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anthony molinaro
During the regional wrestling tournament on Saturday, Feb. 22, senior Zach Keal wrestles with his opponent. Keal went on to take first place in the 132-pound weight class. | Jordin Harris

Sports 21 OVERALL ACHIEVEMENTS What the Keals have accomplished during their time at Mill Valley
in 132-pound weight class of 2020 6A regionals
in 120-pound weight class at 2019 6A state championship 3 rd
committed to west point
in 145-pound weight class of 2020 6A regionals
At the start of the second set, senior Austin Keal bends over his opponent and tackles him to the floor at the regional tournament. He went on to take first in the 145-pound weight class. | Jordin Harris
ready to wrestle my best, but also is very tough on me in the practice room if he doesn’t like what he is seeing. Also wrestling never ends, practice and tournaments are talked about at home, unlike others on the team who go home and get a break from their head coach.”
Even Travis admits that he is hard- er on Zach and Austin than his other wrestlers on his team.
“They face the pressure of being the coach’s son where there are more expectations on them,” Travis said. “I would say I am definitely harder on them because I have high expectations of them on and off the mat.”
Austin feels as though he is pushed by his father, however, he tries not to let it affect his life at home.
“I would say he pushes me more than others on the team, which helps a lot. The main challenge is to not let
wrestling things affect life at home or vice versa,” said Austin.
Travis enjoys teaching and coach- ing Zach and Austin throughout the year.
“My favorite part of coaching them is getting to interact with them daily, watching them grow from the chal- lenges they face and watching them mature into great young men,” Travis said.
Travis’ involvement in the improve- ment of his sons has led to massive success and accolades for Zach and Austin. Both contributed to the wres- tling team’s first place finish at region- als and both boys won their weight classes. Travis also helped the brothers earn college scholarships,
Zach is committed to wrestle at West Point Military Academy, and Austin is committed to wrestle at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
in 132-pound weight class at 2019 6A state championship 4 th
committed to university of arkansas at little rock
2020 6A regional coach of the year
2018 5A coach of the year
2016-2017 kansas wrestling officials coach of the year
2016 5A regional coach of the year
2015 5A coach of the year