Philosophical Geometry

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About Us The Jain 108 Academy Pty Ltd is an Online School and Research Centre that offers a Global Upgrade of the World’s Best Sacred Geometry Curriculum. Our mission is simple, to revive ancient knowledge and raising the consciousness of the planet. Led by the internationally acclaimed author of 30 books, lecturer and polymath researcher of 36 years, Jain 108.


Connections: Geometric Blueprints Of Creation  Sacred Geometry: Beginners Guide  Golden Ratio: Living Mathematics Of Nature  Speed Mathematics For Teens & Adults

Sacred Geometry

Learn Sacred Geometry and discover the connections between nature and the universe and how we are all inter-connected. Reviving ancient knowledge from Pythagoras, the 5 Platonic Solids and the fabulous Fibonacci Sequence. Discover the definitions Seed Of Life, Fruit Of Life, Flower of Life and Tree Of Life, it’s the story of our creation! ain 108 Academy has been teaching Sacred Geometry for over 30 years to students all over the world. If you are interested to study Sacred Geometry, this is the place to start: Flower Of Life: Story Of Creation Let me take you on a Journey from the Moment of Conception, evolving to the Seed Of Life, to the Flower Of Life. This is the Story of Your Creation, from Biology to Technology, from the Micro to the Macro, from the original Zygote to the formation of Stars.

WALTER RUSSELL: Crystal Connections Walter Russell was born in Boston, Massachusetts, May 19th, 1871, and died 1963. He was known for his achievements as a painter, sculptor, author and builder and less well known as a natural philosopher and for his unified theory in physics and cosmogony. He posited that the universe was founded on a unifying principle of rhythmic balanced interchange. This physical theory, laid out primarily in his books “The Secret of Light” (1947) and “The Message of the Divine Iliad” (1948-49), has not been accepted by mainstream scientists. Russell asserted that this was mainly due to a difference in the assumptions made about the existence of mind and matter; Russell assumes the existence of Mind as Cause while he believes that scientists in general assume the existence of Mind as Effect. Quantum physicists are only recently recognizing the depth of truth contained in his writings on the subject.


Address: NSW Australia

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