No Opportunities Wasted #NOW Capital Campaign Booklet

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Bold Faith “In whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in Him.” Ephesians 3:12

A M E S S A G E F R O M – S e n io r P a s t o r I. D e n n a r d “ D e n n y ” B la k e Most of you have already witnessed my energetic and enthusiastic personality! It is difficult to describe the excitement I experienced when God spoke to me about the Tailored, Personal Victories that He would create for our DOJM family in 2021 and beyond. Over the years, I have witnessed others’ supernatural life-events and have been the recipient of God’s amazing Grace! Forty years ago, when my parents accepted their phenomenal calling to bring their unique spiritual gifts to our community, many could not envision just how influential and impactful Disciples of Jesus Ministries would become in our community. Drs. Israel and Barbara Blake’s fortitude and obedience have created the shoulders upon which I stand to get an elevated view of what stands just beyond the horizon for DOJM. The metamorphosis of DOJM from its humble start on Wright Street to the current evolutionary campus here on Augusta Avenue is STILL vibrant! God has given me a glimpse into the future to see the extraordinary blessings that await us if we only fully engage in the spiritual journey set forth at this time. We’ll have to bring our best selves on this journey! Our success is fueled by the BOLD, CRAZY, and SAVING Faith demonstrated over the years! Those words have set the foundation, but NOW it is time to allow the Lord to expand our reach beyond our immediate community, expound upon our holistic offerings to every member of our DOJM members and friends, and magnify the legacy of DOJM for generations to come. The “N.O.W.” (No Opportunities Wasted) Campaign is the next step to EXPAND, EXPOUND, and MAGNIFY what God has already spoken for DOJM. This capital stewardship campaign will provide the means for us to increase our capacity to brings God’s calling to fruition. God has assigned each of us an integral role in making our Spiritual Journey so powerful that it will leave us speechless, yet grateful for what is coming. This is the time for NOW Faith as written in Hebrews 11:1 – “Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen.” Pastor I. D. “Denny” Blake - Praying for Your “Tailor-made Blessings” - N.O.W.

Denny Blake

Campaign 2021 - 2023


What is the “N.O.W.” Campaign and Why are we doing this campaign?


The “N.O.W.” Campaign is a capital stewardship campaign intended to increase our capacity to reach goals we have set forth in our Strategic Plan through our various ministries. The pastor’s vision for DOJM is to increase the impact of our ministry in a holistic and meaningful way. Phenomenal outreach can only be achieved through the fully engaged efforts of phenomenal people. It is the consensus of the church leadership and the pastor that an initiative to construct a multi-purpose facility will allow us the expand our footprint in the lives of our members, our friends, our neighbors, the broader community of Thomasville, and beyond. Diligent efforts have been taken to create a viable, long-range plan for the delivery of a myriad of services which include, but are not limited to, enhanced services in the areas of health, finance, fitness/well-being, academic support, and staffing to improve operations. Optimally, we will take on this challenge in a debt-elimination/debt-free approach. It will take a committed effort from each member to make this happen.


What is the capital stewardship campaign’s fundraising goal?


The pastor believes that $750,000 is an attainable and necessary goal. Each member is anticipated to make a 24-month sacrificial commitment with his/her first fruits dedicated specifically to the initiatives planned for this facility. One might say that this is an audacious goal. Our leadership says that NOTHING IS TOO BIG FOR GOD! We shall rely on God’s Wisdom and Guidance throughout this journey. We will pray, plan, and pace ourselves accordingly until this Kingdom -Building Vision is realized.


Why should we do this now?


Our church data indicates that we have simply outgrown our current facility. Simultaneous programming is impossible because there are not enough meeting areas to have classes or medium/large group sessions or gatherings. The current Annex has served a magnificent purpose over the years. God has truly blessed us with the opportunity to grow in membership, in outreach services, and in youth and adult small group programming. In our current reality, we are stifled in what we can do within our small fellowship/annex. We are grateful, but do not plan to be stagnant. We are also excited that God has given us a BIGGER VISION to do BIGGER MINISTERING.


How will campaign progress be communicated to the leadership and members?


Announcements/Information Updates will be regularly made throughout the campaign via various modes of communication - email, regular mail, social media, phone calls, etc. to ensure that everyone is well informed of ALL “progress and next steps”. A grand announcement will be made after our Spiritual Journey and ongoing updates will be provided afterwards. Church leaders, Campaign Directors, and designated staff will be your liaison to relevant information about the campaign.


What will happen if we wait?


If we wait, we will MISS the opportunity God has placed upon the heart of the pastor and the leadership within our DOJM family. We cannot ignore nor postpone God’s calling for us to expand His Kingdom. If we wait, our members and our community will not be adequately served according to God’s Will. Through fasting, praying, focusing, and seeking the Lord for guidance, we are certain that the time is NOW. We MUST NOT waste this opportunity!

Saving Faith

New Members



joined in 2018

joined in 2019

joined in 2020

joined 2018-2020





Ministries Breaking Bread


families served in 2018

families served in 2019

families served in 2020

families served 2018 - 2020




Ministries RYDC + PHOENIX + BH

Each week DOJM’s ministers and elders visit the Phoenix Center, Regional Youth Detention Center (RYDC), and Bobby Hines Jail Justice Center. In 2019 they were able to minister to one thousand and five people. Of those ministered to, 26 accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, and 88 people rededicated their lives back to Christ.



Ministries Benevolence






9.3K $24.9K






New converts




Now Faith

“Now faith brings our hopes into reality and becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen.” Hebrews 11:1

Our Now Season

The hopes and prayers of our church is that God will allow us to utilize new resources to construct a multi-purpose ministry facility that will expand our capacity to reach our community and those that are not currently attending a church of their own and help all to become “fully devoted followers of Christ.” The buildings themselves are just tools to help us accomplish our mission and the people of DOJM are the true work of the ministry. The primary purposes of our buildings are to encourage activities or ministry events that support the 5 core values of our church of: reaching people, developing believers, authentic worship, life stewardship, and personally sharing Christ.

If we wait:


• Our ability to hire staff is compromised • Opportunities for establishing discipleship programs are forfeited due to a lack of space • Families with young children are turned away because we have reached capacity • Our growth eventually stalls

Our church will miss the opportunity to bridge the gap so that everyone may live life more abundantly. Ultimately, neglecting our duty to fulfill our ministry’s vision of reteaching, retraining, and repositioning members and the local community.

1. Pray for this initiative to become a reality 2. Join us in a spiritual journey starting February 28, 2021 3. Begin seeking God’s direction and obey God’s leading in how you can sacrifice for this cause

8ft . deep covered porch appropriate scale and massing for windows 2ft . raised above grade sidewalk connection to A u g u s t a Av e n u e

Thomasville Neighborhood Development and Design For the Common Good

Sidewalk Connection


New 8,000 SF Multi-Purpose building

D is ci pl es of Jes us M i n istri es C a mpus M a s t e r P lan Co nc e p t J u n e, 20 18

Thomasville Neighborhood Development and Design For the Common Good

Reserved Greenspace



New Landscaping

Relo cate d Parking

D is ci pl es of Jes us M i n istri es C a m p u s Ma s t e r P l a n C o n c e p t June, 2018


S cale: 1” = 50’




DIS CIP LE S OF JE S US M INIS T R IE S , INC . 2 0 2 1-2 0 2 3 W W W.DOJM.ORG

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