Why ISO 17025 ISO 17025:2005 is the predominant standard employed by various laboratories that perform testing and calibration. It is an international standard which asks for some technical as well as management necessities to be completed by the labs so as to become ISO certified. Lakshy Management Consultant Pvt Ltd. is a global consultant to become ISO 17025 certificate India.
Segments There are two main segments in ISO 17025: Management and Technical Necessities: Management prerequisites are elementarily identified with the viability of the structure of quality management in the exploration facility. To discourse the capability of staff, calibration/test supplies and attitude, various specified provisions are present.
Segments continued‌ Technical prerequisites are a check for examining that whether the tests/calibrations performed by a specified laboratory are accurate and provides the best results or not.
Advantages Elevated customer confidence and satisfaction Reduction in the need for testing of products more
than once. Periodic inspection of Quality Assurance System used
by the laboratories Checks for technically competency of the laboratories. Increased assurance in personnel performing
Testing / Calibration and their results.
Advantages continued‌  Easily available Directory of Accredited Laboratories
helps the customers to search and identify the laboratories comfortably.
Applicable to Organizations that perform testing and calibration. First, second and even third party laboratories. Laboratories where testing acts as a part of the
examination and product certification.