well as the adjacent schools and nearby La Portada hospital with no additional carbon cost. This would supply roughly 1.61MW of heat at the source. The now cool coolant can begin the cycle again.

The operation of this self-contained zone of the building would have no noticeable impact on environmental performance in other building areas.

The vast cooling requirements for the servers far exceed heating requirements for the building, so are exhausted to a district heating loop following energy reclamation from Stirling engines.


PV Energy Generation

La Paz Power Grid

Periods of low building energy draw

Draw under full load = 1.5MW Approx.


Drone Charging

Specialist Energy Cycle

Excess energy during peak hours


Coolant at reduced temperature LED Lighting & Building Systems

Heat out at 70-80oC

District Heating Loop

30% of heat converted back to electricity Reduced temperature heat MVHR

Stirling Engines

Heat recycled inside building

Building heat and energy network


Water Management


La Paz’s biggest challenge in the coming decades is the availability of clean water once glaciers retreat and rainfall reduced. Working with principles established in the masterplan to enable 100% reliance on rainwater, the land-use campus incorporates a large water-storage basement. This not only improves the water situation in the city, but reduces the potential of flooding to settlements downstream of La Paz during intense rainfall (POL 03). All surfaces are able to divert water off the site and roof and into the storage and sorting tanks beneath the building, allowing nearly 100% rainwater reclamation. This is done through landscape terraces and planters located at each level. This basement storage, of approximately 3 million litres, is connected to the La Paz - El Alto network, and allows it to play a part in the wider role of providing a key resource for the city. At current local water usage, this storage is enough for 0.27% of the Polycentre’s annual water consumption, but with masterplan guidelines for water conservation around the city, this percentage could increase.


Water use around the building is used for irrigation, sanitation, hydration and food preparation. In order to ensure efficient irrigation, local plant species were used in deep planter beds, meaning a high tolerance to water scarcity, reducing the need for excessive irrigation during summer months helping conserve water (WAT 01). Throughout the building, energy efficient and water conserving showers, taps and drinking fountains are installed to reduce overall water draw. Greywater is recycled into the WCs, which use up to date water-saving flush mechanisms (water equipment efficiency WAT 04). All of these systems would be sensor activated to eliminate potential viral or bacterial contamination near water sources. While servers use water cooling, this would be a closed loop, resulting in negligible usage, and may be swapped for natural mineral oil following consultation with computing consultants for the project.

Water from roof collected using green roof planters

Water from proposed La Paz Water Network

Water from site collected using Landscape Terraces

100% of water falling on the site is collected, either from the roof or the landscape terraces, and moved to the basement water tank, connecting to the proposed La Paz - El Alto Water Network

Water to proposed La Paz Water Network


Natural Resource Harnessing



Building Systems

City Power Grid

Building Battery

PVs make the most of the extreme UV light, and store it in a battery to use for the building’s general operation throughout the day.


Due to the intense high-altitude sunlight, there is a great opportunity for solar energy harvesting using PVs. These are partially concealed behind the roof parapet to avoid excess glare caused to residents living uphill of the land-use campus.

where it requires reduced operation cost throughout its lifespan (MAN 02). When battery capacity is full, or when there is high demand, the building can help supplement the local power grid to reduce demand on the city’s overall system.

Energy generated is stored in a battery storage unit in the building, where it can be used to power daily operations, from lighting to drone charging. The power generation would be sufficient to provide the complete power requirements for the building. Worst case scenario of maximum PHI energy consumption at 60kWh/m2/yr sees the building consume 43.5 kW/h, whereas the building generates 71.5kWh/yr through the PV system, and would ensure all daily operation of the building is carbon positive, with a minimum 64% excess for redistribution. This also has positive implication for the building’s management,

Adding to the positive effects of the PVs, they work in close harmony with endangered species cultivated on the roof, which prefer partially shaded conditions to reduce intense sunlight and water evaporation (see opposite). These plants would help with local insect and bird biodiversity in the area, especially as the roof is a service element and would remain largely undisturbed. This not only introduces a significant boost to the ecology of the site which was previously barren and unstable (LE 04 & LE 01 respectively), but is aligned with the building’s long term preservation goals for biodiversity in the region (LE 05).

Wider Context


PV Panels simulate rocks in the Altiplano, and provide critical shading and an undisturbed atmosphere for endangered local plants, and by extension wildlife

Indigenous trees provide shading to users, while purifying the air and cooling through evapotranspiration

Green rest spaces help improve the mental health of staff in addition to their physical health

All vegetation provides natural habitats for native birds and insects, threatened by the changing climate of the Altiplano

All natural moves introduce significant benefits for the mental health of its users through improved air quality (HEA 02) and biophillic amenity. Comfort is increased through natural shading and evapotranspiration in resting areas. Also, the extensive planting strategies through the building highlight the building’s dedication to protecting and enhancing biodiversity (LE 04 & LE05). The long term implications for the building as a conservation element was considered in the durable construction of the building. The efficient use of concrete (MAT 05) with seismic consideration allows for a notably long lifespan, which could run well beyond many typically guaranteed constructions (MAT 06). Should the building require renovation or adaptation in the future (WST 06), all internal walls can be easily adjusted. More extensive renovation would see easy

disassembly of the cladding and external walls for recycling without any disturbance to the structure, and with reduced disturbance to the habitats created on the roof. Screed floors with recycled brick aggregate (WST 02) embody little carbon, while re-use of red sandstone tiles substantially drops their overall material impact (MAT 01), even ignoring their current significant improvement over brick in embodied carbon. In the longer term should the need arise, following careful movement of endangered plant species to a now more extensively planted cityscape, upper levels can be de-constructed, with prefabricated columns and walls recycled for later use, while the transfer deck and above would permit new construction on the existing slab without sacrificing seismic stability. Alternatively, lower levels could be re-purposed while upper levels continue with typical operation.


Upper Building Acoustics

ZONING FOR PRIVACY In combining a series of different disciplines and shared spaces, the building sees multiple changes in required acoustic adjacency throughout. Extensive steps are taken throughout the building to protect the building’s acoustic envelope and performance of each individual room (HEA 05), while ensuring noise pollution to the neighbouring residences is severely limited (POL 05). All zones benefits from the natural acoustic baffling created by the hole-deck slab, which helps reduce reverberation, and increases effectiveness of the intermediary acoustic impact insulation between each floor.

Offices were zoned towards the edge of the envelope closest to the residential spaces as these are naturally more quiet spaces, and would reduce impact on the context when their windows are opened during operational hours. When closed, an acoustic envelope formed by the triple glazing and wall construction ensures noise leak is kept to a minimum. This is bolstered by acoustic insulation in the office internal walls between rooms. MVHR requires free movement of air between rooms, and uses the minor pressure increase created by supply ducts and the air-tight envelope to gently push air through acoustically baffled vents in partition walls.

Continuous acoustic envelope wraps around building

Acoustic baffling by hole-deck slab Acoustic zoning through insulation in timber partition walls

Acoustic impact insulation between floors

Triple glazed envelope reduced external noise intake and internal noise bleed Office Acoustics


Lower Building Acoustics

MANAGING ADJACENCY With the requirement for noise levels of around 30dB, lecture theatres require a higher degree of acoustic management, both adjacent to the space and internally. All strategies are applicable to both lecture theatres in the building. A raised floor for the internal reception floor above reduces requirements on the acoustic impact insulation, while enabling level access to the external landscape. Thick partition walls house increased acoustic insulation to deal with any further noise from internal spaces. Being buried in the earth, the floor and walls provide natural acoustic insulation and reduce sound transmission. Internally, measures are taken to reduce reverberation, focussed especially towards the direction of a speaker

to prevent unwanted reverberation. The hole-deck slab continues to provide natural baffling, while soft seat backs absorb sound when occupancy fluctuates. Finally locally sourced timber acoustic panels reduce sound reflection from the rear wall. MVHR ducts are made particularly large for these spaces, and fresh air is supplied at a low velocity spread over a large area under the seats. Another space that presents greater acoustic challenges are the server spaces in the building. The continuous thermal insulation envelope inside the server and supercomputing spaces incorporate an acoustic layer, to reduce sound transmission to adjacent rooms.

Triple glazed envelope reduced external noise intake and internal noise bleed Acoustic baffling by hole-deck slab Laser-Cut Massaranduba timber acoustic panels facing front

Increased acoustic insulation in partition walls part of continuous acoustic envelope

Soft seat fabric facing front reduces reverberation

MVHR supplied at low velocity under seating using large ducts

Lecture Theatre Acoustics


Integrated Environment

DELIVERING AIR, LIGHT & WATER When all environmental strategies are applied, integration of the structure with the services ensures the building can operate smoothly while enabling ease of maintenance during its operation (MAN 02). Services were planned to minimise crossovers, ensuring all required runs could be achieved through the hole-deck slab. The most challenging of these were the MVHR supply ducts, which reach 180mm dia. for Watchtower floors to meet occupancy demand, fitting snugly inside the hole deck openings. These were routed through two main runs along the edges of the breakout spaces or corridors, and supply ducts penetrated into each room. These individual supply valves can be controlled by an automated building management system if reduced occupancy provides opportunity for energy savings without loss in air

quality. For Educational Landscape levels, lecture theatres supply air under seats, and smaller rooms would be supplied through a system running along the perimeter and not centrally. Extract ducts would be located in atria and service spaces, so don’t interfere with other runs, and run nearby MVHR supply lines from the roof MVHR systems. This strategy means for Watchtower levels, sprinkler and electric systems run around the perimeter of the envelope to avoid crossing the MVHR ducts, while on lower levels they run more centrally. Electricity is delivered to user levels by routing power cables through the internal partition walls, allowing for flexibility, and easy relocation in the future to suit user needs.

MVHR from Roof MVHR Supply with Duct Water & Sprinkler Runs Electrical Runs

Services combined on building ceiling, planned for minimal intersections


PV Panels & green roofs buffer intense solar radiation to prevent excess gains MVHR extracted from common areas through atria

Continuous air-tight thermal envelope

MVHR Exhaused through acoustically baffled vents in holedeck

Power runs to energy efficient LEDs focussed on working plane

Steeply-angled sunlight diffused by screed

Thermal Gains from occupancy

Building management system controlled nightpurge Socket power brought down to user through partition walls

Offices below receive reduced atrium light but increased window light and vice-versa

Temperature regulated by Hole Deck Thermal Mass

Typical Office Cut

Temperature regulated by Hole Deck Thermal Mass

Continuous air-tight thermal envelope

MVHR Exhaused through acoustically baffled vented doors

Power runs to energy efficient LEDs focussed on working plane Thermal Gains from occupancy

MVHR supplied at low velocity under seating Lecture Theatre Strategy




Building to Code


Bolivian Building Regulations Document

In order to ensure a safe building for users, regulations were used from early in the process. While Bolivia has its own building regulations document, an English version was unable to be sourced. Some online translation tools can be useful, but for important and clearly written guidance documents, misinterpretation could result in serious issues. In order to ensure all the regulatory requirements were met, the UK Approved Documents were followed. This encapsulates all relevant documents from A-R. The response to these documents are summarised


opposite, while a more expansive response to documents B, K and M can be seen on the pages following. In addition, ensuring safety throughout the design and manufacturing process is a critical component of modern-day practice. This is addressed through the CDM regulations.

Building to Code

SUMMARY OF REGULATORY RESPONSES A: Structure - Covered extensively in the structure & tectonic section, particular attention was paid to ensuring secure foundations were developed that, combined with upper structural elements, mitigates against potential ground movements. - Two-way hole deck slabs help distribute loading dynamically if required, and work against disproportionate collapse. B2: Fire Safety (buildings other than dwellings) - Covered in detail on pages 166-168. C: Site Preparation & Resistance to Contaminants & Moisture - Consultants would be contacted to carry out surveys of the ground conditions. Should any further action or decontamination need to be undertaken, this would be done subject to advice. D: Toxic Substances - Non-toxic PIR insulation is used. Additional protection is given using the airtight envelope of the building should future renovations fail to meet this requirement. E: Resistance to Passage of Sound - Covered extensively in the environmental section, particular attention was given to ensure a high quality of acoustic management in spaces, between rooms, and around the building envelope.

heat exchanger borrowing from the server room’s excess heat. H: Drainage & Waste Disposal - Provisions for the 100% water collection are outlined in the environmental section. - Sanitary waste is connected to the district recycling and purification system. - Recycling bins to be specified around the building, and carried frequently to the locally recycling plants in the superblock in accordance with the masterplan. K: Protection from Falling, Collision & Impact - Covered in detail on page 169. L2A: Conservation of Fuel & Power (in new buildings other than dwellings) - Measures to conserve fuel and power are addressed extensively in the environmental section. M2: Access to & use of Buildings (buildings other than dwellings) - Covered in detail on pages 170-171 R: Physical Infrastructure for High-Speed Electronic Communications Networks - In order to manage the enormous amount of data arriving to the data centre from the public, and heading to digital earth archives, the building would house specialist fibre-optic networks with arrays of 100Gb switches linked directly back to the city’s fibreoptic infrastructure running through La Arteria.

F: Ventilation - Covered extensively in the environmental section, the MVHR system and night purge provide a high quality of reliable ventilation during all hours. G: Sanitation, Hot Water Safety & Water Efficiency - High quality purified water is delivered to the building from nearby water-purification towers designed during the masterplan. - High efficiency water appliances are used throughout the building. - Water is safely heated when required using a small


Part B

FIRE SAFETY Due to the collaborative functions in the building, it falls under multiple use case categories. This is largely divides into usecase 3 (office) for the Watchtower, and usecase 5 (assembly & recreation) for the Educational Landscape. Two zones that don’t follow this rule are the server and supercomputing zones, and the basement water storage, both of which fall under usecase 7(a) (storage and other non-residential). While these zones are largely separate, additional moves were made to ensure complete compartmentalisation in the event of a fire between each zone. Assembly points were identified outside the building to allow for safe retreat if required. B1: Means & Warnings of Escape - A mains operated fire detection system is installed in each room, each with battery backups. Alarm systems would have visual and audible alarms when sounded. - Travel distance never exceeds 18m in one direction, or 45m in two or more directions for all spaces in the building, excluding lecture theatres with seating in rows, where travel distance doesn’t exceed 32m in more than one direction (always more than one exit). - The building has 5 protected staircases, staggered along its length on each facade to reduce average travel distance. - A disabled refuge is located in each core where immediate level access to the outside of the building is unavailable, with EVC call points. - Emergency exist would be clearly signposted.


B2 & B3: Internal Fire Spread - Concrete and stone are considered virtually fireproof, and provide a high level of resistance to internal fire spread, especially with exposed ceilings and slabs providing no computable surfaces. - All linings in the building would be specified to a 60 minute or more fire rating. - Automatic release 60 minute fire doors are used to compartmentalise the building. - 60 minute fire curtains are provided where necessary. - A regular sprinkler system is fitted through most of the building to restrict the spread of fire. - Argon sprinklers are fitted in the server and supercomputing spaces in case of electrical fire. B4: External Fire Spread - Concrete and Stone around the building’s perimeter are fire resistant. - PIR insulation is considered largely incombustible, and can be sourced with an R0 rating if required. - All triple glazed laminated windows would be rated for a minimum of 90 mins fire resistance. B5: Access and Facilities for Fire Service - While access for fire engines is provided in 3 locations, the perimeter of the building makes complete access impossible, so dry risers were located in each core. The cores are accessible from the outside. - Water can be extracted form the basement water storage if required. - A fire lift is included in each core.

Protected Stair

Escape Routes

Wheelchair Refuge

Building Exits

Fire Lift

Fire Curtain

Dry Riser

Assembly Point

Fire Door


Fire Engine Access Below Fire Engine Access at Level

Argon Gas Sprinkler


Protected Stair

Escape Routes

Wheelchair Refuge

Building Exits

Fire Lift

Fire Curtain

Dry Riser

Assembly Point

Fire Door


Fire Engine Access Below Fire Engine Access at Level


Argon Gas Sprinkler

Part K


1.4m Roof Perimeter Parapet

Laminated Triple Glazing 1.1m Boundary Walls & Railings Planter Beds as Guarding

K1: Stairs Ladders and Ramps

K2: Protection from Falling

- Stair tread gradients were kept within the range dictated by their use-case. - Stair treads were kept closed. - Head clearance between ceiling and pitch lines were kept above 2m. - All stairs kept below 2m in width so don’t need dividing. - All landings provided comply with the minimum required stair width. - Doors in stairwells open over 400mm clear of the line of travel. - Handrails sit at a constant 1000m height around the building.

- Where any level drop exceeds 600mm, a wall or fixed railing of 1100mm height is present. - For the roof parapet, a 1400mm height wall protects against falling due to increased potential dizziness from height. K4: Protection from Impact with Glazing - Triple glazing for all window openings provides suitable protection from impact falling at all levels. - Inward tilting windows with maintenance only swing remove the risk of falling out of windows at height.


Part M

ACCESS, APPROACH & USE M1: Approach - While the site makes wheelchair movement down the building’s perimeter impossible, a level approach has been provided on the 4F, 3F, 2F and GF at the NW, NE, SW and SE respectively. - The main entrance to the building at the NW sits one block away from the superblock transport interchange, and provides one of the most accessible approaches in the district. M2: Access - Level thresholds are provided throughout the building to ensure Wheelchair and pram users face no difficulties. - Automatic door sensors are located in the box frame door surrounds. - Entrance doors have minimum clear opening widths of 1200mm. M3: Circulation - Circulation difficulties due to the site have been mitigated through the use of the 2F transfer level, enabling wheelchair users to move across the difficult site without transferring more than once. - All floor finishes are finished to a slip-resistant R11 standard for added security. - Primary circulation routes are highlighted using red accent tiles to assist the visually impaired. - Stairs throughout the building were designed to the smallest gradient possible while complying with parameters dictated by function.


- Two accessible elevators are located in each core. - All internal and external doors (excluding nonaccessible WCs), have a minimum width of 950mm, with most clearing 1000mm to ensure ease of access. - All corridors are level in the building, with the exception of the 2F access to the front of the lecture theatre, which can be accessed via a disabled access lift (wheelchair users can access the back of the room at standard level). M4: Facilities - Induction loops would be integrated with all lecture and seminar spaces to assist the hard of hearing, - Two presentations screens would be used in wider spaces to ensure good sight lines, and plain white walls with even illumination would prevent visual issues from arising. - Lecture theatres always provide wheelchair spaces near to access doors, and in the case of the larger theatre, there are spaces located at the front and rear of the auditorium. M5: Sanitary Provision - All WC and shower locations provide fully accessible cubicles. - All accessible cubicle doors open outwards, and have a minimum clear width of 1000mm - WCs provided are all individually contained unisex cubicles. Shower facilities are self contained on the staff level, but are separate at the student level.

Shower cluster with accessible cubicle

Level threshold for ease of access

Accessible lifts with secure access control doors

WC cluster with accessible cubicle

Study rooms securely locked during public use

Access Control

Restricted Access

Accessible Lift

Staff Access


Student Access


Potential Public Access

Level Threshold

Maintainance Access



CDM Pre-Construction Before any work commences, under the CDM Regulations 2015, a Principal Designer must be appointed, who plans, manages and coordinates all aspects of health and safety in the project. This duty extends not only to the design team and staff during the construction phases, but also ensures the building is properly prepared for safe maintenance and use. Following the Principal Designer appointment, all team members must be informed of their roles and responsibilities under the regulatory framework. Before construction work commences, a detailed survey would be taken of the ground conditions, including information about potential contamination or unforeseen stability issues. A complete initial risk assessment of the site would be carried out, ensuring risks to the neighbouring buildings and neighbours are also eliminated in the process. In order to ensure safety, smaller elements could be specified as prefabricated to reduce complex work on site, while larger components would be fabricated on site to avoid potential safety issues between HGVs and the steep hillside conditions. Construction All measures would be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of workers during the construction phase. This includes, but is not limited to, First Aid kits and designated First Aiders, PPE to be worn at all times on site, and suitable sanitary and catering facilities. All staff members would require health and safety inductions before work can commence. The construction stage would be carried out in phases. After the site is secured and proper hoarding is put in place, the excavation would begin. Once the foundations have been cast, the site would have more stable levels, suitable for safe construction.


HGVs for pouring stages would need to arrive in a larger quantity of smaller batches to reduce the risks associated with nearby road conditions. To negate the risk of collapse of the steep hillside, the tower crane would be used to move secured materials across the site when required. This tower crane would be in place until the building is made weather tight. Adequate temporary protections would need to be put in place to protect from falling from height, and scaffold would be necessary to allow safe movement of workers between levels on the site. As there is limited space for material storage on site, a warehouse in El Alto would operate on a JIT basis, ensuring a quick turn around between components arriving on site and installation. This frees up space for vital tools and worker amenities. Maintenance & Use All spaces, internal and external, are safely accessible for maintenance. Window cleaning for most of the Watchtower’s openings would be possible through the inward opening windows. For the atrium glass and larger end windows on the NW and SE façades, abseiling from the roof would be required. The stone cladding would likely require little maintenance, but if needed, complete roof access would allow abseiling for maintenance on upper levels, and a regular ladder would be sufficient for lower levels. All risers are easily accessible from inside the building for maintenance of any services. In addition, the exposed hole-deck slab make more commonplace maintenance tasks easier to carry out.

Restricted Access catering for Residents Site Office Material Store Crane Location Vehicle Entrance Hoarding Boundary




Analysis of Process


Laying eyes on La Paz, a city far from anything I had previously experienced was the perfect way to explore a new culture, and literally climb to new heights. Everything felt rich, from the vibrant and somewhat chaotic street life to the cable car stretching from the valley up to the Altiplano that stretches off silently into the sunset. Having never done a project in the Americas, and venturing into the final project of my student life, I decided that this would be my best opportunity to explore my creative process before diving back into the world of professional practice, and my best opportunity to learn. I began to delve deeper into the wide pool available for inspiration, while attempting to select a challenging site and program I was largely unfamiliar with. I worked to challenge my usual routine, staying out of digital software when possible in earlier stages, spending longer in the conceptual realm and looking to draw further ideas from the natural world. At times, this seemed intimidating, especially when I appeared for


the first half of tutorials and crits with hastily scribbled plans and a plethora of descriptions of invisible architectural moves. Before too long the entire world entered an entirely unprecedented period, with disruption becoming the new normal for many; but while many struggled to relieve the boredom, the opportunity arose to delve even deeper into the work itself. Transitioning from a fully equipped and populated student atmosphere, to working on the dining table side-by-side with my wife was certainly unexpected, but didn’t fail to add something to the process. I definitely gave myself a challenge. While at times it was certainly uncomfortable, the result is definitely a richer understanding of the architectural world, whether it be high in the Andean hills, or behind a computer screen in a small room in Bath... connected to the world.

Conceptual Exploration

INSPIRATION FROM THE LAND While the site provided a wealth of information for initial massing moves, there were still too many options, and I wanted to avoid rushing into setting a physical form. For the early design process, I began to explore concepts relating to the biomes the building was trying to project. By linking the context back to the function, it provided a base narrative which helped lay a path for further architectural moves to emerge in the later process. This allowed me to develop some forms and concepts, like the reclining watchtower that helped me develop the building in further detail.


These early design ideas were then added to initial analysis of the site to produce early massing ideas for the building. The inspirations gained from the Asking, Looking, Playing process added a more playful counterpoint to the rigid and numerous restrictions dictated by the site itself, from maintaining access, to dealing with structural and topographic issues.



Tibe: “A social group with the possibility of collective action.” - Emma Hallgren




Pre-Massing Process


Monumental solid form above descending into the building below.

Descending occupied landscape with level spaces around and above.

Universita Luigi Bocconi, Grafton Architects, Milan, 2008

The Commons, Department of Architecture, Bangkok, 2016

Following initial inspiration exploration of the site, I began to explore the potential of massing as a largely separate exercise in a fashion removed from my usual program based approach. With the site meandering down the hillside, I explored multiple forms of expression which could articulate the building’s presence on the hillside, while allowing highlighting potential for access. The drive behind this was to try and develop an architectural language able to communicate with the local context, while adding a stronger architectural presence to the area.


While many of these images appeared as one-off sketches, understanding about how a mass interacts with the site enabled me to incorporate lessons into later massing exercises based more strongly on the allocated program. This was further enhanced by exploring precedents of similar massing, and analysing how they interacted with their context. This evolved later into a process of de-constructing how the form moved internally, and generated a space that complemented the external language.


THE FIRST RESPONSE The first program based massing to emerge came close to the outline review for the project. Initial studies of the site demonstrated how the massing could respond to the context. This iteration successfully introduced a series of raised boxes that move down the mountainside. As access was proving a major issue initially, the response proposed a single circulation wall that run the entire length of the site, enabling circulation between any floors in the building with no transfer levels.


The First Review


For the outline review I received some very formative feedback that would mark a turning point in the project. I was fortunate that most of my site response was being well received, and the move of creating raised boxes with massing underneath was appreciated. Points that required attention were the way the circulation wall cut the building’s interior off from most of the context. In addition, the geometry of the raised masses was too irregular, and made plans difficult to

optimise for either efficiency or user experience. At this stage, too much of the building was given over to circulation that didn’t provide any additional benefits to the building. Further difficulty came from the lack of clear information about the nature of the site. My design had been working by hand from the only available view of the site, and the digital model produced in advance didn’t demonstrate its important characteristics.


DEVELOPING THE CONTEXT To remedy difficulties in reading the site, I allocated 10 days to developing the context into something legible in 3D, extrapolating from the only known heights and building reference points on the one available photograph. While I knew a good response to the site would be key to the project. this decision was an uncomfortable one to make, as it made me watch for nearly 2 weeks as many of my classmates delved further into their design. Furthermore, it required me to familiarise myself heavily with Rhino, a software I rarely used. In hindsight, this move was definitely the right one, even if it generated significant stress at the time. It also enabled me to building a model showing the intricate detail of the context, carefully crafted to house a removable base to house multiple iterative models as I moved through the process. It is photographed below with the one massing model that was ever destined to sit inside.


Achieving a Baseline

CONTEXTUAL RE-RESPONSE After developing the site in greater detail. I began to apply suggestions from the crit, while maintaining some of the key angles derived from its context.

with the building, and an architectural clarity emerging from a solid volume sitting above, and a carved landscape manifesting below.

This emerging massing showed plenty of potential, with upper levels proving much easier to efficiently plan, environmental shading comfortably working


Iterative Design


Over the next few weeks, the exploration of this massing began to fall into a more comfortable iterative pattern that allowed me to repeatedly improve the building without major changes. This provided some level of security in the project, especially as I witnessed many students beginning to explore their tectonic language while I was still working with extruded massing with no facade articulation or connections between spaces.


By this stage, a meandering staircase with intermediary platforms began to flow down the main internal space, and a stronger vertical relationship between levels was emerging. This in hindsight proved to be an issue, as it made much of the recreational space in the building inaccessible. In order for the scheme to be successful, it had to evolve into a solution that turned a highly inaccessible hillside into a pleasant space for all.


EVOLUTION As the model demonstrates, some key design moves were made easier by the strong constraints awarded by the residential context and steep sloping site. The educational landscape for example relied on using the existing levels for access. All entrances to the building were designed around the slope, and weighed heavily on how the internal spaces were laid out around them.


The Second Review


Armed with a slightly neater set of plans, I stayed up until the sun rose in order to pin up for what I didn’t realise was the last physical crit of my student work I would ever experience. While the tiredness meant verbal communication was somewhat intermittent, I was able to communicate key intentions in the design, and it proved a significant improvement compared with the previous review. The massing was moving in the right direction, and the section was beginning to look promising.

Suggestions for the buildings progression were in line with my existing concerns, including an overcomplicated route down the building’s landscape, a lack of facade articulation, and the need for application of tectonic language to images.


Change of Circumstances

DISRUPTION FROM CORVID-19 Seeing the pandemic approaching from the end of January, it was inevitable that at some-point we would be leaving the studio. Discussions in the studio became increasingly focussed on when we would go into lock-down, and what would happen to our degree. So when the email came for us to pack away and head home, autopilot took over. It was only on arriving home without the pin-boards, expansive desks, and close friends that summarise studio life that the new reality really began to sink in. Knowing that as students we were in a better position than many (safe and able to continue studying), my wife and I set up our new studio table and made the


best of what we have. Deadline extensions removed the pressure of the days lost; and while increased proximity to the work was stressful, we were lucky to have a long project to focus on while indoors for such a long period. A consequence of the Corvid-19 pandemic was seeing an avenue of discussion open up about the future of practice, and how to embrace new ways of working. While some stress may be involved, it has certainly been an educational time to be an architecture student.

Circumstances of Change

ADJUSTING TO A NEW REALITY Spending more time at home with reduced contact began to change the feeling of the design process. Reduced tutorial interaction initially, along with a lack of model-making facilities took some of the dimension out of the process. In an attempt to reclaim this, I worked on my project in VR from time to time. Having established a VR workflow in practice in 2016, I was familiar with how the technology can help designers understand the feeling of spaces. It also makes it easier to identify key issues or discrepancies in the building. With lock-down playing its course,

multiple discussions about new forms of remote working brought up the occasional mention of the AR communications systems I was writing about for my research project months earlier. When new potential arises, the importance of understanding the limits of a tool becomes even more critical for a designer. I still found much my work progressed the most with a good helping of tracing paper under the nib of a mechanical pencil and some fineliners.


Manifesting Detail

ENRICHING THE DESIGN I began soon after the review to explore a monolithic stone language inspired by the temple at Tiwanaku. Originally planning on working with brick, I moved my attention to the more environmentally friendly Red Sandstone. The natural stone expresses more beautiful tonal differences while enabling a more flexible form of monumentality. While all aspects, especially environmental, were considered throughout the process, a heavy focus shifted toward the required structural, tectonic,


environmental and landscape refinement. I moved back to continue my tectonic precedent studies in the brief document, and explore new examples that used stone. Some of my earlier moves began to help cement the principles, but the elevations especially lacked the simplicity required to create a monumental impression.

Modular slab providing contrast to the ceiling, while benefiting acoustics

Using Red Sandstone tiles as cladding for a monolithic feel

National Theatre, Denys Lasdon, London, 1976

International Design Museum, Ă lvaro Siza, Hangzhou, 2018


A Review Replacement

DETAIL TUTORIAL Acting as a replacement for the Detail Review, the Detail Tutorial allowed me to run over the important tectonic aspects of the project with my tutor.

explore a more simplified articulation of the facade, opening only where necessary, before developing the detail.

Even though I was still working off line drawings for plans, the main principles the building was adopting seemed to be moving in the right direction. There was however work to be done on improving the clarity of floorplans.

The other advice was to move quickly onto producing content for the project, as I was still at the tail end of the deviation from my typical working process. The reduced body of work, while no less rich, required the production of images to demonstrate all the conceptual, architectural and functional moves that were collated into the building.

Landscape expression was beginning to articulate through the tectonic development, and key environmental moves were working properly, however the tectonic lacked the refinement required of a monumental form. Encouragement was made to


Complete Detail Tutorial document presented.

Focus on Communication

REFINEMENT & CONSOLIDATION Following a few days of quick tectonic development, including the introduction of a unified facade language, I soon stuck myself to my computer and entered the worlds of Sketchup, AutoCAD and Photoshop. While it was an intense push to produce enough content to demonstrate my intent, I was able to create

a detailed enough base model to extrude enough drawings for the project. Older decisions began to manifest, while other refinements were added as the project model progressed.


A Digital Review


Dressing up for the first time in a while, I was very excited about my final review, and the opportunity to present my first reasonably complete solution to the critics. Given the circumstances, it felt very enjoyable to be able to talk with two critics while other students watched. Having a deadline for the document the day before the review was also highly beneficial as it forced a healthy dose of sleep beforehand. I enjoyed doing the presentation, including my usual crit hand gestures despite the setting. Feedback suggested my review was well received, and the building achieved a level of maturity I was aiming for from the beginning.


As with other presentations, some suggestions to bring the most out of my scheme were made. These include: - Developing a more intricate flooring strategy. - Removing the green walls inside the building as they distracted from the monumental form - Improving the staff breakout spaces on the SE end of the fifth floor. I found all these suggestions important. Despite the heavy workload required to generate the report, I undertook the challenge of implementing these changes, and developing a new flooring strategy for the scheme as I believe they strengthen the project.

Complete final review document presented in order of appearance.


Project Conclusions


In a time like this, reflection becomes a more vivid phenomenon. If I had been able to tell the 5th year version of myself that I would be designing a building in the world’s highest capital that recently experienced a military coup on a continent I have never been to, architecturally addressing an existential climate issue from my dining table while most of the earth is in lockdown from a global pandemic, I would definitely have a hard time processing it. This reflection however reveals that the sheer quantity I have learned from this period is both comforting and invigorating. My architectural understanding has definitely improved, along with my understanding of the design process; there is added value through the addition of a rich cultural context, and a world arriving at a crossroads in the way we live and work.


It feels surreal that just a few months ago, we were working as a year in the university studio at the top of the hill; but this acts as a good metaphor for the design process. It can be highly unpredictable, and sometimes can completely upend your expectations. Our jobs of designers is to turn this to our advantage, and into something to make the best of the situation. I like to think my building embodies this characteristic. If I were to go back and make any changes, I would first develop detail for La Arteria and the nearby park, before exploring how the building can further work with this context. Regardless of any potential changes, I am finally happy with the end result. When the world opens up again, I can’t wait to keep exploring other design challenges that come my way.





ENVIRONMENTAL CALCULATIONS Watchtower Wall Thermal Performance

Excess Power Generation

PHI Wall Performance Minimum = 0.15W/m2K (Measurements taken through weakest thermal junction at wall to internal floor joint)

Passive House Energy Consumption Maximum: 60kWh/m2/yr Conditioned Area = 6,100m2

Thermal Conductivities: OSB Wall = 0.13W/mK PIR Insulation = 0.023W/mK Sandstone = 1.6W/mK

Non-Server Hourly Consumption: 60kWh/m2/yr x 6,100 m2 / (365+24) = 43.5 kW/h

Thermal Resistances: Well Ventilated Rainscreen = 0.130 m2K/W OSB Wall = (0.012mx2) / 0.13W/mk = 0.185 m2K/W PIR Insulation = 0.2m / 0.023W/mK = 8.696 m2K/W Sandstone = 0.02m / 1.6W/mk = 0.013 m2K/W Total Resistance: 0.130 + 0.185 + + 8.696 + 0.013 = 9.024 m2K/W U-Value = 1/Total Resistance: 1/9.025 = 0.11 W/m2K

Lecture Theatre Air Supply Requirement Assumed at 12l/s/person -100 Seat Lecture Theatre: 12l/s/person x 100 = 1,200l/s = 1.2m3/s 1 hour lecture = 3,600 x 1,200l/s = 4,320,000l/h = 4,320m3/h Supply Duct Size at 0.5m/s: 1.2m3/s x 0.5m/s = 2.4m2 -200 Seat Lecture Theatre: 12l/s/person x 200 = 2,400l/s = 2.4m3/s 1 hour lecture = 3,600 x 2,400l/s = 8,640,000l/h = 8,640m3/h Supply Duct Size at 0.5m/s: 2.4m3/s x 0.5m/s = 4.8m2 (Both achieved through under-seat ventilation spread across room width).


130 Solar Panels @ 2.2m2/panel Total Generation Area = 130 x 2.2m2 = 286m2 High Altitude Sun assumed 4kW/m2, 5 hours average/ day & PV efficiency @ 30% due to relative low temperatures Generation potential average per hour: 4kW/m2 x (5/24) x 0.4 = 0.25kW/h/m2 Average Power Generation: 286m2 x 0.25kW/h/m2 = 71.5 kW/h Excess Energy Generation from Passive House Max: 71.5kW/h - 43.5 kW/h = 28 kW/h = 64% Server Power Recovery & District Heating Efficient Server Unit rated at 800W Typical Server Rack Capacity = 24 Number of Server Racks = 120 Total Energy Output: 0.8kW x 24 x 120 = 2,304kW = 2.3MW Stirling Engine Efficiency @ 30% Energy Reclamation: 2.3MW x 0.3 = 0.69MW Total Heat to District Heating Loop: 2.3MW - 0.69MW = 1.61MW


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