2 minute read
of the Philistines
Kebra Nagast
good, for it is without burning heat and fire, and the water of our country is good, and sweet, and floweth in rivers, moreover the tops of our mountains run with water. And we do not do as ye do in your country, that is to say, dig very deep wells [in search of] water, and we do not die through the heat of the sun; but even at noonday we hunt wild animals, namely, the wild buffaloes, and gazelles, and birds, and small animals. And in the winter God taketh heed unto us from [one] year to the beginning of the course of the next. And in the springtime the people eat what they have trodden with the foot as [in] the land of Egypt, and as for our trees they produce good crops of fruit, and the wheat, and the barley, and all our fruits, and cattle are good and wonderful. But there is one thing that ye have wherein ye are better than we are, namely wisdom, and because of it we are journeying to you.”
And Joas (read Benaiah), the commander of the army of King Solomon, answered [saying], “What is better than wisdom? For wisdom hath founded the earth, and made strong the heavens, and fettered the waves of the sea so that it might not cover the earth. However, rise up and let us go to my lord, for his heart is greatly moved by love for thee, and he hath sent me to bring thee [to him] with all the speed possible.”
And the son of the Queen rose up, and arrayed Joas (Benaiah), the son of Yôdâ˙ê, and the fifty men who were in his retinue, in gorgeous raiment, and they rose up to go to Jerusalem to Solomon the King. And when they came nigh unto the place where the horses were exercised and trained, Joas (Benaiah), the son of Yôdâ˙ê, went on in front, and came to the place where Solomon was, and he told him that [the son of the Queen] was wellfavoured in his appearance, and that his voice was pleasant, and that he resembled him in form, and that his whole bearing was exceedingly noble. And the King said unto him, “Where is he? Did I not send thee forth to bring him as quickly as possible?” And Joas (Benaiah) said unto him, “He is here, I will bring him quickly.” And Joas (Benaiah) went and said unto the young man, “Rise up, O my master, and come”; and making BaynaLe˙kem to go quickly he brought him to the King’s Gate. And when all the soldiers saw him they made obeisance unto him, and they said, “Behold, King Solomon hath gone forth from his abode.” And when the men who