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9 Community

Policy W6: Community Facilities

A. Development proposals to maintain or extend the viable use of existing community facilities or to expand provision either through expansion of an existing facility or the development of a new facility will be supported. This includes the provision of outdoor leisure facilities, including sports pitches, play areas and recreational equipment.


B. Proposals to establish a new doctor’s surgery and/or a new dentist facility will be supported, provided they are located outside the Green Belt and have sufficient off-street car parking spaces.

9.1 Winkfield has a broad range of community facilities. Figure 9.1 shows the location of community buildings as of January 2022.

9.2 Existing Local Plan policy already protects community facilities from being lost, requiring proposals to demonstrate that they are no longer needed or to reprovide them in a suitable location elsewhere. The policy in the Neighbourhood Plan seeks to encourage providers of community facilities to expand provision where it is necessary. This could be in the form of expansion of an existing facility or provision of a new facility. The policy applies to all community facilities not just those owned by the Parish Council.

9.3 The Neighbourhood Plan group has collected evidence on community facilities within the Parish that are valued by the community and offer a valuable resource to support community life as evidenced in the Community Facilities Topic Group Evidence Report (Feb 2018).

9.4 The policy uses a broad definition of community facilities. They are not only considered to be buildings in community use but also outdoor spaces where provision is made for community activities. This may include sports pitches, which whilst not necessarily needing planning permission to be provided, may need permission for supporting facilities such as changing rooms or pavilions. It also covers play areas and outdoor leisure provision such as outdoor gyms.

9.5 The policy also supports proposals for health services provision, so the local community does not have to travel as far as at present to access these services.

Figure 9.1: Community buildings in Winkfield, January 2022

Community Facilities

1. St Popel’s Hall, St Mary’s Church, Winkfield, SL4 4SE. 2. St Peter’s Church Hall, Cranbourne, SL4 2EG. 3. Charlotte Pratt Memorial Hall, Winkfield Row, RG42 7NY. 4. Carnation Hall, Winkfield Row, RG42 7PA. 5. St Martins Church Hall, Chavey Down, SL5 8RR. 6. Ascot Jubilee Pavilion, Goaters Road, North Ascot, SL5 8JA. 7. The Ark Youth Club (Trax Building), North Ascot, SL5 8JW. 8. The North Ascot Community Centre, SL5 8LA. 9. King Edwards Hall, North Ascot, SL5 8PD. 10. Martins Heron & The Warren Community Centre [MHWCA], RG12 9TZ. 11. Forest Park Community Centre, Forest Park, RG12 0XQ.

Delivers Plan Objectives: D and G

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