Positive thinking is a m ental attitude that anticipates happiness, success and favorable outcom es in every situation or action you do. The thoughts get registered in your subconscious m ind and you start taking action to create favorable change. A positive outlook can help you to cope better w ith stressful situations and can change your life for the better.
Ever wondered why som e people find learning an enjoyable and exciting experience? W hy are som e people disinterested and find it an unpleasant experience while others use it m erely as a road to fetch a good job? The difference between these people lies in their attitude and their approach towards life. Your m indset plays a huge role in every aspect of your life. Your m ind can control your body for better or for worse. A negative m indset can m ar your life while a positive m indset can m ake your life happy and peaceful. The choice is yours!
You cannot change your thoughts and attitude over night. Positive thinking takes practice. Persistence would m ake your m ind to think positively and ignore negative thoughts.
Listening to your inner voice or instincts is one of the m ost com m on ways to develop positive thinking. W henever any negative thoughts enter your m ind, try to replace it with a constructive one. For exam ple, “I won’t be able to do it” will be put forward as “I will do it”. Practice this regularly and you will soon be able to m aster your m ind
M editation calm s your m ind and relaxes your body M editation gives you inner strength, peace of m ind, relaxation and a sense of bliss, which will help you to think positively.
Try to believe that everything happens for a reason and em brace the concept that som ething good will com e out of every situation that m om entarily seem s bad. Always look on the bright side of life and it will work wonders for you
N ot saying the things you feel can give a sense of frustration, anxiety and anger, thus giving way to negative thoughts. H ence, com m unication is an im portant aspect of positive thinking.
Believe in yourself and your capabilities to becom e m ore confident. M ake a positive com m itm ent to your self and to the people around you. Praise yourself and be enthusiastic
1.Be optim istic and expect favorable outcom es in every situation. 2.Cultivate the habit of reading inspiring books. 3.Find reasons to sm ile m ore often. It’s a great stress buster. 4.Try to use positive words, e.g. “I can”, “it will be done”, “it is possible” while thinking and talking. 5.Engage yourself in enjoyable recreational activities. 6.Interact with people who have a positive outlook in life
Positive thinking needs consistent effort as you are creating a new habit. O n the other hand, negative thoughts can rip your focus from your goal. There is no greater joy than living a healthy and positive life. So take charge of your m ind and think positive. Rem em ber, you are what you think.
Jagdish Jadav Em ail :jjadav18@ gm ail.com Em ail :jjadav18@ yahoo.in Blog :http//jagdishjadav.blogspot.com / M y profiles: