6 minute read

Who's that?

"Śnienia", Ami 66 camera, 2018, Wrocław

Welcome to my idea. At the moment I'm in the process of self-expression but I do can hear you well so let me know if yours expression feels here comfy.


And here starts a story about a line

There is something in my body what pushes out mysterious tangled energy.

I explore forms through that movement.

"Planeta 1", 17 x 25, 2017

And I let my hand be free in it.

All I want is to catch this line.

So I've been giving its a 3-D body

Oh sorry, not this one! Here is my goofy project about obsession. The room in a VR technology, where you can hide, watch my face and simply fly around.

If this came out, let me show you another piece: The Amber Chamber, missing treasure of three countries. The room dissapeared in 40's but there are people on the trail of it. Well, they believe so.

Before we come back to my line, let's stay with multimedia art works for a sec. Here is couple shots from the video about my another obsession, ladies and gentelmen: Gustav Klimt, video "Process" 2018.

And here we're back with the object. What I mostly explore is a costume issue. I keep a conception the body is just a prop for a visual spectacle of a textile.

Have you found what's in common?

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